Chapter 189

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:59:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Oooh ……”

Li Mei and Brown also rushed to Wang Chao’s house.

The former ‘family of three’ hugged and cried together.

Brown, the father, was even more excited than Li Mei and cried the loudest, keeping his arms around his daughter and not letting go, Luke felt that Betty’s neck was about to be strangled.

With red eyes, Li Mei patted her daughter’s back and whispered comforting words.

Reed walked over and patted Luke on the shoulder, “Good job. You handled it decisively this time and rescued Betty and Amy Ma in time.

I’ll ask for credit for you.”

“Thanks.” Luke humbly said, “It’s all thanks to everyone, you led well.

I just had better luck and some of my own judgment.”

Reed said, “Luck is also a form of strength.”

Luke agreed with Reed’s words, luck luck, people live a breath, have to rely on their own luck, some things seem to be a coincidence, in fact, is in line with a certain objective law, just this law is not obvious.

Just like buying a lottery ticket, why can some people win?


Luke thinks there are two possibilities, first of all, you have to buy every day, always ready, although the chances are extremely small, but bought the possibility of winning.

The second possibility …… is more complicated.

The general public also envy not to come, more don’t be jealous, gas big hurt body, useless.

Before there is a sleuth system, Luke never buy this thing, at that time he is an ordinary person, neither that no more free money to buy every day, nor so good luck.

After the former family of three finished crying, Brown led his daughter to Luke: ”Lieutenant Luke, thank you for saving my daughter, I really don’t know what to say.

If I hadn’t met you at the bar, I don’t know what kind of stupid things I would have done or how things would have gone ……

You didn’t just save Betty, you saved me too.

I …… really don’t know how to express it.”

Luke waved his hand, “I’m a police officer, it’s my duty, and even if the person tied up wasn’t Betty, I would have done my best to rescue her just the same.

Just relax.

You’re a good father, you just …… chose the wrong way.

I hope you’ll have more trust in the police in the future. Especially our Robbery and Murder Division.”

“I will.” Brown replied with a serious face and shook Luke’s hand vigorously.

On the side, Betty showed a grateful look, “Lieutenant Luke, thank you for saving me.”

Luke touched her head, “You’re welcome, I’m happy to have saved you.”

Betty blinked her big eyes, revealing an expectant look, and asked in Chinese, “Will I be able to see you again in the future?”

Luke smiled, “Not likely, why do you ask?”

“I was so scared in the hole in the ground that I was crying all the time, thinking that I was going to die and would never see my mom and dad again.

The hole in the ground suddenly opened a beam of light shone in, and I saw you coming down from above ……

I was …… happy, excited, thrilled ……

I can’t describe in words how I felt at that time.

You untied the ropes and got me out and made me really feel safe.

It’s more than a thank you can express.

I hope to see you again, you are a ray of sunshine in my life ……”

Hearing Betty’s words, Luke was also a little touched and was tempted to give Betty a business card and tell her to contact him if she needed anything.

But …… ultimately did not do that, he softly comforted, “Betty, you are already safe.

I will catch the bad guy who kidnapped you and send him to jail.

Don’t be afraid, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and you must say what’s going on.

Your father and mother love you very much.

When you are in danger again, be the first to call 911.”

Betty nodded, “I remember.”

Li Mei also came over and shook Luke’s hand, “Lieutenant Li, thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome, duty calls.”

“You’re a good cop, I envy Frank for having such a good helper like you.”

Luke snickered, “You should tell him that yourself.”

“I will.”

After a brief chat, the three Li Mei’s left.

Blackie said, “Why don’t you give Betty a card? You were the one who saved her.

I can hear she’s very insecure right now, and she trusts you, and you’re just the right person to help her out.”

“I’m not you.” Luke wasn’t saying that Black was bad, it was just that everyone was different and did things differently.

Just like Hei and Jaden, Hei has taken helping Jaden as a responsibility, which is good and shows that Hei is kind, but this kind of one-sided giving can be tiring.

Luke is one of the more rational people and it’s hard to do the same with Blackie.

As for whether helping Betty would bring him closer to Li Mei.

Luke felt that his relationship with Li Mei at this stage was just right, not too far, not too close.

He saved Betty, Li Mei would definitely be grateful, and if she could help Luke, she would definitely not stand idly by.

This was enough.

What else do you expect people to do?

Even if you have a good relationship with someone’s daughter, it’s unlikely that they will directly promote you.

Besides, Li Mei can become deputy mayor, how shrewd a person, too on the rush may not be a good thing.

Expect to rely on this matter with others to call sister and brother.

Maybe at first they will appreciate you, but after a long time, it may be tasteless.

Luke now and Li Mei is not a circle of people, sitting together can only chat awkwardly.

How about a gentleman’s friendship is as light as water, and the water will flow.

The hostages were rescued and the scene was taken over by the survey team.

But the case isn’t over. The suspect hasn’t been caught yet.

