Chapter 203

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke sized up Terry, about 175 in height, wearing eyes, and looking quite a svelte teenager, “Terry, I’d like to ask you a few questions.

Where were you between nine and twelve o’clock the night before last?”

Mr. and Mrs. Yalter looked at Terry with a nervous look on their faces.

Terry said, “I went out in that white Volvo.”

“Where to?”

“Carbon Hill.”

“What were you doing in Carbon Hill?”

“Whenever my dad traveled, my mother would show the house to clients at night, and it piqued my curiosity to see what kind of clients.”

Shirley gave a remorseful look and slapped her right hand on her forehead, “Even the ……”

Terry turned to his mother, “I’m old enough to stop fooling around with me like I’m a child.”

Luke nailed it right on the head, “You’ve known for a long time that there was an inappropriate relationship between your mother and “The Client”?”

“At first I was just skeptical, after all, no one would expect their mother to do such a thing, and she usually acted like she loved her family and my dad, so I didn’t expect this.

The first and second time she said she had to take a client to see a house in the evening, so I believed her.

But every time my dad traveled, she had to go out at night to bring customers, and every time she came back after 11 or 12 o’clock, I’m not a fool, how could I not guess.

I have also been hesitating to tell my dad, but I don’t know how to open my mouth.

I know very well that once I make this matter clear, it is the same as I lose this family.

So, it just dragged on until today.”

Luke pulled out the picture of the dead man, “Is that him with your mother?”

Terry took it and looked at it closely, “Kind of looks like it, maybe.”

“What do you mean a bit of a resemblance, give me an exact answer.”

“There’s no way I can give you an accurate answer, I’m afraid they’ll find out, it’s impossible to get too close, so I’ve been watching from afar.”

“The night before last, the man in the photo was shot dead in a Mercedes, did you do it?”

“No, I just followed them, I didn’t kill anyone.”

The Yalts were relieved to hear this.

Terry said, “I’m actually curious, what really happened that night?”

Luke stared at the other man’s face, “Then describe what you saw, heard, and did that night.”

Terry fell into a flashback, “The night before at dinner, my mom said she had an appointment with a client to look at a house in the evening, and I asked her why she had asked the client to look at a house in the evening.

She said this client was busy during the day and only had time to look at houses at night.

I said it might not be safe at night, and would you like me to accompany her to see the house.

She refused.

I knew she was up to something again.

It’s been more than once. Every time my dad goes out of town to shoot a movie, she finds all kinds of reasons to go out.

I don’t know if she treats me like a child or a fool.

A lot of my classmates around my age are dating, and she thinks I really don’t know about this kind of thing.

I was just too embarrassed to poke her.

After eight o’clock, my mom drove off in that BMW.

I felt bad.

It wasn’t right that my dad was out earning money while she was out screwing other guys.

I thought about calling my dad, but …… have not been able to make up my mind.

I was worried that it would ruin the family.

I knew the best thing to do would be to talk to my mother and tell her to stop doing this kind of thing, but …… that was just as bad to ask.

Eventually, I followed in my white Volvo, ready to teach them a lesson.

After that, my mother drove to Caboolture Hill, met up with the man, got into the man’s car and left.

They had been to Mount Carbon before and I knew what they were going to do.

I thought about taking my cell phone and catching the adultery, but …… she was my mother after all, and I didn’t want to make her look too bad.

But doing nothing would make me feel too stifled, and not only would I look like a pussy, but I’d also be sorry for my dad.

Later, I met four punks on the side of the road, trucker hats, vests, beer in hand, and the four of them gathered by a black sedan.

I found them and gave them a thousand dollars to teach the guy in the Mercedes a lesson.

That’s how it happened.

I didn’t think they were going to kill anyone, I didn’t order them to kill anyone, and I only had a thousand dollars, and that amount of money shouldn’t have made them kill anyone.

I don’t know what happened after that.”

Luke pressed, “Describe the four punks carefully, and their car.”

“They were all white, the leader wore a green shirt, no eyebrows, small flat head; and one wore a gold chain, long hair, he smoked all the time, and had tattoos on his hands.

Those are the only two I remember, and the car they drove was supposed to be a black Tesla, that’s all I remember.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Did you ever go near the Mercedes your mother was dating the deceased?”


“Did you hear gunshots?”

“Yes, but it was a little far away, so I couldn’t hear it very well, I just had a feeling something might have happened.

I then left.”

Xiao Hei asked, “You didn’t want to go over to the scene of the gunshots at that time to take a look, weren’t you worried that your mother would have an accident?”

“How would I know that it was them who had the accident? I don’t have a gun, what could I do if I went there?

Except for the police, only people who are sick in the head would go to the scene of the shooting to see what’s going on.”

