Chapter 154

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:07
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“So that blue-haired kid is investigating me too?” Luke thought about it and shook his head, “I don’t think it’s him, if he had the brains he wouldn’t be doing something stupid like stealing a cop’s Harley.”

Daisy laughed, “I don’t think it’s him either, it could be his lawyer or his father.”

Luke had asked Matthew to look into the father of the thief, Cabin Portia, who was the vice principal of a private high school and ironically hadn’t even taught his own son well.

“Have you met his father?”

“No, but I inquired about the lawyer, Avery Bruce, who only litigates for the rich and famous, and is completely out of his league with Cabin Portia.

I’m guessing that the person who stepped in and hired the lawyer was probably Cabin Portia’s father.”

Luke wondered, “What is their purpose in investigating me?”

“To get a full understanding of the other client’s situation, to find out the other party’s weaknesses, needs, and then decide whether to go to court or settle, a very common tactic, you don’t have to worry too much about it.”

“Is this a routine operation in your legal profession?”

“Depends on the situation.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Come with me to the next out-of-court settlement, and then, just sit back and wait for the money to be collected.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.” Luke smiled, “How do you know the other side will definitely settle out of court?”

“In my experience, it’s highly likely.” Daisy said, “Carbine Portia’s father works as a vice principal at a private high school, and parents of students pay large sums of money to send their children to private high schools.

How would they feel if they found out that the school’s vice principal couldn’t even teach their own son?

What would be the impact on the reputation of the secondary school?

If I were Cabin Portia’s father, I would definitely try to find a way to quell the effects of this incident.”

Luke also felt that Daisy’s speculation was justified and was relieved to leave the matter in her hands.

In terms of compensation, Luke didn’t want to back down, you’ve sent detectives to investigate me, what else am I going to be polite to you for.

As a police officer, Luke is very averse to similar things.

After dinner, Luke placed an order on the sea fishing website and booked a small yacht.

Early the next morning, Luke drove to Mariandel Bay Marina, the largest private marina in the world and the closest to downtown Los Angeles.

Along with Luke was Blackie, who had originally made an appointment with David and Ramon, but the two bores were occupied.

Luke felt that these two goods born in Los Angeles is a waste of time.

In Los Angeles sea fishing is also a rule, before leaving to buy fishing license on the pier, one person, 15 dollars a day.

The boat brought its own two fishing rods, Luke and Blackie did not bring their personal fishing gear.

The most important thing is that there is also a senior captain accompanied by Luke to learn sea fishing and driving the boat with him, tips certainly can not be less, 100 U.S. dollars to start.

With everything ready, the two men stepped onto the yacht.

The captain of the yacht is called Tom Du, well, in fact, is Du Tom, is a Chinese guy, looks to be about thirty years old, very black, thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks quite simple and thick, a mouth of a big ballast flavor.

Ancestry from HLJ little brother.

The reason why he met the Chinese captain was not picked by Luke on his own initiative, but the market demand.

Many Chinese tourists come to Los Angeles want to experience sea fishing, the number of Chinese captains will naturally be higher.

It was the same reason as Chinese guides.

Luke followed him into the cockpit and talked about wanting to learn yachting.

Tom was very quick to agree, similar to Luke’s request of this kind of customer is not a lot, anyway, the other party chartered the boat, they provide services is.

Moreover, Luke two people willing to charter a small yacht is certainly not bad money, as long as the customer is satisfied, the tip side can also earn more.

This was what mattered to him.

Soon both parties began the teaching mode.

There were no relevant study cards this time, but Luke learned just as quickly.

Because this thing really wasn’t that difficult, it was even easier than learning to drive.

There were several other subjects in the driver’s license test, but the yacht only had two subjects, theory and practical exercises.

As long as you memorize the functions of the cockpit buttons, you just drive, without worrying about traffic lights, not to mention not worrying about hitting people.

Tom demonstrated a few times, Luke has learned, began to drive the yacht against the wind and waves, enough to drive out dozens of nautical miles before stopping the boat sea fishing.

Tom reminded Luke that if he wanted to drive the yacht alone for fishing in the future, he still needed to take a boat driving license, which was inexpensive and convenient.

Tom then began to teach Luke and Blackie sea fishing.

Fishing on the sea is very different from fishing on the shore, Tom said a lot of precautions, Luke also learn with an open mind.

For example, the types of fish and habits.

