Chapter 209

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:00:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The community of Terrence.

Sirens roared, lighting up half the neighborhood.

The TV station’s car also arrived, and a group of reporters gathered outside the police line.

The injured patrolman was carried into an ambulance.

Sixteen-year-old girls were escorted into police cars.

The ferocity of James’ father and son was more than Luke could have imagined.

Since coming to Los Angeles, this was the worst battle he had experienced.

Susan led the support team to the scene and took over.

Luke sat in his car, looking at the scene that was littered with wounds and smoke, a little melancholy.

Tonight he used two precision cards and two bullet avoidance cards, and lost a lot of money.

But there was no way, it was important to save his life, he still had to use them.

The injury on Luke’s left arm was also sterilized.

He used the Bullet Dodge Card for the first time, and after experiencing it for himself, he had a clearer understanding of the effects of the Bullet Dodge Card.

The bullet avoidance card could help Luke avoid most of the injuries, but not all of them, such as the bullet that was supposed to hit his chest, the trajectory was deflected and scratched his arm.

The second time the grenade exploded around him, the bullet-avoidance card canceled out most of the impact, but the blast made his ears perk up.

To put it bluntly, the Bullet Avoidance Card helps the host avoid major dangers and injuries, but there is still more or less some damage.

Of course, this wasn’t entirely a bad thing; if a grenade exploded around him and Luke acted as if he was fine and wasn’t affected at all, he would be suspected instead.

All in all, he was still satisfied with the effect of the bulletproof card.

Reed also rushed to the scene, and gave Luke, Blackie, Jackson and others some concern and sympathy, and let them go home to rest first.

Back home, Luke felt physically exhausted, after a day of investigating the case and experiencing a gunfight, his body and mind were highly tense.

However, when he relaxed, he couldn’t sleep instead.

A familiar voice rang out, [Congratulations to the host, arresting two gunmen who attacked the police, rewarded with 60 draw opportunities].

This time, the rewards came quickly and handsomely.

But thinking about it, tonight’s situation was so dangerous that it would be a problem if the rewards weren’t generous.

Especially that gunman with the AK47 strafing with a very accurate shot, strafing downwards from the second floor, suppressing several police officers who couldn’t even raise their heads.

If Luke didn’t have a bullet avoidance card and didn’t get shocked by the grenade and shoot him in time, this guy would probably drive away and cause a bigger mess.

Thinking about this, Luke suddenly had a sense of crisis.

The two bullet avoidance cards had already been used up by him, if he encountered a similar danger again, he would really have to fight for his life.

Let’s draw a lottery, it’s best to draw a bullet avoidance card, so that his heart will be more solid.


Pointer Stop, Criminal Sketch Card ……

I drew 60 times and won two Criminal Investigation Sketch Cards (new cards).

Won two Precision cards, a Detection card, and a Chance card

54,000 dollars.

Luke was a little depressed that he didn’t draw a bulletproof card.

I don’t feel safe.

The heart is not solid.

However, there is one more new function card.

Criminal Investigation Sketch Card [Can draw a portrait of the suspect based on the description of the eyewitness]

The police department has an expert in criminal investigation sketching.

However, hiring an expert to draw has to go through a procedure, the work efficiency is slow, and by the time they have drawn the suspect’s portrait, they may have already missed the time to make an arrest.

Luke learned the skills of criminal investigation sketching, can be the first time to draw the suspect’s portrait, in time to arrest the suspect.

Don’t underestimate this time difference, it may well determine the direction of a case.

For example, to arrest a serial killer, if the murderer has already killed two people, Luke according to the eyewitness description on the spot to draw the suspect’s face, you can be the first time to arrest.

If Luke doesn’t know how to do forensic sketching, he has to follow the procedure and ask a sketching expert to draw.

By the time the expert draws the suspect’s portrait, the suspect would have long since run away, or even have done the third or fourth murder.

To put it bluntly, on-site investigation, on-site drawing, on-site arrest, is about a rapid.

Does Luke still need an expert after learning the skills of criminal investigation sketching?


If you need to issue a wanted notice, there is no photo of the suspect, you still need to ask experts to draw sketches.

Luke’s forensic sketches are more of an aid to the investigation, and have no legal effect, why?

Because he is not an expert.

Seemingly the same function, in fact, the difference is very big, and does not conflict.

Thinking about it, Luke fell asleep in a daze.

Getting up in the morning, Luke brewed a pot of Longjing.

Just getting up is more dehydrated, Luke still prefers to drink tea.

After replenishing enough water and having breakfast, Luke would only drink coffee, he didn’t much like drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

Luke liked drinking tea in his past life, after coming to Los Angeles for various reasons he didn’t drink for a while, and after he started drinking tea again, he liked it again.

