Chapter 205

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The police searched Abar Flick’s home and car and did not find any items suspected to be the tools of the trade.

Meanwhile, Abar Flick’s wife testified that he was indeed at home on the night of the murder on 6.28.

With the alibi and the statement in order, the suspicion of Abar Frick can be ruled out for the time being.

Through the interrogation of Abal Flick, the police also found out some new clues.

For example, the red-haired girl who was with him that night was also one of the victims and had close contact with the murderer, which might be able to provide some valuable clues, and now the question is how to find the red-haired girl.

Soon, Luke associated with two other people, Joanna and Beard, the silver selling gang he caught last night.

Luke showed Abal a picture of Joanna, and Abal didn’t recognize Joanna.

However, Joanna and the redhead had the same job and worked at the same place, and were probably connected to each other.

The bearded man was already in custody for violating his bail.

Joanna selling silver wasn’t a big deal, and she could have been released on bail after paying the fine, but the mistake was that she played it smart and impersonated a LAPD.

It’s not so easy to get bail.

Lieutenant Vince is in charge of arraigning the bearded man.

Luke was in charge of talking to Joanna.

Joanna was brought into the interrogation room wearing an orange prison uniform.

Luke sized her up, “You’re dressed up nice today.”

Joanna wanted to curse but didn’t have the guts and said expressionlessly, “Haven’t you already asked what you need to ask? What else is there to find me?”

Luke handed him a cup of coffee, “Remember that robbery and murder case I told you about earlier?

We’ve tracked down a new victim and know her physical description, but can’t identify her. This person is most likely your peer and would like to ask for your help in identifying her.”

“Peer.” Joanna bristled, “What’s in it for me?”

“What good do you want?

“I want to be exonerated from the charges and just let me go.”

Luke laughed, “No way, you weren’t arrested for one charge, the most I can do is get you off the hook for one charge, provided you help me find this victim.”

“Sounds good, tell me about her.” It would be easy to get bail as long as I could get the charge of impersonating a LAPD waived.

“I’m looking for a woman with red hair, under thirty years old, around 170cm tall, who also sold silver in Kapol Hill before.

She was robbed and raped on the night of 6.25, ring any bells?”

Joanna thought for a moment, “Any photos?”

“No photos, but the features should be obvious.”

“Yes, it’s true that red hair isn’t very common, but in our line of work we often wear wigs or dye our hair, and I’m not always blonde.”

Luke thought for a moment and continued, “She has a heart tattoo on her right arm and ‘Come on’ tattooed on her back.”

Joanna smiled, “I know who you mean.

Her name is Maxine, we used to work together, then she went solo and there was less contact.”

“What’s her full name?”

“I don’t know. No one in our line of work says their full name, it’s mostly just a term of endearment.”

“Can you find her?”

“I don’t have her contact information, but I have a way to find her, provided I get out of here first.

I’m not threatening you, but a cat has a way and a mouse has a way.

She and I are peers, and me inquiring about her whereabouts and the police inquiring about her whereabouts are two entirely different concepts.

You should understand that?”

Luke said, “The police can exonerate you of one of the charges and you can post your own bail in exchange for helping me find Maxine.”

“I have one more request.”

“What request?”

“That you be exonerated from accusing Maxine of selling silver, or else I won’t be able to convince her to come to the station and assist in the investigation, even if I find her.”

“We’re not interested in selling silver, we just want to catch the murderer.” Luke looked serious and added.

“If you dare to deceive the police? You know the consequences.”

“If I can’t find her, I’d rather come back to jail myself than be on your radar, and I know what to do.”


Next time don’t impersonate a cop.” Luke dropped the sentence and turned to leave the interrogation room.

“Thanks, I’ll find her as soon as I can.”

At nine o’clock in the evening, Luke asked Blackie and Jackson to go to Mount Carbon again to investigate.

The suspect chose Mount Kapor for both crimes.

Although common sense would suggest that the victim was shot and killed in the second case and things got out of hand.

The suspect may well have been alerted and chosen other locations to commit the crime.

But some things can’t be reasoned with common sense. What if the suspect is a headstrong personality?

And both times he chose to commit the crime in Kapoor Hill, there would definitely be some evidence or clues left here, and there might even be other witnesses.

Luke felt it was still necessary to investigate.

This time, the three people were still divided into two groups, Luke acted on his own, while Blackie and Jackson acted together.

The purpose of the two groups were also different, Luke was responsible for patrolling and actively looking for clues and witnesses.

Blackie and Jackson were in charge of fishing.

To fish, driving a black Ford Explorer would not be appropriate.

Blacky had originally wanted to drive Luke’s Mercedes, but wasn’t that a pipe dream?

How could Luke agree.

In the end, Jackson’s car was used, a gray seven series BMW.