Sea fishing line to be thicker, the diameter of 0.5 mm or more, line length 60 to 70 meters.

Of course, in addition to skill, a large part of this fishing thing also depends on luck.

If he could really catch a big tuna, Luke would be rich.

He had previous fishing experience, and after catching a few fish, he quickly figured out the routine of sea fishing.

There were quite a few harvests, lobsters, crabs, flounder, grouper, and so on.

Xiao Hei’s side of the harvest is not big.

At noon, the three of them ate on the yacht.

Tom will catch the seafood simple treatment, steamed or boiled or directly cut sashimi to eat, make a table full of fish feast.

At this time, do not be polite, open belly eat it.

Because according to the law, each person can only take a maximum of ten sea catch.

After the sea fishing, Luke drove the yacht back to the pier.

Today’s harvest is still very big, Luke learned to drive the yacht and sea fishing, but also caught a dozen fish, with a small black average, one person to take away ten, too small directly released.

Before leaving, also paid Tom a tip of two hundred dollars.

Of course, this is also a hammer deal, the next time Luke can open his own yacht out to sea.

Luke puts the catch into an iced box for refrigeration and carries it into the trunk of the car.

Luke closed the trunk, “Man, time to go home.”

Blackie didn’t respond.

Luke sighed, “I’ll give you a chance to buy me a drink at the bar.”

Blackie subconsciously said, “Why should I buy you one?”

“OK, then we’ll go our separate ways.”

“Wait, let’s go for a drink.” Blacky added, “My treat.”

On the drive to the bar, Luke casually asked, “What’s on your mind?”

“Is it obvious?”

“Not fooling around all day is making me a little uncomfortable.”

Black raised an eyebrow, “I thought you didn’t like me fooling around?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” Luke shook his head, investigating a case was a boring job, and sometimes it would be rather depressing, listening to Xiao Hei’s nonsense could mediate the atmosphere to a certain extent.

“Then you interrupt me every time.”

“If I don’t interrupt, let’s fool around together, are we still investigating the case?”

Blackie laughed, and the smile soon tightened, “Man, I’m in big trouble.”

It was only when they reached the bar that Luke asked in detail, “What’s up?”


Luke took a sip of his drink, a little disgruntled, “Don’t pop out one word at a time, what’s going on?”

Black took a drink from his glass and fell into a memory.

[Eight o’clock last night.

A luxurious western restaurant.

Xiao Hei led Julian into the restaurant and walked to the table reserved in advance under the guidance of the waiter.

Xiao Hei thoughtfully helped Julian pull out his chair.

Julian looked at the environment of the restaurant, “Wow wow …… this seems to be a Michelin restaurant, I’ve heard of it before.”

“Do you like it?”

Julian asked in a small voice, “Will it be expensive.”

“Baby, I’m rich, I’d be happy to spend any amount of money for you.”

Julian looked at Blackie with affection.

The dishes were quickly brought up, looking at the exquisite dishes, looking around at the other guests, Julian looked at her long gray dress, looking a little uneasy, and

“Isn’t this a bit inappropriate for me to wear today?”

“No, you’re super beautiful, you’re the only one I have eyes for, there’s no room for anyone else.”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.”

“Marcus, I love you.”

“Baby, I love you too.”

Julian grabbed Black’s right hand, “Let’s get married.”

“WHAT?” asked Blackie with a question mark written all over his face.

Julian said with a serious face, “Let’s get married and build a family of our own.”

“Julian …… how did you …… suddenly have this idea?”

“I know it might be a bit sudden, we haven’t known each other for long, but we’re so right for each other, I love you and you love me, so why not get married?”

“Uh ……” Xiao Hei was confused, then forced out a smile, “Haha …… I was almost fooled by you. ”

“Marcus, I’m not joking, I’m serious.”

Blackie’s palms were already wet and his legs were shaking, “I don’t think …… it’s too soon.”

“You don’t want to marry me?”

“No, it’s not that I don’t want to …… just think it’s too rushed, I should be the one proposing to you shouldn’t I?

I don’t want it to be too rushed …… want to prepare a different proposal site for you.”

“I don’t need to, as long as you’re by my side that’s enough.”

Xiao Hei “……”]

Describing this, Xiao Hei covered his face with a pained expression.

“Why are you doing this to me, why are you forcing me, isn’t it nice to be in a relationship? Why do you want to get married?”

Luke was also a little surprised, “It seems Julian really likes you.”