Blackie said, “Didn’t you hire a bunch of punks to make trouble?”

“That’s right, a thousand dollars, split between four punks, two hundred and fifty dollars each.” Terry asked Blackie rhetorically, “Would you kill someone for two hundred and fifty dollars? Uh-huh.”

Sherry said, “Terry’s right, I’ve seen the gang he’s talking about, and a black sedan did pass by when the killer was trying to kill me, I told you so, I told you so.

Terry wasn’t the killer, he didn’t kill Barron.

He’s the one who saved me.

If he hadn’t hired those punks to make trouble, there would have been no way for me to take advantage of the chaos and escape.”

Luke asked, “When did you leave Mount Carbon?”

“After the gunshot, about ten o’clock.”

“Did you see any suspicious people or vehicles during this time?”

“All I could think about was how to fix my mother’s cheating and I didn’t pay that much attention.”

Luke turned the tables, “Have you been in the vicinity of the deceased’s home before.”

“Yes, I went to the deceased’s house about a week ago in my white Volvo.”

“What were you doing at the deceased’s house?”

“Actually, I’ve been following them for a while.

I just wanted to know what the man was, wanted to know if he had a family, if he had any children?

If he had children, would he have the same affliction as me.

I saw the dead man’s wife, and I thought about telling his wife about it.

But alas, I didn’t wait for the chance before they found out, and when I saw him going in the direction of the car, I drove away.

I wanted to change all that, but ……

I still lack the courage to actually face it.

It’s not something honorable, and I don’t even know how or who to stop this.

Should I tell the man, I’m your lover’s son, stay away from my mom?

I feel like a fool and I’d probably get laughed out of the room.”

Terry showed a wink of self-deprecation, “Actually, this ends well now that it’s settled. The person who ratted on me wasn’t me either.

I also don’t have to carry these things anymore.

This period of time …… is really tiring.”

Terry looked at his mother and then at his father, “I’m done, I’ll leave the rest to you guys to work out, whether it’s a good talk or a divorce, I don’t care.

Just let me know when you guys are done talking.”

Terry finished and went straight up to the second floor.

“SORRY, SORRY, I’m the one who ruined this family, it’s all my fault ……,” Shirley cried helplessly.

Eowyn’s eyes were red, “Lieutenant Luke, do you guys have anything else? If not.” Ju Wen made a gesture of sending off.

Luke waved his hand and led the people out of the house.

Ju Wen sent the people to the door.

Blackie advised, “Mr. Yalte, this is your private matter, so I am not in a position to meddle in it.

But, whatever decision you make, please think more about Terry.”

“I will. Right now, there is nothing more important to me than Terry.

In the past, I focused most of my energy on my acting career and neglected my family.

I’ll take care of this.

Not just for me, but for Terry as well.”

Two o’clock in the afternoon, after the Detective Bureau.

The investigation of the Yalter family was over for now.

All three members of the Yalter family were under some suspicion.

Shirley was the only one known to have been present at the crime scene and witnessed the shooting.

The police’s knowledge of the scene was also through her word of mouth.

The reason why the police did not continue to investigate her in depth was because her statement basically matched the scene and there were no gaps.

Juvenile, as Shirley’s husband, is potentially motivated to commit the crime, which is why the police are investigating him.

But from the evidence available, the person driving the white Volvo was his son.

It is likely that Mr. Juvenile did not know about his wife’s infidelity and is also ruled out as a suspect for the time being.

As for Terry, he had been to Kapoor Hill and admitted to having been in the vicinity of the deceased’s house, but did not admit to having been at the scene of the crime, let alone admitting that he had killed Barron.

The police also checked the surveillance of the white Volvo, the car is indeed a considerable distance from the crime scene.

Meanwhile, the four punks and the black Tesla described in Terry’s statement have similar characteristics to the group of witnesses Shirley described earlier.

There are also no holes in Terry’s statement at this point.

From the evidence available, the family of three had nothing to do with Barron’s murder.

As for the internal conflicts of the family of three, they would need to resolve them on their own.

The problem Luke is now facing is that the investigation of the case is once again in a bottleneck.

Just then, Susan walked into the office, slapped her palm and said, “Guys, the results of the identification of the bullet traces on the deceased are out.

This gun once wounded a burglary suspect, and it’s on file at the police station, and we’ve found out the gun owner’s information.

Susan put a profile on the projector.

Name, Abal Flick.

Gender, male

Date of birth, March 14, 1987

Cell phone number, 626 876 764*.

Social Security number, 623-53-483*.

Firearm purchased, April 13, 2021.

Model, Colt Enforcer.

Address, 122 Vernon.

Susan Phene said with a serious look on her face, “This guy could very well be the killer and is dangerous.

Guys, check your gear and move in five minutes.

Take him back to the station!”

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