Chapter 190

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:00
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Yijia Baby Moonchild Center.

The treatment at the moonchild centers varied greatly from one price point to another.

The most common moonchild center was probably a larger home with one pregnant woman living in each room, and all the facilities and furniture were shared.

Women are short-tempered during pregnancy, and a group of pregnant women together can easily get into an argument.

Higher-priced monthly child care centers are relatively more formal and may have separate single rooms.

Ijia Baby Moonchild Center belongs to this kind of independent single room moonchild center.

Inside an independent single room on the 2nd floor facing south, an Asian couple is packing up their things.

“Hubby, isn’t it too early for me to move into the mooncenter, there are still 3 months until the baby is born, it’s going to cost a lot more money.”

The man said, “Lili, stop worrying about money, we have money now.

What you need to do now is to rest assured and give birth to the baby in your belly.”

Liu Xiaoli stroked her stomach, “I know.”

“Is there anything else missing here? I’ll go buy it.”

“There’s no shortage, it’s all sufficient.”

The man nodded and held his wife’s hand, “Lili, I’m leaving first, I’ll come back to see you tomorrow.

Call me if anything happens.”

The woman was a little reluctant, “What …… are you going to do with them?”

“It’s still the same sentence, you don’t have to care about anything, rest assured that you’ll be able to raise your fetus, and I’ll take care of the rest.” The man finished and prepared to leave.

The woman was still uneasy: “Chao, don’t call for money again, the risk is too great, that money is already enough for us to spend.”

“I know, will take care of things, when it’s all over, I’ll come over to be with you.” The man didn’t seem to want to say too much to his wife and turned around, ready to leave.

“CLICK” The man opened the door and prepared to leave when he saw two black holes with guns pointed at him.


Detective Bureau.

Robbery-Murder Division, Interrogation Room.

The man was handcuffed to the interrogation chair and kept looking around with an uneasy look on his face.


The door to the interrogation room opened and a young brunette and a black man walked in.

Luke placed the information on the table and sized up the man, “What’s your name?”

The man looked at Luke, “Wang Chao.”

“Do you know why you were arrested?”

Wang Chao nodded, “I …… kidnapped two people.”

“What people?”

“Mrs. Kenneth, and a little girl.”

“Why did you kidnap them?”

“She deserved it, she’s a liar.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s that Mrs. Kenneth, if it wasn’t for her, none of this would have happened.” Wang Chao sighed, and fell into a flashback

“Originally, my wife and I just wanted to work in the United States for a few years, earn some money and go home, then, my wife became pregnant, and we as a couple paid more attention to the pregnancy side of things, and saw the circle of friends that Mrs. Kenneth posted.

Our thoughts changed a bit.

The country is definitely good, and there are many opportunities, but the pressure of competition in the country is relatively high, we two want to have no education, no skills, to go back is just to do a hard labor.

As far as I personally know, the income of doing hard labor here is higher, and the domestic housing price is too high, we can’t afford to buy a house even if we go back.

One is drifting in the city, the other is drifting abroad, anyway, both are drifting, certainly choose a higher income.

We then had the idea of staying.

Then we contacted Mrs. Kenneth on WeChat, and she told us that as long as we gave birth in a monthly center, our child would be able to get legal status over here.

As long as the child had a legal identity, our identity would be fine.

At that time, what she said was especially good, and my wife and I were both impressed.

We tried our best to get the money together and let my wife go to the monthly child care center she recommended.

But a lot of things were different from what was imagined, and that monthly child care center was not as good as imagined.

The living environment, food, service, and medical care were all a bit unsatisfactory.

One night, my wife went out to use the restroom, and there was a puddle of water on the floor of the restroom that no one had cleaned up, and the floor was very slippery, so she was already having trouble moving with her big belly, and she slipped and fell down.

