Chapter 196

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:17
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Southern Division, Mediation Room.

Daisy proposed a second mediation.

The same black police officer and Asian policewoman were in charge of the mediation.

Daisy accompanied Val to the mediation, and across the conference table sat the robber, Harbot Ross.

The female Asian police officer said, “This is the second mediation, and I’m hoping that this time the settlement will be successful and not a waste of everyone’s time.”

Robber Harbot Ross smiled playfully, “I do respect both officers and my time is valuable, it depends on their sincerity.”

Daisy said, “Mr. Harbot Ross, since you are sincere, why don’t you just sign the settlement agreement and we can forget about it.”

“Even buy Karma, did I hear it right, you guys take the blame?

The one who was beaten was me, that bastard knocked me to the ground and then rode on top of me and beat me without any humanity.

Do you think I’m a black slave from 200 years ago?

No, I’m going to fight for my rights and you guys are going to pay for that kind of rude behavior.” Harbottle Ross looked over at the black cop as he spoke.

“I’m not doing this for me alone, but I don’t want anyone else to have to go through the same thing I did, this shouldn’t be happening in the 21st century, ever.”

Val laughed, armed with the videotaped video evidence, he bottomed out, “Haha, what are you talking about you asshole?

What gives you the right to use that tone?

Those who don’t know think you’re a hero.


You’re a robber, you robbed the supermarket, that’s a fact.

I’m the hero who stopped the robbery, not you.”

Harbottle Ross shot Val a hard look and shot back, “I admit I took some things from the supermarket.

My family is struggling and we need those supplies, and if I was as rich as Bill Gates, hell I’d rob a supermarket.

Besides, I have already been punished for this incident by paying the ticket, and now we are discussing the case where you maliciously assaulted me.

You’re a thug, you’re guilty of malicious wounding, and you should be in jail.”

Val shakes his head, “You lie, I didn’t maliciously assault you, I was acting in self-defense, you choked me first.”

Harbottle Ross pointed at Val with an angry look on his face, “You’re the one who lied, I’m the victim.”

Val was about to say something else when Daisy interrupted, “Harbot Ross, I want to double check with you, who started it?”

“It was the fat white guy sitting next to you.”

“Are you sure you didn’t choke my client?”


“That’s interesting.” Daisy pulled out a small hard drive and said to the Asian policewoman sitting next to her, “ma’am, we’ve found some new evidence that may help in the case.”

The Asian policewoman took the hard drive and plugged it into her laptop and watched the video with the black cop who had just watched it.

The black cop looked over at Harbottle Ross with a serious look on his face and asked, “Hey, look me in the eye, did you choke him first and he punched you?”

“No, I did not.” Harbottle Ross remained stiff-lipped.

“Then what’s this?” The black cop turned the laptop around so that Harbot Ross could watch the video as well.

Harbot Ross showed a chagrined look, “SORRY, I remembered wrong.

But it’s true that he hit me, and I probably got hit in the head by him before I couldn’t remember.”

Daisy retorted, “Liar, you just said with certainty that my client choked you, there is no such thing as not being able to remember, you are deliberately deceiving the two officers and wasting their time and energy.

You are a shameful liar.”

The black policeman said, “Harbottle Ross, the fight is your responsibility, and I’m going to reissue you a ticket.”

Harbot Ross was a little aggravated, “Why a ticket? I’m the one who got hit.

I just choked him and didn’t do anything after that, and was totally on the receiving end of the beating.

Look at the injury on my face, it still hurts even now.”

The black officer said in an undeniable tone, “You lied.”

Daisy added, “You should be glad this isn’t in a courtroom or it wouldn’t be as simple as a ticket.”

Harbottle Ross stood up and spread his hands helplessly, “I’ll pay the ticket, if there’s nothing else, I’m leaving.”

Daisy said, “Officers, I have new evidence to present.”

Harbottle Ross was disgruntled, “This is in the past, I’m the one who got punched in the face, what more do you want?”

Daisy took out a piece of information, “Harbottle Ross, you’ve got it wrong, it’s not this case I’m talking about.

Rather, it’s the case of you robbing a supermarket.”

The Asian policewoman asked, “What about that case?”

“We found a new clue, Harbot Ross robbed the supermarket items not for $940, but for $1030, he has committed a felony.”

Harbottle Ross dismissed, “Lies, lawyers are liars.

I did the math twice after I took the items and it was never more than $940.”

Daisy pulled out two high definition screenshot photos, “Both officers can look at them, one is a photo of Harbottle Ross before the robbery and the other is a photo of Harbottle Ross after the robbery.

In addition to robbing the contents of the shopping cart, Harbot Ross also grabbed a pair of shoes and wore them directly on his feet.

With the addition of the shoes, he stole just under $1,030 in items.”

After hearing this, Harbottle-Ross covered his forehead with his right hand, “Even the buyer’s ……”

The two officers compared photos and revisited the surveillance video.