Brewing a pot of tea and sitting alone in a chair to quietly let go.

After sitting for most of an hour and drinking two pots of tea, his stomach was hungry.

Luke skipped off to the diner in the plaza for breakfast.

He was going to take Reed’s advice and not go to the police station today.

Luke had shot and wounded people before, but the danger was nowhere near as great as this time.

He wanted to get in shape and take a day or two off.

After resting for the morning, he began to study criminal investigation sketches in the afternoon.

Luke had some sketching skills in his last life, and he found some sketching materials on the Internet, and he learned quickly with the added power of the criminal investigation sketch card.

Luke rested at home for two days before rushing to work at the Detective Bureau on July 3rd.

Not only Luke, Blackie, Jackson, and Jenny were also resting at home.

Although most of the members of the 1st Squadron were on vacation, the investigation of the case wasn’t affected too much.

The middle-aged man with the AK47 was the father of the suspect, Domet, and had been killed on the spot.

Domet was shot three times and has been hospitalized for the past two days.

The police were unable to get a confession from Domet, and it was difficult to make much progress in the investigation of the case.

Learning that Luke and the others had returned to the team, Reed once again came to the 1st Squadron to visit everyone.

“Hey guys, how’s the physical recovery going? Need any heart counseling?”

“No, I don’t.” Black shook his head in an I’m-a-tough-guy kind of way.

Reed asked, “Luke, how about you?”

“Thanks, I don’t need one for a while either.”

“Jenny, Jackson, what about you guys?”

Jenny hesitated, “Well, I do want to talk to a therapist if we have time.”

“GOOD, I’ll put you in touch with a good therapist.”

Jackson was a little embarrassed, “Me too.”

Reed said, “Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, there’s an adjustment process to everything, most cops have had counseling, as have I.”

“Luke, Marcus, you two can contact me privately if you change your minds.” Reed left the office with a comment.

Black shrugged, “He still doesn’t know me.”

“Guys, welcome back.” Susan gave a rare smirk.

“Ramon, you present the progress of the case.” As the words fell out of her mouth, Susan waved her hand again, “Forget it, I’ll do the talking.

There are new identification results from the Technical Division, the gun used by the murderer in the June 30th Santa Monica Beach car robbery and murder case and the gun used by the murderer in the Carbon Hill robbery and murder case are not the same gun.

“In addition, we gave statements to two other friends of Dommett’s, and they can both testify that they were with Dommett between 9 and 11 p.m. on June 28, and that he had no time to commit the crime.

Plus, Domet was a witness to the June 28th Carbon Hill car crash homicide, and we suspected that he was probably a copycat.

Additionally, we gave a statement to Domet’s sister, Anna James, who disavowed any involvement or knowledge of the case. The available evidence also doesn’t prove that she is related to the case and has been released.”

Black said, “Why was she released, that woman opened the window of the house so that the gunman could throw a grenade at us, if it was the gunman who pushed the window open directly at that time, we might have killed the gunman.

From that point of view, she would have been an accomplice.

Susan said, “On this point, we also inquired about it, and according to her own words she opened the window under the coercion of her father’s blackmail, and if she hadn’t done that, she might have been shot by her father.

Moreover, she claimed that she was not sure why her father opened the window, and that she had no subjective conscious intention of harming anyone.

And since her father is dead and there is no way to prove that, we had to let her go.”

Luke asked, “What’s the status of Dometic James?”

Lieutenant Vince said, “He was out of danger yesterday.

The hospital will give Domet another thorough examination this morning. If there are no problems and all the physical data are stable, he can be given a statement in the afternoon.”

Mentioning Domit, Xiao Hei couldn’t help but lament, “This father and son are really crazy, shooting directly without saying a word, they are simply insane.”

The vice squad said, “According to our in-depth investigation, Domet’s father joined a white supremacy gang in his early years, and a large amount of guns and ammunition were recovered from the cubicle in his house.

My guess is that he was probably involved in other violent crimes and definitely falls into the dangerous category.”

Kuro said, “I hate these guys, they’re all total creeps.

I have no doubt that in some cases they would take pleasure in slaughtering black people.”

“That’s right, I don’t like these guys either, they’re all rather extreme in their thinking.

The good news is that just giving Domit a specific offense is enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life.

He’ll never get out and kill again.” The lieutenant added, “I would suggest that for a dangerous guy like this, he should be given a felony conviction and not offered a plea deal.”

Luke echoed what the lieutenant said, he didn’t want Domet to walk out of prison alive again either.

Venetian Hospital.

Inside ward 405.

A sixteen or seventeen year old teenager was lying on the bed with a dull gaze, quietly staring at the ceiling.

His body was wrapped in thick bandages, his right shoulder, left arm, and left leg all suffered gunshot wounds and bled profusely, his body was weak and pale, but his eyes still revealed a touch of ferocity.

