Chapter 188

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Xin Chuan Restaurant.

It was a Chinese restaurant that specialized in Sichuan cuisine.

A Ford Explorer was parked next to the restaurant, and Luke opened the window to look into the tour.

He had already investigated the black sedan that appeared in the surveillance video of the moon center and had also identified the owner from it.

Name, Wu Jiangping

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 3, 1985

Cell phone number, 626 872 2523

Address, 202 Camo Street.

Social Security number, 623-53-3341.

Luke checked the owner’s photo, and it was not the same man as the one in the surveillance.

In order to avoid any complications, Luke didn’t dare to make any random arrests.

According to the investigation of the two men, Wu Jiangping works in this restaurant.

At this time, it was already more than two o’clock in the afternoon, the guests left one after another, and only the chef and waiter were left in the restaurant.

Before, Luke has gone to the restaurant to investigate, Wu Jiangping working in the back kitchen, and did not find the suspect’s trail.

But even so, Luke didn’t dare to act rashly, in case when the police contacted Wu Jiangping, the news was leaked by other people, or even snitched to the suspect, the consequences would be hard to control.

As for getting someone to control the restaurant directly, the commotion was even greater, and the police didn’t have enough evidence to do so now.

Generally speaking, the restaurant would take a break for a while after lunch time.

Luke was prepared to use this time to contact Wu Jiangping.

At 2:30 pm, Wu Jiangping left the restaurant with a cigarette in his mouth, Luke and Blackie got out of the car and directly followed him.

Wu Jiangping walked while humming a little song, “Gray sky, your face.

After loving and crying and laughing and hurting there is only goodbye.

My tears, wet face.

Losing the person I loved for the first time is surprisingly this feeling ……”

Blackie was shaking his head as he followed, “Do you know what song he’s singing? It sounds pretty good.”

“It’s not like you can understand the lyrics.”

Blacky said unconvincingly, “I have a great sense of music, I like the beat.”

Luke didn’t bother with him.

Luke sounded familiar with the song, but couldn’t recall the title.

Soon, Wu Jiang Ping walked into an alley, Luke observed that there was no one else around and decided to start questioning him.

“Wu Jiangping.”

“Eh.” The man in front of him answered instinctively, before turning his head.

Black walked over and flashed his badge, “LAPD, I’m Detective Marcus, and this is Lieutenant Luke.”

Wu Jiangping froze for a moment and hurriedly greeted, “Hello Captain Luke, hello Detective. What is it that you guys are looking for me for?”

“Is the black Honda with license plate number, 8lFb898, your car?”

Wu Jiangping scratched his head, “Uh …… it used to be, but I sold the car.”

“Sold it to who?”

“A coworker in a restaurant.”

“He went to work today?”

“No, these two days his wife is not well, he is at home to take care of his wife.”

“If you sold the car, why didn’t you transfer it? And didn’t change the name?”

“Uh ……” Wu Jiangping showed a nervous look, his eyes averted: “I just sold it, this period of time is quite busy, I haven’t had the time to transfer the account.

When some days are not busy, ready to go to the transfer again.”

Luke’s tone was a bit disgruntled, “Hey, we’re cops, not idiots. Do you know the consequences of cheating the police? If not, I can take you to the police station to popularize it.”

“NoNoNo, no need.” Wu Jiangping hurriedly backed away, “I did sell the car, not because I was busy with work and didn’t transfer it, but the buyer proposed not to transfer it for the time being.”

“Who is the buyer? Why refused to pass the account.”

“His name is Wang Chao …… uh …… he is not not want to pass the account, just ……” Wu Jiangping sighed and hesitated .

Luke said to the side of the small black, “Bring the car over, take him back to the police station.”

“Please don’t do this, I said …… he came here using a tourist visa and has no legal status over here, so there is no way for the car to be transferred.”

“His name is Wang Chao?”


“When did you last see him?”

“June 17th, after that he took a leave of absence to rest.”

“Why did you take such a long break?”

“Her wife was pregnant, and he said she wasn’t feeling well, so he had to take time off to take care of her. The boss is too embarrassed to rush him on something like that.”

“Where is his home? Who does he live with?”

“It’s just him and his wife, living at 289 Cardin Community.”

“You’re not lying?”

“I swear absolutely not?” After Wu Jiangping finished, he asked somewhat nervously, “What happened to Wang Chao and that car? Will it involve me.”

“That depends on whether you cooperate with the police or not.”

“Cooperate, I will definitely cooperate.”

“Is Wang Chao’s house far from here?”

“Not close, in the past, Wang Chao also lived in an apartment near here, although it was a bit shabby, but it was close to the restaurant and more convenient to go to work, then his wife got pregnant, he moved to a more remote neighborhood in order to give his wife a better environment to live in.”

“Get in the car and take us there.”

Wu Jiangping was a bit hesitant and flinched, “Captain Luke, can I not go?”

“Yes, then we’ll take you to the police station first.”

“Why? I didn’t do anything, why send me to the police station.”

“Because Wang Chao drove your car, who knows if you are his accomplice, considering the safety of the hostages, we can only deal with special circumstances, I hope you can understand.”

“What did Wang Chao commit? Is it serious?”


