Chapter 198

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The medical examiner, Sheila, came over and took off her gloves, “Guys, the preliminary autopsy has been completed.”

The crowd gathered over very consciously, the body itself was the best evidence, and the autopsy could dig that evidence out.

Sheila, the medical examiner, said, “Judging from the condition of the body and the blood, the car would have been the first scene of the crime.

The fatal injuries to the deceased were two gunshot wounds to the chest, one of which struck the deceased where his heart was.

The time of death was between 9:00 and 12:00 p.m.

When the bullet is removed, I’ll hand it over to the Identification Section for bullet mark identification.

Also there are traces of binding on the deceased’s body, but no binding tools were found.

That’s all we have so far.”

Susan nodded and continued, “The deceased’s driver’s license was found from inside the car.”

Susan took pictures and sent them directly to the chat group.

Name, Barron Smith

Gender, male

Height, 184cm

Weight, 150 pounds

Eye color, blue

Hair color, brown

Date of birth, March 16, 1984

Cell phone number, 626 836 2526

License plate number, 7leb398

Blackie shines a light on the car’s license plate number, “Looks like the man who was killed is the owner.”

Susan scanned the crowd, “Anyone else got anything else?”

Luke recounted the contents of the informant’s statement and analyzed, “From the scene, the deceased was only wearing socks before he was born, and there were red lip prints on his face, so it’s likely that he was in a car sex.

The fact that the deceased did not get dressed in time indicates that he should have suffered a crisis in the middle of the quake or just after the quake.

And the object of his car shock should not have left at this time.

So the question is, it’s normal for a murderer to flee after killing someone.

And why is the object of the car shock with the deceased nowhere to be found?”

Xiao Hei said, “Will the car-shock object also take the opportunity to escape?”

“I think it’s unlikely, if she escaped, why didn’t she call the police?” Jackson stroked his chin and pondered, “Is it possible that the deceased was killed by the car-shaking object?”

Black shook his head, “Don’t you think that statement is contradictory? Since two people can have a car shock, it means that the relationship between the two people is in an intimate period, why would the other person kill the victim?”

Jackson thought for a moment, “The clues now are too few, it’s hard to guess the exact reason, but is there a possibility that the other party intentionally used the car shock as an excuse to lure him out of the car, and used the car shock to lower the other party’s vigilance, and then killed the other party later.”

Susan interrupted the two men, “Gentlemen, what you said are reasonable, but now the question is how to find that car-shock object, as long as we can find the other party, in order to determine whether the other party is suspected or not?”

Luke replied, “I found a pair of handprints on the front face of the car, and analyzing the situation at the scene, it’s likely that they were left by the car-shaking subject.”

“Is it possible that the handprints are those of the car’s owner himself?” Black grinned his big white teeth and gave a bad laugh, “It would be interesting if I guessed it.”

Luke “……”

Jackson frowned, “Aren’t you being a little disrespectful to the dead by saying that ……?”

Black glared, “You boys got a problem with me?”

Jackson waved his hand, “No, I just think this is a crime scene and should be taken seriously.

Maintain a minimum of respect for the dead.”

Black was disgruntled, “Can’t I even have the least bit of curiosity when a man dies naked in a car?”

Jenny interrupted the two, “Gentlemen, instead of arguing here, why don’t you go question the owner of the handprints, huh?”

Jenny finished and looked at Susan and Luke, “Captain and Lieutenant, the fingerprint collector matched the prints found on the car and I sent her information to the group.”

Name, Shirley Yalter.

Gender, female

Date of birth, May 2, 1983

Cell phone number, 626 876 457*.

Address, 176 Portal neighborhood.

Social Security number, 623-23-534*.

Susan instructed, “Luke, you lead the investigation into Shirley Yalter.

Raymond, contact the victim’s family to identify the body.”

“Yes, captain.”

176 Portal neighborhood, Yalter’s house.

It was a middle-class neighborhood, and the Yalte family’s villa was considered larger in size in the community.

There was a green lawn on the right side of the yard, flowers were planted on the left side, and two cars were parked in front of the garage.

A black BMW and a white Volvo.

The house was cleaned and there was a picture of the family on the coffee table.

Mr. and Mrs. Yalter and a fifteen or sixteen year old teenager.

It was Saturday and the family was home for the rest of the day.

Mrs. Yalte was cooking in the kitchen, her husband took out a bottle of red wine from the cupboard, “They are all at home today, and there is nothing to do in the afternoon, so we can just have a drink.”

The teenager looked expectant, “Can I have some?”

“Sure.” The man nodded.

“No,” Mrs. Yalter objected, “You are not to touch a drop of alcohol until you go to college.”

“Mom, can I have a beer? A lot of my classmates have had beer at home.”

“They’re them and you’re you, why should you be like them?”

“Why can’t you be the same?” The teenager retorted.

