Chapter 157

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke, Blackie, and Bart were standing outside the warehouse.

Bart smiled peevishly, “Dempsey, I hear you have a crush on me?”

“Heh heh ……,” Blackie let out a bad laugh.

“Bart, good call on the sneer.” Dempsey hid the license plate behind his back, he hadn’t expected anyone to be outside the warehouse, the Mustang was right in front of the door, he had wanted to just put the plate in his car and find an inconspicuous place to bury it.

“I have things to do, I’ll talk to you some other time.” Dempsey forced a smile and prepared to get in his car and leave.

“Dude, what’s that in your hand?” Bart walked over to the Mustang and stepped in front of Dempsey.

“None of your business.” Dempsey put the license plate behind him with his left hand and went for the door with his right, as if trying to force his way out of the car.

“You scumbag!” Bart swung his burger-sized fist right into Dempsey’s cheek.

Dempsey had his guard up and raised his left arm to protect his face as the fist hit his arm, knocking him back a few steps.

The license plate fell to the ground as well.

“FUCK!” said Dempsey, rubbing his arm in some pain.

“You deserved it!”

The two men wrestled, you punched, I elbowed, and while it didn’t feel very technical, the punches landed.

Blackie watched from the sidelines.

Luke picked up the license plate on the ground and checked it, 5CFb382.

The number was the same as Barton’s license plate number, plus the same style black pickup truck in the garage, it was already a sure thing.

However, you can’t investigate a case based on speculation alone, you have to look at real evidence.

Luke went into the garage to check the pickup truck, around the pickup truck carefully check, the right side has scratches, tires have sand, and the suspect vehicle situation is consistent.

Luke snapped his fingers and Blackie understood, pulling out his pistol and pointing it at Dempsey, “LAPD, the party’s over, put your hands up.”

The LAPD was still a deterrent.

Dempsey panicked, distracted.

Bart punched him in the face, knocking him straight to the ground, “Asshole, let’s see if you dare to spy on me again.”

Blackie gave Bart a look, “You’re welcome.”

Dempsey was then handcuffed.

Luke waved his hand, “Marcus, take Dempsey into the warehouse.

Bart, wait outside with your brother.”

“I owe you one this time.” Bart spat at Dempsey.

Closing the warehouse door and turning on the lights, Luke sized up the man with the cross, “Your name is Dempsey?”

“It’s me, what do you want?”

Luke tapped the pickup with his license plate, “What’s going on here?”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to?”

Luke said, “There’s no point in being smart with hard evidence.”

Dempsey stiff-armed, “Then tell me about your so-called hard evidence, and the LAPD can’t arrest people at will!”

“I’ve already said that to Barton and have no interest in saying it again.” Luke tossed the fake license plate onto the car, “If you confess, I’ll take you back to the station.

If you don’t confess, we’ll leave, it’s as simple as that.”

“Oh, when did the police station become the meat and potatoes, even if your chief invites me, I don’t want to go.”

“Those five burly men outside think the same way.” Luke made a move to leave, “Marcus, uncuff him.”

Marcus didn’t react for a moment, “Why? Just let him go.”

Luke pointed to the door with intent, “The LAPD is all about evidence, but some people aren’t.”

Black understood and grinned at Dempsey, “I heard those five perverts like to plant their grenades in the back, so you’d better have had relevant experience before.

I’m not trying to scare you.

I don’t like those five guys out there any more than you do, those white guys are perverts, they’ll do anything, knock yourself out.”

Dempsey’s ass tightened, a little uneasy, “You guys can’t do this.”

Luke asked back, “What’s wrong?”

Dempsey pointed at the warehouse door, “Those guys out there will do anything, they won’t leave me alone.”

“Do you have proof?

We can’t make random arrests without proof, and we’re in the Robbery and Murder Division, the general business of the living is out of our hands.” Luke took a few steps, turned around and

“Of course, in your case, there’s a good chance we’ll meet again.”

