Chapter 167

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke told Susan about his speculation.

Susan quickly realized the seriousness of the problem, the presence of holy blood would probably mass produce vampire murderers.

It was too dangerous.

Susan gathered the crowd to study the operation to capture Darcy.

Jenny said, “Since yesterday afternoon, Ramon and I have been investigating Darci’s whereabouts.

We checked all the official information, the cell phone can’t be reached and the house has changed tenants.

It’s hard to find Darci through official channels, and he may be consciously avoiding the police.”

Susan asked, “What do the others have to offer?”

The lieutenant suggested, “Since it involves solo products, we can contact the Gang and Drug Enforcement Division, maybe they know more about Darci.”

“I’ll communicate with them.” Susan scanned the others, “But we can’t just count on them.”

Luke laughed, “I think we can get Marcus to try, maybe he can do it.”

9:00 p.m. Dracula’s Bar.

The owner of the bar, Robin Dawgus, was arrested, but the bar had more than one shareholder, and the bar still had to do business, and after a few days of closure and reorganization, it resumed business once again.

The vampire bite incident at Dracula’s Bar is gradually spreading, and the bar has more customers than before.

The dimly lit bar could see all kinds of people in strange costumes, and there were many people who came from far away, just with the hunting mentality, wanting to see if there were really vampires.

The bar was also playing a rock song by the vampire queen ‘Angela’.

“When I wander around the corner of your house ……

Hoping that my ghastly white complexion won’t reveal my disguise ……

Just for tonight will you break away from the human race?

Our steadfast love shall last forever ……

When blood is poured into the soul ……


Will be my first embrace.”

The story of the vampire queen’s death by vampire bite was also spreading, and many people were taking a keen interest in the story.

It had already caused a vampire craze on a small scale.

Kim made an immediate decision to take advantage of this moment to put the new album on the market, and in just one day sales had already outstripped demand, with many specialty stores already sold out.

Of course, this didn’t mean that Angela’s album sales could match those of first-tier singers.

It was more because of insufficient preparation beforehand and low stock.

In the bar, a black man wearing a scarlet cape and smearing red lips was twisting and dancing hotly on the dance floor.

From time to time, he opened his mouth wide, revealing fangs in his upper jaw, and would pout and slap his ass, drawing a lot of stares and cheers.

There were also a few female ‘vampires’ who walked over to dance with him.

The atmosphere of the scene was quickly mobilized.

By the end of the song, the man had become one of the craziest black boys in the bar.

He walked over to the bar and asked for a glass of whiskey, while drinking it all in one go, tilting his head, revealing his fangs, and showing an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Just then, a man of Mexican descent wearing a half mask approached him, “Hey man, you’re a good dancer.”

The black man bared his fangs, “Who told you to sit here, I’m not interested in men.”

The masked man asked, “What are you interested in then?”



Blood!” The black man bared his fangs with a touch of madness.

“Just in time, I have what you need.” The masked man pulled a packet of plasma out of his pocket, “Would you like to try it? Drink this to be considered a true vampire.”

The black man gulped, an expectant look on his face, “Is it real blood?”

“Of course.”

“How much?”

“One hundred dollars.”

The black man said disdainfully, “You think I haven’t drank plasma before? How dare you ask for a hundred dollars for such a small packet, you’re the real ‘vampire’.”

“Man, this is not ordinary plasma, it contains vampire’s ‘holy blood’, as long as you drink this plasma containing holy blood, you will also become a real vampire.”

“I already am.”

“No, those who haven’t drunk holy blood are not considered true vampires at all.

You’re a first time buyer, I can give you a 50% discount, trust me, you’ll fall in love with this magical blood, it will make you stronger and have the power of a real vampire.”

The black man seemed a bit impressed and pulled a fifty dollar bill out of his pocket.

The masked man handed the black man the plasma and took the fifty dollars from him, “Man, you won’t regret this.”

“But you will.”

Just then, a young black-haired man approached him and put a gun to his back, “LAPD, you’re under arrest.”

The man in the mask was startled, “Haha, don’t joke around, I was almost scared by you.”

Luke squared his shoulders, “I never joke about my guns.”

