Chapter 161

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One conference room.

At 9:05 a.m., Susan convened the case summarization meeting on time.

Blackie swept around, “Where’s Ramon and Jenny? Why aren’t they here?”

Susan said, “They went to track down the murderer?”

“Whoa …… what did I miss?” Blackie said in surprise.

Last night, in order to avoid suspicion, Blacky did not participate in the capture and interrogation of Pari.

Luke likewise did not participate in the interrogation of Pari.

Both of them belonged to the ones who got off work earlier.

The ones in charge of interrogating Pari were the Vice Squad and David.

Raymond, Matthew, and Jenny, on the other hand, were investigating the whereabouts of the murderer.

Susan said, “Vice team, tell us about the progress of yesterday’s interrogation.”

The Vice Squad cleared their throats and said, “We reached a plea agreement with Pari Jones, exempting her from the charge of obstruction of law enforcement, and only charging her with the crime of acquiring stolen goods.

In addition, she has agreed to stop investigating and reporting on the murders related to Dracula’s Bar.

The related evidence was also handed over to the police.”

Blackie spread his hands, “That’s it?”

The vice squad asked back, “Then what are you going to do? You really think you can send her to jail with a business card?

It’s better to be practical.

Luke, you’re the one who caught the guy, what do you think?”

“I have no opinion.” Luke said faintly.

The police were not investigating Pari Jones to send her to jail, but they wanted to prove that she had violated the law in interviewing the investigation of the Dracula’s Bar murder case, which had influenced the police’s investigation to a certain extent.

That way the police could logically confiscate the video that Pari Jones obtained by illegal means.

To put it bluntly, they didn’t want the horrific vampire killings to appear in the news.

Judging from the results, the police’s purpose had been achieved.

Blackie pressed, “So did Parley Jones know that the business card was stolen?”

The vice squad asked back, “Would you print someone else’s business card?”

“Why would I print someone else’s business card?”

The vice squad said, “That’s not it, since it’s a business card belonging to the deceased, it must have been obtained from the crime scene, as a reporter, how could she not even be aware of such a simple truth.

It’s not wrong for the police to arrest him at all.”

Blackie said, “What about the charge of obstructing law enforcement? Did Parley Jones warn Meagher not to send the video to the police?”

The lieutenant laughed, “You don’t look very smart.”

Black rolled his eyes, “You nasty bad old man.”

The Vice Squad asked back, “Why did you curse me?”

“You’re the one who scolded me first.”

The vice squad said, “I was just commenting on your looks truthfully.”

Blackie said, “I think you’re just scolding me.”

The Vice Squad snapped their fingers, “See, the same sentence can mean different things if interpreted from different angles.”

The lieutenant looked aside to Luke and said the same thing, “You don’t look very smart to me.”

Luke smiled, “No one here is smarter than me.”

The lieutenant looked over at Black, “The same words spoken to different people have different effects again.

For you it’s anger, for Luke it’s indifference.

It’s still true that the same sentence can be said by one person, let alone two people each saying the same thing.”

The lieutenant shrugged and continued

“In the actual investigation, the suspects will all say as much as possible about the statements that are favorable to them, and it’s natural to focus on the evidence if there is any, but it’s hard to judge some of the details.

Whoever cooperates with the police, the police will tend to adopt their confessions.

They were smart enough to understand what I was saying, and they all made a plea deal with the police.

Plea deals that are favorable to the police.

That was enough.”

Susan clapped her hands together, “Reed will appreciate your efficiency in handling the case, saving the police department a lot of overtime and money.” Susan then turned the tables, “Now let’s talk about the clues to the killer.”

Matthew said, “After they went to the TV station last night to arrest the man, Ramon and I started to check the surveillance of the murder case, and the murderer kept his back to the car recorder when he committed the crime.

We investigated the surveillance in the lobby of the bar, but the video wasn’t very clear because of the lighting and the angle of the shot, and we could only tell that the suspect was a white man.

Identification was made by height, clothing, gestures, and shoes.

Let’s check the surveillance around the bar.

The murderer fled the scene directly after the crime, and through the roadside surveillance, we found that he got into a cab.

Ramon and Jenny went to the cab company to investigate the drivers who were plying the neighborhood at that time and I’m sure we’ll have something soon.”

