Chapter 174

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the middle of June, the average temperature in Los Angeles was between 17 degrees and 27 degrees, not too cold and not too hot, which was perfect for traveling.

Early in the morning, the breeze blew.

The Ruidu neighborhood was green with grass and birds and flowers.

Many residents came out for a walk and exercise.

Luke is resting today, still lying in bed sleeping, the sunlight sprinkled into the bedroom still indistinct.

A familiar voice rang in his ears, [Congratulations to the host for catching Angela’s murderer, Karloff.

Arrested Darci’s murderer, Neris Kasiri, and successfully solved the ‘Holy Blood’ case.

Rewarded with forty chances to draw.]

Luke was awakened by the sound of the system and slowly opened his eyes, the fact that he could hear the sound of the system rewarding him as soon as he woke up probably signaled that today was a good day.

Forty chances to draw is not a small amount, Luke didn’t keep it, and directly drew.

Five cards were drawn for 35,000 dollars.

Among them, three old cards and two new cards were drawn.

The three old cards were, the micro-expression analysis card, 1

Precision card, 1

Profiling card, 1

New Card, Lockpicking Card, 2 [Quickly learn the skill of lockpicking for 3 hours].

This card might be useless for ordinary people, but it still has utility for the police.

Last time Luke and Blackie went to Augus’s house to investigate, although the two people had a search warrant with them, there was no one at Augus’s house, Blackie could unlock the door, and the two people opened the door directly to go in and search.

Afterwards, Luke also asked why Blacky could pick the lock.

In his words, a lot of kids growing up in the ghetto knew how to pick locks, nothing unusual.

After breakfast, he began to research lock picking skills.

After searching the internet, he didn’t find any technical lock picking skills.

Thinking about it, this kind of technology is usually passed down by word of mouth, the practicality is a bit more, and it is not possible to put it on the Internet.

Luke is not tossed, thinking that some other day to let Blackie teach himself, there is a ready-made master why not use?

Subsequently, Luke began to learn another skill – lip-speaking.

Lip-sync is a relatively special skill that normally doesn’t seem to be of much use, however once it is used it’s a wondrous trick.

Luke found quite a few tutorials on learning lip-sync on the pay-per-view network, with text and videos, and with the added power of the lip-sync card, he learned very quickly and with half the effort.

As his position became higher, Luke also wanted to learn more skills to enhance his ability.

Luke studied into a state of oblivion, even lunch did not bother to eat, two lip-sync learning cards were used up.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, he basically mastered the lip-sync skills.

Luke opened the TV, casually found a news program, turned off the volume and watched it once, only looking at the speaker’s mouth shape, basically able to understand the meaning of a whole sentence.

Subsequently, Luke turned on the TV volume and replayed it again, the approximate meaning was basically not bad.

To be able to learn this much in one day, Luke was already satisfied.


His stomach growled, he was already starving in front of him.

In the evening, he asked Daisy to join him for dinner.

He was going to make a trip to the supermarket to pick up some ingredients for the night.

There was a new supermarket in the neighborhood that was having an event, and he wanted to go there to pick up some discounted prices.

This supermarket is not far from the Ruidu community, only a few minutes drive, driving here to buy, very convenient.

Of course compared to the domestic, shopping in the United States is still a bit of a ‘toss-up’.

A medium-sized neighborhood in the country has thousands of residents, tens of thousands of people.

The population is dense, the stores will be denser, shopping will be more convenient.

Americans purchasing usually drive to the supermarket and buy a week’s worth of food at once.

Luke parked his car and entered the supermarket.

The size of the supermarket was not small, divided into several areas, he pushed the cart around the supermarket.

First, Luke started by picking out tonight’s ingredients, a lamb chop, a steak, ten oysters, a half-dozen frozen pizzas, and some vegetables.

Daisy liked steak, and Luke preferred lamb chops.

As for Chinese food, Daisy was okay with eating it once in a while, making her eat it every day was simply not something she was used to.

Luke pushed the cart around the supermarket, always feeling that someone was staring at him.

He didn’t find anyone suspicious, it was just his intuition from years of being a police officer.

Luke didn’t show anything unusual, bought what he needed and checked out and left.


After Luke left the supermarket, a white man hiding behind the shelves let out a huff.

It was like a sigh of relief and a bit of loss.

A black man wearing a supervisor’s uniform came over and questioned, “Val, why are you slacking off here again? With this kind of working condition and efficiency, you won’t pass the probation period at all.”

The white man hurriedly explained, “Sorry, I’m not slacking off, I just saw a …… an acquaintance.”

The black supervisor frowned and became even more angry, “What do you mean?