Afterwards, the black officer stood up and took out a pair of handcuffs, “Harbott Ross, you’re under arrest for robbing a supermarket, and you have the right to remain silent ……”

Harbottle Ross revealed a panicked look, got up and stepped back, “NoNoNo, you guys listen to me explain, I didn’t mean to do it, I forgot the shoes, I really forgot ……”

“That’s not a reason for you to rob, it’s better to go tell it to the judge.” The black officer finished and put the handcuffs directly on Harbottle Ross.

Val applauded, “Congratulations, will have a great time in jail.

Plus, it feels good to beat you up.”

Surveillance video proved Val’s innocence.

Val was acquitted and got his bail money back.

Robert was happy to invite the crowd for an evening get-together.

Daisy was included in the invitation.

Daisy, who has always been decisive and articulate in the courtroom, is hesitant.

Perhaps it was because of her family background that she disliked these occasions.

Until Luke drove under the law firm to pick her up, she hadn’t even thought about whether or not she wanted to attend.

Daisy got into the passenger side of the Mercedes, “Luke, can I not go to the party? I may not be very fond of the occasion.”

Luke shrugged, “If it were normal, I would respect your opinion, but this party is just for you and Val.

Everyone appreciates your help.

Robert probably wouldn’t let me in the door if I drove there alone.

“OK, but I probably won’t stay long.”

Perhaps because of Luke, Daisy finally agreed.

“That’s okay, it’s good that you can attend.”

Half an hour later.

Luke and Daisy arrived at Robert’s house.

Halfway there, Daisy also bought a bottle of red wine as a gift.

At this time, Luke’s family had already arrived.

The little fat man looked at the car with a curious face, he originally wanted to bring his girlfriend Maggie along, but was stopped by his mom.

Luke and Daisy got out of the car, the crowd enthusiastically surrounded.

Robert smiled and said, “Daisy, I’m glad you could join us tonight.”

“Thank you for the invitation, here is my gift to you.”

Robert took it and smiled, “Wow wow, I love this brand of wine, thanks.”

Linda came over and sized up Daisy, “You look beautiful today, I love your earrings.”

“Really? Thanks, I just bought them.”

Val came over as well, “Daisy, welcome, you’re the best lawyer I’ve ever seen.

The thought of that robber being sent to jail excites me now.

Thank you very much indeed.”

Before Daisy could reply, the chubby little man off to the side came over, “Hi Daisy, I’m Jack, Luke’s brother.

It’s nice to meet you, you’re the prettiest lawyer I’ve ever seen.”

Daisy smiled, “Thanks, you’re a handsome young man with a good eye.”

Luke clapped his hands together, “OK, we’ve all met, let’s have a nice drink and celebrate Val’s freedom.”


The party officially started, Robert was in charge of the grill and the crowd drank and chatted.

Val was able to regain his innocence and freedom, and the happiest person was Robert.

What many publicists said about Americans being kicked out by their parents when they reached eighteen was purely to fool and demean the young people in the country.

American parents are not really much different from domestic parents.

Some parents are just as likely to interfere in their sons’ and daughters’ lives.

‘As long as I’m not dead, you’ll do as I say.’ Can you believe this is what a white woman says to her daughter?

Nowadays, in this society, I’m afraid Chinese parents wouldn’t dare to say that to their sons and daughters now.

Twenty minutes later.

Daisy received a call from the law firm, there was an urgent matter that she needed to attend to.

Daisy said goodbye to the crowd and left the party early.

Luke drove all to see her off.

In a black Mercedes G500, the atmosphere was somewhat silent.

After a while, Daisy slowly said, “SORRY, I ruined the atmosphere of the party, it was not my intention.”

Luke reassured, “Don’t say that, it’s not your fault.”

Daisy pursed her lips as she deliberated beside a moment, “Luke, your family is wonderful.

I can feel their warmth, but ……

it’s just you that I like.

I don’t like to get too involved in each other’s families, and I don’t want to get too deeply involved with each other’s families.”

Luke nodded, “I see what you mean.”

Daisy sighed softly, her eyes looking a little blankly ahead, “I know what I’m doing isn’t very good either, but I just want to live on my own terms.


Luke said, “Daisy, have you ever thought about getting married?

Of course, I don’t mean now, I just mean any plans to get married in the future?”

Daisy was silent for a while, “We’ve known each other for such a long time, and it seems like it’s the 1st time we’ve talked about this topic.

To be honest, I …… haven’t thought about it either.”

Luke asked in a different way, “Have you thought about starting a new family?”

Hearing the word family, Daisy instinctively frowned and said with some resistance, “No, I don’t want to.”

Luke didn’t say anything else, if it was before he might not have been able to understand.

Since the contact with Daisy’s father, he could feel the damage that Daisy’s father had caused to Daisy, and the wound of the heart was hard to heal.

Daisy had been abandoned by her father as a child and was dependent on her mother, family was not a synonym for warmth and happiness for her.

Rather, it is a memory of teenage misery.

Luke held Daisy’s hand and did not say anything else, people need to understand each other.

He was also not qualified to make Daisy necessarily integrate into his family life.

Luke II was a man who actually looked at feelings rather lightly.

Men of his age still prioritize their careers.

Emotionally it was fine to let nature take its course.

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