Chapter 185

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:46
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Luke walked out of the bar.

Brown also followed him out of the bar, his complexion was a bit complicated, nervous, worried and fearful, as if he wanted to stop Luke to ask for clarification, but he didn’t dare to.

Not only was he worried about his own safety, but more importantly, he was worried about his daughter.

Luke got into the Mercedes G500.

Brown took a look and froze, staring straight at the Mercedes and Luke.

Seeing that Luke had no intention of leaving, he cautiously got into the passenger side as well.

“What the hell do you guys want? What will it take to release my daughter.” Seeing the Mercedes Benz G500, he knew that Luke shouldn’t be short of money, he associated it with his ex-wife, could it be that he was rushing towards Li Mei?

Luke was worried that the kidnapper called, the bastard said something that should not be said, lit up the police badge: “LAPD.”

Brown was stunned and spoke after a while, “How did you guys find me?”

Luke said, “That’s not important, what’s important is how we can save Betty, the police have the same goal as you at this point, we should cooperate with each other, don’t you think?”

“SORRY, I didn’t mean to intentionally deceive you guys, I just received a call from the kidnappers, they told me not to call the police, they only want money but not to hurt people, as long as I am willing to pay a certain amount of ransom, they will release my daughter.

On the contrary, if I dared to call the police, they would tear the ticket.

I was worried about my daughter’s safety, so I tried to pay the ransom privately to get her back.

I’ve already given the money to the kidnappers, and as agreed, they’ll release her when they get the money.” Brown picked up his cell phone, “I’m waiting for a call from the kidnappers.”

Luke nodded, “I also hope that the kidnappers will keep their promise to release Betty, but have you thought about what if they don’t release her when they get the money?

Suppose their purpose is to extort ransom, once their purpose is achieved, the existence of the hostage is meaningless.

It is true that some kidnappers with a clear conscience may release the hostages.

But some kidnappers will likewise choose to kill the hostage in order to avoid the leakage of information.

The ransom will not only save the hostage, but it may also become the hostage’s catalyst.”

Brown’s face became a bit ugly, it’s not that he didn’t understand this reasoning, it’s just that when faced with a choice, people tend to avoid harm, willing to believe in the favorable side and instinctively avoid the harmful side.

“God bless …… you,” said Brown, taking a deep breath.

“I believe that even bad people can have a good side, and I’m sure Betty will be fine and come back safely.”

“I hope so too.” Luke glanced at his watch, it was almost eight thirty, “Did the kidnappers say when they would release the hostages?”

“Didn’t say exactly when.”

Luke reminded, “It’s been half an hour already, and the longer it drags on, the less likely it is that they’ll release them.”

Brown muttered to himself, “I’m sure they’ll release Betty, they will, just wait a little longer …… They probably haven’t gotten the money yet, or they haven’t gotten to the location where they’re holding Betty …… I’m sure Betty will be fine. ”

Brown didn’t know if these words were to Luke or if he was just reassuring himself.

Earlier Luke, disguised as a connector, had already tried to find out the location of the ransom delivery.

But he had not acted rashly.

Kidnapping cases were different from other cases, other cases were just about catching the murderer, but kidnapping cases were more important to rescue the hostage.

Even if the victim’s family calls the police and is willing to cooperate with the police in arresting the suspect, the police will still be very careful before acting because once the suspect escapes or the hostage cannot be found in time.

The hostage may still be torn apart by the suspect’s accomplices.

Even if the police know that the kidnappers demand ransom, they will not act rashly, but wait until the kidnappers say where the deal is and rush to the deal location in advance to set up control.

The word “advance” is important.

This kind of thing can not be temporary, must arrange a large number of police force in advance to carry out control, to ensure that the capture of the suspect at the same time can also be the first time to rescue the hostage.

And now thirty minutes have passed since the ransom was traded.

It has lost the significance of going to the ransom trading place to set up control, this time recklessly rushed to the past is likely to be counterproductive, if encountered the kidnappers, is to catch or not to catch?

If the kidnappers are caught, the whereabouts of the hostages can not be asked, and the hostages may be torn by the kidnappers’ accomplices.

If you don’t arrest them, rushing over will also increase the risk of exposure.

Of course, Luke still reported this clue to Susan, so that she can decide whether to rush to the scene of the transaction to carry out the arrest, the captain does not only symbolize the power, but also to bear the corresponding responsibility.

Seeing Brown staring at his cell phone, Luke asked, “The kidnappers have been contacting you via cell phone?”


“What is the kidnapper’s cell phone number?”

Brown looked at Luke with some caution, “What do you want?”

“To track down the kidnapper’s cell phone number or contact information.”

“Will it be dangerous to Betty?”

“No, tracking using technology only, the police won’t act immediately and it won’t affect their ability to release Betty.”

Brown looked at Luke, “Can I trust you?”

“And who are you going to trust?

The kidnappers?

It’s been half an hour, the kidnapper should have gotten the money, but has he contacted you?

Has Betty been released?

What are you going to do if the kidnapper never releases her?

You’re going to wait?

You should know in your heart what the result will be when you will wait.”

“Even buy the ……” Brown hesitated for a moment before finally making up his mind and flipping through his cell phone, “The cell phone number to contact me is 626 816 3746.

Please promise me that if you make any moves, you’ll let me know in advance.

Wait a little longer.”

Luke sent the cell phone number to Susan and then turned to Brown, “After five minutes, you take the initiative to call the kidnapper and ask him when he’s going to release him?”

