Chapter 173

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Metzker’s Bar.

The members of the 1st Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division were sitting around.

Luke got up and said, “Guys, I’m buying tonight, everyone drink openly.”

Blackie laughed, “We just solved the Saint’s Blood case and Luke was promoted to vice squad, today is definitely a good day, shouldn’t we open a bottle of good wine to celebrate.”

Luke smiled and said, “You’re right, everyone has been promoted, so we’ll be able to drink good wine more often in the future.”

Blackie didn’t dare to answer, he didn’t want to be Detective Marcus for the rest of his life, much less as rich as Luke.

To start up again would be to move a stone and hit his own foot.

“Good mention, I’m definitely in favor of it.” The lieutenant didn’t feel the slightest psychological pressure.

Susan suggested, “Guys, let’s make a toast to Lieutenant Luke.”


“Thanks.” Luke raised his glass in a gesture.

The Vice Squad said, “Luke, you deserve it, you’re the best young man I’ve seen in recent years, even better than Reed was back then.”

“Thank you Vice Squad.” Although Luke was also the vice squad now.

However, Luke still used vice team to address Vince, which was also his respect for Vince. There was no conflict of interest between the two of them.

Luke was the youngest in the entire Heist and Murder Division, and his seniority was relatively shallow.

Everyone had their own thoughts in their minds about Luke’s promotion, but none of them showed too much.

One was because Luke’s popularity was good. Secondly, Luke’s ability is there, repeatedly solving strange cases, who can not be ignored.

Simply put, he deserved it.

A young man as good as Luke would be targeted by other departments if their squadron didn’t promote him.

David put down his glass and seemed to remember something, concerned, “Marcus, are you still sleeping in the lounge?”

“Yes, do you want me to borrow it?”

“Start dreaming before you even touch the bed.” David laughed and asked rhetorically, “Did you and Julian break up?

“Well, that’s a bit of a complicated question. It’s hard to explain …… in a sentence or two,” Blackie squeaked out.

David held out two fingers, “Man, don’t forget this.”

Luke held out a finger as well, “And mine.”

Blackie skimmed his lips, looking like he was about to cry, “I’m already this miserable, how can you guys have the nerve to add insult to injury.”

“One size fits all.” David was about to say something when his face changed slightly, pointing not far away, “You guys see who that is?”


Blackie was startled, “Why is she here?”

Julian seemed to have seen Blacky as well and walked over with a small satchel on her back, “Marcus, can I talk to you?

Marcus stood up, his mouth opened halfway, and finally only uttered one word, “Sure.”

Under the curious gazes of the crowd, Blackie followed Julian out of the bar.

David lamented, “Ugh, poor Marcus.”

Jenny Hen said, “Poor him? I rather think he had it coming.”

Luke nodded, “I thought Julian was okay too.”

The lieutenant said, “It doesn’t work how you guys feel, it’s how he feels.”

Julian exited the bar with Blackie wilting behind him.

Julian turned around and clasped his hands to his chest, “I thought you said you were working overtime. This is what you call working overtime.

You don’t want to get married just make it clear, why do you keep avoiding me?”

“Julian, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I haven’t thought it through yet. Can …… you?”

Julian interrupted him, “You don’t have to say anymore, I understand.

Listen, I also don’t want to embarrass you in front of your coworkers, so I haven’t been going to the police station to find you, I just came over today to make it clear.”

Julian solemnly asked “Marcus, do you want to marry me?”

Blacky was silent.

Unable to answer.

Julian shook his head, “Marcus, act like a man don’t make me look down on you.”

Kuro sighed, “I don’t want to get married right now.”

Julian pursed his lips and nodded, “OK Marcus, congratulations, you’re free now.”

“Julian, I just don’t want to get married, I didn’t say I was breaking up with you, I really like you.”

“I know, but now I’m the one who dumped you, understand?”

“Why did it have to be this way? Why do we have to rush into marriage? Is it bad that we’re like this?”

Julian didn’t answer and threw the keys to Marcus, “Here you go, I’ll move out, you change the code too.”

Julian finished and left, carrying his satchel.

Xiao Hei shouted a few times behind him, but in the end, he didn’t have the courage to chase after him.

At this moment, Xiao Hei’s heart is empty, it is not that he has not been separated before, and also separated many times, but never like today as reluctant to give up.

At the same time, he was also a little angry, why is Julian so desperate?

The atmosphere in the bar was also a bit depressing at this time.

David suggested, “Luke, do you want to go see Marcus.”

Luke thought for a moment, “What can I say by going out to see what’s going on, it’s only going to get more awkward if Julian is still around.”

The lieutenant said, “Actually, teaching him a lesson wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Maybe he’ll realize what he really wants.”

Just then, Captain Jones from the Gang and Narcotics Division came over, “Ay guys, I heard you caught the Holy Blood killer, congratulations.”

