Chapter 153

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:04
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Metzker’s Bar.

At night, the 1st Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division meets at the bar.

As soon as Luke walked into the bar, he caused a wave of commotion.

Jones, the captain of the Robbery and Narcotics Division’s Squadron One, raised his glass and flirted, “Hey, here’s to our lone hero.”

The other officers also rose to the occasion and raised their glasses in a gesture.

Luke said, “Captain Jones, as much as I respect you, you’ll get your ass kicked just the same if you mention the words lone hero again.”

“What an unruly kid, but I like it, if you want to jump ship someday you can consider joining the Gang and Narcotics Division.” Jones was impressed with Luke, and technically he owed Luke a favor.

Previously Luke’s investigation into the probate case had led him to David’s wife Lindsay and her boyfriend Logan Salmu, Luke had found a large amount of drugs in Logan Salmu’s house and had subsequently handed them over to the squadron Jones was in.

Susan laughed, “Jones, don’t dig in my face or you won’t be the one beating you up.”

Luke was out of the limelight in this school Y shooting, and it was inevitable that he would be teased by his coworkers for a few moments.

Luke didn’t take it to heart, Americans loved to flirt with others in a humorous way.

Being teased wasn’t a bad thing, the president was teased just as much, but no one dared to openly tease blacks, gays and women.

Take it seriously and you lose.

After the shooting and the press conference, Luke’s popularity had increased and a number of officers came over to offer their greetings.

The group simply picked a corner cubicle, which was cleaner and more convenient for chatting.

The vice squad picked up their beers, “Kid, congratulations on being famous.”

Luke also picked up his beer and clinked glasses with his teammates, “It wasn’t my intention to be famous.”

David said, “It’s not good for a detective to be too famous, at least that’s what I think, it’s easy to be targeted.”

The lieutenant laughed, “That’s a problem with the way you run your cases, you’re just as easy to target even if you’re not famous, aren’t you Captain?”

Susan said, “I’ve gotten along well with David since I took over as captain.”

“I’m not referring to now, but when you were working in Internal Affairs.”

Susan spread her hands, “I’m just following the rules, there’s no question of taking anyone personally.”

The lieutenant snapped his fingers, “That’s what I’m saying, David’s way of handling cases is prone to violating the police force’s regulations, and if he gets famous, he’ll fall on his ass sooner or later.

But Luke is different, this kid is capable and smooth enough, it’s hard to get caught in the act, plus he’s got a reputation, he’ll easily be promoted by his superiors.

I have a hunch he’ll be promoted again soon.

Lieutenant Luke!

Wow, that sounds harsh.”

Black was surprised, “Vice Squad, are you serious?”

The Vice Squad said, “In my forty years of experience as a police officer, that’s a strong possibility.”

Blacky asked back, “If you’re so experienced, why ……”

“STOP, I know what you’re going to say.” Before Xiao Hei could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the vice squad, “A few years ago, I attended a party where a group of us were all talking high and mighty, but the one with the most money rarely chimed in.

When the party broke up, I heard him whine, ”These poor people know so much.”

That’s right, I’m the poor guy he was talking about.

Sometimes it’s not enough to know, it’s only enough to be able to do.

The most important thing is luck.

Some people always say that the harder you work, the luckier you get.

Actually, it should be the other way around. The luckier you are, the harder you work.

Some people don’t even have the chance to work hard.”

Blackie’s words poked at the vice squad’s sore spot, causing him to get emotional.

Luke was eager to hear his top man’s opinion on the matter, “What do you think, Captain?”

Susan ate a nut and thought for a moment, “If it’s a general case of notoriety, I think there are pros and cons.

But if it’s famous because of the school Y shooting case, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Not only did you catch the robber and maintain order on campus, but more importantly, you saved a seriously injured student.

Not only will you reap the goodwill of the student and the gratitude of the parents, but even the citizens of the entire city of Los Angeles will be favorable to you.

This kind of case can easily help add points and build a positive image, which can also help with promotions.”

Luke nodded, he and Susan had similar thoughts, if it was a normal homicide case, he might not attend the press conference, but the school Y shooting case could easily gain goodwill and a positive image from the citizens.