“Heh heh.” Blackie smiled cheaply, “Next time we meet, I hope you’ll still be neat and tidy, this is my sincere blessing, God bless you.”

Luke walked the two of them straight to the warehouse door and made a move to pull it open.

Dempsey was in a hurry, “Hey you guys can’t do that, you can’t leave me to them, they’ll tear me apart.”

Luke countered, “What then? How about we take you back to the station?”

Dempsey looked at the warehouse door, he could see the shoes of the five men through the gap underneath the door and grew more and more uneasy, “OK, I can come with you to the police station.”

Luke lit a cigarette, “Give me a reason to let me take you, like you said, the LAPD can’t just arrest people either.”

“Look, as long as you guys take me back to the station, I’ll tell you anything, OK?”

Luke is an old criminal investigator, where will be easily fooled by him: “Give you ten seconds of time ……”





“Bam bam bam ……” At this time, a few strong men outside the door were already pushing the warehouse door.

Dempsey’s psychological defense completely collapsed: “Don’t count, as long as you don’t hand me over to those bastards, I’ll tell you everything.”

“Then don’t waste your time.”

“Hoo……” Dempsey took a deep breath, “I threw that body into the sea.”

“Threw it into the sea how?”

Dempsey pointed to the black pickup truck next to him, “Threw it into the sea with this set of cars.”

“Tell us the exact time?”

“A little after one in the morning, around two I think.”

“Who was the deceased?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why did you kill someone? Was it a robbery for money? Or was it a sex robbery?”

“No, I just dumped the body, I didn’t kill the person.”

“Then who killed them?”

“I don’t know, I just dispose of the bodies.”

Luke leaned back against the pickup truck, slightly disgruntled, “I’m just as impatient as the five burly men out there, don’t pop out word for word, tell me what you know.”

“This environment is disturbing me, I’ve confessed, you can take me back to the station and I’ll tell you everything.”

“You’re not going anywhere until things are told.” Luke was adamant.

Dempsey scratched his hair hard, “Last night, I got a call from the owner of Dracula’s Bar, he said that someone had died outside the bar and asked me to get rid of the body.

I got in my car and one of the bar’s black security guards carried the body to the car and drove to the beach neighborhood to dump the body, and not having much luck, I was seen by a homeless man nearby.

I offered him a sum of money to shut him up, which, apparently, he didn’t do.”

Luke pressed on, “What was the bar owner’s name?”

“Robin Doggs.”

“What was the name of the bar security guard who dumped the body with you?”

“Archibald Doggs.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Why did you use this set-up car?”

“I have a bit of a personal vendetta against Bart, a man who is stubborn and easily offended in some ways.

A mixed-up guy with a long list of priors, the police will surely arrest him as soon as they find out about him.

I could see the situation from home and could give advance warning.

Originally everything was as I thought, I didn t expect …… to be followed by you guys.” Speaking of this, Dempsey was a bit reluctant and puzzled, “How did you guys find out about me?”

Xiao Hei laughed, “It’s actually very simple, are you using your looking glass to observe Bart?

Looking glasses gather light and reflect it, not a very good way to do that.”

Dempsey showed a dawning realization, “You’re the one who found me?”

Black didn’t answer positively, shrugging with a look that said it was nothing.

Luke smiled and then asked, “Tell us about the circumstances under which you found the body?”

Dempsey shook his head, “No special circumstances, I just carried the body to the car.”

Luke said, “Dempsey, don’t lie, we know more than you think, and don’t forget that you weren’t the only one who dumped the body.”

“I’m not lying, I just carried the body to the car and threw it into the ocean, I really didn’t do anything else.”

“What about the rest of the dead man’s belongings?”

Dempsey licked his lips, “No other items were found around the body, and the money for the homeless man is still backed up from us.”

“Describe the dead body?”

“Bloodstains on the neck, eyes wide open, pale, that’s about it.”

