Chapter 164

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Early in the morning, Mochi’s Burger Shop.

This store was famous in the neighborhood, an old store that had been open for decades, and the average age of the cooks and waiters was in the mid to late fifties.

An old white-haired man yawned as he walked into the burger joint.

“Good morning, Vincent, what can I get you?” An older white woman in her mid-fifties who kept in fairly good shape approached.

“The usual.” The lieutenant glanced at the big white lady and wrinkled his nose, “You’re wearing perfume today, huh? It’s not just for me, is it?”

The white amah rolled her eyes, “I didn’t realize you were so old and your sense of smell was still functioning normally, it’s unbelievable.”

Vice team “……”

Can we still talk properly?

Soon the white amah served a beef burger set meal.

Beef burger, fries, and coffee.

The lieutenant took a big sip of coffee first to refresh himself.

Yesterday afternoon, he started working on that blood color pattern and looked up a lot of information about vampires, and as a result, he …… actually lost sleep at night.

Living hell, he was a handful of years old and a cop, but he would actually lose sleep because of vampires.

He was not a timid person.

But after reading too much information about vampires, as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that there was a pair of scarlet eyes around him staring at him, and even though he knew that it was fake, he always felt that his heart was not solid.

Shame on him.

At this age, he was actually afraid of vampires, he felt a little flushed himself.

But this eerie culture was indeed depressing; fangs, coffins, bloodsucking, darkness, it was strange that a person who dealt with these things all day long would not have problems.

It would seem that singer Angela’s death was not an accident, but rather the result of prolonged exposure and spreading negativity.

The Vice Squad ate his burger while looking up at the news, which was an old habit of his.

However, watching froze.

The victim’s manager, Kim, was wearing a black suit and was being interviewed by a reporter.

“Isn’t this asshole missing? How did it get on TV.” The lieutenant pointed at the screen and asked, “Katira, is this news for today?”

The white amah nodded, “Not only is it today’s, it’s also live.”

9:30 AM.

Robbery and Murder Division conference room.

Susan swept a glance at the crowd, “Everyone’s here, let’s have the meeting.”

Blackie asked, “Where’s the vice squad and David?”

Susan asked back, “You miss them?”

“No, I couldn’t be happier that those two nuisances aren’t here.”

Susan said, “The lieutenant picked up Kim’s trail this morning and called David to investigate.”

Luke yawned, “How did the vice squad find the trail?”

Susan pointed to the TV hanging overhead, “Kim was interviewed live on a TV station this morning.”

Blackie said, “Hasn’t this guy been hiding from the police? Why is he suddenly on the news?”

“Looks like it’s not the police he’s hiding from.” Luke thought of that group of crazy fans again, and the word pervert couldn’t help but float in his mind.

Susan pressed on, “Did you find out anything from the statement you gave to Angela’s fans yesterday?”

Yesterday, Luke and Blackie rushed to agent Kim’s house and instead of finding agent Kim, they met a group of Angela’s fans.

Most of these fans were hardcore, having attended the new album party the night before.

It was also the last group of people who had been in contact with Angela and were likely witnesses to the case, and Luke left them to make statements.

Surely Luke and Blackie alone couldn’t keep them busy, they called in Ramon and Jenny.

It took the four of them more than three hours to give their statements to Angela’s fans.

Luke said, “Most of those fans attended the new album launch last night, and many of them were drunk and don’t remember the situation very well.

But they all have one common trait they don’t like Kim very much.

Also these fans were of the crazier type, which was impressive.

There are quite a few fans who believe there really are vampires.”

Black continued, “That’s right, these crazy guys wear earrings, nose rings, lip rings, chest rings, belly button rings, and one pervert has a picture of Angela tattooed on his girlfriend’s back.

How could he even think of that.

I’d have to go crazy if I were his girlfriend.”

Luke cried and laughed a little, “Your attention span is pretty new.”

Black laughed, “All a bunch of interesting guys, I’d kinda like to get to know them a little better.”

“Ahem ……,” Susan coughed lightly and glared at Blackie, “Ramon, tell us about the statements you made.”

Ramon said, “Many of Angela’s fans have previous convictions and are a bunch of guys who advocate bloody violence.

In addition, according to the confession of a fan wearing a lip ring, saw Angela and Kim get into an argument in the backstage corridor.

If Angela hadn’t stopped him, he might have punched Kim.”

Susan nodded, “Looks like the vice squad and the boys may have gotten something this time.”

“Knock knock ……”

The door to the conference room slammed.