Blackie skimmed his lips and patted the roof of the car, “Is it appropriate for you, a police officer, to drive this kind of car?”

Jackson’s answer was simple, “I like it.”

Blacky nodded, “Good reason, give me the car keys.”

“WHY? It’s my car.”

“You forgot about Lieutenant Luke’s arrangement so quickly? I’m in charge of this operation, I call the shots.Come on,” Black reached out for the keys.

“That’s something you do remember.” Jackson was a bit irritated, but still gave the keys to Xiao Hei, “Be careful, don’t cut the car.”

Xiao Hei took the keys, “Don’t worry, I’ll drive well, I’m a great driver.” Xiao Hei got on the driver’s side and laughed.

“You know what? I actually want to buy a new car, and I want to test drive a few different cars before I buy.”

Jackson got in the passenger side and buckled his seatbelt, “What kind of car do you want?”

“Keeping it a secret for now.” Black finished, slammed his foot on the gas and the car sped off.

“It’s a nice car, it picks up speed quickly.”

Jackson rolled his eyes and lazily ignored him.

Xiao Hei drove very vigorously, talking non-stop on the way, after these two days of living together, Jackson also counted to see out, this goods is a comedian.

With this kind of heartless guy angry is asking for trouble.

The two people are familiar with, and there is no longer that kind of tit-for-tat feeling, of course, quarrel is still inevitable.

This is not, the car just parked on the side of the road, the two people quarreled again.

Jackson looked at the wig cover that Black threw over, “Why do I have to wear this kind of thing?”

“Because we’re going to fish for law enforcement, we’re going to play a couple now, I’m a guy, you’re a girl, if you don’t wear a wig cover, do you want me to?”

Jackson was a little upset, “Why am I the one pretending to be a woman and not you?”

“Hey Rookie, you’ve only been in the Heist and Murder Division for a few days and you’re trying to fight me for command, listen to me on this one, it’s not negotiable.”

“Even so, there’s no need to wear a wig cover, it’s not like you can see it in the car.” Jackson resisted a little.

“If you want to cheat others, cheat yourself first, if you don’t act like it, how can you make the suspect fall for it.”

After saying that, Blackie pulled Jackson to sit in the back and gave him a new task, rocking the car.

Jackson “……”

You pervert!

Jackson had an urge to curse.

Xiao Hei said in a serious manner, “When the suspect sees the car shaking, he will think we are car shaking and will take us as a robbery target.

As long as we catch each other while we have the chance, we’ll get credit for it.

I will become Detective Marcus.

You, too, will no longer be the rookie that everyone else says you are.”

Jackson knew Black was painting a big picture, but he was new to the Robbery and Murder Division, still a rookie with no credit, and he wanted to impress everyone.

Eventually, Jackson compromised and started rocking the car.

There was no way around it, who made him the new guy?

Watching Jackson rock the car in his wig cover, Black giggled, “Man, you’re doing good.”

Jackson returned the middle finger.

A blue sedan was traveling up Caporal Hill.

There was a man and a woman in the car.

The man in the driver’s side said, “Pari, are you sure you want to cover the story at night, this neighborhood isn’t very safe at night.”

“That’s how you find the real news, isn’t it?” The woman known as Pari was none other than Pari Jones, the female reporter who had been captured by Luke earlier.

The last time the news of the vampire murder case was screwed up, she was also accused by the police department, for which she paid a big price to hire a well-known lawyer to defend herself.

Claiming that she had been concealed by an informant and had unknowingly acquired stolen goods.

Like the police, journalists have gray areas, and with the influence of the TV station, the judge didn’t go after her.

Even so, her work was affected, her position in the TV station was in tatters, and her promotion was lost.

Pari held her breath in her heart, she was not convinced of defeat and wanted to make a big news.

She used this failure as a stepping stone.

Abraham Lincoln is not also repeated defeats, and finally became the president of the United States.

She believed that she could definitely have a place in the news industry if she worked hard and with her intelligence.

She heard that there was a car robbery and murder case here.

She had a keen sense that this case could be hot news.

Ordinary robberies might not be able to attract the citizens of Los Angeles, but car-job robberies were a different story.

Most people in the world have a sense of curiosity.

And digging up hot news was precisely Pari’s strong point.

Pari’s eyes stayed fixed on the curb: “Carter, stop the car.”

“Pari, what’s wrong?”

“See that rocking BMW? I’m going to do an interview, wait here for me.”

Carter gave a worried look, “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s easy to get beat up.”

Pari laughed, “A great man once said that a reporter who is afraid of getting punched is not a good reporter.”

“Why haven’t I heard that before, what great man said that?”

“Parley Jones.”