“I like her a lot too, and the two of us hit it off, but that doesn’t mean we have to get married.”

Luke asked back, “Honestly, is it that you don’t want to marry her?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to marry her, it’s that I don’t want to marry anyone, I’m only twenty-six years old and I haven’t enjoyed the single life yet.

Marrying at twenty-six.

What the hell, is that like it?

I can’t accept that.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know, I don’t even know how to face her, it’s crazy isn’t it?” Black sighed.

It was Luke’s impression that black Americans generally married earlier.

Of course, it could be argued that they were more casual and didn’t take marriage seriously, and Blacky wasn’t quite like them.

Although Blacky was also a womanizer, he was relatively responsible and would be more cautious about getting married instead.

Luke had been listening to Xiao Hei’s complaints, but didn’t give any advice.

This kind of thing still has to be resolved by the parties themselves.

Because no matter how one chooses to regret it afterward, Luke has no way to make decisions for others.

Los Angeles court.

The United States is a litigious country, in this society where everyone talks about the law there are so many cases that the judge just can’t keep busy even if he has three heads and six arms.

And litigation and lawyers are extremely expensive, you may not finish the case, just pay the lawyer’s fee is already bankrupt.

Therefore, out-of-court settlements are an important means of resolving cases, and most civil cases are settled before they go to trial.

The way to settle is also very simple, a lawyer or both lawyers or a retired judge will help to mediate.

If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the contents of the conversation are not released to the public and are not used in court.

If the parties sign off on the agreement, the negotiation can be made public and submitted to the judge for confirmation.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Luke and Daisy arrived at the court and met in a conference room designated by the judge.

There were a total of three people present on the other side, Cabin Portia, attorney Avery Bruce, and a middle-aged man who looked a lot like Cabin Portia.

Luke sized up the three and his eyes landed on Carbine Portia, “Boy, you’ve got a nice new haircut.”

Carbine Portia gave a middle finger.

Luke smiled, “You’re as polite as ever, what a relief for your parents.”

Attorney Avery interrupts, “Hey, don’t pick on my client, we’re here to settle out of court, not to cause trouble. Attorney Daisy, I hope your client shows some good faith as well.”

Daisy said, “You should know that my client is a police officer who is very busy with his work, and he has already shown enough sincerity by being able to come to the mediation site today.

Also, congratulations on your client’s successful bail.”

Lawyer Avery was used to this kind of war of words, his face didn’t change much, flipped open the information sheet and said, “My client apologized profusely for the car theft incident, and immediately participated in the out-of-court settlement after he was released on bail, he has already profoundly realized his mistakes, but because of his ability, he can’t pay the forty thousand dollars of financial compensation proposed by you, and he hopes that both sides can discuss a reasonable compensation amount.”

Daisy said, “The fact that your client spent $12,000 on unauthorized modification of my client’s Harley is enough to show that he has strong financial ability, and the so-called ‘lack of ability’ is more of an attitude problem in my opinion.

In our client’s view, money is not the most important thing, attitude is.

What is the point of reaching an out-of-court settlement when we cannot feel his sincerity?

Moreover, I would like to ask your client whether he has ever thought about my client’s feelings when he spent a huge amount of money on modifying the Harley, and whether he has ever worried about his own financial ability?

If not, I don’t think that’s a problem, but an excuse.”

Carbine Portia revealed an angry look, “You guys are simply vampires, the total cost of that Harley of his was only $20,000, and you guys have the audacity to ask for $40,000 in compensation, which is enough to buy two brand new Harleys.

You guys are practicing extortion under the guise of the law.”

Cabin Portia was about to say more when his lawyer stopped him.

“My client is a bit agitated, but he’s right, the amount of compensation you’re asking for is indeed unreasonable and far beyond the value of the Harley itself.”

Daisy shook her head, “Not everything can be measured in money.

That Harley is my client’s beloved thing, it has accompanied him for a long time, and has spent a lot of very good times with my client, it is not just a piece of transportation, it is more like a friend and family member of my client. In my client’s mind, it has a life, to measure its value with money is not only an insult to it, but also an insult to my client.”

Luke sighed softly in agreement, “That’s right, you changed my Harley beyond recognition, leaving me emotionally overwhelmed and mentally distanced.

Many of our fond memories …… are hard to retrieve, and that is my greatest loss.” Luke pointed to his head, “My spirit has also been traumatized, you should have reflected more deeply and repented instead of questioning me in return.”

