Chapter 170

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:58:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

August pleads guilty.

The murder case at Dracula’s Bar was successfully solved, and the closing phase began.

In the evening, the crowd went to the bar together to celebrate.

There was still a ceremony, and it was a kind of incentive.


The crowd made a toast.

Luke took a big gulp of the cold beer, the stuff was still good cold.

What was the best thing about being a cop in America? It wasn’t making a lot of money or being able to shoot people, it was realizing the freedom to drink.

Most men like to have a few drinks when they reach a certain age, especially in the high-risk industry of the police, where people are busy all day and feel great when they relax and have a little drink.

Of course, this is from the police’s point of view, if we consider from the public’s point of view certainly hope that the police stand by 24 hours.

However, this is difficult to realize in the United States, LAPD once off duty, also have the right to enjoy freedom.

Susan walked up carrying a small black bag, “Hey guys, I just went to the technical division and I’m late.”

The lieutenant followed up, “Any new developments in the Technical Division?”

“That’s right, the blood that Luke collected off the farm has been identified by DNA testing.

The identification did not match Darcy’s DNA and it is being compared to the DNA samples in the database, no results yet.”

Susan took a glass of wine from Jenny, “Thank you.

Also, the blood collected off the farm was identified as being type B and should have come from a white man.”

Luke frowned, “This is different from the farm owner Jefferson’s description, according to Jefferson’s description the thief should be a black man.

Could the blood found outside the farm not have come from the thief?

Has someone else been to the farm?”

Luke finished, thinking to himself that it was a little unlikely.

The lieutenant continued, “I think there are two possibilities, the first is that it was dark and the farm owner didn’t see it and mistook the suspect for a black man.

The second possibility, the farm owner lied.”

Blackie thought for a moment, “I don’t have a good impression of that farm owner either, I feel like he’s not very friendly, but I don’t feel like he’s lying, he’s more of a seedzuist.

Whenever there’s something similarly bad, he habitually thinks it’s a black person, it must be a black person.

It’s a scary and common notion.”

Susan said, “Either way, I’ll contact the local patrol to keep an eye out.”

Blackie said, “Don’t we need to bring him in to redo his statement?”

Susan thought for a moment, “Not for now.

There’s no way to prove that the two cases are connected yet, and there’s no way to prove that the blood outside the farm came from the thief, so even if they were brought in again, it wouldn’t make much sense.

He could just as well say he was mistaken and dismiss the police with a word.”

As if remembering something, the lieutenant said, “Remember the information about the suspicious man I found out from my previous investigation into the blood pattern?

Young white guy!

From that, the suspicious man found outside the farm is most likely the murderer of Angela and Darci.

Instead, it proves that the farm burglary may be connected to the two murders.”

Susan asked rhetorically, “Lieutenant, do you also think the farm owner should be given a new statement?”

“No, there’s not much point in redoing the statement.

If he didn’t intentionally lie, it was probably a misreading.

If he even misread the race of the thief, there’s little point in redoing the statement, and his statement is no longer credible.

If he deliberately lied, he would lie just as much if he gave a statement again and would not easily confess, but would instead alert the police.

Therefore, I suggest that we can send someone to secretly investigate.”

Susan thought for a moment, “Ramon, Jenny, the farmer has not met you, so you will be in charge of the covert investigation.”

“Yes, captain.”

Susan spread her hands, “OK, that’s it for now, this is a bar, I don’t want to turn this into a conference room.

Guys, let’s have a toast. Talk about something else.”

At Susan’s suggestion, the crowd raised their glasses.

[Congratulations to the host for solving the ‘Dracula Bar Murder Case’ and successfully arresting 4 suspects, rewarded with 20 draw opportunities].

This case wasn’t particularly complicated, it was just that the investigation process had some twists and turns, one was because the bar owner Robin instructed two of his men to dump the bodies.

The other was because of the ‘Holy Blood’.

The most crucial is still related to vampires, shrouded in a veil of mystery.

When the fog was peeled away, the case itself was not complicated.

The draw interface appeared in Luke’s brain.

Lucky draw!

Pointer stops, one thousand dollars ……

After drawing twenty times, he drew two new cards, the Lip Syntax card [You can learn lip sync quickly].

It was also a practical little skill, not bad.

There are a total of 14 cards in the Sleuth System Warehouse.

Encounter Card, 3

Appraisal Card, 2

Bullet Dodge Card, 2

Boxing Card, 2

Lip Sync Card, 2 (new)

Precision Card, 1

Detection Card, 1

Pistol Card, 1

Sidewinder Card, 0

Observation Card, 0

Micro-Expression Analysis Card, 0

The variety of cards is now up to eleven.

In addition, 18,000 dollars had been drawn.

