Chapter 165

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In a black Ford Explorer.

Blackie put down the handbrake, “Where are we going?”

Luke thoughtfully, “The blood collection station of Able Bio.

I don’t think this matter is that simple, this clue has to be investigated.”

Blackie started the car while lamenting, “You know what? About Jarvis’ matter, I thought of many possibilities at first, thinking that Jarvis might be Angela’s murderer.

Thought he might be another victim, but didn’t realize he was actually selling blood.

It’s a bad feeling for me.”

Luke said, “There are a lot of people who sell blood for a living in the United States, and we are very limited in what we can do.”

“You’re right, but it’s hard to see Jarvis the way he is, and I’m a little blocked up inside.

A middle-aged man living such a wretched life, and the saddest thing about him is not that he’s unemployed, but that he doesn’t even have the courage to tell his family when he’s unemployed.

You can imagine what heavy pressure he is carrying, and this pressure can crush a person alive.

If he can find a new job it might solve the problem, but if he never finds a job, I really don’t dare to think about it ……”

Black sighed and continued, “You know what? That’s why I don’t want to get married, once you get married it means family and responsibility, this pressure is too much.

I …… don’t think I can afford it.

I don’t have that ability.

This is also the reason why Julian and I broke up.

Will you think I’m useless and trashy.”

“No, that’s exactly what it means to be responsible for your marriage and your significant other.” Luke reminisced about the past, “Those who get married today, divorced tomorrow, and born but not raised are the real trash.”

Black extended his right hand in a fist bumping gesture, “You’re right, I was thinking the same thing.”

Luke slapped his hand away, “Drive properly.”

Blacky asked rhetorically, “Are you sure you want to go to the blood collection station at Able Bio?”

“Is there a problem?”

“Do you remember? I know a guy nicknamed ‘Bloodman’, we can get some information from him if you want.”

Luke thought for a moment, the plasma that lawyer Dave had used to fake the murder scene during the Taser robbery had been bought from this guy nicknamed ‘Bloodman’, “Garcia Logue?”

“That’s right, this guy also runs a blood station, he’s well connected in the industry, he might know the head of the blood collection station at Abbot Bio.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Since we have a clear clue that there’s something wrong with the person in charge of the blood collection station at Abbot Bio? Why go through Garcia at all? Is there any benefit to it?”

Black thought for a moment, “It depends on what you think.

Garcia and I have a good relationship, and I think he can act as a lubricant between us and the Able Bio Company Blood Collection Station, which is more appropriate than going directly to the door.

The Abbot Biologics blood collection station wouldn’t be too embarrassed, and we’d get what we want.”

“What about Garcia? What does he get?”

Blackie laughed, “He can get our trust, and as for what he can get from the Able Bio Company blood collection station, it’s up to him.

Moreover, in the future, as long as it is related to illegal blood collection, no matter whether we have any clues or not, we can look for him. He’s good at snooping.”

Luke thought about it, Blackie was good at enlisting informants, and it was clear that he was going to give Garcia the benefit of the doubt.

The police had already gotten a definite clue that there might be illegal transactions at the blood collection station of Able Bio, and if Luke came to his door to investigate, this company would definitely be in a mess, and everyone up and down the company could get into trouble.

But the problem is, what Luke wants is just to know who bought the plasma, to investigate whether the other party is related to the murder case, to make a mess of Abbott Bio’s blood collection station will not do him any good, why bother?

It’s detrimental.

This is one of the striking differences between the Chinese police and the American police.

China’s departments and systems are like the roots of a tree, if you run them upwards, they all lead to the trunk and straight to heaven.

As a police officer, if you find any place that violates the law, you can report it to the police, and you may win a prize for meritorious service.

It’s not just a power, it’s an obligation.

But the United States is different, the various systems are independent of each other, everyone minding their own mess.

Take the simplest example.

If it is China.

A foreign policeman travels to the imperial capital and sees someone committing murder in the street.

He has no law enforcement power in the empire, whether he cares or not.


And as long as he catches the murderer, he will be rewarded and promoted back in his hometown, even more so than if he catches the suspect in his own hometown.