What’s even more annoying is that after my wife’s accident, they didn’t send her to the hospital the first time, but sent her back to her room to rest ……

By the time I rushed over, everything was too late and the baby wasn’t saved.” Wang Chao pounded his fist on the interrogation chair, agitated.

“I had all the thoughts of killing someone at that time, at that time, my wife and I hadn’t been over here for long, we had borrowed money to go abroad, most of the money we earned paid off our debts, and the rest of the money went to pay for the monthly child center.

But what about them?

That’s how they take care of my wife and the baby in my belly, are they human beings for earning this black money?”

Luke asked, “At that time, which moon center did you go to?”

“Mei Cong Moon Center.”

“That moon center went out of business later, did it have anything to do with you?”

“Yes, I was the one who reported it.

That monthly center made black money, and when we didn’t pay, they talked a lot about how nice the accommodations were, one-on-one care, maternity meals, and so on.

But after we paid the money, it changed its flavor.

But after we paid the money and stayed there, we can only eat a dumb loss.

We didn’t even have a legal identity, how could we fight with others.

After the accident, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, so I reported that monthly child care center.

It also saved them from cheating more people.

Until today, I still feel that I did the right thing.”

Luke said, “It’s not wrong for you to report the moon center, but why did you kidnap Mrs. Kenneth and that little girl?”

Wang Chao revealed a complicated look, “A few months ago, my wife got pregnant again.

At first, she didn’t dare to tell me, and I saw that she was a bit off those days, and only told me after I pressed her.

After learning the news, I was also in a complex mood, happy, when the father, who is not happy.

But …… also afraid, afraid of happening like the last time.

My wife wants to abort the child, I did not agree, because she has already had a miscarriage, if another miscarriage, one is worried about her body, and another is afraid that she has no way to get pregnant in the future.

I want to keep the child, this is my child, if I can’t even protect her, is that still a man?

Later on, I didn’t let my wife work, and I worked hard to earn money while I was at home to nurse my baby.

But my wife’s belly is getting bigger day by day, a new problem came up, where to give birth to the child?

At first, my wife wanted to go back to China to have the baby, but I thought about it and didn’t agree.

Returning to China to give birth is quite good, medical conditions are good, and do not have to worry about fear, but …… I feel a little bit of heart not good.

I’ve been here for a few years and my wife has been here for a few years.

My wife and I have been here for a few years, nothing has been done, money has not earned, and now have a child, upside down run back to the country.

Friends and family will not laugh at us, and we will certainly have all sorts of unpleasant words to say.

Originally, my wife and I chose to go abroad there are a lot of people talking about it, I really do not want to see their faces.


Why must people compare themselves, is it not good to live your own life?” Wang Chao, with helplessness written all over his face, laughed at himself and said.

“Saying that they are comparing themselves, why wouldn’t I be the same.

My wife and I discussed it and decided to give birth over here and put up another fight.

Even if we go back to China, we will get a green card and go back to China in style, and we don’t want to be looked down upon.

We began to check the birth of a child in the United States, and found that the best way to get the child to obtain legal status, the best way to rely on the monthly child center.

It was helpless, but there was nothing we could do.

Neither of us had status, and we couldn’t do a lot of things, so we had to choose this path.

Then, we tried to find a better monthly center to avoid the last situation.

As a result, we saw Mrs. Kenneth again, she changed her micro-signal and posted the same content.

The first sight was very angry.

After that, remembered my wife’s miscarriage and hated it.

Seeing that she lied again, and even posted the same content in her friend circle, still the same rhetoric of advertising the moon center, I really can’t control it anymore.

This kind of person …… is really shameless.

Look at those pictures she posted, superior life, gorgeous clothes, spacious villa, and then look at my wife ……

Can not be like this, this is not right, God does not care, I care.

So, I asked around about her, trying to grab a fortune from her family, that’s what she owes us.”

Luke asked, “How did you find Mrs. Kenneth’s address?”

“I read her circle of friends and learned that she works with a moon center called Modern Moms, so I found that moon center and got her address from the moon center.”