The Robbery and Murder Division can’t let up either.

Susan rearranged the tasks and the people split up to investigate the whereabouts of the suspect.

The two of them, Luke and Blacky, were responsible for questioning Amy Ma, also known as ‘Mrs. Kenneth’.

When Luke and Blacky found Amy Ma, she took the initiative to stand up and thanked, “Lieutenant Luke, thank you for saving me.”

She then looked over at Blackie, “And this detective, you’ve all been my saviors.”

Blacky reminded, “My name is Marcus, Detective Marcus. Not a detective yet, but I’m sure it will be soon.”

Luke spoke up, “How are your wounds?”

“The wound on my arm has been re-bandaged and I’m physically fine.” Betty and Amy-Mar hadn’t been mistreated much since they were captured by their kidnappers, except for some minor dehydration symptoms from the smaller daily intake.

“We need to get a statement from you and ask some questions about the kidnappers.”

“No problem, you guys go ahead and ask, I also want to catch the kidnappers earlier, otherwise, I can’t sleep well.”

Luke got right to the point, “Do you recognize the kidnappers?”

“No, they all wore hoods, I didn’t get a good look at them.”

“What kind of hoods?”

“Black stockings.” Amy Ma finished and added, “But they gave me the impression that they would be Asian.”

“On second thought, you really don’t recognize them?”

“Don’t recognize them.”

“Tell us about the crime.”

Amy Ma let out a long sigh and frowned, seemingly unwilling to remember.

It took a moment before she said, “It was after ten o’clock on the night of the nineteenth, and Betty had gone to her room to sleep.

Then, I was also getting ready to wash up and go to bed.

When I came out of the toilet, I saw two strange men and women standing outside.

They had guns in their hands and I was terrified. They tied me up and then went upstairs and held Betty hostage.

After that, started asking where the money was kept in the house and I told them I was just a babysitter and had no idea where the family’s belongings were kept.

They didn’t believe me and the man started beating me and cut my arm.

Then Betty testified for me and they let me go.

The man started questioning Betty again, but Betty wasn’t sure either.

It was good that they had a clear conscience and did not lay a hand on Betty.

After that, the man was in charge of watching us, and the woman began to rummage through the trunks looking for items of value.

But Mr. Kenneth was a relatively simple man, the money was in the bank and there were no valuables in the house, so they couldn’t get the money, so they kidnapped Betty and me.

They held Betty and I hostage and made me drive in the front while they took Betty in the back.

Halfway there, and then ditched my car for a black sedan.

We drove in a big circle to get here, and have been locked in a hole in the ground ever since.

To be honest, I thought I was dead for a while and was particularly desperate.

Thank you guys, I can’t thank you enough.”

Luke asked, “Why did the kidnappers choose to kidnap you and Betty?”

“I don’t know, and I’m afraid to ask.”

“How did they get into the house?”

“I was in the shower and all I could hear was the sound of clattering water and didn’t notice any movement outside. Then later I was taken hostage and was so scared out of my mind that I didn’t care.”

Luke made a note in his book and asked, “Who is Mrs. Kenneth?”

Amy Ma was a little embarrassed, “Uh …… it’s me.”

“Why do you call yourself Mrs. Kenneth?”

Amy-Ma’s eyes flickered, not daring to look at Luke and Blackie, and she said perfunctorily, “Probably vanity.”

“Vanity how, who have you called yourself Mrs. Kenneth to?”

“Actually, I just post an occasional friend circle to try to prove that I’m doing well, and I rarely deliberately say I’m Mrs. Kenneth to others.”

Luke shook his head, “I’m afraid there’s more to it than that, what’s your relationship with Modern Mom’s Moon Center?”

Amy Ma froze for a moment and replied, “I’m on good terms with their owner’s wife, a friend of sorts, and I occasionally help promote them in my circle of friends.”

“Amy Ma, if you’re truly grateful that we saved you, don’t lie and deceive us.” Luke sighed and continued.

“We’ve been to Modern Mom’s Moon Center, and we’ve also talked to the owner’s wife, Zhang Wenyan.

I know that there is a relationship of interest between you, you help advertise the moon center in your circle of friends, and you can be paid a considerable amount of money just for helping the moon center refer a client.

We’re not the State Taxation Bureau, and we’re not interested in these things about you.

However, we are investigating the murderer’s motive and the purpose of the crime, and we need to know more, have you ever wondered why the murderer kidnapped you?”

“Are you saying that the murderer is trying to get back at me?”

“We’re investigating, and although we can’t be completely sure yet, it’s highly probable.

The murderer has not been caught yet, and once the police leave, they will most likely take revenge on you again. Therefore, you must not take this lightly now, you can only be completely safe if you assist the police in catching the suspect.”

Amy Ma pondered for a moment and nodded, “I understand. You guys ask, I will cooperate properly.”

Luke continued, “Have you ever offended anyone?”


“Think carefully.”