Luke recalculated his assets again, and he had come into quite a bit of money recently.

First was last month’s paycheck, which was almost ten thousand dollars before taxes, and over seven thousand dollars when it arrived.

Luke’s paycheck had gone up quite a bit because of two main reasons, the first being that he had been more involved in investigating cases lately, and his overtime pay was higher.

The other was that Luke had been promoted from Detective to Detective Sergeant, and had been elevated another rank, and his salary base and allowances had been raised accordingly.

In addition to this aspect, the Harley motorcycle settlement arrived, coming in at $30,000 after attorney’s fees and taxes paid.

Luke’s total assets now amounted to about $460,000 dollars.

Among them, the system reserve was 196,000 dollars, 35,000 dollars in stocks, and 230,000 dollars in cash.

Converted to RMB about 3 million dollars or so, this was cash!

Luke was a bit swollen.

I’m a rich man now.

When the case of ‘Holy Blood’ is solved, Luke must have a good time.

The next morning.

Luke arrived at the Detective Bureau and went to the Technical Division to inquire about the progress of the blood DNA comparison.

But unfortunately, the collection of blood outside the farm was still not matched successfully.

There was no progress in the case, and it wasn’t a good idea to wait around.

Luke turned his attention to Blackie again.

“Marcus, what are your thoughts on the matter?”

Blackie spread his hands, “What can I do, I’m not a vampire who can’t tell the identity of the owner of the blood.”

Luke said, “I do have a way, it’s up to you to make it work.”

“What solution?”

“Garcia the Blood.”

Black still didn’t understand, “What do we need him for? He can’t tell whose blood it is, even though he works with blood all the time.”

Luke explained, “Based on my speculation, the owner of the blood found outside the farm was probably shot.

Assuming that this suspect is Darcy’s killer, he wouldn’t even dare to go to a proper hospital for treatment because he wouldn’t be able to say what caused the injury.

But with a gunshot wound, there was no way he would not get treatment.

The biggest possibility is to go to a ‘black clinic’ to treat the gunshot wound, which will definitely require a blood transfusion during the treatment.

Human blood types can be categorized into type A, B, O and AB.

The suspect’s blood belonged to type B. If the clinic did not have any stock, the people from the black clinic would definitely go to buy plasma of type B.

Even if there is stock, the stock will be replenished after use.

Therefore, I estimate that the black clinic that treated the suspect’s gunshot wound will most likely purchase type B blood during the two-day period, and there’s no chance that Garcia will be able to find out any information.”

Black nodded after hearing that, “Not a bad idea.

However, I remember that type B can also be transfused with type O blood, right?”

Luke said, “It’s fine for emergencies, but usually the same type of blood is still transfused.

Especially if the wrong blood is transfused during an operation it could very well result in the death of the injured person.”

Blackie said, “I see, I’ll contact Garcia and ask him to help find out if there are any ‘black clinics’ acquiring B-type blood in the near future.”

Luke urged, “Don’t make a fuss when you find out, after all, this time is different from the last time, it’s just my speculation, we don’t have any evidence.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Marcus II won’t let you down.”

Just after eight in the evening.

Cam Street, Weeks Clinic.

The location of this clinic was relatively remote and the area wasn’t very large, although there weren’t many customers, the advantage was that the rent would be relatively low.

A black man wearing a gold chain ran into the clinic and shouted to the black female nurse at the front desk, “Hey, my brother is injured, can you treat gunshot wounds?”

The female nurse sized up the black man in front of her and took a step back, “Sir, we are a small clinic, you’d better go to another hospital if you want to be treated for gunshot wounds.”

The black man sounded anxious, “I was referred here by an acquaintance, my brother was shot, he can’t go to the hospital, only you can save him.”

The nurse asked in a low voice, “Sir, why can’t your friend go to the hospital for treatment?”

The black man took the gold ring off his hand and put it in the nurse’s hand, “That’s why, can you help me? If I wait any longer, my brother won’t make it.”

The female nurse weighed the gold ring in her hand and was somewhat moved, “Wait a moment.”

Afterwards, the female nurse went to the innermost clinic room.

When she came out again, she waved at the black man wearing the gold chain and reminded him in a low voice, “I’ve spoken to the doctor, you can talk to him in person, I can only help you up to this point.”

“Thanks.” The black man wearing a gold chain answered and quickly entered the consultation room.

In the consultation room, a white middle-aged man in a white coat was sitting behind a desk, and the two of them sized each other up.

The black man in the gold chain said, “Doctor, I need you to come with me.”

The doctor in the white coat refused, “What are you talking about silly, I’m not leaving my clinic.”

The black man said, “My friend has a gunshot wound and needs medical attention now.”