“Come in.”

Mary from the Technical Division walked in, “Everyone, the latest identification report is out.

The solo product in the deceased’s body is a drug that can trigger hallucinations.

In addition the blood found in the deceased’s intestines and stomach has been DNA-matched and the identity of the blood’s owner has been found.”

Mary put a piece of information on the projector.

Name, Jarvis Lorca.

Gender, male

Date of birth, August 11, 1980

Social Security number, 623-53-7748

Residential address, 132 Roma Street

Susan looked at the projector, “Mary, thanks. This clue is important.”

Susan said, “The victim’s family will be here today to give a statement, Remen, Jenny, you two are in charge of reception.

Luke, Marcus, go investigate the owner of the blood.”

“Yes, captain.”

Noli Plaza.

On the east side of the plaza, next to a parked news interview van.

Kim asked to the female host on the side, “How was the live broadcast just now?”

The female host nodded, “Awesome, and the ratings were great, people loved hearing Angela’s story.

I should have hired you guys to come on the air earlier.”

“Angela’s first show was here, she’s been around the neighborhood a lot and she loves it.” Kim gazed a little vacant, “I’m going to have Angela’s memorial here too, I’m sure she would have loved it.”

The hostess complimented, “You guys are so close. I envy you this friendship.”

Kim’s eyes reddened, “I always thought of her as a sister and thought I’d always be there for her …… I didn’t realize how suddenly ……”

“Oooh ……”

A black sedan pulled up next to them and two men walked down from the car, both with distinctive hairstyles.

An old man with white hair and a bald one.

Both of these men, both with smelly faces and a somewhat similar look of don’t let anyone in, walked a short distance away from the interview car and stared at Kim.

Kim was a little bit furious by the look they gave her, “Hey, feel like you guys look a little familiar? You guys are Angela’s fans too?

Doesn’t look like it.” He quickly dismissed the idea himself, “What can I do for you guys?”

David flashed his badge, “We’re not fans of Angela.

But we did meet yesterday, LAPD.”

“Hey, I remember, you guys work with Detective Luke, is he okay?”

“No, he’s pissed off at you.”


“Why didn’t you answer his calls?”

“Oh, it was a misunderstanding.” Kim tapped her head, “I changed my cell phone number and I can’t believe I forgot to notify him.

So sorry.”

David cocked his head, “So here we are, let’s find a place to talk.”

Kim felt a little resistant that this bald guy wasn’t very pleasant to be around, “Talk about what?”

“Talk about Angela, and then talk about your future life in prison.”

“What do you mean by that?” Kim asked rhetorically.

The lieutenant interrupted the two men, “Gentlemen, this is not the place to talk.” He pointed at Kim, “Either you find a place or come back to the station with us.”

“No, I can’t go back to the station with you guys, I have a magazine interview later.”

David waved his hand, “Forget the bullshit interview, you’re not going anywhere until you’ve given your statement.”

Afterward, Kim led the two into a commercial vehicle.

There was more space in the car, and you could still sit face to face and talk, which was good for taking statements.

The lieutenant observed the interior of the car, “This is a nice car, and it would be perfect without the vampire pendant.”

Kim sighed, “It’s Angela’s usual car, she likes to do her makeup in this car …… I might sell it later.

What did you guys want to see me about?”

The lieutenant got right to the point, “Why didn’t you answer Luke’s cell phone?”

“As I said earlier, I didn’t mean to not answer Inspector Luke’s cell phone, but I switched to a different cell phone number to use because I was getting so many callers.

I never wanted to hide from the police or I wouldn’t have been on TV.”

The lieutenant didn’t go deeper on the subject, he did see the other man on a TV program.

“How is your relationship with Angela?”

“Very good, we’re not just partners, we’re also very close friends, we talk about almost everything, she’s always treated me like a brother and I’ve always taken care of her to the best of my ability.”

“Were there any conflicts between you?”

“No, we get along very well, we respect each other and we sit down and work through problems together. It’s always been like that.”

“According to our investigation, you and Angela had a heated argument in the backstage hallway the night before last, is that true?” That’s what the vice squad had just gotten from Ramon.

“Uh …… the night before last, we did get into a little argument, all very normal circumstances, not a big deal.”

“Why did you have an argument?”

“Some issues with the show.

I thought the atmosphere was good and the fans were very enthusiastic, so I’d like to do a couple more parties.

You know Angela’s fans aren’t just in L.A., they’re in New York, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, all very passionate fans who are looking forward to meeting Angela.

