Chapter 208

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was after eight o’clock in the evening and it was already dark.

Terrence neighborhood.

Two cars drove up near the door of a white villa.

Luke looked through the car windows and didn’t spot Domette.

The group got out of the car, and Luke began to start setting up the scene, considering that Domet was most likely the suspect, to prepare for his escape in advance.

It was still him and Blackie calling the door, with Jenny and Jackson keeping an eye on the back door of the villa.

At the same time, the patrol officers were also called to provide support in the neighborhood.

After everything was arranged, Blacky went to the door and knocked.

“Knock knock.”

After a while, the door opened and there was a sixteen or seventeen year old white girl standing at the door.

The girl still had freckles on her face, her limbs were slender, and her belly was slightly bulging.

Black asked, “Hi, is this Domette James’ house?”

“Yes, what can I do for you?”

“Is Dometic James home?”

“Who are you people? Why are you looking for him.”


The girl blurted out in a somewhat exaggerated tone, “Wow, you guys are actually the LAPD, why are you looking for Dometic James?”

“We’re investigating a case and wanted to get some information from him.”

“SORRY, Domet isn’t home.”

“Any idea where he went?”

“Probably off fooling around with his group of friends again, you should ask his foxy friends, not me.

If there’s nothing else, please leave.”

“Bang!” The girl directly closed the door of the room.

Luke and Blackie stood in the doorway somewhat awkwardly.

The two of them walked out of the yard, and Xiao Hei asked, “What should we do now?”

“Leave first.” The group then got into the car and left the Domet house.

A few minutes later, the back door of Domet’s house opened and a young man sneaked out.

The man was dressed peculiarly, with a small flat head, no eyebrows, and a green t-shirt.

“Hey, Domette James.”

A blue sedan was parked across the street and two men stepped out from the back of the car, none other than Luke and Blackie.

Blacky smiled and said, “We’re LAPD and we’d like to get some information from you ……”

Domet slowly turned around, with a smile on his face, and pulled out a pistol from his pocket, shooting directly: “Bang ……”

Luke and Xiao Hei had been very vigilant, and after seeing his unusual behavior, they also instinctively pulled out their pistols.

The two sides almost fired at each other at the same time.

The sound of gunfire rang out.

A burst of sparks flashed in the night.

Xiao Hei cursed, “FUCK!

We haven’t even spoken yet, and this asshole is shooting.

There’s a small group of white extremists, old and vicious, just not human.”

Domet rolled toward the ground and hid in the back door of the house.

Luke and Blackie used the blue car as cover.

Luke probed and looked.

Domet shot straight back, “Bang bang.”

Luke said to Blackie who was on the side, “You go to the other side of the car and cover me, you don’t need to aim, just shoot to attract his attention, be careful.”

“What do you mean you don’t need to aim, you have so little confidence in me, I’m a great shot.” Xiao Hei said unconvincingly, “You’d better worry about yourself.”

Xiao Hei moved to the other side of the car.

As soon as he showed his head, the other party opened fire, a bullet grazed the top of his head, scaring him into a cold sweat.

Domet was not very old, but his marksmanship was very good.

Now, Xiao Hei no longer dared to risk his head, but just put his hand out to shoot randomly.

Taking advantage of Blacky attracting attention, Luke probed from the other side of the car, aiming at the position where Domet might show his head.

As long as Domet showed his head, he would just shoot.


Domet showed his head.

Luke used the precision card to shoot directly.


Domet cried out in pain as he was hit by a bullet in the shoulder and rushed to hide at the back door of the house.

Just then, Jenny and Jackson rushed over to support them, closing in on Domet from the other side of the house.

Dommett, wounded, tried to escape just as the two blocked him.

“LAPD, don’t move, drop your pistol or we’ll shoot!”

Domet showed an angry look, but with his shoulder injured and his right arm sagging, he was no longer able to shoot.

In desperation, Dometic James dropped his gun to the ground.

Jackson shouted, “On your knees, hands on your head, and don’t move.”

Domet cursed, “FUCK YOU!

I’m too hurt to have my hands on my head!”

“Slow down and don’t overact.” Jenny held her gun on guard.

Jackson stepped forward ready to cuff his opponent.

Luke and Blackie both came forward with guns as well, forming a perimeter around Domet.

“Cackle ……”

The second floor window suddenly opened.

Luke looked up, and through the moonlight, he vaguely saw a middle-aged white man standing next to the window, his appearance resembling Domit’s for a few moments, holding an AK47 in his hand, and

“There’s a shooter upstairs!” Luke shouted as he looked up and fired.

“Knock knock ……”

The middle-aged man held up the AK47 and fired a burst of shots at the police.

“Damn cop, dare to hurt my son, you all go to hell!”

Luke and the others returned fire while retreating and looking for cover.

Arresting people was important, saving their lives was even more important.

The middle-aged man with an AK47 swept upstairs, creating a fire suppression.

Perhaps because of wounding Domet, Luke became the focus of care.

Although he was a good shot, he didn’t have time to aim.

Coupled with the darkness, it wasn’t easy to hit his opponent.