Brown shook his head, “The kidnapper said he wouldn’t let me initiate the call, just to wait for the call.”

Sometimes, the words of the bad guys are more useful than the police.

Luke asked helplessly, “When did the kidnapper first contact you?”

“The morning of June 20th.”

“The kidnappers contacted you before the police did?”


“A man, or a woman?”

“A man.”

“What did he say?”

“First he identified me, then he said he had kidnapped my daughter and told me not to call the police or he would kill my daughter.

I didn’t believe it at first until they put Betty on the phone and I realized it was true.

At that time my whole body was confused.

I went and begged them not to hurt Betty, and I would fulfill whatever they wanted.” Brown sighed softly and continued

“They warned me again not to call the police or they would tear up the ticket.

Then I was told to prepare a ransom of two hundred thousand dollars.

I told them I could pay it, but I was out of town and two hundred thousand dollars was not a small sum and I needed time.

The kidnappers then set the transaction for this evening.”

Luke thought for a moment, “You just kept saying them? Are you sure the kidnappers aren’t alone?”

“I’ve only interacted with one person, and he was the one who kept talking about us, so I think the kidnappers should have an accomplice.”

“Do you know anything more about the kidnapper?”

“No, he only called twice and we didn’t communicate much.”

“What did he say the second time he called?”

“Just that he asked me if I had the money ready, and I said yes, then he told me where and when the transaction was going to take place, warned me again that I wasn’t to call the police, and then hung up the phone.”

“Did you hear Betty’s voice this time?”

“He hung up his cell phone before I could say anything.”

“Which means you’re not sure what’s going on with Betty right now either?”

Brown, red-eyed, nodded.

“What about the babysitter, Amy Ma?”

“I don’t know.”

“You didn’t ask?”

“The kidnappers wouldn’t let me ask questions, I was so nervous in that situation, I didn’t say more than a few words in total, all I could think about was Betty, SORRY …… I ……” Brown revealed a look of guilt.

Luke also did not say anything, really in danger, can think of you, in addition to yourself is really care about your people.

Other relationships are no longer important.

Time passed by, and after almost twenty more minutes, Brown’s cell phone hadn’t rung.

Susan had also been using technical means to monitor the kidnapper’s cell phone number, which was a bearer cell phone card that had been out of contact.

The only way to locate it was to wait until the kidnapper took the initiative to turn it on.

To say a thousand words, Luke even if again concerned about Betty’s safety, but also only out of sympathy, since people’s fathers choose to believe in the kidnappers, Luke did what he had to do, did his duty, and quietly waited on the sidelines.

Almost an hour has passed, Brown was unable to sit still, his face was full of anxious look: “In the end what’s going on?

Why don’t you come to the phone?

How could this happen?

He clearly promised to release my daughter ……”

“Ding bell ……” a thousand calls began to call.

Brown’s cell phone rang.

Brown’s eyes widened, looking a little frightened, and he looked down at his cell phone, it was an unfamiliar number.

Luke swept a glance, noted down the cell phone caller number, and urged, “Although it’s not the kidnapper’s number, but it can’t be ruled out that the kidnapper used a new number, be sure to be calm, don’t be nervous, and don’t say anything that leaks out.”

“I know.” Brown nodded and took a deep breath before pressing the answer button, “Hello, this is Brown Kenneth.”

“Mr. Kenneth, I don’t think you’ve forgotten my voice.”

“No, Mr. Kidnapper, did you get the money?”

“Yes, thank you for your generosity, Mr. Kenneth.”

“Was it possible to get Betty back to me?”

“Of course, Betty is a good girl, and I’m willing to keep my word, but there’s been a little accident here …….”

“What accident? What happened to Betty?”

“You don’t have to be nervous, Betty is well taken care of by us, we were just about to let her go, but she didn’t want to go, rather, she didn’t want to go alone.”

“What do you mean?”

“Betty wanted to take her nanny, Amy Ma, with her, I could tell they were very attached and I was touched, but the problem now is that no one has paid Amy Ma’s ransom yet and I can’t let her go.”

There was a hint of supplication in Brown’s voice, “Please let Betty go first, you promised me.”

“Of course I’m trying to keep my promise to release Betty, but the problem right now is that Betty doesn’t want to go, she wants to go with Amy Ma, and that’s making it difficult for me too.”

“Can you give Betty your cell phone so I can talk to her.”


“So what the hell can I do to get Betty back to me?”

“The best thing to do is for you to pay Amy Ma’s ransom as well so I can let you leave together.”

“WHAT! Make me pay the ransom again, that’s not what you said in the first place.”

“Then I can’t help it, it was your daughter who insisted on taking Amy Ma with her.”

Brown asked in a trembling voice, “How much do you want ……?”

“The usual price, two hundred thousand dollars.”

Brown was silent, with an angry, torn, helpless expression on his face, but too afraid to snap.

“Mr. Brown, I’ll give you one day to think about it, and if you’re willing to help Amy Ma pay the ransom, I’ll release both of them together.

Don’t call the police, keep your cell phone open, I will confirm the time and place of the transaction with you.”

After hanging up his cell phone, Brown couldn’t hold back any longer and cursed, “FUCK!

This damn crook, I’ve already paid the ransom as stipulated, and actually blackmailed me once again, insatiable asshole.”

Luke didn’t bother to comfort him, people don’t even trust you, still pulling hairs.

Start the car, a foot of gas, quickly drive to the police detective bureau ……

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