It’s great for album promotion.” Speaking of which, Kim shrugged, “But Angela doesn’t want to do that, she wants to end the album promotion early.

I was trying to find a way to persuade her, just in time for the fans to see it, and they thought we were fighting, but it wasn’t like that.

It was all a misunderstanding.”

The lieutenant scratched out a question with his pen, “You had the bar turn off the surveillance?”



“It was Angela’s idea, she doesn’t like cameras, it feels like she’s being watched and she’s suffered from that before. Those media reporters are pervasive, they’re probably paying for surveillance videos and using them to bash Angela’s image, it’s really annoying.

As her agent, I have no reason not to.”

The lieutenant asked, “Where were you last night between one and four o’clock in the morning?”

“The concert just ended at one in the morning, and I stayed at the bar for a little while longer, leaving around one, and then I went straight home. Not much else to tell.” Kim finished, and responded.

“What do you mean by that? It’s not like you suspect me of killing Angela, is it?

Come on, I’m her agent and her death wouldn’t do me any good.”

The lieutenant stared at him for a moment, “You’re right, but what if Angela doesn’t want to make money for you anymore?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s our understanding that Angela had gotten a lawyer to try to get out of your contract before she died.”

“What do you mean?”

“Angela wanted to break the contract with you.”

Kim froze, resting her chin in her hand for a long moment, “How could she do that to me?

She can live with …… her tantrums, her capriciousness, even hitting me, but this I can’t take.”

David said smoothly, “So you killed her.”

“No, I didn’t even know about it, she never told me about it.”

“But that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have found out yourself.”

“Believe it or not, but I really didn’t know about it.”

The Vice Squad said, “It seems that the relationship between you two is not as good as you say it is, nor is it a minor conflict.

That’s why we came to you today.”

Kim scratched her hair hard, “Why does she want to break her contract with me?”

The lieutenant explained, “She’s sick of vampire music and dressing up like a vampire, she wants to make real rock music, not give up her dreams for money.”

“She thinks I’m insisting she do vampire music for the money?”

“Doesn’t she?”

“I’ll admit, it was partly for that reason.

But it’s not the root cause.

It’s not just her who doesn’t like vampires, I dislike them just as much, and especially a small group of the more extreme fans can be really annoying.

But you can’t just do what you want in this world.” Kim sighed and continued, “You guys think I haven’t tried to get her to do pop-rock, popular music.

I’ve tried it more than once.

I know there’s a bigger audience for that kind of music and it’s easier to make money, but the problem is that it’s also harder and more competitive.

Angela had been writing songs over the years and had recorded some demos.

I took the demos to many producers and music companies, but it was no use at all, no one wanted to release them.

There was simply no market for her work and style.

She always thought I wanted her to do vampire music, but she didn’t have a choice.

If she didn’t do vampires as a market, someone else would soon come in.

And then she’ll have nothing left.

That’s what’s scary.

I’m doing her a favor.”

David grunted, “And by doing what’s best for her, you mean letting her drink blood, drink alcohol, and do drugs?”

Kim shook her head, “I never let her do that, drinking blood was just a way to play along and create an atmosphere, a lot of the time it was red wine.

She is somewhat decadent and likes to drink, I’ve talked her out of it more than once.

As for drugs, she did use drugs in the past, but I have helped her quit.

I would never let her take drugs.

I’m really doing it for her good.”

The lieutenant nodded, “It’s kinda touching.”

“Everything I said is true.”

“So you’re innocent.”

“Of course, I would never kill Angela.”

“Good.” The lieutenant pulled a mold from a nearby bag, “If you have a clear conscience, leave your own teeth marks.”

Kim gulped, “Can I refuse?”

“Of course.

But what you just said will be greatly minimized.”

Kim took a deep breath, took the mold, bit into it, and handed it back to the lieutenant, “Is that okay?”

“Thanks. I believe what you just said now.” The lieutenant finished, “Would you like to assist us in solving the case?”

Kim nodded, “Although what Angela did saddens me, she’s gone …… I’ve always thought of her as a sister, and I don’t want her to die for no reason.”

The lieutenant took out another photo of the blood-colored pattern the murderer had left on the victim, “Do you recognize this pattern?”

Kim picked up the photo and looked at it closely, “This is the pattern painted on Angela’s body?”

“You didn’t see it when you found Angela’s body?”

“I was too stunned to look closely.”

“Then take a closer look now.”

Kim stared at the photo for a moment, “Come to think of it, I’ve seen that pattern before.”