“Cackle ……” the door opened.

Outside the ward walked into two men, the leader was a black man, followed by a black-haired youth.

The black man laughed, “Hey, Domit, I heard that you’ve recovered quite well.

We’ve met, but I’d like to make a formal introduction.” The black man pointed to himself, “I’m Lieutenant Marcus, and next to me is Detective Luke.”

Luke didn’t correct himself; all things considered, it was best for Black to be the main focus of this interrogation.

Domet glanced obliquely at Luke and then at Blackie, “I hate niggers, don’t you have anyone in the police department?”

Blacky wasn’t offended, “Then tell me who you like and I’ll get him to give you a statement.”

“No, I don’t like any of them, all of you coppers deserve to die, nigger coppers deserve to die even more.”

Blackie said in a serious voice, “I really want to beat up assholes like you.”

“Come on, you’re a nigger if you don’t hit me, you’re a pussy.”

Luke didn’t interrupt the two this time, quietly listening to their not-so-friendly conversation.

Before he came, Luke had mentally prepared himself that this interrogation would not be too easy.

This could be seen from the capture of Domet.

At that time, when he and Blackie found Domet walking out of the house, they just called the other party’s name, and the other party directly shot without saying a word, and the ferocity was evident.

It was extremely unlikely that he would cooperate with the police.

The police didn’t want to give him a plea bargain until it was absolutely necessary.

To put it bluntly, if this kind of person was released, not only would he take revenge on society, he might also take revenge on the police.

Since he was extremely unfriendly to the police, there was no need for the police to be polite, so they sent out his most hated duo, Luke and Blackie.

The two of them were here to sing in blackface, and even if they couldn’t get Domit to confess, it didn’t matter, the next wave of people to come would use a different method of interrogation.

Blackie said, “Just because I don’t beat you doesn’t mean I’m a coward. Rather, it’s because I don’t fight pussies.”

“Nigga cop, are you here to fight me? If so get the fuck outta here before it’s too late and don’t disturb my rest.

If want to fight, I’m always up for it.” Dormit was only seventeen this year, not mature enough to think about fewer things, but for that very reason, more bold than an adult.

Xiao Hei said, “Don’t you understand the situation now? It’s not up to you, it’s me.”

“So what exactly do you want to do to get out of my sight.”

“It’s simple, let’s talk about the Santa Monica Beach killings on the night of March 30th.

Talk clearly and understand it, and I’ll leave.” Black pulled out a picture of the victim, “Did you kill Jill Bruce?”

Domit smiled, “Wanna know?”


“Beg me.”

Black smiled back, “Make me beg, are you crazy, you idiot.”

“You’ll never know the answer without begging me.”

Kuro disdained, “You’re just a coward who dared to do something and blamed his sister for the murder.”

“Don’t use bullshit agitation, it won’t work on me.”

“We’ve already found out that Jill Bruce and your sister were originally lovers, and if your sister didn’t cheat on you, then she should have gotten knocked up by him.

And Gil Bruce was clapping for love with another woman when he died, it’s obvious that he abandoned your sister.

Your sister should have hated him, and the police found the pistol that killed Gil Bruce in your house.

Your sister had the motive and access to the pistol, so naturally she was the key suspect.”

“You assholes don’t frame my sister, this has nothing to do with her.”

“It’s not up to you, the police look at the evidence.”

“Bullshit evidence, the killer in the Santa Monica Beach case not only killed Gil Bruce but raped his new girlfriend, my sister doesn’t have that.”

“OK, so tell me who raped Gil’s new girlfriend?”

Domette bristled and fell silent.

Black smirked, “It’s no use if you don’t tell me, the police never announced to the public that the girl had been raped, apart from the police and the victim, only the murderer knew.

Was it you who did it?”

Domet was silent once more, his face a little hard.

“What are you if not a coward if you’re afraid to admit what you’ve done yourself?

You and I both know very well that you can’t actually get away with it at all.

And you’ve chosen to hold on to the mentality of escaping by chance, this is cowardly behavior.

What do you think you can get out of this? Getting off the hook? Or get out of jail?

How can that be? Don’t be naive.

All you’ll get is police questioning and interrogation over and over again. Is that what you want?

Do you want the two of us to visit you in the hospital every day, and next time, do you want to buy you a bouquet of flowers?”

Xiao Hei snorted, “I’ve seen a lot of suspects like you, each of them were tough guys when they came here, but as soon as the interrogation started, they played all sorts of petty tricks to avoid it, it’s really ridiculous.

Essentially a coward.”

“STOP, shut the hell up and don’t compare me to those chicken thieves.” A look of disgust appeared on Domet’s slightly boyish face, “Is it true that if I confess to the charges, you guys won’t bother me anymore?”