Susan said, “Darci’s channel for purchasing drugs has yet to be investigated, I’m counting on you guys in this matter.”

“No problem, part of the job. As far as I know, there are two gangs selling hallucinogenic solitaires of similar composition, I’ll have a good exchange with them.”

Jones raised his glass in a gesture, “Luke, I heard you were promoted to lieutenant, congratulations.”

“Thanks.” Luke also raised his glass and took a sip.

Greeting the crowd, Jones tapped David on the shoulder, “Man, can you come out for a chat?”

“Sure.” David followed Jones to another corner of the bar.

Jones got right to the point, “How’s it feel to have your old partner promoted to the vice squad?”

David said, “Pretty good, that’s what he deserves. I’m happy for him.”

“What about you? Ever think about your future?”

David asked back, “What about me?”

“You don’t want to stay in the Robbery and Murder Division as a regular detective for the rest of your life, do you? Like Lieutenant Vince, who was already a Lieutenant when I joined the Detective Bureau.”

David said, “I wouldn’t, I believe in my abilities.”

Jones continued, “There are only two lieutenant slots in a squadron, one for Vince and one for Luke, where do you move up?”

David said, “Jones, I know our squadron better than you, I still have a chance.”

The lieutenant’s getting old, he might retire at some point.

Luke was capable and valued by the leaders, promotion was a matter of time.

Both David and Ramon actually had the possibility of promotion, they just had to wait a while longer.

“Man, there are some things you can’t just wait for, you have to fight for them yourself, even if the vice squad spot is vacant, are you sure you’ll be able to make it to the top? I’ve seen too many things like that, once you pass a certain age, the chances of moving up become less and less.”

“Captain Jones, what exactly did you want to tell me today?”

Jones glanced around and said in a low voice, “A while ago our squadron’s lieutenant was transferred, the bureau wanted me to recommend a lieutenant candidate, and I think you’re pretty good.”

As if hearing it for the first time, David was a little surprised, “You want me to be a lieutenant in the Gang and Narcotics Division?”

“That’s right, I think your way of handling cases fits our squadron’s style. It’s time to change yourself, we’ve known each other for so many years, I’m clear about your abilities.

As long as you come, the vice squadron is yours.”

David thought for a moment, “Thank you for your regard.

But this is a bit sudden for me, I need to …… seriously consider it.”

“Sure, think about it, but better be quick, opportunities don’t wait, let me know when you’ve thought about it.” Captain Jones made a gesture to call and then left.

David sat at the bar without immediately leaving, looking down at his drink and wondering what he was thinking.

Luke sat on the couch a little bored and took a sip from his glass.

Blacky was called away by Julian, David was called away by Jones, and Susan had to leave beforehand.

There were only 4 people left, Luke, Ramon, Jenny and the vice squad.

Ramon was a bore.

Luke couldn’t talk to the Vice Squad and Jenny, and was so bored that Luke was a bit tempted to leave.

Reed came over with a glass of wine, “Ugh guys, where did everyone else go?”

The lieutenant said, “Don’t worry about them, you’re the one that matters.”

The two men clinked glasses and took a sip of their drinks.

Reed made small talk with the lieutenant, then turned to Luke, who was off to the side, and said, “We’re organizing a sea fishing trip in a couple of days, want to come along?”

“OK, I want to relax for the next two days.”

“GOOD, don’t forget to prepare your own fishing gear.”

“Thanks for the reminder, I’ll prepare.”

Reed changed the subject, “Have you learned to drive a yacht yet?

Luke” ……”

Eventually, Blackie and David didn’t come back either and the party lost its vibe, everyone dispersed early.

Luke stood in front of the bar and lit a cigarette, he learned the wisdom this time, did not park the car in front of the bar, chose to put it in the parking lot across the street.

If anything happened again, it would be the responsibility of the parking lot.

He wanted to give Blackie a call, but didn’t know what to say.

Forget it, he wasn’t an expert on relationships and couldn’t help him.

Luke put out his cigarette and prepared to walk across the street to the parking lot to get his car.

Not far away there was an old man staggering over, looking like he was about to fall.

The old man looked to be about 60 years old, his hair was a little gray, he was wearing decent clothes, and he was drunk, like he’d had a lot to drink.


The old man’s foot stepped under the road tooth, his body lurched and fell, and his whole body lay on the ground seemingly unable to get up.

At this moment, Luke was faced with a problem, to help or not to help?

This is not a simple question, he needs time to think.

Just when he was hesitating, a white woman in her twenties walked over to assist the old man, “Sir, are you hurt?”

“I twisted my foot and accidentally fell.” The old white man stood up with difficulty.

“Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”

“No, you’re a kind girl, thanks.” The old man gave a grateful look.

The white woman assisted the old man to rest aside.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Luke no longer dwelled on it and frankly walked past the side.

The old white man looked at Luke’s back and muttered, “What an unsympathetic guy.”

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