The reason is very simple, the police of all departments and regions are under the control of the Ministry of Public Security.

It’s all one system, one family.

The soldiers under my command show their faces in the imperial capital, how dignified they are to say so, and how much they are honored, so they definitely need to be rewarded properly.

But America is different.

Luke, as LAPD, if he traveled to New York and saw some illegal behavior, would he care?

Depends on the mood.

If he feels sorry for the victim and is moved by compassion, he may help.

Instead, he probably wouldn’t even both to look at it, he’s traveling, why should his mood be affected by homicides in other cities.

He’s LAPD, spends the tax dollars of the people of Los Angeles, and is accountable only to the people of Los Angeles.

Not the NYPD.

Why should LA reward you for saving the citizens of NY?

It’s a little harsh, but it’s true.

Similarly, Luke is only investigating the murder case, Abbott Biological Company blood collection station has no gray chain of interests, none of his business.

Which country, which industry doesn’t have a gray chain of interest?

The blood collection station of Abbott Bio.

A black man wearing a big gold chain walked into the blood collection station, looked around and walked to the front desk.

The receptionist in charge of the front desk was a white middle-aged woman who took one look at the black man, her eyes fell on his gold chain that was the thickness of her small thumb, and she felt that he didn’t look like he was here to sell blood: “What do you want?”

“I want to see your station manager.”

“Our station manager is not here, what can I do for him?”

“I just spoke to him on the phone, he told me to come.”

The white woman at the front desk who was in charge of reception asked back, “Are you Garcia Logue?”

“I prefer to be called ‘Bloodman’ Garcia.”

The white woman shrugged, “The innermost room in the left hallway, he’s waiting for you.”

Garcia’s nickname sounded bluffing, and did run a blood station, but it was small, far from being comparable to a large company like Able Bio.

“Knock knock.”

“Come in.”

Garcia pushed his way into the office and said to the white man behind the desk, “Hey Pato, good to see you.”

“Garcia, what can I do for you?” The white man asked lightly without getting up, giving him a look.

Garcia bristled, slightly disgruntled, “Is this how you treat your friends?”

Pato laughed, “You know very well that we are not people along the way, and we can’t talk about friends.

I invited you in to give you face. What can I do for you?”

“OK, realistically, since you don’t think we’re all friends, I’ll keep it simple.” Garcia sat in the chair across the desk and crossed his legs, “You’re in trouble.

I had thought we were sort of friends and was trying to help you out.”

Pato laughed, not really taking it to heart, “What kind of trouble, why don’t I know myself?”

“I have a friend who is a high ranking member of the Robbery and Murder Division, they are investigating a murder case that involves a large amount of plasma, after their investigation those plasma most likely came from Able Bio’s blood collection station, they are applying for a search warrant.”

Garcia glanced at his Rolex watch, “I estimate that I should be here within an hour. I’m telling you this because I consider you a friend.

But it doesn’t look like you need my help, so there’s nothing more to say.” Garcia stood up and made to leave.

“Wait, are you telling the truth?”

“Don’t you know yourself if you’ve done it or not?”

Pato rushed to stop the other party, “Uh …… Garcia, thanks for the reminder, please sit down and let’s talk.”

“What’s there to talk about?”

“I need your help, I don’t want to get involved in a homicide case, it’ll be a pain in the ass, you know.”

“We’re not friends, why should I help you.”

“We may not have been before, but we certainly will be. You help me and I’ll help you.

I’ll owe you a favor for this one, and I’ll repay you.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.” Garcia made it to the desk again, “How do you want me to help you?”

“No warrant, and I don’t want to be involved in a homicide.”

“But you’re already involved.”

Pato glanced at the door and whispered, “I’m just trying to make a little extra money and have nothing at all to do with the so-called homicide. Can you help me?”

“I can help you plead with that boss of the Robbery and Murder Division, but I can’t guarantee that he’ll listen. Until then, you’ll have to show sincerity.”

“What sincerity?”

“The man involved in the murders is named Jarvis Lorca, and he sells his blood at your blood station, and you sell it privately to the real murderer.

Whoever bought his blood could be the real killer.