“I just want to hear you tell the truth.”

“Just remember, the only reason I’m willing to talk isn’t because your agitation worked, it’s because I don’t want to see you two fucking COPs again.”

“So do I, so get to the point and don’t make me look down on you.”

Domet sighed, “Is it true that if I confess, my sister won’t be implicated?”

“That depends on whether or not your sister is connected to this case.”

“The only connection my sister has to this case is that she’s the real victim.

My sister Anna was Gil’s girlfriend, she really liked Gil, and when the two were together she was ‘Gil Gil’ all day long, which made me, as a brother, a little jealous to hear.

I didn’t object to their relationship when I found out about it, Anna has grown up, it’s normal for her to fall in love at her age, as long as she knows how to protect herself, I think it’s OK.

Until some time ago, Anna’s belly is getting bigger and bigger, we realized that something is wrong.

She was pregnant.

I was quite surprised at the time.

We’ve had health classes since elementary school, and back then the teachers talked about the importance of using protection, over and over again, from elementary school, to middle school, to high school.

High school schools see condoms everywhere, so why is he still pregnant?

I asked.

You know what she said?

They never used any protection, they just disliked it.


I was so pissed off.

That asshole Gil did that to my sister.

And that idiot Anna, is she stupid? I can’t believe she doesn’t know how to protect herself.”

Domet looked very agitated, banging his handcuffed right hand ‘bam bam’ before calming down after a while, “You know what? That’s not even the most aggravating part.

That bastard Gil doesn’t even want to be responsible and doesn’t recognize that Anna is carrying his child in her stomach.

What’s even more shameful is that that asshole even dumped Anna and hooked up with other girls.

Don’t you think guys like that deserve to die?

What would you do if it was your sister who got screwed?

Tell me!”

Black didn’t say anything, because he didn’t have an answer for that either.

Domit laughed and said with some excitement, “Why don’t you answer? Is it that you’re starting to agree with me? Think my actions are righteous, haha.”

Luke changed the subject, “Killing Jill aside, why did you attack the police?

We just called you out and didn’t even say anything before you shot at us, call that justice?”

“Even if I didn’t shoot at you, you would have taken me to jail or even sentenced me to death just the same, you wanted to put me to death, I just struck first.”

“We are upholding the law and order and fulfilling our duties as police officers, we are the ones who represent justice, not you.”

“You don’t represent my justice, much less are you qualified to judge me.

My justice is upheld by the gun in my hand.

Gil deserves to die, the law can’t sanction him, I will.”

Luke smoothly asked, “I’d like to know how you sanctioned him?”

“I followed that asshole in my Tesla sedan and found that asshole with his little girlfriend, and seeing the two of them getting all mushy and thinking about my sister crying at home with a big belly, I was about to blow a gasket.

So, I drove up after them, wanting to pack up this pair of dogs hard.

I thought of that car heist that happened in the hills of Kapol a few days ago, it was interesting, and at that time I wanted to go over there and take a look at it.

But that coward Achille drove the car away.

I did, however, see the killer’s general M.O., and I had a plan in my head.

At that time, it was just a plan, after all, there are still occasions for such cases.

What I didn’t expect was that Jill, the asshole, was cooperative and drove the car directly to the isolated beach, where the two of them just clapped for love in the car.

Even God was helping me, what was there for me to hesitate.

I held the two men at gunpoint, and Gil, that pussy, immediately wimped out and didn’t put up the slightest resistance.

Then I tied them to each other and called the woman out to applaud for love, right in front of Jill.

After that, I shot Jill, searched the car’s belongings, and faked it as a robbery scene to leave.”

After listening, Black couldn’t help but inquire, “A moment of impulsiveness has resulted in the current consequences, do you regret it?”

Domit hesitated, “Gil deserves to die!”

“What about that girl? You raped her, is that what you call justice?”

“That woman was screwing Jill when my sister and Jill weren’t broken up, and you don’t think she’s even a little bit responsible?

If she hadn’t come along, my sister wouldn’t have been in so much pain.

It was a mercy that I didn’t kill him.”

Xiao Hei said, “Gil is an irresponsible scumbag, he’s at fault.

That doesn’t mean your justice is right, you’re too extreme.”

“BULLSHIT, I don’t even need your understanding.

What needs to be said, I’ve said it, get out of my face right now.

I don’t want to see you guys again.” A fierce glint appeared in Domet’s eyes.

Luke had no doubt that if the bastard hadn’t been injured and handcuffed to a hospital bed, he would have fought him and Blackie to the death.

The good thing was, the guy had committed several felonies of such a serious nature that he would be tried as an adult, and even if it wasn’t a death sentence, he’d never set foot out of prison again in his life.

He is 17 years old and will spend the next few decades in prison ……

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