Carbine Portia gritted her teeth and held back her anger, “I’ve heard enough of your hypocritical lies, your mouths are full of grandiose words, what with the fond memories and mental damage, in the end, it’s still not money.

I won’t give it to you guys.

If you can’t accept the modifications to the Harley, I can pay to have it restored to its original appearance, guaranteed to look exactly as you remember it, is that going to eliminate the need for compensation?”

Daisy retorted, “There are some things that once they happen, they can’t be changed, if you spill water on the ground, it’s just as much sewage even if you recollect it.

If you go to a hospital to get a facelift, but you are not satisfied with the result and ask the hospital for compensation.

The hospital promises to give you another operation to help you restore your original appearance, will you believe it? Would it agree?

It’s simply impossible.”

Cabin Portia glared at Luke, “OK, then there’s no point in talking about it, let’s see you in court.

I’d rather give my money to a lawyer than to an asshole like you.”

Luke smiled, “Lawyer Avery, that’s pretty sweet of your client, I’m sure you guys have a great relationship.”

“Ringing ……”

A cell phone rang.

The owner of the cell phone was Cabin Portia’s father.

Although he came along, he never said a word, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

“SORRY, I’m going to take a call.” Cabin’s father said and quickly left the conference room.

“Principal, do you have something?”

“Vice Principal Portia, where are you now?”

“Uh …… I’m outside, taking care of some personal business.”

“You’re not in court, are you?”

Cabin Portia froze for a moment and asked rhetorically, “How did you know?”

“Even if you’re not, you’re actually at the courthouse? Your son was really arrested for theft?”

“Headmaster, it’s not what you think, this matter is a bit complicated, Cabin is a good kid, he’s just a bit immature in handling things.”

“Vice Principal Portia, I don’t want to meddle in your family affairs, but I don’t want this matter to affect the school’s reputation.”

“It won’t, I promise.”

“If your promise was valid, this wouldn’t be on the news, so go online and see for yourself.

You’d better put this to rest as soon as possible, I’m doing this for your own good ……”

“I know, it’s being addressed and will be put to rest as soon as possible.”

“I’ll wait to hear from you.”

Hanging up his cell phone, Carbine Portia’s father returned to the conference room.

At that moment, Cabin Portia and the lawyer also stood up and made to leave.

Father Carbine Portia asked rhetorically, “Where are you going?”

Carbine Portia replied, “Dad, I don’t think they have the sincerity to negotiate, the amount of compensation is not reasonable at all, and I’d rather file a lawsuit than be blackmailed by this asshole.”

“You’re the asshole.” Vice Principal Portia pointed at his son, “Sit back down and don’t say another word.”

Vice Principal Portia looked at Luke who was at the side, “SORRY, it’s me as a father who didn’t educate him well, I apologize to you on behalf of Cabin.

In addition, we are willing to pay the amount of compensation, if there is no problem, I would like to sign the settlement now.”

Luke was a little surprised and looked aside at Daisy.

Daisy looked at Vice Principal Portia and then at his son and said, “If it’s okay with Cabin Portia, we’re always available.”

Vice Principal Portia said, “Cabin, go sign the papers.”

“No, they’re extorting, I’d rather feed my money to the dogs than give it to them.”

Vice Principal Portia whispered, “Attorney Avery, thank you for your service, but apparently …… some people don’t deserve your service.

I think that we should leave.”

“You’re right.” Avery wasn’t sure why Vice President Portia had changed so much, but he knew exactly who was paying the attorney’s fees, and that was enough.

“Dad, you can’t leave me behind.”

“Sign the settlement agreement and I’ll help you pay for it.

Sure, you’re an adult and have the right and freedom to choose, but I’m not going to pay for your freedom, is that clear?”

Cabin Portia was in complete disarray and cried out in great frustration, “Even Karma, how could you do this to me, have you forgotten how you promised my mom?”

“I just promised your mom too many times for you to turn out like this? Stealing a cop’s car for a murderess, I’ve never seen anyone so stupid, much less imagined it was actually my son.

If you don’t listen to me this time, I’ll stay out of your business from now on.

My word is my bond.”

Vice Principal Portia finished and left without looking back.

Attorney Avery didn’t leave and was still making a last ditch effort, “Kabin, listen to your father, he must have his own reasons for doing this.

It won’t do either side any good to fight this case.”