Mrs. Yalter stared at him and said, word for word, “I’m your age and the only way I get a pathetic little allowance from your grandmother is by doing my own chores, shouldn’t you be the same.”

The teenager was helpless and looked over at his dad.

As the man prepares to speak, he looks at his wife glaring at him and rushes into a surrender position.

“Ding dong ……” Just then, the doorbell rang from outside.

The man raised his chin at his son, “Go see who it is.”

The teenager grumbled, “Why me?”

The man laughed, “Because I’m your dad.”

“That’s right, now you remember it’s my dad.” The teenager grumbled and walked to the door, glancing at the videophone, a strange woman stood outside.

The teen opened the door, “Who are you? Can I help you?”

The woman standing in the doorway was none other than Jenny from the Robbery and Murder Division.

Opening the door, Luke flashed out the side as well.

The two men, Blackie and Jackson, were on guard around the yard.

The police were still unsure of Shirley Yalter’s role in the case and didn’t dare take it lightly.

Luke asked, “Is this Shirley Yalter’s house?”

“What do you guys want with my mom?”

“Is she home?”

The teenager frowned, “Who the hell are you guys? If there’s no business, I’m closing the door.”

Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD, we’re investigating a case and we’d like to get some information from Sherry Yalter.”

The teenager showed a surprised look, “You’re cops, why are you looking for my mom to learn something? Find out about what?”

“We have a confidentiality agreement and are not at liberty to disclose. Is Shirley Yalter home?”

“Just a minute guys.” The teenager said and simply closed the door to the room.

“What a rude boy.” Luke ducked against the wall and held his right hand down on the butt of his gun.

The teenager hurried back into the living room.

The man asked, “Who were you talking to? Any guests?”

The teenager was a little flustered, “It was the LAPD, said they were here to investigate the case and said they wanted to find out more about my mom.”

“LAPD? what do they know about the case?” The man was confused and stood up to walk towards the door.

As the head of the family, this was the time he had to step up.

Mrs. Yalter froze for a moment before wiping her hands, tugging off her apron, and heading out the door as well.

“Cluck ……” the door opened again, and in the doorway stood a middle-aged man, somewhat similar to the teenager from before.

Luke flashed his badge again, “LAPD, we’re looking for Sherry Yalter.”

“I’m her husband.”

“Do you have a search warrant?”

“No, we’re just looking for her for some information.”

“What kind of information? You can start by telling me, and we’ll help if we can.”

Luke said solemnly, “We are from the Robbery and Murder Division, and we are investigating a serious criminal case, and we can’t disclose the case to the public except for the people involved in the case.

SORRY, please bring out Shirley Yalter.”

“Even the Karma’s! Robbery-murder division!” The man seemed to realize the importance of the question, “Is it a dead man?”

“Hey, what’s up? You guys looking for me?” Shirley Yalter came out of the house, interrupting the conversation.

“Mrs. Yalter, we were looking for you for some information?”

“Are you guys mistaken, I’ve never been in contact with the robbery and murder division before.”

Luke was getting a little impatient, “We came to find out something about last night, just a few simple questions that won’t take too long.”

The man looked at his wife, “Did anything happen last night?”

Shirley Yalter shook her head, “I still think that you guys got it wrong.

But …… as a citizen of Los Angeles, I am willing to assist the police in investigating the case, everyone has the obligation to make the city’s law and order better, isn’t it?”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“Do you wish to make inquiries here, or go with us to the police station?”

Shirley Yalter pursed her lips, “Where do you think is appropriate?”

“If it’s convenient, I suggest going to the police station.”

“OK, no problem.” Shirley Yalter smiled and turned to her husband and son, “Hey, gentlemen, I’ll leave the cooking to you.

I’m going to disguise myself as a superhero and help the police catch the bad guys.

See you later.”

Mr. Yalter yanked his wife aside and whispered, “Hey, they’re just going to ask a few questions, just let them do it here, why bother going to the police station?”

“Uh …… I don’t really like the police coming to the house, they can easily be seen by the neighbors if they linger too long in front of the house.

There’s always some long-mouthed neighbor who loves to gossip.

So, I’d better go to the police station and be back soon.”

Mr. Yalter was still a little worried, “Honey, did something happen?”

“I don’t know.” Shirley Yalter shook her head, and seeing her husband’s disbelief, added, “I really don’t know, I’ll tell you when they’re done questioning me.

I’m going to go change my clothes.”

A few minutes later, Shirley Yalter emerged from the house, kissed her husband goodbye, and entered the police car with her son watching.

Seeing this cozy family of three, Luke also wondered a little if he had the wrong person.

Or, the handprint is just a misunderstanding, is too evil, think wrong.

Men, very normal.

On the road, Luke did not ask, and Shirley Yalter did not take the initiative to speak.

However, Luke has been secretly observing the other party, and found that there are red marks on her wrists, like the strangulation marks of being bound ……

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