“Did you see any suspicious persons while you were moving the body?”


“Did anyone else touch the body before you moved it?”


“Who was the first person to find the body?”

Dempsey shook his head, “Not sure, I only went over there when I got a cell phone from Robin the bar owner, I didn’t ask any more questions, the more I know, the more trouble I’ll be in.”

“What’s your relationship with the bar owner Robin?”

“Employment relationship, I am also considered as the bar’s security guard, I will help him to solve some troubles, for example, if someone makes trouble in the bar, if the ordinary bar security guards can’t persuade them, they will be persuaded by me.”

“Persuade how?”

Dempsey waved his fist, “Persuade with this.”

“I’m quite interested in Dracula’s Bar, introduce yourself.”

“Uh …… It’s a vampire themed bar, most of the patrons that go there are vampire enthusiasts, there are quite a few freaks, I’m not surprised this happened.”

“Has anything like this happened before?”

“This is the first time a person has been killed.”

“How do you think she died?”

“I’m not sure, but there was blood on her neck, so I’m guessing …… it’s unlikely that she was stabbed in a blood vessel in her neck.”

“Was there much blood at the crime scene?”

“Not much.”

“Not much is how much?”

“Only a small smear of blood left along the neck, not quite the size of a palm.”

“Was the scene cleaned up?”


Luke sighed, “Any idea how much trouble this kind of destruction of the scene and the body can cause in the investigation of a case.”

“SORRY, it wasn’t my intention, I was just getting paid to do the job, it was all at the behest of Robin, the bar owner.”

Luke said coldly, “Handcuff him.”

Marcus shook the handcuffs from out, “I’d be happy to.”

“Take me to the station and don’t ever leave me behind, Bart’s gang won’t leave me alone.”

Blackie laughed, “In all my years as a cop, this is the first time someone has begged to be taken into a police station.”

A few minutes later, a large number of LAPD arrived outside the warehouse.

These police officers were not used to deal with Dempsey, but to deter Bart’s gang.

Bart’s gang was usually very arrogant, but under the intimidation of the LAPD each one of them turned into a good boy and got in the car and ran straight away.

LAPD never fought with many against few, with fast support and good equipment, which was why they were fearless of any gang.

Once there was a firefight, there would be more and more police around, the equipment would get more and more fierce, and the suspects would soon fall into despair.

In the past, there were also gang members who tried to provoke the police officers, and as a result, the entire gang was surrounded by the LAPD, and the end was not too tragic.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Dracula’s Bar.

Luke, Blackie, Ramon, David and Jenny arrived at the bar.

The car pulls up near the bar and Luke sees some very differently dressed young men with blood red capes, red pupils, blood red lips, long fangs, vampire masks, etc.

Black opened his upper lip and touched his teeth, “These guys are walking around wearing murder weapons, should we arrest them to identify the fang marks, maybe we can catch the killer.”

Jenny said, “If you’re not afraid to collect an indictment and get your hands dirty, you can always try.”

Black pointed to his temple, “We could come up with something, like a good talk with the bar owner and get him to organize an event in the bar.

We can call it a toothprint beauty contest, where each contestant bites their toothprint on a mold, and the one with the prettiest toothprint wins the grand prize.

What do you guys think of my idea?”

Luke laughed, “Not a bad idea, we can suggest it to the bar owner later.”

It was good that Blackie was starting to use his brain, Luke didn’t discourage him.

However, this method is theoretically feasible, if it’s a filming of a TV series it can be taken as a good plot, but in practice there will be a logic problem, the suspect is not stupid, he knows that he killed someone and bit the deceased, so how can he possibly take part in this competition.

In addition, as Jenny just said, this thing can’t be messed up to be prosecuted, and the more people involved, the bigger the matter, Luke doesn’t want to get into a mess.

The five of them then entered the bar in two groups.

Once inside the bar, the whole atmosphere was different again.

