Chapter 195

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Unlike the country.

California police officers were allowed to work part-time.

Many police officers worked as security guards, detectives, and other jobs while on vacation.

Luke didn’t have any psychological burden about charging consultant fees.

Investigating Val’s case that belonged to self-defense wasn’t that difficult for him, it was just a matter of wasting some time.

Luke re-examined the surveillance video again and found some new clues.

Although the place where the fight took place was a blind spot of the surveillance, it didn’t mean that the surveillance was useless.

The surveillance didn’t catch Val and the suspect, but it did catch the onlookers.

These onlookers could be witnesses, assuming, of course, that they saw the full scene of the confrontation.

If they didn’t see Val being choked by the suspect, and only saw Val hitting the suspect, it would not be favorable for Val.

This is the dilemma Val is facing now, the police questioned several onlookers at the scene, all heard the commotion before rushing over, and only saw the scene of Val hitting the suspect.

Timing judgment is important.

Otherwise finding witnesses can only help.

The person Luke is looking for must be the one who saw the whole process of the fight, so that he can help Val clear the suspicion.

Outside the mall there were a total of three cameras, Luke carefully compared the three cameras, analyzed from the time, path, demeanor and attitude, and found a black man who might have watched the whole process.

This black man was also in the blind spot of the surveillance, and by the time he appeared in the video surveillance, he was taking video with his cell phone, and likely captured the confrontation between the two parties.

The problem now is that it’s not clear what point in time the other side was filming.

If the other party filmed the entire clash, then just getting the video will prove Val’s innocence.

Some people may think, this case is not difficult ah, how come the patrol police can not find out.

In fact, the reason can be analyzed from an ordinary burglary case.

If the house is patronized by burglars, is the case difficult?

No, it’s not.

Check the community surveillance may be able to find the figure of the thief.

Can the thief be caught?

The probability is no.

Sounds a bit contradictory and illogical, but it plays out every day.

If anything, why is it so easy for Luke to check.

Let’s just say it’s an all-out descending strike.

When it comes to investigating cases, if the Rangers are compared to the CBA, then the Robbery and Murder Division belongs in the NBA, both play basketball, and the level is definitely different.

Luke in the NBA also belongs to the existence of James-like, went to the CBA is not equal to abuse dishes.

Luke carefully viewed the man’s whereabouts, found that he just passed from the supermarket, and did not enter the supermarket.

From the man’s action track analysis, he is likely to go to the parking lot behind the supermarket.

Luke called up the parking lot’s surveillance and found that the man’s car was a gray Chevrolet.

Luke contacted Matthew and quickly found out the owner’s information.

Name, Pidal Newt.

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 2, 1986

Cell phone number, 626 876 7821

Address, Garril neighborhood, 125.

Social Security number, 623-53-1326.

License plate number, 7Seb323.

There are some things that are not convenient to talk about in a cell phone, now that the owner’s address has been found.

Luke was ready to take Val and pay a direct visit to the door.

The following day.

Garril neighborhood, number 125.

A cab parked outside a gray two-story building.

Luke and Val stepped out of the car, Luke didn’t drive his Mercedes G500, he felt a taxi was more appropriate for this occasion.

Val looked at the door number in front of the house and straightened his clothes, carrying a gift bag in his hand, and asked Luke, who had stepped aside, “Do you think I’m okay with this?”

“Very well, I don’t think it will be too much of a problem in a few minutes, as long as you show some sincerity.”

Val nodded and sauntered into the courtyard, standing outside the room and knocking on the door, “Knock knock.”

A moment later the door opened and a black man stood in the doorway, sizing up Val and Luke, “Who are you guys? Can I help you?” The man finished, and then stared intently at Val.

“Hey, I think I’ve seen you before.”

Val nodded, “Yeah, a guy went to rob the supermarket yesterday at noon, I stopped him and the two of us got into a fight.

You should have been there at the time.”

The black man raised an eyebrow, “How did you know I was there? I don’t think you noticed me at that time. Never mind, I don’t really want to know, what is your business?”

Val said, “Can we talk inside? It’s not very convenient to talk here.”