Why are you hiding when you see an acquaintance?

Are you looking down on your own work?

You are laboring with your own hands, why are you embarrassed?

Do you think it’s embarrassing to work in a supermarket?

If that’s what you think, you can leave now.”

Val was a little embarrassed and shook her head, “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just that I just haven’t gotten used to it in a while.”

The black supervisor pointed to his chest, “Val, you’re the one who begged me in the first place about how much you needed the job and promised to get it done.

That’s why I gave you the opportunity to do this job, I hope you won’t let me down.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Val pursed her lips and pushed the cart next to her and began organizing the goods.

Luke stood behind a shelf not far away, taking it all in.

How could Val’s stalking skills be hidden from him, and although he knew someone was following him, he didn’t realize it was Val.

Seeing Val’s work clothes and being reprimanded by the leader, Luke immediately understood everything.

However, he had no intention of going out; going out at this time would be even more embarrassing for Val.

For why Val was avoiding him, Luke could guess some of it, this uncle of his own was a person who wanted to save face, even though he was not accomplished enough.

Val’s dream since childhood is to become a singer, high school also once formed a band, in the school a little famous.

Perhaps it was the high school years of ambition, so that he is more determined to music dream. However, reality is always cruel.

In college, Val’s band disbanded.

He had always hoped to start a new band and repeat the success of his high school days.

However, due to various practical reasons, this dream was not realized in the end.

As a result, he is now a bit unable to achieve anything.

Want to be a singer has no ability, want to find other jobs also have no skills.

He can only engage in a relatively low-end occupation, but he has a strong sense of self-esteem and always feel that he can’t disgrace himself.

Deep down he still sees himself as a singer, and the gap between expectation and reality makes his life more and more distorted.

He became a fat otaku in the mouths of his family and a loser in the mouths of his friends.

For the sake of a few hundred dollars of pocket money, looking for his dad, begging his sister, often things.

Now he has set his eyes on his rich nephews, Val also wants to save face, and he doesn’t want to do that, not to mention that he doesn’t want his two nephews to look down on him.

He wanted to change, he wanted to earn his own living, and that’s what he went to work at the supermarket for.

It wasn’t very successful, but he was well on his way ……

Daisy’s house.

In the afternoon, after seeing what happened to his uncle, Luke had been feeling a little blocked in his heart.

When he was a child, his uncle was still very good to Luke, often taking him out to play, until Val became the scum of the earth in other people’s mouths. His own life was a mess, so naturally he couldn’t care about his two nephews.

It wasn’t until Daisy came home that Luke’s mood improved somewhat.

However, a new depression comes when Daisy also brings back a pile of papers.

Daisy made Luke realize what it means to be a workaholic.

In the past in China, Luke often worked overtime, but it was passive overtime. But Daisy is different, she is active overtime.

Daisy seldom rests, and even if she does, it’s only for half a day occasionally. She was on call for all things legal.

Luke felt that Daisy’s working condition was not good. One should combine labor and rest in order to maintain a long and efficient working condition.

Take Luke for example, it was normal to work overtime when there was a case, however, once the case was solved.

Luke will certainly take a few days off, as long as the leadership approved leave, he will rest as much as possible.

What is the purpose of a person’s work? It’s not for a good life, you can’t put the cart before the horse.

The two of them set the tableware, poured red wine and started dinner.

Luke picked up his wine glass and clinked glasses with Daisy, “Are you busy tomorrow? Can you take a day off?”

Daisy put her glass down and asked rhetorically, “What’s up?”

“Nothing much, just wanted to give you a break seeing as you’re so tired. Also. Tomorrow night is family dinner day at our house and I wanted to invite you to join us.”

“Whoa …… family dinner ……,” Daisy declined, with some difficulty.

“I might not be able to tomorrow, I’ve been piling up a lot of cases in my hands lately, including the one where you’re suing News TV.

They’re pretty bad, I have to be fully prepared.”

Luke advised, “Daisy, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

“I know, but the clients are putting their trust in me by coming to me. I don’t want to let them down.”

“The cases are not done. Working at high intensity all the time, I’m worried you’ll get tired.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t, I kinda like it when I’m working.”

Luke also stopped advising and lowered his head to eat.

Although it always felt like there was a bit of a gap in the emotional communication with Daisy, the physical communication between the two was still harmonious.

This was what mattered most to Luke.

The rest could come slowly.

Early morning.

The sun rises in the east.

People were busy again, going to school and going to work.

A small yellow car pulls into the neighborhood, signifying another day.

Daisy’s neighborhood and Luke’s neighborhood are both middle-class neighborhoods, the difference is that one is more white and the other is more Chinese.