“Which person at the moon center told you?”

“It’s that big fat lady at the front desk, she told me.”

Luke secretly said, people ah, really will only talk about the situation that is favorable to them, there are even fewer honest people in business.

“How did that front desk fat big sister tell you?”

Wang Chao thought about it, “At the beginning, I said that my relative wanted to find a moon center, and we chatted about it.

I was also really inquiring about a moon center, so I wanted to learn more about it, and she saw that I was asking quite genuinely, so she didn’t think much of it.

Later, I asked offhandedly where Mrs. Kenneth lived, and the fat lady said that community.

Later, when I asked in more detail, the fat elder sister responded and wouldn’t say any more.

I then went to stake out the community she said, and sure enough, I saw Mrs. Kenneth.

She lived in an upscale neighborhood, a mansion, and had a mixed-race daughter, and I was like the world is so unfair.

There was no chance that the house she lived in contained the money she had scammed me with back then.

I was even angrier inside and wanted to get back the money she owed me and do justice.”

Luke pressed, “So you planned to kidnap her and her daughter?”

“I didn’t intend to kidnap at first, I just wanted to rob a sum of money so I could get back at Mrs. Kenneth and get enough money to stay at the moon center.

That night, I was going to act alone, but my wife wasn’t comfortable with it.

She wore a baggy dress and was ready to go with me.

If I were at home, I would not have agreed, but this is America, where it is easy to buy a gun, and a pregnant woman with a gun is more of a deterrent than a strong man.

So we went together that night.

I remember the stinking woman was taking a bath, and when she came out of the bathroom, we directly controlled her with the gun.

That stinking woman was actually wearing lace pajamas at her age, much more expensive than my wife’s clothes, and to be honest, quite nice.

We controlled Mrs. Kenneth and the little girl, and then forced to ask them about the whereabouts of their valuable items.

As it turned out, the woman actually said she was just a babysitter, and I was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the mansion and luxury car she posted in her circle of friends didn’t even belong to her, she was just working as a nanny for someone else.

I was dumbfounded.

The family didn’t find any money either.

I was furious and felt cheated once again, we risked so much to come, we can’t get nothing.

I decided to take the plunge and kidnap them so that the little girl’s parents would get the money for the ransom.

I knew it wasn’t right, but things had gotten to the point where I had no choice.

You all know what happened after that.”

Luke scratched a note in his book and pressed, “What are you going to do about Mrs. Venice and the little girl?”

“Want the truth?”

Luke nodded.

Wang Chao smiled, his gaze a little empty, “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it either. But I know that no matter what, I can’t let my wife get involved.

She’s a pregnant woman, knowing too much won’t do her any good.

I’m going to face it alone.”

Luke tried, “You’ll kill them?”

“I shouldn’t kill the little girl, she’s never seen my face and was kept blindfolded on the way.

I might not be able to lay my hands on her.

But Mrs. Kenneth …… she has to pay the price, she deserves it.”

Wang Chao did not hide the case, the explanation is very smooth, because there is human evidence and physical evidence, he wants to rely on it.

The case was solved, Luke’s mood was not relaxed, but somewhat heavy.

Wang Chao couple is not bad in nature, they just want to pursue a better life, but unfortunately, the creation of people, let them step by step on the road of no return.

The reason for this is that Luke feels that they are not living openly enough, and that working as a black laborer is illegal in itself, and that they have to worry about immigration and government departments all day long, and they probably don’t even dare to speak loudly, and it is easier for people to get into trouble when they live in this kind of tension for a long period of time.

Luke also did not want to condemn the couple, more of a helplessness.

The second life is very clear to him that life is not easy, not everyone has the courage to live another life.

If you go to the street to do an interview, the theme will be called the next life you still come?

Luke believed that there should be many people who would choose not to come.

In the past, Luke couldn’t figure out why good people don’t live a long life, and felt that the world was unfair.