132 Roma Street, Jarvis Lorca’s house.

A large amount of blood was found in the gut of the deceased Angela, the owner of the blood was Jarvis Lorca.

A black Ford Explorer was parked at the curb.

Blackie looked out into the yard, “What kind of attitude should we take visiting Jarvis?”

Luke was checking his gun and ignored him.

Blackie continued, “Do you think Jarvis could be Angela’s killer?”

Luke still didn’t answer.

The fact that Angela had been killed by someone sucking her blood, and that someone else’s blood had been found in Angela’s stomach, was a bizarre yes in itself.

Jarvis could be the killer.

Or he could be another victim.

After the two get out of the car, Luke observes the area around the yard.

It was a typical black neighborhood with dirty surroundings, it was like two worlds from the neighborhood Luke lived in.

In many people’s impression, the status of Chinese was lower than blacks.

In fact, that was already a rather old-fashioned concept.

Many years ago, the Chinese generation of laborers were indeed at the bottom of the hierarchy, but the Chinese valued education, and the second and third generations of Chinese had a higher and higher status, and the number of Chinese mayors was increasing.

Blackie walked over and knocked on the door, “Knock knock.”

“Who’s outside?” A loud woman shouted.

“With a creak ……, the door opened.

A black woman in her forties stood in the doorway with two children behind her, neither of whom looked very old.

Blackie asked, “Is this the Jarvis Lorca house?”


“What do you want with him?”

Blackie flashed his badge, “LAPD.”

The black woman was a little surprised, “I didn’t call the police.”

Blackie said, “We’re looking for Jarvis Lorca for some information.”

“What about him?”

Luke sized up the black woman, “What are you to him?”

“I’m her wife.” The black woman stepped aside, “Please come in and sit down.”

The two Luke’s entered the house and invited the two to sit on the couch.

The house was a little run down but cleaned up fairly well, Luke surveyed the house and saw a picture of a husband and wife and four children sitting on the TV stand.

The man in the picture was none other than Jarvis Lorca.

Luke didn’t find any vampire related items in the house, “Is Jarvis home?”

“No, he’s gone to work. What do you want to find out from him?”

“There was a homicide in the early hours of yesterday morning, he was probably a witness and we’d like to get some information from him.”

“A homicide!” Jarvis’ wife gave a surprised look, “When?”

“Between one and four o’clock yesterday morning?”

Jarvis’ wife breathed a sigh of relief, “Are you guys mistaken, he was at home sleeping at the time, he couldn’t have witnessed any homicide.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, we were in the same bed.”

“Is it possible he left while you were resting?”

“No, I’m a very light sleeper and any movement on his part would surely wake me up.”

Luke’s words changed to a different thought, “Does Jarvis like vampires?”

Jarvis’s wife shook her head, “If it was twenty years ago, there’s a chance he’d be interested, but he’s in his forties now, there’s no way he’d be interested in that shit.”

“Is he a fan of Angela Chael?”

“Who’s Angela?”

“Who does he usually like to listen to?”

“He’s not very interested in music, he does go to the movies once in a while, he’s a very uninteresting person.” Jarvis’s wife shook her head, “All of what you guys are saying makes me feel like a completely different person than Jarvis.

Are you guys sure you’re looking for my husband?”

Now the situation wasn’t quite what Luke thought it was either, “What kind of person did you remember Jarvis to be?”

“Just an average guy, I can’t think of any hobbies he had other than liking to drink.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

Jarvis’ wife glanced at the watch on the wall, “Three hours ago, I saw him off to work.”

“Where does he work?”

“He works as a treasurer at Moncado Management.”

“What’s his cell phone number?”

“626 876 3174,” Jarvis’ wife intoned, “Trust me, don’t waste your time, you must have the wrong guy.”


Tariq’s Pizza.

A middle-aged black man walks into the pizzeria, a look of urgency on his face, walks up to the counter, purses his thick lips and

“Hey …… uh …… I want a little food but don’t have much money ……”

The girl with the black-rimmed glasses smiled knowingly and turned to the back kitchen, coming out again with a large pizza box in her hand to hand to the black man.

The black middle-aged man opened the box, inside was leftover pizza pie, “Thanks.”

The girl smiled, “See you tomorrow.”

“Thank you very much.” The middle-aged black man spoke sincerely and left, holding the pizza box.

After leaving the house, he got into the gray Volkswagen and put the pizza on the passenger side, “Ding ding ding ding ……”

Just then, his cell phone rang.