The black man refused outright, “No, I don’t like strangers coming into my house.”

Val handed over the bag in his hand, “Sir, this is a gift for you, we came here to ask for your help, it won’t take too much of your time.”

The black man opened the bag and pulled a bottle of champagne out of it, “I’m curious, how did you guys know I lived here?”

Luke said, “We looked at the supermarket’s security footage and realized that you were there, then we asked around and it just so happened that an acquaintance knew you.

My friend has been falsely accused of intentional injury by a robber, and he needs your help now.

Of course, whether or not you are willing to provide help is your freedom and ultimately up to you personally, but until then, I hope you can give us a chance to ask for help and let us make things clear.

We have come with great sincerity.”

Luke spoke politely, since he was here to ask for help, he had to show poise.

It would be strange if people could help you if you begged and still bullied them.

The black man looked at Val and glanced at the bag in his hand and stepped aside, “OK, go in and talk.”

Luke and Val both entered the living room, which wasn’t very large and the house was a bit cluttered.

From a person’s living environment, one could tell the state of a person’s life, Luke had a feeling that this dude shouldn’t be having a very good time.

After Luke habitually observed the surrounding situation, he sat on a corner of the sofa, “Sir, what is your name?”

Did Luke know his name?

Of course he did, and not only did he know his name, more detailed information was also known.

But knowing it was still a question.

It was not superfluous, but necessary.

Two strangers suddenly came to the door, but also immediately called out your name, is a person will produce vigilance.

By the time you say anything, the other party will hold a certain degree of skepticism.

Taking the initiative to ask for the other party’s name and the other party telling you, could lower the other party’s vigilance and save unnecessary trouble.

“Pidal Newt, what are your names?”

“My name is Luke Lee, his name is Val Sullivan.”

Pidal Newt crossed his arms and rested his elbows on his knees as he looked at Luke and Val and asked, “It’s okay to say what you’re here for, but I’m not necessarily promising to help you.”

Luke nodded his head at Val.

Since he was the one who asked for help, he should make things clear and explain things.

When you put your heart in the right place, there’s no chance that people can take the initiative to help you.

Although not often encountered, there were still good people.

Val narrated, “The man who fought with me at noon yesterday was the suspect in the supermarket robbery.

He’s already come to our supermarket for the third time to rob it.

It’s not right for him to do that, not only did he cause damage to our supermarket, but he also had a very bad influence on the whole community.

I just couldn’t stand it anymore, so I tried to stop him.

I know it’s a bit silly, but this society needs some ‘fools’.” Val’s tone was sincere, like someone who’d been wronged for the sake of justice…

“I had been following him and when I saw him push his shopping cart out without checking out, I followed him out of the supermarket and then tried to stop him.

I didn’t make a move at first, I just grabbed the shopping trolley, he was the one who choked me first and then I started fighting back.

He also spat at me and said a lot of insulting things, so I didn’t hold back and punched him.

He started it, and I was in self-defense, but it happened to be in a blind spot on the surveillance.

I can’t prove it. The robber is suing me for intentional assault.

I was wrongly accused. You were there and should know very well.

I would like you to testify on my behalf.”

Pidal Newt nodded, “Man, I sympathize with you.”

“Thank you, you are the only one who can help me now, as long as you are willing to testify for me, you can prove that I belong to self-defense.”

Pidal Newt was a little embarrassed, “Well, I’m afraid that’s a little difficult. You should understand. The robber is a Negro, and I am a Negro.

If I testify on your behalf things could get very messy.

It might even cause some trouble in my life.”

Luke said, “Mr. Newt, I don’t quite agree with you on this. Why should we be divided into black and white? We’re all from Los Angeles.

That guy who robbed the supermarket is disrupting the normalcy of our city, and we should all stop him and bring him to justice.”

Pidal Newt said, “You have a point, but the issue of skin color does exist, like I live in a neighborhood where most of the people are black and I’m a black man, if I put another black man in jail to help a white man.

What would the other black people think of me?

It’s very real and I can’t help but think about it.

Not all people can be rational, and there is a small group of extremists who will not leave me alone.