David said, “I’ve also seen the surveillance video of the murder, the murderer jumped out directly from the back door of the bar to pounce and tear the victim, what was his motive?”

Blackie said, “Could it be a prank?”

Luke thought about it and replied, “It shouldn’t be a prank, the wound on the victim’s neck was not fatal, but it wasn’t light either, and it bled a lot.

This is not like an ordinary prank.”

Xiao Hei rehashed the old story, “Could it really be ……”

Kuro didn’t say it out loud though, seeing as everyone understood what he was trying to say.

David said dismissively, “Bullshit, I don’t believe in that kind of shit.”

Luke said, “I’ve heard of a vampire syndrome, also called porphyria.

It’s a blood disorder that manifests itself as photosensitive dermatitis, abdominal pain, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

This disease is most afraid of daylight exposure, and many patients often live in darker places.”

Blackie asked with wide eyes, “Does this kind of patient need to suck blood to cure the disease?”

Luke shook his head, “The treatment for this disease is based on bloodletting, but as the disease becomes more serious, the patients will develop psychological disorders, leading to mental anomalies, and think that they have to suck human blood before this disease can be restored to health, but in fact, the human blood will not help the body in any way.

It can only make them more twisted, depressed, and desperate inside.”

Blackie boldly guessed, “That is to say, this disease is most likely the origin of vampirism.”

“I think this explanation is more plausible than vampirism.” The vice squad nodded and continued, “I suggest that we can investigate the people with related conditions, we might be able to find some clues.”

Susan thought for a moment and instructed, “Matthew, look into the related conditions.”

“I know.”

“Buzz ……” Susan’s cell phone rang.

Susan clicked on the voice video, “Raymond, how’s the investigation going on your end?”

Ramon sat in the passenger side of the car, “We found out the whereabouts of that ‘vampire’ at the cab company, at 9:35pm, the suspect got into the car from Dracula’s Bar.

Got off at Lamarimont University around nine-fifty.

The guy is supposed to be a student at the school.”

Susan praised, “GOOD, you guys rush to the university now to investigate and I’ll send backup.”

“Yes, captain.”

After the meeting was adjourned, David and Blackie also rushed to Lamarimont University for support.

Luke didn’t go, there was always a feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn’t think clearly for a while.

He stayed behind and didn’t stay idle, sitting in a chair and silently combing through the case thoughts, giving the suspect a criminal psychological profile.

From the existing circumstances of the case, the suspect is likely to belong to the rape and murder.

The preparation before committing the crime was not sufficient, which is why it was filmed by a parked car.

But on the other hand, a rape murderer who chooses his victims randomly will make the investigation a bit more difficult.

Never mind what state the murderer was in before he committed the crime, he should have been in a more lucid state after he killed, which can also be seen from the fact that he ran away straight away.

If Luke was the murderer instead, he wouldn’t have run straight back to his house or the place where he lived, but to a place where he could easily get away.

The university was a good choice; it was large, had a mix of people, and it was easy to escape tracking in the dark and with a change of clothes.

Here’s the problem.

Was the suspect really a student at Lamarimont University, or had he deliberately lured the police there to interfere with their line of investigation.

Luke couldn’t say.

Both were possible.

Since Ramon and the others had already gone to the university to investigate, there was no more or less of him.

Luke simply investigated from other aspects.

Continue to investigate the surveillance, but not the surveillance where the suspect fled.

Instead, investigate the surveillance when the suspect came to the bar.

Since the suspect might have committed rape, it meant that he probably wouldn’t have covered his true whereabouts before coming to the bar.

Then reverse the investigation, which Luke felt would be more accurate.

Dracula’s Bar opens at 8:00 p.m. Luke checks Dracula’s surveillance around 8:00 p.m., looking for the suspect’s trail.

Although the surveillance couldn’t see the suspect’s appearance.

But it wasn’t hard to recognize them based on their clothing and body type.

Luke began to check the surveillance, time forward ……

He found the first time the suspect appeared on video. At 7:55 p.m., the suspect appeared in the parking lot next to the bar.

He was driving a black Honda sedan.

The suspect had a car!

This reinforces Luke’s previous speculation that the suspect should have had some counter-surveillance awareness when he fled.