This kind of image might not be of much use at home, but it was different in Los Angeles.

From the president down to the mayor, if you want to sit in that position, you have to build a good image and gain favor and support from the public.

When people mention school shootings, they think of Luke.

The more cases Luke solves, the more influence he will have.

The reputation accumulated to a certain level, the mayoral election will ask him to help stand.

By that time, Luke’s influence will be far beyond that of a police officer.

He would cross over into a new class.

Of course, it was still a bit early to say this, but he already had a good starting point.

Early the following morning.

Luke was woken up by a system beep.

[Congratulations to the host, successfully solving the ‘School Y Shooting Case’, and obtaining 20 draws.

The host saved a victim and gained the gratitude of the victim and his family, rewarded with five lottery chances.

The host successfully countered the malicious distortions of the media and reversed the image of the police department among the public, rewarded with ten raffle chances].

Having gained thirty-five raffle chances in one go, Luke felt like he was rich again.


The pointer turned ……

Thirty-five drawings were made and four cards and $31,000 were drawn.

Two of the old cards, a precision card and a micro-expression analysis card

Two new cards, Boxing card [Learning card to quickly learn and comprehend boxing skills with a time limit of three hours].

This was the 4th type of learning card that Luke had obtained.

Compared to other types of cards, Luke preferred obtaining learning cards.

Because once you learn the skills on the card, it will become your own skill forever.

Previously, he obtained the pistol card, which allowed him to improve his shooting skills in a short period of time, and he performed especially well in the shooting case, hitting the suspect’s arm both times, which both incapacitated the suspect and would not affect the investigation of the case.

Of course, if the suspect is dangerous enough, Luke will also shoot him in the head.

Observation card, so that Luke’s observation ability becomes stronger and stronger, can find the subtle clues in the case, belongs to the practicality of the skill.

Micro-expression analysis card, so that Luke can read people’s true emotions, although it is not useful to everyone, but also belongs to the practical skills, not only can be used in the work, but also can be used in life.

Now Luke is given the Boxing card, which allows him to learn boxing quickly.

Luke himself knew how to box, but it was just a little bit better than an ordinary person, not even comparable to an amateur, let alone a professional.

Now that he had drawn two more boxing cards, it could greatly improve his ability in actual combat.

Again, very practical cards.

Luke was in a good mood, brewed a pack of instant coffee, and stood in his own small courtyard drinking coffee.

It had always been his dream to have a small courtyard of his own.

Early mornings, cool breezes, clear skies, turquoise lawns, and leisurely drinking coffee had always been the life he wanted.

Luke looked around and always felt that there was something missing in the small yard.

There was also a pair of tables and chairs missing, it would be more peaceful if he could sit and drink coffee.

As soon as he thought of it, Luke happened to be off today and was ready to go to the supermarket for a big purchase.

Having just won another $31,000 in the lottery, Luke’s total assets now amounted to $410,000 dollars.

Isn’t the joy of earning money just to spend it?

Luke has always liked those bamboo and rattan tables and chairs, lightweight, cheap, and also no pollution, and he lives in a Chinese community, and does not look out of place.

Instead of going to the supermarket, he was going to go around Chinatown.

I wanted to call up Little Fatty to go with him, but the kid said something was wrong, and Daisy was working overtime today, so only Luke could go alone.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Luke drove a Mercedes Benz G500 and set off, being able to go out in a luxury car is a very cool thing in itself.

Shortly after the Mercedes left the Ruidu community, a Ford parked on the side of the road started up and traveled in the same direction ……

After driving for about ten minutes, Luke arrived in Chinatown.

He hadn’t eaten breakfast yet and ordered a meat sandwich and a rice noodle.

The food was very satisfying.

After the meal, he started to sneak around Chinatown to see what he needed.

First of all, when buying things in Chinatown, one must avoid being treated as an ingrate.

Luke first shopped the place selling bamboo weaving, after comparison shopping bought a set of bamboo rattan table and chairs, the price is not expensive, plus shipping costs are only 300 U.S. dollars.