To put it in another way, if one was originally in hell, why would it not be a blessing to leave first.

Of course, people can not be too negative, since it has come to this world, then live well.

Luke didn’t feel sad for too long, nor did he have that qualification to complain.

With the Divine Detective System, he is destined to be an open existence in this life.

The case was solved.

The people are going to the bar for a small gathering in the evening.

Xiao Hei and Luke drove a car, and the two of them had a chat.

While driving, Blacky generally asked, “Is David coming tonight?”

Luke shook his head, “I asked, he has a mission tonight, he can’t come.”

Blacky shrugged, “Too bad, I was hoping to talk to him about this case.”

“Talk about what? It’s not like he hasn’t worked on a case before.”

“About the hostage rescue of course, we managed to rescue two hostages.” Kuro gestured two fingers.

“Man, that’s an amazing thing, I’m proud of both of us.”

Luke smiled, although Blacky was suspected of selling himself short, not only did he successfully rescue the hostages this time, there were no casualties, the case was indeed beautifully handled.

Blackie blinked his big eyes, “Luke, do you think we’ll get a reward this time?”

Luke glanced down at his cell phone before asking, “Which aspect are you referring to?”

“A promotion! I’ve been a detective for a long time now, and you’re a lieutenant now, so I can’t still be Detective Marcus. I have to keep up with you to keep up.

Lieutenant Luke, Detective Marcus, it just goes with the territory.”

“You’re right, I also think you’re about to be promoted?” Luke said perfunctorily, looking down and typing on his cell phone.

“Really?” Blackie revealed an expectant look.

Luke didn’t answer and sent a message on his phone.

Blacky frowned, “Dude, I’m talking to you, what are you doing being distracted.”

Luke put his phone down, “I was talking to Daisy, asking her what time she gets off work tonight.”

Blackie bristled, “What kind of relationship do you two fall into now?”

“Boy-girl friend.”

Blacky shook his head, “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“Remember when Julian and I were together? She used to call me as soon as it was night time, asking what time I’d be home, if we wanted to have dinner together, stuff like that.

But when we drank together, even if it was late, I didn’t see Daisy calling you.”

“We don’t live together.”

“That’s no reason not to call.”

Luke shrugged, “Probably …… because she’s too busy.”

“Dude, you’re a smart guy, you shouldn’t be making lame excuses like that.”

“I’m not making excuses, we still get along in some ways, like helping each other out in life.

In bed, she enjoys being with me too.”

Black smiled, “I can understand, your relationship would be somewhere between a couple and a fuck buddy.

One step forward is a couple, one step back is a fuck buddy, I actually kinda like your relationship.

Usually, you are busy with your own business, there is enough space and you don’t interfere too much in your respective lives, it’s nice to have a date when you have time.”

Luke shook his head, “Spoken like you know what you’re doing, so what’s going on with you and Julian?”

“Uh …… this is a bit more complicated, and actually the two of us are better suited for each other, it’s just that I don’t want to get married.” Speaking of which, as if he remembered something funny, Kuro said

“One night, the two of us were doing it together on the windowsill.” Seeing Luke glancing at himself, Kuro nodded affirmatively and laughed, saying.

“That’s right, just what you’re thinking.

Then, we accidentally fell off the ledge.

The even buyer, we were only wearing our tops, and we rolled on the lawn like that.

A car just happened to pass by and an older woman sitting in the passenger side looked on in awe.

Haha …… What a crazy night.”

Luke looked at Black, “Poor guy, have you noticed that you’ve been bringing up Julian a lot lately and you can’t help but smile every time.”



“Uh …… that means I’ve completely let it go.

“Are you sure you’re not missing her?”

Black showed a forlorn look, “I …… I have to let go, it’s better for her, and for me.”

The car went quiet, neither of them spoke again.

Suddenly, Blacky slammed on the brakes and stopped on the side of the road.