In fact, if it was a normal case, Avery wouldn’t have said such a thing.

He wasn’t wrong, if both sides fought a lawsuit, it would definitely be a protracted battle, and even if the amount of compensation was suppressed, they would still have to pay a huge amount of attorney’s fees, and it would only be the attorneys who would make money in the end.

But the problem is, Cabin has no money, his father has money, if his father does not pay the money, Avery can not always be obliged to appear in court.

Since his way of making money was blocked, he might as well make an end of it.

Cabin was silent again and again, and finally signed the settlement.

Even if he had a million grievances in his heart, he could only compromise in front of reality.

Subsequently, the settlement letter was submitted to the judge, the judge asked in person whether it was signed by me, and got Luke and Cabin’s confirmation, the settlement letter officially came into effect.

According to the terms of the agreement, Cabin would pay the forty thousand dollars within a week.

The theft of the Harley was also officially closed.

Luke was also very satisfied, after paying Daisy’s lawyer’s fee, he was left with about 35,000 dollars, this speed of earning money is much more enjoyable than going to work.

Eight o’clock in the evening, the Caramels restaurant.

This is a Michelin restaurant, yes, it is the one that Blackie brought Julian to.

Luke was very gentlemanly and helped Daisy pull out her chair.

Daisy surveyed the decoration of the restaurant, “The food in this restaurant is not cheap?”

“I’m happy to spend as much as you like.”

“I remember that this restaurant requires reservations and it looks like it’s been redecorated.”

Luke hesitated slightly, “You’ve been here before?”

“Our law firm comes here to get together.”

Luke “……”

The Blackie routine didn’t seem to be working.

“Then you order.” Luke gave up.

Daisy ordered a prix fixe for two and a bottle of wine.

The two clinked glasses.

Luke said, “Don’t you think Vice Principal Portia’s behavior today is a bit strange? The attitude before and after is diametrically opposite, like he’s been stimulated by something.”

Daisy nodded, “He did suffer some stimulation, for the sake of his future he can only quell the lawsuit as soon as possible, if the lawsuit falls into a tug-of-war, it will definitely have an impact on his reputation.”

Luke guessed that it should be Daisy who did something, “How?”

Daisy said, “I have a reporter friend who is always worried about the lack of news topics, so I did her a small favor.”

“Nice try.” Luke understood what Daisy was doing after a brief thought.

Although he didn’t know much about the law, there were some similarities between lawyer negotiations and police interrogations.

Although Kabin Portia was a party to the case, the one who really took the idea was his father, Principal Portia, and the key to whether to settle or go to court was also to look at Principal Portia, so Daisy did not put her energy on Kabin Portia, but directly hit Principal Portia’s seven inches.

Cabin Portia wants to settle, not necessarily work, because he has no money.

But Vice Principal Portia wanted to reconcile, and Cabin Portia didn’t have the ability to object.

There was no need to choose to carry the ball across the field when he could just shoot.

Early morning.

Luke gets up and prepares to make breakfast.

Daisy was in a hurry to go to work, drank a cup of hot coffee and hurried out the door.

Luke was too lazy to cook alone.

He brewed a pot of Longjing in the yard and calculated today’s schedule.

Today was already the fourth day of his vacation, and he had already let himself go a bit.

Being able to take a vacation was also a skill, and Susan wouldn’t agree if other people wanted to take a vacation.

Of course, Luke hadn’t been idle with a full schedule for the last four days, and today was no different.

Luke ate a deluxe version of a dunking pie and drank a cup of soy milk at the community square, while driving straight to the Pomos Boxing Gym.

His purpose in coming here was to learn to box and increase his real-world skills.

Being a police officer in Los Angeles, marksmanship was the most important thing, but there were some special situations where a gun could not be used, so one could only rely on combat skills to subdue a suspect.

For example, the distance between the two sides is less than three meters, the suspect suddenly attacked, this time in the gun, only to be beaten, if you encounter boxing masters, a punch in the solar plexus, may be directly KO.

Another common situation is that the suspect is unarmed and poses no threat to the police, but turns around and flees.

In this case, the police can’t shoot the suspect in the back either, and it will be troublesome afterwards.

When this happens, it is common to catch up with the suspect and make an arrest.

Again, the opponent needed to be subdued by virtue of his fighting ability.

Luke walked into the Pomos Boxing Gym, it was his first time here, the owner of the gym was called Hall Pomos.