After that, Luke also shopped the tea market, he has long wanted to drink tea, just has not had time to buy.

Eating more meat in Los Angeles, drinking tea to hydrolyze the fat is the best.

First bought a tea tray, spent about one hundred dollars.

A set of purple sand tea set, three hundred dollars.

After that, I bought four kinds of tea, Longjing, Tieguanyin, Jasmine Dragonball, Puerh, and spent about two hundred dollars.

Tea is something that is worth every penny.

The first time I bought a small amount, first buy back to taste, good taste and then buy.

He put the tea tray and tea leaves in the car, ready to go shopping again and have lunch on the way home.

He walked into a street that ran a restaurant and turned into a side street.

After a while, a white man also turned into the side street, wearing a gray baseball cap and walking forward with his head down.

Luke suddenly pulled out his pistol, “LAPD, hands up!”

The white man was startled and raised his hands, “Hey, you scared me, why are you pointing a gun at me?”

“Why are you following me?”

“I’m not following you, I’m just looking for a restaurant to eat.”

“You don’t have to be sophomoric, I spotted you a long time ago. Walking you around Chinatown for half a day, there should be quite a few surveillance cameras that captured you following. If you don’t admit it, I can only arrest you for assaulting a police officer.”

“Assaulting a police officer?” The man revealed a surprised look, “You’re not kidding, I haven’t been close to you, now you’re the one pointing a gun at me.”

“I consider your stalking behavior a threat to my personal safety, and I have the right to arrest you for assaulting a police officer.

As for how to sentence you that’s up to the judge.”

American policing is a high-risk occupation.

Unlike office workers who come into contact with customers, police officers come into contact with mostly criminals. Based on the protections afforded to police officers as a special profession, assault on a police officer is a serious charge.

While a conviction for assaulting a police officer is unlikely without physical contact, it is not completely impossible.

In addition, as long as the surveillance showed that the other party had stalking behavior, it could be equally convicted of stalking and harassment, and it made sense for Luke to arrest the other party.

The man softened, “Hey, there’s really no need to make things so complicated, we can talk about it and solve it another way.”

“Like what?”

“You let me go and I promise I won’t be around.”

“Turn around and I’ll arrest you.” Obviously, Luke was not happy with the offer.

“Please don’t do this, I really don’t have any intention of hurting you ……” Seeing Luke take out his handcuffs, the man got a little anxious, “Hey, you really don’t have to do this.”

“If you dare to move, I’ll just shoot you, I’m not wearing a law enforcement recorder right now ……” Luke directly cuffed his hands.

“I won’t move, but I still want to talk to you and find a better solution.”

“Get on the wall.” Luke began to frisk him, pulling a pistol from his body, “Wow. Seeing as how you came to actually try to kill me, I’m guessing your fingerprints are on the grip.

One more point in the likelihood of a conviction for assaulting a police officer.”

“I really didn’t mean to hurt you, much less assault a police officer, this is a complete misunderstanding, I have a license to carry a gun.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you think the judge will believe you, or will he believe me?

If I’m right, you might have a message or picture of me on your cell phone, hmmmm.”

“DETECTIVE, no offense, I don’t know your identity.”

“One last chance, so why are you stalking me?”

“I …… am a detective, I was hired to investigate you, I have no personal vendetta against you, nor do I pose any threat to you.

I apologize if I have caused you any misunderstanding.”

“How can I prove your identity?”

“I have a picture of my detective’s license in my phone, you can view it.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a police officer can only view a suspect’s cell phone if he or she has a search warrant.

Of course, the police can view it if the suspect consents.

Luke took out his phone and viewed it, in which he saw a picture of himself and also a detective’s license with his picture and personal information.

Bourne Detective Agency.

Detective, Myron Theis.

“Who hired you to investigate me?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then I’ll just have to take you back to the station.”

“Wait, I can find out for you.

Although I won’t actively pry into the identity of the person who hired me, I have his contact information and I can find out who he is.”

“Why did he hire you to investigate me?”

“I don’t know, he just asked me to gather as much information about you as possible.”