The light in the bar was a little dim, and it took some getting used to just entering, then a blast of rock music came to his ears [Those streets went dark, my pulse stopped.

When I run to you ……

Sitting there, unaware of what I’m about to do ……

My fangs ache as long as I think of you ……



Blood ……]

This is music about vampires, full of blood stars and profiteering lyrics. (Harmony-proof)

Entering the interior of the bar was like entering a medieval castle, dim, damp, and vaguely musty, the bar was pieced together with coffins, and a number of crosses were erected around it.

Blackie pointed at a man wearing a vampire cloak, “Is he drinking blood?”

A white man held a blood bag in his hand and opened his mouth, revealing his fangs, and took a bite out of the bag with a look of enjoyment.

Luke wrinkled his nose, “No, that’s not blood, it’s wine.”

Black raised an eyebrow, “Wow, this bar is quite unique, using blood bags as wine glasses, how did this owner come up with that.”

David laughed, “Go ask him and you won’t know.”

Through the questioning of Bart, the bar owner Robin usually stayed in the private room on the second floor.

Luke and the others had just reached the stairway to the second floor when they were stopped by a security guard in a white shirt and black suit pants, “Guys, go downstairs if you want to have fun, this is not the place for you.”

Blacky walked up and greeted, “Hey, finally meeting a normal person, I almost thought I really came to a vampire’s castle.”

The security guard also noticed the abnormality, “What are you guys here for? A kind reminder that it’s best to hurry up and leave, if you go any higher, you don’t know what you’ll encounter?”

“Haha, I admit to being intimidated. While I don’t know what I’m going to encounter, I know what you’re going to encounter.” Blackie flashed his badge, “We want to see Robin.”

The guard sighed, “You guys wait here, I’ll report in.”

David crossed over to Blacky and stepped forward, “Wait? Are you not getting the picture.” David pulled back his shirt with his right hand, revealing the gun on his waist, “Take me to your boss immediately!”

The black security guard and David stared at each other for a moment, their gazes turned to the side, and they finally wimped out, leading Luke and his group up to the second floor.

The height of the bar is high, the view from the second floor is very good, from here you can see the whole hall, as far as the eye can see is a group of young men and women in strange clothes, jumping and jumping, like crazy, if you bring the sleeping people here suddenly there is a real possibility that they will be scared.

Luke could somewhat understand why the dead woman had been scared to death.

It wasn’t just the young men dressed as vampires that were scary, but also the surroundings and the music, the whole atmosphere seemed to have entered a vampire’s world.

For those young people dressed as vampires on the dance floor, this was a place to completely release themselves, and perhaps some people would really think of themselves as vampires.

Suddenly, Luke’s eyes locked on a woman, a black woman in her mid-thirties – Pari Jones.

The female reporter who had confronted Luke as an exhibitionist at the shooting press conference.

Why was she here?

Luke couldn’t help but wonder in his mind.

This woman was wearing a blue dress and red lips, looking quite a bit more normal compared to the people around her, but in this bar instead, she looked a bit out of place.

Luke could tell at a glance that she was in a different state from the people around her, while the people around her were unleashing themselves like no one else, she was looking left and right, like a calm observer.

This showed that she wasn’t enjoying the atmosphere here, nor was she here to have fun, it was more like she was holding some kind of purpose?

Could this female reporter be here to investigate things?

Stalking herself?

It didn’t look like it.

Investigating a vampire murder case?

The police hadn’t been releasing clues to the public, so it was logical that the reporter shouldn’t know about this.

Unless, she had other sources of information.

“Luke, what are you looking at, not going in?” Blackie came over and shouted in Luke’s ear.

“No need to be so loud, I can hear you. I’m about to go in, but don’t you go in.”


Luke was afraid of being spotted by the female reporter, Parley Jones, so he didn’t use his finger: “The woman in blue at three o’clock, do you recognize her?”

Blackie probed his head and took a closer look, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“OK, that means she doesn’t recognize you either, keep an eye on her.”

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