Formerly a professional boxer, he had once won the WBA Championship.

However, his peak period was short and he soon retired due to injuries.

Luke didn’t know him originally, but only started searching for boxing-related information after he drew the ‘Boxing Card’, saw his teaching videos in tiktok, and knew that he had opened a boxing gym here.

One-on-one personal training was $100/hour.

It wasn’t a low price, but he was a boxing champion after all, so Luke felt it was worth it.

Luke entered the boxing gym and heard a ‘thumping’ sound of boxing.

A tall white man was punching with great force and the speed of his punches was extremely fast.

Upon seeing Luke, the man stopped, “Wanna try?”

Luke smiled, “Coach Hall, I’m Luke, I contacted you yesterday.”

Hall was slightly taller than Luke, but it should be less than one meter nine, but he had a strong physique, a thicker circle than Luke, and it could be seen that although he retired from the military, he didn’t relax his training.

“Ever practiced boxing before?”

“Can do some basics.”

Hall took a pair of red gloves and handed them to Luke, “Put them on, let’s practice.”

It was a rare opportunity to fight a former world boxing champion, and Luke kinda wanted to try it.

The two of them got into the ring, Hall waved his right hand, “You attack, I’ll defend, I’m going to try your level first.”

Luke is considered to be more capable of fighting, but that’s compared to ordinary people, compared to the boxing champion is a bit exposed.

But at this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be sent.

Luke put his best foot forward and attacked.

Straight punches, hooks, swinging punches ……

“Bang bang ……”

Luke matched the pace of the attacks, but they were all blocked or dodged by Hall one by one.

And Hall’s pace was steady, keeping up his counterattacks at all times.

Luke had no doubt that if his opponent were to counterattack, he would definitely be hit or even have been knocked to the ground.

After practicing for a while, Hall seemed to want to continue to understand Luke’s level, “Put on the protective gear and let’s fight.”

“Fight you?”

“Don’t dare?”

“Why yes, I’d love to.” Luke smiled, put on his pads, moved his pace and moved his arms and legs.

“Come on, you go all out on offense, I’ll counter, but will leave it at an appropriate level.”

“OK,” Luke moved his pace and circled around Hall, slow to attack, seemingly looking for a break in him.

Hall prodded, “Hey, I’m charging on time, don’t waste your time.”

Luke gave up looking for a break in him, he simply couldn’t find one, and simply used his best attack routine, his left fist wobbling, his right arm bending and striking his opponent’s left cheek with a standard right swing.

Hall’s pace was light, his body moved back, and he easily dodged it: ”Enough power, but unfortunately not fast enough, the amplitude is too big, and the punch is too obvious.

It’s like telling the enemy, I’m going to punch you in the left side of your face.


Luke adjusted his pace again, this time directly slamming a straight punch into Hall.

“Bang!” Hall directly blocked it with his gloves.

“Still not fast enough, again.”

Luke blasted over with another straight punch.

Hall sidestepped and dodged, before landing a left hook to Luke’s right cheek.


Luke took a few steps backward, staggering, his cheek bumping raw and his head spinning a bit.

This was still because he was wearing protective gear, if he didn’t, this punch would have knocked him out.

It had to be said that the gap between ordinary people and top professional fighters was too big.

Hall said indifferently, “Your level is probably equivalent to an ordinary amateur boxer, your basic skills are not bad, and your reactions are okay, but that’s about it.

What is your learning goal?”

“Just reach the level of a professional boxer.” Luke wasn’t greedy and didn’t think about becoming a boxing champion.

If reaching the level of a professional boxer could be done by diligence and hard work, a boxing champion relied on hard work and talent, and the latter was more important.

In addition, Luke practiced boxing for the purpose of enhancing his actual combat ability, but combat skills could be more than just boxing, and he would practice other combat skills in addition to boxing.

An 80-point boxing, 80-point wrestling, and 80-point jiu-jitsu could easily beat a 100-point boxer in a real battle.

Real real combat relies on a combination of abilities.

And eighty points in three sports is much easier to achieve than one 100.

The more top-notch a player is in a particular skill, the harder it is to refine it.

Hall said, “Your physical quality is good, but it’s not easy to reach the level of a professional boxer, so you have to be prepared.”

“I’m prepared and confident.”

“GOOD, let’s start then.”

“How do we practice?”

“You have good boxing, so let’s go straight to the actual fighting stage. I’ll find trainees to spar with you, and I’ll point out your deficiencies in between breaks.”