“Have you met him?”

“Yes, male, around forty, trust me, I can definitely find out what he is.”

Luke pulled the fake mustache off his mouth and snapped a picture of him, “I’ll keep you in mind, find out the identity of the hired hand by tonight, otherwise, it’s best to stay out of L.A., understand?”

“I’ll find out, can you let go of me now?” Myron Sith reassured.

Luke uncuffed him and put his pistol and magazine into each side of his pants pocket, “Walk forward and don’t look back, let me see you again and I’ll shoot.”

Myron Sith took a few steps and stopped, “I’ll find out the identity of the mercenary and we’ll be even.”

“Could be.”

“You can’t tell him about this.”

“That depends on my mood.”

Being followed Luke was in a bad mood, but the meal still needed to be eaten.

Luke found a Sichuan restaurant and ordered four small dishes and a bottle of beer.

While eating, he thought about being followed.

There were two reasons why he let Detective Myron Sith go, the first reason was that the other party really didn’t cause any physical harm to himself and the possibility of being convicted of assaulting a police officer was slim.

Luke had been watching him with micro-expressions, lying at first but then telling the truth.

He was most likely a detective, hired to investigate Luke, and frankly a tool, and it was useless to arrest him.

Knowing that the other party is a detective, Luke is not afraid of him running away.

He can’t run away from the monk, but he can’t run away from the temple.

Although the detective is legal, but always touch some gray areas, no detective is willing to be targeted by the police, not only their own business can not be done, there is also the possibility of being sent to prison.

After dinner, Luke drove home, his mind was steady.

He had the ‘bulletproof card’, not to mention someone following him, even if someone shot him, he wasn’t afraid.

What else was there to worry about?

In the afternoon, the bamboo rattan chair was delivered to the house, and Luke directly placed it in the small courtyard.

Cleaned the teapot and brewed a pot of Iron Goddess of Mercy.

Leisurely drinking tea, eating melon seeds and pistachios, life is just like this ……

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Daisy came back, he had already made dinner.

Dinner, eat in the small courtyard.

Daisy looked at the bamboo rattan table and chairs, “Did you buy this in Chinatown?”

“You remember?”

“Of course, I love this bamboo and rattan work, and you gave me a woven bamboo vase.”

“I would have taken you with me, but unfortunately you had to work late, have you had a busy day?”

Daisy picked up her red wine glass and touched it with Luke, “Cabin Portia’s lawyer asked me to talk about the settlement.”

(Cabin Portia: the thief who stole Luke’s Harley.)

“How did the talk go?”

“Not good, he’s only willing to pay five thousand dollars on the grounds that Carbine Portia doesn’t have a proper job.

Carbin Portia spent over ten thousand dollars just modifying the Harley, so how could he be broke?

We negotiated against the price of compensation, and he was finally only willing to pay ten thousand dollars.”

“Good progress.” Luke had only spent twenty thousand dollars on the Harley, and now that he could get ten thousand dollars in compensation, he already felt good.

What’s more, the Harley was pretty well modified, and both he and Blackie quite liked it.

Of course, he’d rather Blackie didn’t like it.

“No, absolutely not, there’s still room to talk about this case.” Daisy was confident.

“OK, you’re a professional.” Luke smiled, the more money for compensation is naturally the better, simply do the dumping.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang, he took it out and saw that it was Myron Sith’s number, “Hi, great detective, how’s the investigation going?”

“I tell you the name of the person who hired you? We’ll be even.”


“Avery Bruce.”

“What does he do?”


“Why is he investigating me?”

“I really don’t know.”

“You better not be lying to me.”

“Everything I said is true, I’m rushing to apologize for today, and I’ll never lie to you again.”

“GOOD,” Luke hung up his cell phone.

Daisy was concerned, “What happened?”

“Do you know many lawyers in LA?”

“Not much, why?”

“I’m trying to inquire about someone, Avery Bruce.”

Daisy frowned slightly, “What about him?”

“You know him?”

“That’s who I’m meeting this afternoon, Cabin Portia’s lawyer.”

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