Luke planted himself forward and said, disgruntled, “Are you irritated? And say you don’t miss Julian.”

“No, I didn’t stop because of Julian.” Black pointed to the right front of the car.

Luke looked up and not far away a black woman was dragging a large trolley case alongside a young boy in his teens.

Laura and Jayden.

What were they doing here?

Black got out of the car and waved, “Laura and Jayden, why are you here? Why are you still dragging your bags.”

Luke followed suit and got out of the car, nodding his head.

Jaden said, “Marcus, I was just about to contact you …… to ask for your help.”

Marcus was concerned, “What’s up man?”

Jaden didn’t say anything and glanced at Laura next to him.

“Laura, what’s wrong?”

Laura pursed her lips and sighed, “We’re behind on our rent and were evicted by our landlord.”

“Rent arrears?” Xiao Hei was a bit surprised, “Why are you guys behind on your rent? Didn’t the police department return some of the money to you guys? It should be enough to live for a long time.”

Laura helplessly said, “I …… I was cheated, the money is gone.”

“WHAT?You were cheated? Cheated by who?” Doubt was written all over Xiao Hei’s face.

Laura looked a little rattled, “A friend, a brute I thought of as my friend, when we first met, he was kind and caring.

He knew Jayden’s dad had died and kept comforting me and encouraging me to come out.

He also said that he also grew up in a single-parent family and could understand and sympathize with how difficult it is for a single mother.

So he’s willing to help me and take me along with him in the investment.”

Laura said this, wanting to speak.

Black pursued, “How did he trick you into investing?”

“He said that there was a lucrative project that was on the cusp of investment, with an extremely high return on investment, and wanted to invite me to invest together.

At first I was a little worried, but he was very enthusiastic, and I felt that he was not a bad person, so I tried to invest a thousand dollars.

Later, just like he said, I really made money, investment will soon be able to get profit, you can directly use the software to withdraw cash.

Then later, I increased the investment, as a result, all lost.

I just woke up, I was cheated.”

Xiao Hei opened his mouth, but did not know what to say.

A woman, a black woman ……

Hey ……

After a long time, Luke asked, “Where are you guys planning to go?”

Laura pointed to the right hand side of the rescue center, “We originally planned to go to the rescue station, but it was already full, so we had no choice but to leave.”

Blackie looked at Laura and then at Jayden, “You guys come with me.”

The group entered the aid station once again, and there were quite a few people lying in the hall, there were homeless people, homeless women, and those with children like Laura.

Even in a prosperous city, there were just as many people at the bottom who had difficulty living.

Black walked up to the front desk of the service station, a glassed-in window in which sat a middle-aged Latina woman.

“Hey, I’m Detective Marcus, found a mother and son in need on the side of the road, can we put them up?”

The older Latina looked at Laura and Jayden and said helplessly, “SORRY, the aid station only has a total of 90 beds and they’re already full.”

Blackie said, “It’s so late in the day, single mother with a small child, it’s really hard for them. Can you help find a bed?”

The Latina older sister sighed, “Detective Marcus, I can understand how you feel, but look at all those people in the hall, all lined up for beds.

It is indeed full and there is nothing I can do about it.

You might as well go to one of the other aid stations.”

Xiao Hei glanced at the crowd in the hall and could only helplessly lead Laura and Jaden away.

“You guys wait here.”

Blacky finished and stepped aside to exchange words with Luke.

Luke asked, “What are you going to do?”

“Take them to one of the other aid stations, if I don’t care, they’ll be sleeping on the streets for sure.” Black finished and shrugged, “SORRY, you’ll just have to take a cab to the bar.”

“Good luck.” Luke dropped his words and said hello to Jayden’s mother and son again before leaving.

Black patted Jaden’s shoulder and said comfortingly, “Come on, I’ll take you to the other aid stations and find a place to stay first.

As for the matter of being cheated of money, I will ask the Economic Crimes Division tomorrow to see if I can recover the money.”

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