“This is Jarvis.”

“This is Detective Luke from the Robbery-Murder Division, trying to get some information from you.”

“What kind of information?”

“Where are you? It would be best if we met to talk.”

“I have to work this afternoon.”

“It won’t bother you long, we’ll come over to you.”

“Let’s meet at the east gate of Bourne Park, I happen to be eating in that neighborhood.”

“See you in a minute.”

Bourne Park East Gate.

Half an hour later, Jarvis was sitting on a park bench eating pizza, looking a little uneasy and looking around from time to time.

Two men approached, a black man and a handsome brunette.

The handsome black-haired man greeted, “Hi, I’m Detective Luke, we spoke on the phone.”

Jarvis rushed to put the pizza box aside, “I’m Jarvis, what do you guys want to see me about?”


“I’m investigating a murder case and wanted to get some information from you.”

Jarvis shook his head, “A murder case? I don’t understand what you guys mean?”

“It’s just a routine inquiry, you don’t have to be too nervous.” Luke reassured and asked, “Where were you between one and four in the morning on June 5th?

“I was at home sleeping.”

“Can anyone attest to that?”

“My wife and child.”

Luke jotted down in his notebook that the couple’s statements were consistent: “Do you know Angela Chale?”


“Are you sure you haven’t been to her new album party?”

“I haven’t been to a party in a long time, what the hell does this have to do with me?”

Luke scrutinized the other man, the man in front of him was indeed the person they were trying to find, it was logical that a DNA match should not be a problem.

“Angela was a homicide victim and we found your blood in her.”

“Even buy a Karma ……,” Jarvis pinched his forehead, “How did I get so unlucky, damn it ……”

“Can you explain why she has your blood inside her?”

“I can’t explain, I don’t even know any Angela.”

Luke could see that the other man seemed to be hiding something, “Jarvis, keep your head up, running away won’t solve anything.

We’re here to help you.

Tell us everything you know.”

Jarvis sighed softly, “I really haven’t done anything, it’s just …… that I went to sell blood.”

This is very common with unpaid blood donation, most countries have it.

But selling blood is illegal in most places around the globe.

But unlike the United States, where blood sales are allowed, this country provides 70 percent of the world’s plasma blood usage.

The United States, as an advanced capitalist country, has used capital to its fullest extent.

Prisons can be privatized, banks can be private institutions, and the people are likewise allowed to sell blood legally.

Major pharmaceutical companies have opened hundreds of blood stations for blood collection.

“Which blood station did you sell at?”

“Abbott Bio’s blood collection station.”

“What date did you sell the blood?”

“May 30th.”

Luke made a mental note of the blood collection company, and if Jarvis wasn’t lying, then he probably had nothing to do with the case.

But there was likely something wrong with this company; the United States allowed for the legal sale and collection of blood.

However, there were also strict regulations on plasma’s, and a case like Angela’s obviously didn’t fit into the normal path of use.

Black was an emotional person and asked, “Don’t you have a job? Why do you want to sell blood?”

“I …… am unemployed.”

Blacky comforted, “Man, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s not your fault, and a lot of people have experienced unemployment.

Besides, aren’t there unemployment benefits? It shouldn’t be enough to sell blood.”

Jarvis looked down at his palm, “It’s not the first time I’ve been out of work, I got laid off once a while back and collected unemployment benefits for seven weeks.

The unemployment assistance office arranged for me to take lectures, training, and helped me come and connect with new jobs.

I am very grateful to them, all very kind people, and with the help of the Unemployment Assistance Office, I got a new job as a storekeeper at the Moncado Management Company.

The work there was all mechanized, which I had never tried before, and an operational error caused damage to the company.

The company felt that I was not capable enough to do the job and dismissed me.

This time it was my fault and there is no way I can get unemployment assistance again.

I really need this job and am trying to learn to do it well.

That is, for me and for my family.

If I was given more time, I would be confident that I could do the job well.

But …… a lot of things are like that.

The more you are afraid of something, the more it will happen.”

Blackie pressed, “Doesn’t your wife know?”

“No, I don’t want her to worry too much, it’s hard for her to take care of four kids every day, it’s not easy than me, I don’t want to give her more pressure.

I’m working hard to find a job, I’m confident that I’ll be able to find something suitable.

I’ll tell her when the time comes.”

Xiao Hei patted his shoulder, “I believe in you, it will be possible.

This is my business card, you can contact me if you need anything.”

Jarvis took the card and nodded slightly, “Thank you, Detective Marcus.”

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