Suddenly, Luke felt a bullet shoot into his chest, and his pupils dilated, revealing a look of horror.

Just when he thought he was going to be shot, the bullet veered off course and went between his chest and his arm.

Luke felt a stabbing pain in his left arm.

Unable to check for injuries, he rolled and retreated behind another house.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and look down to check the injury.

The sleeve of his shirt was pierced and the inside of his arm was grazed by a bullet, the wound was not serious.

Only then did Luke let out a complete sigh of relief.

[Bullet Avoidance Card activated, time limit for use is three minutes.]

No wonder the bullet that was shot at his chest just now was deflected, so it was the bullet avoidance card that had taken effect.

Luke couldn’t help but feel scared, if he didn’t have the bullet avoidance card just now, he might have been shot in the chest, and still in the left chest, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In his heart, he could not help but to secretly fierce, you’re dead.

Xiao Hei even rolled and crawled over: “Luke, are you okay, did the bullet hit you?”

“I’m fine.” Luke stretched out his left arm to show him, “This bastard’s shooting is very powerful, I just looked at it, he should still have spare magazines on him, very well prepared.”

Blacky asked back, “So what do we do now?”

Luke leaned against the house, “Block him in the house and wait for backup.”

Luke, as the commander of the lead team, his task was not only to capture the suspect, but more importantly, to protect the safety of his team members.

There was no rush as far as the capture was concerned; nearby patrol officers would soon arrive when they heard the gunshots.

Los Angeles was the LAPD’s home turf.

The longer it took, the greater the advantage for the police.

As long as the suspect couldn’t escape from the house before backup arrived, he would never run again.

Luke took out his walkie-talkie, “Jenny, Jackson, what’s your status?”

“All clear.”

“GOOD, be on alert, the shooter may attack again.”

“Roger that.”

At that moment two police cars drove into the neighborhood and parked not far from Domet’s house.

Four patrolmen stepped down from from the two police cars, armed and on guard.

“Cackle ……”

A window on the first floor was opened by a sixteen or seventeen year old girl.

Soon, all the windows on the first and second floors were opened.

Just when Luke was a bit puzzled, two grenades were thrown out of the windows.

“Grenades, watch out!” Luke shouted while lunging to the other side.

As the words fell.

“Knock, knock, knock ……”

There was a loud pop and a boom.

The grenade pointed to whichever window it was thrown out of, and Luke was on the ground with his ears roaring.

He felt at least four grenades fall around him, and only the second bullet avoidance card was activated, with the protection of the bullet avoidance card his body didn’t suffer too much damage, only his ears were temporarily tinnitus due to the explosions.

The more this time, the more Luke dared not relax, because he knew very well that the gunman launched a fierce attack is to escape to prepare.

If he didn’t escape, the police force around him would increase, and he would never have the chance to escape again.

“Ah!” A miserable scream came from not far away.

Luke looked at the sound, a police car was blown away and a patrolman was injured.


A middle-aged white man jumped out of the first floor window, holding an AK47 in his hand, carrying an M4 on his back, and a large number of magazines and grenades on his waist.

The middle-aged white man ran in the direction of his car, and Domit also got up from the ground and ran in the direction of the car.

If these two men ran away, the capture mission would be a complete failure, and Luke would have to take joint responsibility.

There was no way Luke was going to let them go, and the statute of limitations on the bulletproof card hadn’t expired yet, so it was an extra layer of protection.

Just as the gunman opened the car door, Luke suddenly stepped out and fired.

The gunman was very alert, and a look of surprise and surprise appeared on his face.

He had just thrown several grenades at Luke, even if he couldn’t kill him, he would have to be dazed and lose his combat power for a short period of time, which was also the reason why he dared to escape with his son.

He didn’t expect Luke’s resistance to be so strong.


With no distractions in his head, Luke used his second precision card and shot.

The gunman was also a veteran, directly carrying an AK47 to counterattack.

However, Luke prepared in advance this time and shot a step faster.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

Luke directly shot the remaining bullets and emptied the magazine.

The gunman was hit in the chest and instinctively wanted to shoot back, but the pain in his chest prevented him from aiming, and his right finger pulled the trigger.

“Bang Bang Bang!”

There was a lot of firepower and bullets flying around, but they were no longer accurate and didn’t hit Luke.

After a burst of counter fire, the gunman fell straight to the ground, shot several times and bleeding profusely.

“Dad, No!” roared Domet, grabbing his gun in his left hand to return fire.

Blacky and Jackson stepped forward and fired at him almost simultaneously.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Domet was hit in the arm and thigh and fell to the ground, unable to hold his gun.

The gunfire stopped completely.

All that could be heard was a wail.

There were the wails of the suspect Domet.

There were also the voices of the injured officers.

“Bang!” The door to the house was pushed open and the sixteen or seventeen year old girl stepped out.

Luke and the others instinctively raised their pistols on guard.

“LAPD, put your hands up.”

The girl faced the police with no fear, walked over to the middle-aged man and hugged the body, crying out, “You damn COPs, want to kill me too?

I’m a pregnant woman, I have a baby in my belly.

I’m unarmed, so shoot me if you can!

Shoot me!

Kill me too!”

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