Carter “……”

Pari walked over to the BMW, which had its windows closed, and with it being somewhat dark, she could only vaguely see a figure in the back of the car.

But by the rocking car, she could guess the general scene inside.

Pari took a deep breath, Carter was right, it was indeed easy to invite a beating, but she would rather endure a moment’s beating than a lifetime of mediocrity.

Of course choosing the moment was still important.

After a minute, the car didn’t move.

It’s useless, Pari ventriloquized, and it took another two minutes before she walked over to it, knocked on the window, and

“Knock knock.”

The window slowly came down and a pistol was revealed first, “LAPD! Put your hands where I can see them.”

“Hey, don’t shoot, I’m a reporter, I just want to do an interview.” Startled, Parley rushed to explain, however he was a little surprised when he saw the man with the gun, and

“Marcus, what are you doing here? Are you LAPD?”

“Pari!” Marcus recognized the other man as well, “And why are you here?”

“I’m a reporter, I heard there was a car robbery in this neighborhood and I’m here to do an interview.

I can’t believe you’re a LAPD, you didn’t tell me that time at the bar.”

“You didn’t tell me you were a reporter either, we’re even.” Black got out of the car and said to Pari, “Hands on your head, I’m going to do a routine search on you.”

“You’re not serious, are you?”

“I’m serious, I can’t trust you so easily just because we know each other or you’re a reporter. Who’s to say you’re not an accomplice of the killer?” Blacky searched Pari very carefully and relaxed when he found no dangerous items.

Pari asked, “You guys are fishing for law enforcement? Did you find anything?”

“Sure. Finding a beautiful reporter was my biggest catch of the night.”

Pari smiled, “The last time I saw you was because of the Dracula’s Bar murder case, this time I saw you because of the carjacking robbery and murder case, which police department do you actually work for?”

Blackie hesitated for a moment and said, “Robbery Murder Division.”

Pari’s smile tightened, “You’re not kidding, are you?”


“Do you know Detective Luke Lee?”

“He’s Lieutenant Luke now and my boss.”

Pari’s face turned a little harder, “Wow, you really surprised me Detective Marcus.

So it wasn’t a coincidence that last time at the bar, I asked you for information about vampires, when in fact …… the one who really got snookered was me instead.

You were also lying when you said you liked me.

I was tricked by you.”

“Pari, listen to me, I didn’t try to trick you. It’s just that I happened to be involved in the investigation of the Dracula’s Bar murder case and happened to run into you.

And I didn’t think you’d take the initiative to approach me for a chat.

And what I said is true.

You’re very good looking and I like you.

It doesn’t conflict with investigating the case.”

Pari sneered, “And the way you like me is to put me in jail?”

“No, no one is trying to put you in jail.

We’re just investigating that case, no one is targeting you.

That informant has a previous conviction, and there’s a conflict between your confession and his, the judge will definitely adopt your confession in the end, so you definitely won’t go to jail.” Xiao Hei said with a helpless face.

“This is all a misunderstanding, I didn’t deliberately lie to you, it’s just that we all have different positions.”

Pari was silent for a long time and took out a business card and handed it to Marcus, “Call me when you have time.”

“WHAT? “Black was also a little confused.

“I forgive you.”

Blacky “……”

So soon?

“There are no permanent enemies.” Pari finished, wriggling back into the car.

Kuro looked at her back, “COOL”

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division office.

Luke was reviewing the surveillance video on his computer.

Both crime scenes were in Kapoor Hill.

The police retrieved several surveillance around Kapoor Hill and compared the vehicles during the time period of the crimes.

The vehicle that appeared at the same time during both time periods was most likely the suspect vehicle.

Also, there was the Tesla sedan that was suspected to have been present at the crime scene.

Xiao Hei sat not far from the desk, head down, the information on the table has not turned the page for half an hour.

Obviously the person is not in the heart.

The door to the captain’s office opened and Susan stepped out of it.

“Guys, I’ve just received word that there was a homicide in an automobile robbery near Santa Monica Beach last night.

The modus operandi is very similar to the two previous cases, and it’s most likely the work of the same killer.

This case has also been assigned to our 1st Squadron for investigation.

Everyone pack up and prepare to go to the crime scene.”

A few minutes later, in a black Ford Explorer.

Blacky was driving in the cab and Luke was sitting in the passenger seat.

Blacky said, “No wonder we didn’t notice the situation last night, so the suspect changed the location of the crime.”

Luke closed his eyes and rested his mind, “Whenever the suspect commits a crime he leaves behind more clues and the chances of being exposed are greater.”

“You’re right, we’ll definitely catch him.” Blackie turned the tables and glanced at Luke, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Last night, I saw Parley Jones.”

Luke opened his eyes, “The female reporter?”


“Where did you see her?”

“Right when Jackson and I were fishing, someone knocked on our car window.

