Chapter 210

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mezique’s Bar.


The men of the 1st Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division sat around and raised their glasses.

The lieutenant put down his beer glass and said to Black, “I heard you got the confession this time, good job.”

“I was already good, I just lacked some performance.” Blacky said in disbelief as he ate a pretzel.

Jackson said, “I originally thought the three car-jam robberies were committed by the same killer, but I didn’t realize that the June 30th case was a copycat.

So was the carjacking robbery on June 25th and the carjacking murder on June 28th committed by the same person?”

Susan said, “The June 25th and June 28th killers had the same M.O. They both robbed men and women who were carjacking, with the female victims being raped;

The difference was that the first male victim was only robbed and not killed.

Whereas the second male victim was not only robbed, but also shot.

Another key point in this is that the handgun that killed the second male victim belonged to the first male victim.

The two cases are causally related, the killer robbed the first victim’s gun and used the first male victim’s gun to kill the second male victim.

What I feel should be done by the same person.”

The vice squad analyzed, “The case of June 28th is basically a no-brainer from the available evidence and statements. But there are fewer clues in the June 25th car robbery, and all the police know about the case is from the statement of the male victim, Abal Flick.

It’s not even clear that there was actually a female victim in the June 25th robbery.

Suppose the June 25th case didn’t exist and the first male victim was just making up his own story.

He wasn’t robbed and he didn’t lose his pistol, then he could very well be the real culprit in the June 28th case.”

Luke took a sip of his wine, the old man loved to think when he didn’t go out every day, but I have to say he had some interesting ideas.

Jackson said, “But the male victim of the June 25th robbery, Abal Flick, does have an alibi, and his wife testified that he was home between nine and twelve on the night of the 28th.”

The Vice Squad said, “Let me recall for you that the reason why Abar Flick went to Kapol Hill to get a lady to carjack him was because he and his wife were not in a good relationship and his wife had inflicted star punishment on him.

Let’s assume that the first case doesn’t exist, and conversely the so-called Star Punishment may not exist either, and there is no problem with their relationship as a couple.

Then, since the husband and wife are in good relationship, is there any possibility that his wife has committed perjury.

In the time I’ve been in the police force, I’ve seen quite a few cases of perjury, which often have a huge impact on the case.”

Luke analyzed smoothly, “The vice squad’s hypothesis is not impossible, if Abal Flick is really the murderer, then what is his motive for committing the crime?

Robbery? The rape of Shirley? Or the murder of another male victim, Barron Smith.”

The lieutenant spread his hands, “That’s what we’ll be investigating next.”

The June 30th Santa Monica Beach car robbery was solved, but instead the first two robberies were bottlenecked, and tonight the vice squad’s speculation gave new clues to the investigation of the case, and Susan felt the need to look into it, and set up the assignment directly.

“Ramon, Jenny, you reconfirm Abal Flick’s alibi for the night of June 28th.

Lieutenant, Jackson, you guys investigate whether Abal Flick had a motive.

Luke, Marcus, continue to look for the female victim of the June 25th car robbery.”

“Yes, captain.”

Hearing the response from the crowd, Susan revealed a sardonic smile, “SORRY, it’s off duty time ……

I’ll punish myself with a drink, we won’t talk about the case next, just chat.”

Xiao Hei said, “Captain, after solving this case, I would like to take a leave of absence to rest for two days and buy a mobility scooter, I don’t have a car to use right now, it’s really inconvenient.”

The vice squad asked, “Where’s your car?”

“It broke down and was sent for repair.” For some reason, Black suddenly didn’t have the courage to tell the truth.

“Hey guys, I heard you just had a big fight.” David came over with a glass of whiskey and tapped Luke on the shoulder, “No one got hurt, did they?”

Blackie laughed, “Under Lieutenant Luke’s command, there was a scare.

But one patrolman wasn’t so lucky, he was injured by a grenade, Luke and I visited him in the hospital, his injuries have stabilized and he’s recovering well.”

Luke hadn’t seen David for a while either, “Lieutenant David, sit down and have a drink, everyone misses you.”

Vice Squad said, “That’s right, tell us about your situation in the Gang and Narcotics Division.”

