Chapter 186

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Brown had just walked into the Robbery and Murder Division office when he was viciously slapped.

Li Mei pointed at his nose and said angrily, “You smug bastard, you almost killed your daughter.”

“And what about you, what are you doing? Have you ever cared about your daughter?

All you do all day is worry about your career and trying to be the man of Los Angeles, Lord Mayor!”

“I don’t want to argue with you, but this is something you did wrong. Not only did you miss the best chance to rescue your daughter, but you may have even gotten her killed.”

“I just did everything I could to rescue my daughter and get her back to me safely.”

“I know you don’t like the government sector, but you shouldn’t joke with your daughter’s life, professional things should be left to professionals.

You must learn to trust.”

Susan interrupted the two men, “Both of you, this is not the place to argue, the most important thing at the moment is to rescue Betty, there is no point in blaming each other now.

Also, Mr. Kenneth, I would like to ask you one thing.

If Lieutenant Luke hadn’t found you in time.

What would you have done now?

Prepare the ransom again? Or call the police?”

Apparently Susan was also a little upset with Kenneth’s behavior.

Brown Kenneth waved his hand, “I don’t know, I didn’t expect things to come to this. Those fucking assholes couldn’t actually keep their word.”

Brown seemed to remember something, “Have you traced the kidnappers’ cell phones?”

“The kidnappers temporarily changed their cell phone numbers, and we also tried to track the new cell phone number, but the duration of the call was too short, making it difficult to determine the exact location of the cell phone.” Susan’s words were only half spoken, although it was impossible to determine the specific location of the suspect, but it was still possible to determine the general area through the cell phone towers, only that the range was large and difficult to investigate, and it might not be possible to track the suspect.

Li Mei asked, “Captain Susan, what do you plan to do now?”

Susan said, “Mayor Li, Mr. Kenneth, you can go wait in the lounge first, and we’ll let you know when we have a meeting to discuss the next step in the investigation.”

Brown questioned, “My daughter is in danger right now, and you’re going to continue the meeting without doing something?”

The lieutenant pointed at Brown and shouted, “SHUT UP!

Who gave you the courage to accuse the police so much, the only reason things have gotten to this point is because you hid the fact that the kidnappers were blackmailing you.

Until the police give you a statement, it’s best to keep your foul mouth shut.”

The vice squad was already an old man with a fierce face, and when he lost his temper it was even more intimidating, and it really shook Brown up.

Reed stood out to round up the situation, “Hey, everyone’s purpose is to save Betty, all calm down a bit, only if we trust each other and cooperate with each other, we can handle this matter well.

Mr. Kenneth, our meeting is not to be lazy, not to mention passive response, but to brainstorm, summarize the clues, and analyze the kidnapper’s next move.

Only by considering everything thoroughly can we ensure Betty’s safety as much as possible.

Marcus, take Mr. Kenneth to the lounge.”

After Li Mei and Brown left, Susan called the crowd into the conference room for a meeting.

“Gentlemen, there’s been a change in the case, tell us what you think.”

The lieutenant said, “Immediately canvass the area within range of the cell tower for suspicious persons, notify the local patrol department to cooperate, and also pull up the surveillance to see if there are any suspicious persons around the time period of the call.”

Matthew said, “There’s not just one signal tower that received the cell phone signal, but four, that area is not small, and it’s a bit difficult to line up.”

Susan said, “Then draw a circle with the four signal towers as the center, is it possible that the place where they meet is the same place where the suspect was when he made the call?”

Matthew shook his head, “This isn’t doing math, even if it’s not the intersection location it can still pick up the signal, as I said, it’s hard to judge precisely, you can only draw a general range.”

“OK, then go for it, even if it’s less likely, it’s better than not doing it.” Susan responded, “Anyone else have any ideas?”

Luke replied, “I think we should make a trip to the ransom delivery site to check it out, although it’s unlikely that the suspects left clues behind, but what if they did?

And you can call up the surrounding surveillance and the surveillance within the range of the cell phone towers for comparison, if the person who made the ransom call and the one who took the ransom are the same person, you can determine the identity of the other person through the surveillance comparison.”

Susan nodded, “It’s indeed necessary to make a trip to the ransom delivery location, however, considering that the kidnappers might still keep an eye on the situation over there, it’s best not to make a big deal out of the investigation.”

Half an hour later.

The back alley of Wilton’s Steakhouse.

A scruffily dressed black bum walked into the alley, and while walking, he also complained, “What’s all this talk about not making a big deal out of the investigation, do we have to dress up like this?”

Black walked somewhat reluctantly to the garbage can and looked down to check the garbage in the barrel while rummaging through it, his black face distorted by the smoke, and

“Where do I look like a hobo?

Why did you leave me alone to rummage through the trash can?

What a bunch of nasty guys.”

Although his mouth grumbled, the work had to continue, Blackie rummaged around for a while and didn’t find any suspicious items, he took out his cell phone and snapped a few pictures, so he was able to turn in his work.