At the time, I got excited for a second, thinking it was the killer taking the bait, but who would have thought that when I lowered the glass, it was her.

She said she had learned about the car robbery and wanted to do an investigative interview.”

Luke laughed, “This woman is pretty well informed.”

Black nodded, “Although some of her tactics are a bit out of the ordinary, she’s really quite the reporter.”

“So, what do you want to tell me?”

Blackie smiled, revealing a mesmerizing confidence, “Remember that time we were investigating a case at Dracula’s Bar and she took the initiative to hit on me?

I could feel that she liked me.

This time when we met, I took the initiative to tell him my identity, and she still chose to forgive me.

She’s a cool woman. I like her personality.

This kind of woman would never force you to get married.”

Luke shook his head, “Are you sure she wasn’t trying to get your information?”

“My messages aren’t that easy to snare.”

“Are you trying to screw around with her?”

“What do you mean screwing around, I’m single now.”

“Aren’t you afraid of being sold by that woman?”

Xiao Hei laughed, “Don’t you think it’s exciting?

A lot of movies start with misunderstandings between a man and a woman.

For example, James Bond, Spy, at the beginning the female protagonist are bad guys, even want to kill the protagonist, but in the contact the female protagonist gradually fall in love with the male protagonist, and in the end was convinced by the charisma of the male protagonist, abandoned the darkness and helped the protagonist to kill the bad guys back, and the two of them spent a romantic time.

Isn’t it very similar to the two of us?”

Luke cried and laughed a little, “That’s right. It’s true that it’s very similar to the plot in the movie, but the plot may not be as good as you think.

It could also be that the male and female protagonists start out opposing each other, and then the female protagonist uses a beauty trick to seduce the male protagonist.

The hero finds it very exciting and starts to hang out with the heroine, and slowly falls in love with her, thinking that she loves him too, and gradually lowers his guard against her.

Inside, the heroine actually still harbors a grudge and wants to use the hero’s identity as a police officer to extract valuable information.

In the end, the heroine used the hero’s trust to unearth important clues about a case, and the heroine publicized this information, causing explosive news.

As a result, the heroine rose through the ranks and became a TV news presenter, while the hero was fired by the police for leaking the case.

A few years later, the heroine planned a news documentary interviewing homeless people, and ended up seeing a familiar figure among the many homeless people.

It is the male host.

They looked at each other for a long time without recognizing each other, and the heroine left a thousand dollars for the hero.

The hero looked at the one thousand dollars with a complicated expression and wept.

The next day, there was one more floating body of a vagrant at sea.

What do you think of this ending?”

Xiao Hei shook his head, “NoNoNo, that will never happen, I won’t become a vagrant, much less commit suicide.”

“Then stay away from that woman.” Luke reminded.

“OK, you’re the boss.” Black sighed.

Luke’s words were a wake up call to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

Twenty minutes later, the group arrived at the crime scene.

The scene was located next to the highway near Santa Monica Beach, a cordon had been drawn around it, the scenery nearby was beautiful, sitting in the car you could see the ocean, it was indeed a romantic place for a car crash.

And there are no cameras in the neighborhood, away from residential areas, few people at night, the movement is not afraid of someone hearing.

Of course, it’s also an ideal place for a robbery.

The center of the crime scene is a black Cadillac sedan.

The right rear door was open, and a young white man wearing only socks had his hands and feet bound man, his eyes glazed over.

The man had three gunshot wounds, two to the chest and one to the head, and his face, body, and car were covered in blood, making him look very intimidating, and the smell of blood topped it off with a gasp.

Luke went around to the front of the car and found a pair of handprints on the face in front of the car, looking at the size it looked like a woman’s handprints, just like the scene of the Carbon Hill carjacking and robbery, even the position and posture of the clapping for love was the same.

Luke crouched down to observe the bottom of the car and found a wallet next to the tire on the passenger side, he picked up the wallet to check it out, no cash was found inside, only a credit card and driver’s license.

Luke looked at the driver’s license photo, and carefully compared to the deceased’s appearance, excluding gunshot wounds and the impact of blood stains, compared to the deceased’s facial features and physical characteristics, can be determined to be the deceased’s driver’s license.

He then took a picture and sent it to the 1st Squadron chat group.

Name, Gil Bruce

Gender, male

Height, 182cm

Weight, 150 pounds

Eye color, blue

Hair color, black.

Age, 16 years old (bookworms have reported that it’s troublesome to convert years, months, and days, so I’ll write my age directly in the future)

Cell phone number, 626 836 586*.

License plate number, 6ueb39*.

After reading the dead man’s information, the crowd looked a bit gloomy.

The vice squad sighed softly and lamented, “Only 16 years old!

His life has just begun ……”

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