“Really no, I don’t know many people over here. Much less talk about offending anyone.”

“What’s your relationship with Mei Cong Moon Center?”

“I used to refer clients to their moon center, and then that moon center went bankrupt, and I haven’t been in touch since.”

Luke pressed, “Bankrupt for what reason?”

“I’m not very clear about the exact reason, I heard that it was reported. Many departments went to investigate, and the owner was not only fined, but also went to jail because of this incident, and the moon center couldn’t operate anymore.” After Amy Ma finished speaking, there was a short silence.

Analyzing the available evidence, Luke still felt that there was some kind of grudge and conflict of interest between the kidnapper and Amy Ma.

“I’ll talk about the kidnappers, so you can see if you have any impression.” Luke then began to describe the information of the two suspects, “The male kidnapper is Wang Chao, 34 years old, he is a chef in a restaurant, he didn’t obtain a legal identity in the United States, and came over here to work secretly.

The female kidnapper is his wife, called Liu Xiaoli, used to work as a dishwasher in the restaurant, also did not obtain the identity, is now pregnant, recuperating at home.”

“Wang Chao, Liu Xiaoli ……” Amy Ma muttered in her mouth, “These two names sound as if they are somewhat familiar, but …… I instantly really can’t think of them.”

“Think carefully.”

After a while, Amy Ma shook her head once again, “I’m sorry, I really can’t think of it, but I did guess the reason for their robbery?”

“Tell me.”

“Since the two of them didn’t obtain an identity and refused to leave Los Angeles, they must have wanted their child to obtain a legal identity, so the purpose of their robbery was most likely to go to a moon center to wait for the birth.

Xiao Hei was a bit puzzled, “Why must they go to a moonchild center if they can’t give birth anywhere?”

“They are different from ordinary people, they don’t have an identity, if they go to the hospital for a checkup on their own they will be directly repatriated by the Immigration Bureau, and there is even less of a way to obtain an identity by then.”

Xiao Hei said, “You can go to a black clinic, as long as you have the money, you can deliver babies there too.”

Amy Ma shook her head, “That’s not the same.

If that happens, the child still won’t be able to get an American identity.

A lot of people think that as long as the child is born in the U.S., he or she must be a U.S. citizen, but that’s not true.

It should be added that a child is only a legal citizen if he or she is delivered by a nurse in a proper hospital.

To put it bluntly, this child was born, but without the relevant certificate, who knows if he was born from abroad before being smuggled into Los Angeles.

To get a birth certificate, you have to go to a regular hospital.

And if the pregnant woman has no identity, she will be deported if she goes directly to the regular hospital for examination.

This time you need to go to the moon child center.

Existence is reasonable, in the United States as long as the money, a lot of illegal things can be done in a legal way, to put it bluntly, as long as the money, you can get through the relationship.

Moon child centers play the role of matchmaking, which allows pregnant women to check and give birth in regular hospitals.

The child can then obtain a birth certificate, that is, a legal citizen.

This has formed a huge chain of interests.” Speaking of this, Amy Ma paused for a moment and recalled, “I see that the female kidnapper’s stomach isn’t small anymore, so I guess it’s likely that she’ll go to a moonlighting center to wait for her delivery.”

Amy Ma’s analysis had some truth to it, and Luke also agreed more.

Before, Luke had also thought of a moon center, just that he couldn’t be sure at that time.

There were some twists and turns in it, and it was hard to think clearly at once for those who hadn’t been exposed to the industry.

A professional has to ask a professional, which was why Luke was eager to give a statement to Amy Ma.

Neither he nor Black had any experience with immigration, and it was hard to figure out what a moon center really did.

Then the next step would be simple, just go to the various moonchild centers to investigate, and they would be able to find the kidnappers.

Seeing Amy Ma finish, Blackie asked, “Do you know a plumber named Mark Custer?”

Amy Ma showed a slightly embarrassed look, “Yes, what’s wrong with him?”

“You should thank him, he was the one who made the 911 call.

If he hadn’t called the police in time, it would have been hard for us to know about your kidnapping so quickly.

And I can tell that Mark cares about you.”

Amy Ma showed a complicated look and bit her lip, “Does Mark …… know who I really am?”

“Yes, he already knows.”

Amy Ma sighed softly, “Isn’t he disappointed, doing all those ridiculous things with a nanny twenty years older than him.”

Black asked, “Why did you lie to him?”

Amy-Ma scowled and was silent for a moment, “Have you ever role-played?”

Kuro laughed, “Yes, it’s fun, with the occasional aid of clothing and props.”

Amy-Ma shook her head, “You have no idea what fun means, temporary role-playing is fake, and even if you are wearing the clothes you are playing a role in, it’s hard to get emotionally invested.

Both parties know it’s fake, know it by heart, and there’s no thrill to it.

But it’s not the same with me and Ma.

That environment, that atmosphere, I was the lady.

He, is my little wolfdog.”

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