“Hey man, there’s no need for that, I’m just a plasma seller, if you guys aren’t happy with that I can leave right now.”

“Cut the crap, are there any more of your associates in the bar?”


Luke opened his backpack and found more plasma from it, “These are holy blood?”

“Yes, you can have all of it if you want, as long as you let me go.” The masked man’s voice was a bit panicked.

“We’ll take the plasma, and you’ll have to come with us.” Luke took off the mask of the Chicano man and handed it to Blackie who was on the side.

The Chicano man selling plasma looked at Xiao Hei in surprise, “You’re a cop too.”

Blackie put on the mask and smiled somewhat proudly, “Isn’t my acting great.”

Luke laughed, “You don’t need to act, just release your nature.”

Detective Bureau.

The first interrogation room of the Robbery and Murder Division.

Seeing such a big battle, the Chicano man selling plasma seemed to be a bit intimidated and his face was covered in sweat.

“Bosses, you’ve got it wrong, I’m just a plasma seller.”

Luke asked, “What’s your name?”

“Pierce Domo.”

“Where did you get your plasma?”

“Bought it.”

“Bought it from where?”

“From …… I don’t know who he is, we just pay with one hand and deliver with the other. I didn’t ask him who he was, and he didn’t know who I was.”

Luke advised, “Pierce, the plasma you’re carrying has been sent for testing, you should know very well that it’s not ordinary plasma, and even more so what else is in it.

We have done a lot of investigation beforehand, and the holy blood you are selling can be more than just plasma.

If you cooperate with the police, you can turn into a tainted witness to identify other suspects and get a favorable plea deal.

On the contrary, if you say nothing.

Those accomplices of yours will also turn to identify you, and then, not only will you not be able to get a favorable plea deal.

There is also the possibility of being identified by your accomplices as the main culprit in the case, you should understand the difference.”

Pierce Domo thought for a moment, “What kind of plea bargain can I get if I tell.”

“You can start by making a hypothetical statement and we’ll make a judgment based on the actual situation, if a plea consensus can be reached, the plea deal and confession will stand.

If a plea bargain cannot be reached, the hypothetical statement will not be admissible in court and will not be used as evidence by the prosecution against you.”

“So will I be retaliated against?”

“As long as you are willing to identify the main culprit, our police will naturally provide the appropriate protection, in addition, his sentence will definitely be longer than yours, you don’t have to worry about that.” Under Luke’s thoughtfulness, Pierce was a bit shaken.

“You guys guessed correctly, this is not ordinary blood plasma, there are also some uniques in it that can make people extremely euphoric and hallucinate.

That’s why it’s called Holy Blood.”

“What kind of ingredients does the holy blood contain in the uniques?”

“I’m not sure, I just joined not long ago and I haven’t been trusted yet.”

“How many people are in your organization and who is in charge?”

“Darci is in charge, he’s the one who came to me to sell the goods, and I’m not sure if there are others.

However, judging from Darci’s arrangement, there should be others who are in charge of selling the goods just like me.”

“How will Darci give you the goods?”

“He’ll call me ahead of time and tell me to wait at the place where he’s selling the goods, and then he’ll drive the goods there.”

Luke said, “That’s not a smart way to do it.”

Pierce said, “Darcey used to sell his goods alone, then he hired me to help when the sales of his goods opened up and he couldn’t keep himself busy.

We’re still in the teething stages.”

Luke asked, “Were you also the one selling plasma at Dracula’s Bar on the night of June 1?”

“No, I hadn’t joined then. It was my first time selling at Dracula’s Bar.”

Luke laughed, “Of course, as long as it’s the first time you’re caught, you’ll always say first time.”

“I swear, I did just join, I only started selling for the first time on June 5th, and I had nothing to do with the vampire bite that happened on June 1st.”

“You know about the vampire bite that happened behind Dracula’s bar.”

“Yes, the story has spread, that’s why the bar has so many customers, the bar is doing well, there are a lot of vampire fans, and the plasma business is doing well.

Darcy couldn’t keep busy on her own before she came to me.”

“Where did you say you were selling for the first time on June 5th?”