Hearing this, Wu Jiangping’s face turned green, “Captain, this has nothing to do with me, I really don’t know about this.”

Luke smoothly asked, “Where were you between nine and twelve o’clock on the night of June 19th?”

Wu Jiangping thought for a moment, “Our restaurant got off work late, it was almost ten o’clock when we got off work, we were having a snack ourselves and it was almost eleven o’clock.

After that I went back to the dormitory and played cards with my coworkers again before going to bed.”

Seeing Luke looking at himself with a scrutinizing gaze, Wu Jiangping hurriedly said, “What I said is true, if you don’t believe me you can go and investigate, I have a clear conscience.”

“Since you have a clear conscience, then take us to Wang Chao’s house, get in the car.”

Half an hour later.

Carding neighborhood #289.

This was located in the eastern part of Los Angeles, belonging to an old-fashioned neighborhood, the environment was not too good, and the security was a bit chaotic, but it was better than cheap.

Luke parked his car in a slightly distant position while observing for a while and did not find Wang Chao’s figure.

At this point, it was already past three o’clock in the afternoon, and every minute more, the hostages were in more danger.

Luke decided to deploy the operation.

The way of deployment was very simple, Luke first got the support of four patrolmen and asked them to assist in arresting the suspects who might be at home together.

In addition, let Wu Jiangping to call the door in the name of visiting, when the door opened the crowd swarmed to arrest Wang Chao.

There are times when a plan doesn’t need to be too complicated, it just works.

Afterwards, everyone acted according to Luke’s deployment.

Wu Jiangping went to call the door, Luke and Blackie hid on both sides of the door, two patrolmen were supporting the side, and two patrolmen were staking out the back door to prevent the suspect from escaping.

With everything ready, Luke gestured.

Wu Jiangping took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the room, “Knock knock.”

No one responded.

Wu Jiangping knocked again: “Knock knock.”

Still no response.

Luke pointed to his mouth.

Wu Jiangping said, “Wang Chao, this is Jiangping, open the door.”

Still no response.

Now there were two possibilities, the first was that the person was hiding in the house and not making a sound.

The other, the person had left.

Since he had already called the door, he definitely had to feel out what kind of situation it was.

Luke went to the window to observe and didn’t see anyone, then he opened the glass and stepped on Blackie’s hand to flip directly into the first floor window.

Luke held his gun in both hands and observed the situation around him, while then slowly walked to the door and opened the door to the room.

Blacky walked in with a patrolman, while another patrolman watched Wu Jiangping from outside.

The house was not big, Luke and Xiao Hei quickly searched the house and did not see anyone.

Instead, they found some items used by pregnant women.

In addition, from the situation at the scene, the kidnappers left with full preparation and took away a lot of things.

But Luke found neither stolen money nor hostages.

Here comes the question?

How could Luke prove that Wang Chao was the kidnapper?

If he couldn’t prove that Wang Chao was the kidnapper, then everything he did now was meaningless.

Luke thought differently, what would he do if he was the kidnapper?

Afterwards, Luke left the house and went to the backyard.

There were quite a few vegetables planted in the yard, including beans, cucumbers, and eggplants.

Luke turned around in the yard and vaguely felt a sound.

He listened carefully ……

The sound seemed to come from underground.

Luke then began to step on every inch of the yard.

“Bang Bang!”

After some attempts, a piece of ground was found that felt different from the surrounding tread.

Luke examined it carefully and found the end, which looked like it had a cover.

Luke lifted the cover, it was a steel plate with thick dirt and lawn placed on top, it was hard to notice the abnormality if you didn’t look closely.

When the steel plate was lifted, the unusual sound from earlier got louder.


Luke heard it this time, and in his experience it sounded like a whimpering sound coming from a covered mouth.

Underneath the steel plate was a hole in the ground, it was very dark, and Luke didn’t dare to go down in case the kidnappers were hiding down there.

Luke is now lying down, will not become a living target.

Thinking of this, Luke let Blackie go to the car to get a cell phone selfie bracket, and then put the selfie bracket to the longest stretch into the black hole, turning in circles inside the shooting, fighting to shoot every corner.

After shooting, Luke viewed the photo, this hole in the ground belongs to the mouth small belly, the following is about a dozen square meters, there is not too much furniture, the corner of the bundle of a large and a small two women.

Luke did not see the figure of the kidnappers, there is no worry, and then the right hand holding a gun, the left hand grabbed the ladder down the hole in the ground.

The hole in the ground is dimly lit, but there is no light found, and can only rely on the people above to play the flashlight.

Luke entered the hole in the ground, once again observe the surrounding situation, to confirm the safety before walking to be tied into a dumpling in general a small and large two women beside the body.

“Oooh ……” two women look very excited, constantly shaking the body, mouth issued a whimpering sound.

Luke confirmed the identity of the two people, it is indeed Betty Kenneth and Amy Ma.

He flashed his badge, “You guys don’t have to be nervous, I’m Lieutenant Luke of the Robbery and Murder Division, I’m here to save you.”

Luke then untied the ropes binding the two to his body.

The two women, one large and one small, were still in shock and hugged each other and cried.

The hostages were now found, where did the kidnappers go?

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