Blacky left the back alley and observed the surrounding area, seeing that no one was following him, he took off his tattered jacket and ran back to the Ford.

Luke asked, “Find anything?”

Blackie grimaced, “Yea, a big stinking pile of food waste.”

“No sign of the backpack with the cash?” According to Brown’s description, he was carrying the money in a black backpack.

“No, maybe the kidnappers took the book bag with them, that’s not unusual, after all, there’s two hundred thousand dollars in there, and putting it from one backpack into the other could have been spotted by someone passing by.”

“Good job, hard work.” Luke encouraged.

Blackie held out his right hand, ready to open the door and get in.

Luke called out, “Hey, are you sure you want to come up?

“What do you mean?” Blacky looked confused.

“You just went through the garbage cans, getting in the car now is going to stain the car, both of us physically and mentally, for at least a few days.

You’re better off taking a cab back.

I’ll reimburse you for the fare, no thanks.” Luke finished and took off with a kick of the gas.

Blackie “……”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One.


Susan, Jenny, Ramon, and Matthew were all wearing a panda eye.

Considering that the kidnappers might call at any time, the four of them stayed in the office on duty.

Luke, Blackie, and the vice squad went home to sleep.

In the morning, Luke walked into the office carrying two bags of breakfast, “Guys, breakfast.”

The vice squad asked, “Got any food if you don’t work overtime?”

“Sure, burgers, tacos, donuts, milkshakes, coffee, fries, everyone grab what you want.” Luke waved his hand.

“Thanks.” Susan took a milk tea.

Luke had a donut in his left hand and sugar free coffee in his right, “Captain, anything happen last night?”

Susan took a sip of her milk tea, “We checked the surveillance all night and found no suspicious people. Instead, Matthew found a new lead.”

Matthew just picked up a burger and nibbled on it, saying vaguely, “Let me fill my stomach first, I’m getting hungry.”

After finishing a burger, Matthew drank another cup of coffee before showing a satisfied look, “Lieutenant Luke, thanks for breakfast, I feel alive.”

Luke raised his coffee cup in gesture.

Matthew took out a file from the table, “The captain asked me to investigate Amy Ma’s communications, I found that Amy Ma rarely contacted the outside world, her cell phone number was clean and never registered for any other software.

I felt that this was a bit unusual, and I suspected that she might have other cell phone numbers.

Sure enough, I investigated the network IP of Mr. Kenneth’s house and found that there was a chat software that frequently logged in and used the WiFi of Mr. Kenneth’s house.

For this reason, I specially questioned Mr. Kenneth, according to him, no outsiders use the WiFi in their house, only he, Betty, and the nanny, Amy Ma, know about it.

And he has never used that chat software, so I suspect that chat software is most likely being used by Amy Ma.”

Matthew said and put a piece of information on the projector, “This is a screenshot of a chat software that has a special name called ‘WeChat’.

Maybe you all haven’t heard of this chat software, but he is the top three chat software in the world in terms of users.

The main user group is Chinese. I used it yesterday and this chatting software is very interesting.

Besides chatting, this program also allows you to post your friends’ circle, in which you can post some videos and pictures of your life.

Amy Ma is very active on this software and uses it almost every day.

And Amy Ma’s account name was called ‘Mrs. Kenneth’.

Her circle of friends contains a large number of photos of the Kenneths’ home, and in these photos she is gorgeously dressed, wearing designer jewelry, has designer purses on her desk, and her closet is full of designer clothes.

In her circle of friends, she is no longer a nanny, but a wealthy, laid-back full-time wife.

In addition to her own life, she would also post things related to women and children.

Since it’s all in Chinese, I just translated the general meaning, such as saying that as long as a pregnant woman comes to the U.S. to give birth, the child will get status.

The living environment here is superior, food is cheap, benefits are good, and there is little competition.

And the child’s parents can also obtain status through kinship, and she herself obtained a U.S. green card through this channel.

There are also some grants and expenses that the child can receive as a child, probably in that category.”

While others couldn’t read Chinese, Luke could see clearly that this wasn’t an introduction to his own life, but a soft advertisement for a monthly child care center.

It was just short of the sentence, Interested parties please contact.

After seeing Amy Ma’s closet at the crime scene, Luke felt that she could hardly afford the expenses on the nanny’s salary alone, and speculated that she might have other sources of income.

Later, IRS investigator Shakira also provided a clue that there was a monthly center that paid Amy Ma more than a year ago, and then that monthly center went out of business.

Amy Ma still maintains a high level of spending, but no longer has a clear source of income and no longer pays high income taxes.

From the content of the tweets, Amy Ma’s financial source is likely to be the referral of clients to the U.S. mooncenter, only that it has changed from the previous legitimate income, to a private transaction.

Amy Ma’s advertisement photo also had the name of that moon center in it, and Luke felt the need to investigate.

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