You have to name the person who bought the plasma so I can plead for you.”

Pato hesitated for a moment, “Just the name, no warrant, no police.”

“I’ll fight for you.”

“Garcia, thank you. I’ll be sure to thank you properly as long as you can help me through this.”

Garcia patted his shoulder, “We’re all friends, no need to be too polite.”

“You’re right, we’re all friends.”

Detective Bureau.

Robbery and Murder Division conference room.

Susan gathered the crowd together, “Everyone’s here, summarize the progress of the investigation.”

Jenny was the first to speak, “Angela’s father came in today to identify the body and Ramon and I gave him a statement.

Angela’s parents divorced a long time ago, and Angela was raised by her father, by her grandmother to be exact.

Four years ago, Angela’s grandmother passed away.

That’s when Angela was introduced to vampire culture.

Then, one thing led to another.

Angela wasn’t too close to her father.

We also asked about some of the circumstances surrounding the case, and he basically didn’t know anything about it.

Some things were rather less well known than Kim.”

The lieutenant continued, “We found Kim.

When Angela died, this guy was on fire instead and was busy giving interviews to the media everywhere.

He switched out his previous cell phone card because he was taking a lot of harassing calls.

We gave him a statement and asked about a couple of suspects.

The first was the issue of turning off the bar surveillance, he claimed that it was Angela who didn’t like the feeling of being watched, and it was Angela who asked for the bar surveillance to be turned off.

Given that Angela was dead, this could not be corroborated for the time being.

As for Angela wanting to terminate her contract, he claimed that he had no knowledge of it and said that he felt aggrieved that all he had done was for Angela.

He admitted that Angela had a history of drug use in the past, but he claimed that he had helped Angela get clean and didn’t know that Angela was currently using drugs.”

Luke asked, “Is his word credible?”

“We got a mold of his teeth and sent it to the tech section for identification, and his teeth don’t match the killer, so we can rule him out as a suspect for now.

I feel his word is still more credible.” The lieutenant pulled out a picture of Angela’s arm and

“I questioned him about this blood-colored pattern.

According to him, this mark was found by him from a book specializing in vampires, a pattern for bestowing the first embrace ritual.

About two years ago, Angela held a sweepstakes on her personal website, where the winning fans were given a silver pendant, which was a kind of benefit for the fans.

The silver pendant had this First Embrace Ceremony pattern printed on it, of which there were a total of 10 lucky fans who won, and the prize was not announced to the public, so I suspect that the murderer might have been one of those 10 lucky fans.

We got the list of the winning fans and are in the process of eliminating them.”

Susan nodded, “Sounds like it’s going well, Luke, what’s the progress on your end?”

“We found the owner of the plasma, he wasn’t a fan of Angela’s, hadn’t been at the album party that night, but had gone to the blood station to sell blood because he was unemployed.

We used that lead to track down the person who purchased his plasma from the blood station.” Luke put a piece of information on the projector.

Name, Darci Ross.

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 2, 1994

Cell phone number, 626 876 2578

Residential address, 202 Leavell Avenue

Social Security Number, 623-53-7342

“According to our investigation, this individual has been purchasing plasma from the blood bank for a long time.

Over a hundred liters of plasma have been purchased this year alone.” Luke replaced a piece of information.

Ten liters of plasma were purchased in January.

Twenty liters of plasma were purchased in February.

Twenty-five liters of plasma were purchased in March.

April purchased 30 liters of plasma.

May purchased 10 liters of plasma.

Susan frowned, “What is the suspect Darci doing buying so much plasma? Did the head of the blood station know?”

“No idea.

But with such a large amount of plasma, Angela certainly couldn’t use it all by herself, and Darci may have sold it to others.

Vampire fans are a very important group among them.

Dracula’s bar was also a gathering place for vampire fans, and he probably sold plasma there, too.

If the speculation is correct, then the Dracula Bar murder and Angela’s murder are connected.

Darcy Ross could very well be the key figure in solving the case, and could even very well be the murderer.” Luke turned the tables and suggested that

“Captain, if my speculation is correct, the two cases can be considered to be investigated together, perhaps more similar clues can be found.”

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