And this group happens to be the most dangerous of all. If I do, I’m sure that the glass in my house will be smashed tomorrow and my family will be threatened.

It’s not that I don’t want to help, but only if it doesn’t interfere with me and my family’s normal life.”

Luke had been in L.A. long enough to get a feel for the place, and Pidal’s concerns were somewhat valid, not entirely pretextual.

Luke backed off, “Mr. Newt, I saw in the video that you had been recording video at the time. I wonder when you started recording the video? Was there any footage of the suspect choking Val.”

Pidal Newt didn’t hide, “Yes, I did take the video, and I’ve been filming since Mr. Sullivan grabbed the shopping cart and the two started arguing.

It also did capture the suspect choking Mr. Sullivan.”

Val gave a delighted look, “Mr. Newt, can I have the video?

It’s very important for me to prove my innocence.

And you won’t have to appear in court, no one will know that the video was taken by you.”

Pidal Newt was a little hesitant, “Even so, I’m still a little worried.

If you guys can find me, there’s no chance that the suspect can find me too, what if he knows that I gave you the video and they retaliate against me?”

Luke advised, “You don’t have to worry about that, the video can only be seen by the police.

I’ll make sure the suspects can’t find you.”

Pidal Newt sighed, “Can you let me think about it? You guys leave your contact information and I’ll contact you when I’ve thought about it.”

With the evidence right in front of him, how could Luke leave so easily, he also saw that Pidal-Newt wasn’t a warm-hearted person, and Val’s tragic experience couldn’t move him.

Then it could only be another way: ”Mr. Newt, we are really sincere and can understand your concern, and as a token of appreciation, we are willing to pay you a gratitude fee.

Pidal Newt glanced at his big lips, “How much?”

Sure enough, it came down to money in the end.

Luke made an offer, “Three hundred dollars.”

Pidal Newt shook his head, “No, No No that’s too little, that’s not a sincere price.”

Luke countered, “How much do you want, Mr. Newt?”

Pidal Newt stroked his chin, “Before we get into that, let’s be clear about one thing, you’re the ones who took the initiative to buy it, it’s not me asking you for money, it’s you who took the initiative to pay me.”

“That’s right, we’re the ones who volunteered to buy it.”

Pidal Newt thought for a moment and held up five fingers.

Luke guessed, “Five hundred dollars.”

Pidal-Newt shrugged, “Followed by a zero.”

Val gives a difficult look, “Man, I’m just a shopper still in my internship, I can’t even get $500, let alone $5,000.

Even if it’s 300 dollars, I’ll have to borrow it from friends and family.

Seeing as it’s not easy for everyone, can you make it cheaper?”

Pidal Newt wasn’t buying it, “You’re the ones who want to buy it, I’m offering a price which is reasonable, if you don’t want it then forget it.”

Val was in a hurry, the rest of his life was at stake, “It’s not that we don’t want to buy it, it’s that the price is too high, I really can’t afford it.”

“Then how much do you think is appropriate?”

Val thought for a while, “Five hundred dollars, that’s the highest I can come up with.”

Pidal Newt struck a sending gesture, “Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you. If there’s nothing else, I’ll ask you to step out.”

Luke made a concession, “We can give you a thousand dollars.”

Luke had gotten thirty thousand dollars in consulting fees from the supermarket, and that was still a lot of money to give.

“No, I said five thousand dollars.”

Luke persuaded, “Mr. Pidal Newt, money can’t be earned, how about making a friend?

Send us the video, you have nothing to lose, and a thousand dollars will buy something for yourself or your family, pretty good.”

“As I said earlier, I’m taking a risk by giving you the video, if those people find me and injure me, this thousand dollars won’t be enough for the medical bills.” Pidal Newt’s tone was firm.

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m a police officer, I can guarantee that no one will dare to bother you over this matter.

If anyone comes after you over the video, you can call me.

I promise I’ll make them disappear and never show up in front of you.”

Pidal Newt gulped and looked at the badge, a slight nervous look on his face, “You’re really a cop?”

“Of course.”

“Uh…… thousand dollars still count?”

Luke took out ten green bills and put them directly on the table, “My word always counts.”

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