“OK,” Luke used the boxing card.

Soon, Hall found a black cadet to spar with Luke.

The black cadet’s physique was comparable to Luke’s, however, his boxing skills were a bit better than Luke’s, and he kept pressing Luke when he first started sparring, making Luke a bit depressed.

After one round, Luke was called out of the ring.

Hall watched a video of the two boxing matches with Luke, critiquing Luke’s deficiencies and areas for improvement.

During the lecture, Hall shows up to teach when Luke doesn’t understand something.

Hall explains very carefully, and will also tell Luke some fighting tips, each time the explanation time is longer than the sparring time, otherwise Luke’s physical ability can not last a morning.

In the boxing card, Luke’s progress is very fast, near noon, has been able to press the black trainee to fight.

Now it was the black trainee’s turn to be depressed, he couldn’t figure out why Luke had improved so fast.

Hall was equally surprised by Luke’s progress, and in the afternoon, he decided to fight Luke himself.

At noon, Luke offered to invite Hall to dinner, Hall refused at first, but after Luke’s repeated insistence, he eventually went.

Getting on good terms with Hall was one thing, he also wanted to take the opportunity of the meal to ask Hall for more boxing knowledge.

After the meal, there was a two-hour break.

Luke and Hall sparred.

There was really a lot of pressure to fight Hall.

For Luke, Hall was a pentagonal warrior who couldn’t find any flaws at all, and attacking him would only result in getting punched in return.

That’s not to say that Luke doesn’t have the slightest chance of winning against him, if it’s a real fight, Luke still has a certain chance of winning using wrestling and takedowns.

However, the prerequisite was dodging Hall’s punches and being able to get close to him.

In the afternoon, Luke used the second boxing card.

It was the same pattern as the morning’s instruction.

The two of them sparred for a while, and Hall would also instruct him on some boxing techniques, and Luke’s rate of progress surprised Hall.

The black trainee was called in to fight Luke again.

The result of the first round Luke a right swing will black trainee confused, half a day did not stand up, if not wearing protective gear, it is expected to be directly KO.

Hall looked a little complicated: “You’re really a boxing genius, it’s a pity ……”

“Dad, what’s a pity?” A teenager walked in carrying a school bag.

“Dean, you’re back just in time, let me introduce you, this is Luke, my new trainee, his boxing talent is probably above yours.”

“Luke, this is my son Dean, who is in his eleventh year. Would you like to practice with him?”

“He’s underage?”

“Hey, don’t underestimate me, you can’t always beat me?” Dean swung his fist in a confident manner.

Luke thought to himself, all the more reason why I can’t fight you then.

“Next time, I’m a little beat up today.”

Dean pointed at Luke, “I think I’ve seen you somewhere before?”

“It’s my first time at the gym.”

“I don’t mean here?” Dean recalled carefully, “Are you a cop?

“Looks like you did meet me.”

Dean gave an excited look, “That’s right, you’re Detective Luke, I’ve seen you in front of the school, the lone hero of the school Y shooting.”

Luke laughed, “I’m not a hero, I’m under your dad’s thumb now.”

Hall said, “Luke, I said why is that name somewhat familiar.

I saw the news too, you’re the one who arrested the shooter at my son’s school? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Luke spread his hands, “I was just doing my job.”

“I want to thank you, I let my son learn boxing not only because of his interest and talent, but also because I wanted him to be able to protect himself, but it’s useless to box in front of a gunman even if he’s good.

To show my appreciation, I won’t charge you for the tuition.”

Luke said, “Hall, I appreciate the thought, but one size does not fit all and tuition is still due.”

Hall said, “No, don’t mention tuition again.

Even if it’s a small contribution I’m making to the police department, I think it’s more meaningful than donating money to the police department, you become stronger in my gym so you can better protect the children in the school.

I want to contribute to the school kids too, and I’m sticking to that.”

“Thanks.” Luke didn’t say anything more and felt warm inside.

It wasn’t about the money, but the fact that his hard work in investigating the case and his efforts were recognized and acknowledged.

This feeling was more important than money.

After chatting for a few moments, Luke was tired after a long day of training and took off his protective gear to go home.

As Dean packed up his gauntlets, he noticed an envelope under Luke’s gloves, “Dad, this is what Luke left behind.”

Hall took it over and saw that the envelope held six greenbacks.

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