Pierce was silent.

Luke said, “If you don’t tell us, he’ll tell us when we’ve got Darcey, and when the police take his confession, the situation will be very bad for you, and you’d better understand that.”

“OK, we went to a singer’s new album party.”

“Which singer?”



“Since it was my first time selling, and I didn’t know a lot of things or how to sell, Darci had me shadow him and showed me how to pick out potential customers.

How to sell the goods the fastest.”

Luke followed up with, “I assume you guys know about Angela’s murder?”

“Yes, it was a big deal and we heard about it after the fact.”

Luke tried, “Did you guys kill Angela?”

“No, we didn’t do that, we were just selling plasma, nothing else had anything to do with us, we only saw Angela from a distance, we never even got close.”

“How did you sell plasma to Angela?”

“That agent of Angela’s, the guy named Kim’s didn’t let us get close to Angela at all, and he was the one who bought two bags of plasma from us.”

“How much plasma did you sell in total that night?”

“About twenty bags, Angela’s fans are all vampire fans, they’re all crazy, especially when Angela sang on stage, that atmosphere was really great, I don’t believe in such creatures as vampires, but I still found it shocking.

As for those fans of Angela’s, they were going crazy.

I have a feeling that Angela must have been killed by her fans.

Only those perverts would just suck human blood.”

Luke said, “Is that how you see your clients?”

“I’m new to the business, and to be honest, I already have some regrets. Shouldn’t have listened to Darci’s bullshit.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in the predicament I’m in now.”

“Do you remember which ones you sold to?”

“Well, there were men, women, blacks and whites, and those guys were all dressed in strange clothes, so if I put it in normal times, I would be able to remember it, but when everyone was dressed abnormally, I couldn’t remember it instead.”

“Where is Darcy now?”

“I have no idea.”

“Can you reach him now?”

“He’s a cautious person, he usually takes the initiative to contact me, and even if I take the initiative to call him, my cell phone usually doesn’t work.”

“What time does Darci usually contact you?”

“Two in the morning, he’ll call and ask me to pay up.”

“Does he sell the goods himself now?”

“Knowing him as I do, he certainly sells the goods himself; he’s one of those calculating people who would never hire more than one person if he could get a smaller share.

If the market hadn’t gotten so big that he couldn’t keep himself busy by himself, he definitely wouldn’t have hired me.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “You know him well, it’s not like you just met him.”

“Yes, we knew each other a long time ago, he used to be a poor boy like me, even worse off than me, I was kinda surprised when he became rich all of a sudden.”

“What places does he frequent to sell his wares?”

“I only know about that album party and Dracula’s Bar, I really don’t know about the other places, like I said, he’s very discreet, he doesn’t volunteer unless it’s necessary.”

“What kind of car did Darci drive and what was the license plate number? That’s something you can always see.”

“A black Volvo, license plate 8Aeb392.”

Luke made a note in his book, “I’ll verify everything you say, and you’d better not lie.

Not only will it delay the police, it won’t do you any good.”

“I swear, absolutely not.”

Blacky pulled out a dental mold, “Do you hate Darcy?”

“Of course I do, I wouldn’t be sitting here if I hadn’t listened to his flimflam.”

“Good, then think of this thing as Darcy and bite down hard.”

“Why? Can I refuse?”

“Are you Angela’s murderer?”


“Then what have you got to worry about?”

Pierce hesitated for a moment, but finally bit the bullet.

The mold was immediately sent to the Technical Division for expedited testing.

Subsequently, Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division began targeting Darcy’s cell phone number and car.

The case was urgent, and once the news of Pierce’s capture leaked out, Dalsey would likely escape.

Therefore, the police must make every effort to track down Darcey tonight.

Luke also had no choice but to work passive overtime.

Soon, news came from the Technical Division side that the cell phone number provided by Pierce belonged to the out-of-connection status and could not be located for the time being.

Subsequently, the police adjusted their investigation into two directions, the first tracking Darci’s black Volvo sedan.

The second, according to Pierce, Darci would call at 2:00 am and ask him to go to an agreed location to hand over the money.

That would be the best time to make an arrest.

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