David sat down on the couch next to him, “It’s not bad, I deal with a bunch of assholes everywhere, the difference is just unorganized and organized.

Of course, I think about everyone once in a while when I’m idle.”

Luke pointed aside to Jackson, “Let me introduce you, Jackson, just transferred to our squadron.

Jackson, this is David, my former partner.”

Jackson took the initiative and reached out, “Hello, Lieutenant David, I’ve heard everyone talk about you a lot.”

David smiled, “These guys sure don’t say anything good about me.”

The crowd started chatting and fooling around, a drink and a chat after a stressful day at work was good for the body and mind.

It was ten o’clock in the evening before the crowd dispersed.

Luke got into his car and took out his cell phone to contact the cell phone of Joanna, the young lady who had just been released on bail two days before.

Joanna had been arrested for selling silver and counterfeiting a LAPD, and Luke had reduced one of her charges in exchange for him helping Luke find the redheaded female silver-selling victim from the June 25th car robbery.

Three days had passed and Joanna hadn’t responded, leaving Luke a little irritated.

Soon, the cell phone picked up, “Who is it?”

“Joanna, this is Luke from the Robbery Murder Division.”

“Whoa whoa, Detective Luke, no, Lieutenant Luke, what can I do for you?”

“Huh.” Luke sneered, “Thank you for remembering my name, I was letting you know that I was looking for you to put you in jail again.”

“Hey, hey, please don’t do that, I’m looking for Maxine, please believe me.”

“Oh what a surprise, you remembered, I thought you had forgotten.”

“How could I? I am looking.”

“Meet me at the police station tomorrow morning.”

“Time is too tight, and I may not be able to find Maxine tonight.”

“That’s your business. Whether I can find it or not, tomorrow, I want to see you, understand?” Luke’s patience was pretty much worn out.

“OK, you’re the boss.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Luke hung up his cell phone, and a familiar voice suddenly came to mind.

[Congratulations to the host for solving the ‘Santa Monica Beach Car Shock Robbery Rape and Murder Case’, rewarded with 30 draws].

This case reward was quite generous, Luke did not hesitate and directly drew!

Pointer stops, bulletproof card ……

After drawing thirty times, he won 2 bulletproof cards and $28,000 dollars.

The winning rate is not high, but the bulletproof card is exactly what Luke needs, this kind of card can save his life at critical moments.

With the bulletproof card he dared to step down to investigate the case, otherwise, in the gun-ridden United States as a police officer is really a high-risk industry, all day to be afraid, small-minded people really can not do.

The next morning.

Luke picked up Blackie to go to work together, in Los Angeles without a car is really inconvenient.

Of course, the car is not for nothing, Blackie invited Luke to eat breakfast, pancakes.

In China, KFC burgers are more expensive than pancakes.

But in the United States is just the opposite, burgers are cheap, pancakes instead of high prices.

Eating a deluxe version of pancakes and a cup of coffee was a mixed bag, but it felt good.

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang.


“Lieutenant Luke, it’s Joanna.”

“Did you find Maxine?”

“That’s a little complicated to say, I’ve been using my contacts to look for Maxine ever since I made bail, I’ve been out looking every night myself, and when I got your call last night, that’s when I inquired about Maxine’s whereabouts ……”

Luke interrupted, “Say the results.”

“I found Maxine.”

“GOOD, bring her to the Detective Bureau, my previous promise stands, I won’t pursue her for selling the silver.”

“I believe that, but …… she still doesn’t really want to go to the station, she wants to talk somewhere else.”

“She has another case?”

“No, it’s just that in our line of work, we don’t really like dealing with the police, let alone going to the police station. Just going into a police station makes me uncomfortable, not to mention her, me too.”

“Where does she want to meet?”

Half an hour later.

MoNorail Cafe.

Both parties had arranged to meet here.

Luke found a corner against the wall and sat down.

Not long after, two blondes walked into the cafe, one of them was none other than Joanna.

“Hi, Lieutenant Luke, this is Maxine.”

Luke sized up the other woman, with a heart tattoo on her right arm, “Can you turn around, pretty lady?”