Across the street, not far from Daisy’s house, there was a silver gray Hyundai parked.

In the driver’s seat was a white man of about 60 with gray hair.

He was looking in the direction of Daisy’s house with binoculars.

At 8:00 a.m., Daisy left the house on time to drive to work.

It wasn’t long before Luke also left the house and drove off in his Mercedes G500.

The old white man looked at the Mercedes G500 and said irritably, “Another rich asshole.”

The old white man put down his binoculars and sat in the car for a while, looking at Daisy’s house from time to time, seeming to be a little hesitant to get out of the car.

“Knock knock.”

The passenger side glass was knocked.

The old man turned his head and was startled to see a blackened gun pointed right at him.

A black-haired youth shouted, “LAPD, don’t move.”

Looking at the black hole gun muzzle, the old white man didn’t dare to act rashly. Following Luke’s words, he slowly opened the car door and got out of the car.

Luke sized up the other party and smiled, “Hey, we meet again, did you get well from the last fall?”

The old white man smiled awkwardly, “What a coincidence.”

“Turn around, you’re under arrest.”


“For assaulting a police officer.”

The old man was speechless, “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything, how am I assaulting a police officer?”

“You followed me the night before last, you monitored me this morning, and your behavior made me feel threatened. I felt you were affecting my personal safety and that of my family.”

“Don’t you think that’s ridiculous? I’m just an old man with no weapons, what danger could I pose to you?”

“Bullshit or not that’s up to the judge, I’m only responsible for arresting you.”

Luke pinned the old man to the car, the old man struggled and was no match for Luke.

“Hey hey don’t do this to me, there’s a misunderstanding here I’m not looking at you.”

“You’re holding binoculars eyes on that house and you’re saying you’re not looking at me?”

“You don’t own that house, what makes you say I’m looking at you?”

“Then who are you looking at?”

“I’m looking at my daughter.”

“Who’s your daughter?”


“What’s your name?”

“Laurence Miller.”

“Get your driver’s license out.”

Luke checks his driver’s license and the last name is the same as Daisy’s.

Luke took a picture of his license and photo, “Are you really Daisy’s father?”

“Yes, I’m here to see my daughter, are you still going to arrest me?

If you really want to do that, then arrest me and I’ll call my attorney daughter and have her bail me out.

I’m sure it’ll be fun.”

Luke didn’t exactly take the old white man’s word for it.

What if this guy was a liar? Though it was unlikely that it would be possible to scam a cop. But it was more humiliating for a cop to be lied to.

“How do you prove you’re Daisy’s father?”

“I have a picture with Daisy in my wallet.”

Luke pulled out his wallet and examined it and did see a group photo of three people who looked like a middle-aged couple with their daughter.

The old white man looked a lot like the middle-aged man on top.

The little girl in her late teens or so looked a lot like Daisy.

Although there were some differences in their looks when they grew up, their facial features were still distinguishable.

“Are you really Daisy’s father?”

The old white man pointed to his own face, “Doesn’t it look like it?”

The father and daughter did have some likenesses in their features, with the same brown hair, “Then why aren’t you contacting Daisy, instead of snooping around here.”

“I’m just trying to get a full picture of my own daughter’s life.

And by the way to investigate if her boyfriend is reliable.”

“That’s a good reason for that explanation.

I’m sure Daisy will be happy to know you’re here, I’ll call her now and tell her not to go to work today.”

“No, No No, don’t let my arrival interfere with Daisy’s work.”

“That’s okay, she should miss you too.”

“STOP! Don’t call.” Daisy’s father was getting anxious.

Luke took the phone, “Give me a reason.”

“Actually, we’ve had a little disagreement between father and daughter.

It’s quite common isn’t it? A lot of fathers and daughters fight.

So, I don’t want her to know I was here, as long as she’s doing well.

Consider this a little secret between the two of us, OK?”

Luke had been with Daisy for so long that he rarely heard her talk about her family.

Coupled with his father’s various behaviors, he guessed that the relationship between father and daughter should not be very good.

Of course the relationship between people’s fathers and daughters, no matter how bad it was, was not something that he, an outsider, could provoke.

For Daisy’s father, Luke still showed as much respect as possible.

It was painful to agree, “No problem.”

“OK, I still have something to do first.” The old man turned around and prepared to get into the car, then remembered something: “Right, can you give me a business card?”

“Sure.” Luke handed him a business card.

“Spending time with you …… was memorable.” The old man got into his car, kicked the gas, and drove off.

Luke watched him leave, then took out his cell phone and dialed Matthew’s number: “Hey, it’s Luke, check someone out for me.”

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