The white doctor said, “I will only save the patient in my clinic, even if I go with you, I will not be able to treat him without enough treatment equipment and medicine.”

The black man asked, “What then? Do you need me to bring him?”

The white doctor asked nonchalantly, “How did your friend get hurt?”

“He received a gunshot wound.”

“Which part of the body was shot, what type of gun, and roughly how far away was it?”

“Shot in the shoulder, from a pistol a dozen meters away, he’s lost a lot of blood and needs immediate medical attention.”

“What blood type is he?”

“Seems to be blood type A.”

The white doctor asked, “If your friend’s injuries are so serious, why don’t you go to the hospital for treatment?”

The black man shook his head, “He can’t go to the hospital.”

“Why can’t he go?”

“Because the hospital will call the police, and my friend doesn’t want the police to know about this.”

The white doctor showed a difficult look, “If that’s the case, then I’m afraid it’s not going to be easy.”

The black man asked back, “What do you mean? Can’t be cured?”

The white doctor meant it, “No, of course I can treat it, I just treated a man with a gunshot wound in his arm two days ago, the treatment aspect is not a problem.”

“Then what was the problem?”

“You should know that getting shot is no small matter, and it’s reasonable to say that you usually have to report it to the police.

It would be difficult for us.

There’s also a certain amount of risk to be taken.” The white doctor gave a you-know-what look.

The black man took off the gold necklace from his neck and put it on the doctor’s desk, “Consider this as a deposit, as long as you cure my brother, I’ll give you more money.”

The white doctor picked up the gold chain and felt the weight, “I want another twenty thousand dollars.”

“FUCK, you might as well go rob it!”

“That’s the market rate, if you can’t take it, you can go elsewhere for treatment.” The white doctor shrugged.

The black man thought for a moment, “OK, as long as you can cure my brother, I can give you twenty thousand dollars.”

“Very well, then hurry up and prepare the money, you have to pay for the surgery before you can be treated.”

“Are you really a doctor, you money-minded guy?”

“Go to the hospital if you think it’s too expensive, no one is begging you to come.” The white doctor pushed the gold chain back.

The black man, though reluctant, compromised, “I promise you, twenty thousand dollars, no police.”

The white doctor reminded again, “No problem.

Bring the patient in from the back, and the money along with it.”

Just then, the black man suddenly changed his face and laughed, “I don’t have the money, but I do have this.”

The white doctor saw the other party pull out his badge and revealed a stunned look, “You’re a cop?”

“That’s right, you black-hearted doctor is going to have bad luck.” The black man had a smug look on his face.

This black man was no other than Blackie who had gotten the news from Bloodman Garcia.

According to Bloodman Garcia, on the day of June 8th, this black clinic had urgently purchased B-type blood, and the time and blood type matched the situation of the suspect who had been shot.

However, since it was only speculation, Luke and the others could not directly go to the door to investigate, so they chose to use this approach.

Soon, Luke also arrived at the clinic.

He sized up the white doctor, “What’s your name?”

“Priss Fett.”

“Dr. Priss, do you know that treating gunshot wounds privately is a violation?”

“I know, I just …… got spooked for a moment.

This is my first time, I hope you guys will give me another chance.”

Xiao Hei said, “No, you’re not the first time, you just said it, you also treated a gunshot wound two days ago, I not only heard it clearly, but also have already all photographed it.

Don’t you dare try to weasel out of it.”

Dr. Priss said, “I was cajoling you then, there was no such thing ……”

Luke interrupted him, “Don’t lie, you’re not the only one in this clinic, and if you lie and get identified by someone else, you’ll end up worse.

Tell me the truth, did you treat a patient with a gunshot wound on June 8th, think about it.”

Dr. Priss was silent for a long time and nodded, “There is such a thing, what do you want?”

Luke said, “I want details and information about that man.”

“If I tell you all, will you let me off the hook for once?”

“That depends on your performance.”

Dr. Priss seemed to see hope, “I will perform well, what do you guys want to know? Ask me anything.”

Luke nodded, still satisfied with his attitude, “What’s the name of the injured man?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask.”

“How much did you charge him?”

“Twenty thousand dollars.”

“Do you have a picture of him?”

“No, but there’s surveillance in the lobby that should have captured his appearance.”

“Describe what he looks like.”

“Young white man, probably in his mid-twenties, not very tall, rather thin, he had an arm injury on his left side and was bleeding quite a bit when he arrived.”

Luke recalled that the doctor’s description resembled the physical features of the suspicious fan of the blood pattern clue.

“Did that injured man have any features or special jewelry?”

Dr. Priss replied, “I remember he was wearing a silver pendant that was cherished and held in his hand when he had surgery.”

Luke became more and more certain that the injured man was probably Angela and Darcy’s killer.

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