Otherwise, it would have been more convenient for him to drive away directly than to take a taxi.

In other words, the suspect’s real address should not be Lamarimont University.

Luke then found a high-resolution photo of the car and checked the license plate number.

License plate number, 3teb384.

Name, August Tokar.

Gender, male

Date of birth, January 2, 1998

Cell phone number, 626 876 3134

Residential address, 21 Dovica Street

Social Security number, 623-53-7748


21 Dovica Street, August Tokar’s house.

Blackie got out of the car and began to complain, “I’m your partner, why are you investigating alone and in secret?”

Luke explained, “I didn’t secretly investigate, I just split the investigation.

At that time, Ramon had already traced the suspect and I just felt that there was something wrong somewhere, and I couldn’t let a not-so-clear inspiration affect the overall investigation of the case.

So, I stayed behind to check the surveillance alone.

And, I contacted you first when I found out about August Tokar.”

“I was the first?”

“Of course.”

“OK, that makes my heart feel better.”

The two of them walked to the front door of the house, Black tried to reach out and ring the doorbell, then retracted, “We’re dealing with the possibility of vampires, sure we don’t need to be more prepared?”

Luke laughed, “Do we need to buy a couple heads of garlic?”

Blackie thought for a moment and said with a serious face, “There seems to be a supermarket on the road we just came from, there might be some.”

Luke was a bit speechless, this bastard actually took it seriously, “There seems to be a church in front of the community, do you want to invite a priest? And get you a big cross, huh?”

Blackie skimmed his thick lips and pressed the doorbell.

“Dingdong ……”

No response.

“Dingdong ……”

Rang the doorbell again, still no response.

Luke went to the garage window and looked in the garage, there was no car in the garage, “August Tokar is most likely not home.”

Blackie asked, “Could he have escaped?”

“It’s a possibility.” Luke walked up to the door, he had a warrant, and suddenly missed David a little, if the bastard was here, the broken door would have been open.

Blackie came up to the door and drummed on it for a moment, “Click.”

The door opened.

Luke was a little surprised, “You can still pick locks?”

“Is it hard?” With a look of disbelief, Blackie pushed the door and walked in.

Luke entered as well, closing the door with his hand.

“Whoa whoa …… are we a vampire museum now? Is that one a mural of Dracula?

There are also large crosses here, all kinds of fangs, and actually gold ones.

And there are vampire masks here!” Black looked around the room and tsked at the decorations.

Luke took his Glock pistol, “Don’t look at it yet, search the house once.”

The two of them then searched the house and did not find anyone.

Starting to look closely at the house.

There were a lot of things about vampires placed in the house, this suspect was probably a vampire lover.

This was something Luke had already guessed before, another reason he checked the room was to see if the suspect had any signs of escape.

Seven o’clock in the evening.

A Honda pulls up in front of August Tokar’s house.

A white man stepped out of the car, looked around, quickly opened the door and entered the house.

The house was somewhat dimly lit and he suddenly realized that there was a black man sitting on the couch with his back to him.

“Who are you? Why are you in my house?”

The black man stood up and turned around, revealing two sharp fangs, “I am Marcus II, the second generation of vampires in the American continent, boy, I smell a familiar scent.


Are a descendant of mine?”

The white guy was confused, “Doubtful! Even buy a Karma! Are you kidding me?”

The black ‘vampire’ sniffs and looks mesmerized, “I can smell human blood on you.

A white, female, in her twenties, but alas …… she is no longer a virgin.

A virgin’s blood is what brings us true power!”

The white man, Little Fire, took two steps back and sat on his butt, “Are you a human or a ghost?”

“Tell me? Am I right or not? Haha ……” The black vampire let out a grim laugh.

“That’s right …… I did bite a woman, but I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m not really a vampire either, so please don’t hurt me.”

“Your name is August Tokar?”


Marcus II walked forward slowly and


Want to become a real vampire?”

“NoNoNo…… you stay away or I’ll call the police!” Augus Tokar leaned against the wall, then remembered to pull his cell phone out of his pocket.


Luke turned the lights on, worried that Marcus would make a mess if he kept playing.


The white boy jumped again at the sight of another person in the room, “Are you a vampire too?”

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD!

August Tokar, you’re under arrest!”

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