The other blonde, laughed, “I know what you want to see?” After saying that, she revealed her back and moved the waist of her pants down, revealing the Come on tattoo.

Luke made a gesture of invitation, “Want a drink? My treat.”

“Forget it, having a cop buy me coffee brings back some bad memories.” Maxine declined.

“You do realize why we’re looking for you, right?”

“Yes, Joanna said.” Maxine showed some concern, “But I still want to ask in person, are you really not going to accuse me?”

Black said, “We’re from the Robbery and Murder Division, we deal with homicides, as for selling silver ……

Although it is illegal, for me personally, I don’t find this behavior too harmful.

In some ways, it can even reduce some particular crimes.

To put it bluntly, we’re only interested in felons, and you …… don’t really appeal to us.”

Maxine leaned forward physically and straightened her semicircle, “I hope you’re not making a double entendre.”

Kuro took a look, “NoNoNo, quite pretty and attractive.”

“Thanks, you have a great eye.”

Luke interrupted the two, “Ms. Maxine, if there are no questions, we’d like to give you a statement.”


“What’s your full name?”

Maxine looked hesitantly and said slowly, “Maxine Porch.”

Luke pulled out a picture of Abal Flick, “Do you recognize him?”

Maxine picked up the picture and scrutinized it, “Yes, he was an impressive client of mine.”

“Do you know his name?”


“How did you meet?”

“Like I said, he’s a client of mine.”

“I’m making a statement and need to make your situation and relationship clear so that I can assure you that I’ll be exempt from accusations of selling your bank.”

“OK, then I have no concerns.” Maxine pursed her lips and recalled for a moment, “It was the night of June 25th, an unlucky day.

I went to Kapoor Hill to pick up a client as usual, and as you just said, I was the stand-up girl.

The man in the photo was my client, I stopped his car and rode up the hill in his car, we found a quiet place.

Negotiated a price and started car sex.

Halfway through, I heard a knock on the glass and I turned my head to see that someone was pointing a gun at us.

The person was wearing a black mask, so I couldn’t see what she looked like, and told us to close our eyes, and if we dared to open them, she would kill us.

Then she threw us three plastic handcuffs and told us to cuff each other, and then she did something really sick.

Called me out to the car, made the back lie on the front face of the car and raped me from behind.

FUCK, she was holding a gun at the time, scared me dry and was made to hurt like hell, what a pervert.” Maxine complained.

Luke pointed to the male victim in the photo, “At the time, what kind of car was he driving?”

“Looks like a …… Mercedes.”

“What time did you meet? What time was the robbery encountered?”

“We met at about nine o’clock and encountered the robbery at about ten o’clock.”

“What kind of gun did the suspect have?”

“I only got a glimpse of what looked like a black handgun, I don’t know what model exactly. I’m better at playing with real guns than that sort of thing.”

Blackie grinned widely, “Wowwwww ……”

“It’s been fun taking statements from you.” Luke smiled and continued, “What did the suspects rob you of?”

“Robbed me of a couple hundred dollars and raided the guest’s Mercedes.”

“Did the suspect take a revolver from the car?”

“I don’t know, the suspect told me to keep my eyes closed so I was afraid to look closely.”

“Tell me about the suspect’s other characteristics.”

Maxine shook her head, “It was dark and she threatened me not to open my eyes, it’s hard to describe her features, even if I were to see them again, I might not recognize them.”

Luke pressed, “You keep using ‘she’? You think the suspect is a woman?”

“Yes, I think she’s a woman?”

“I thought you said you didn’t see the suspect’s features? How do you know she’s a woman?”

Maxine bristled, “I didn’t see it, but I can feel it.

In our line of work, I’ve experienced all kinds of real and fake ones.

The one she’s using is silicone, although the quality is still good, but I’ve been through a lot of battles and I can tell, it’s definitely fake.”

Xiao Hei stared with wide eyes, revealing a curious look, “You mean the fake goat tool the suspect used to rape you?”

“That’s right, if it’s a man, there’s no way he wouldn’t be attracted to me, he would definitely react, and why would he use a fake one?” Maxine stood up, showing off her prehensile figure, and

“What do you think?”

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