Chapter 214

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

【Congratulations to the host, successfully solving the Cabol Hill car-jacking robbery and rape case, rewarded with 50 lottery chances】.

A familiar voice rang in Luke’s head.


The pointer stops, Rifle Card [You can quickly learn and improve your marksmanship within three hours, rifle use only.]

Luke drew fifty times and won a total of four cards.

They are two new cards, rifle card

Two old cards, an appraisal card, and a lipstick card

Although the winning rate was not high, the rifle card was exactly what Luke needed right now.

He now had a total of fifteen cards, which were:

Adventure cards, 3

Appraisal card, 3

Bullet Dodge Card, 2

Boxing card, 2

Lip Sync Card, 1

Precision Card, 3

Lock picking card, 2

Detection Card, 2

Pistol Card, 1

Sidewinder Card, 2

Observation Card, 1

Car Technique Card, 2

Micro-expression analysis card, 1

Criminal investigation sketch card, 0

Rifle card, 2

This time, in addition to the four cards, Luke also drew 46,000 dollars.

The system reserve was now up to, $421,000 dollars.

This was the reason why Luke wanted to go to Las Vegas, he wanted to realize this money.

Money in the system was just numbers after all, and could only be spent if it was withdrawn.

In addition to the system reserve, Luke had $35,000 in stock, which basically hadn’t gone up much.

There was also $260,000 in cash.

Luke’s total assets now amounted to $700,000 dollars.

For Luke, this amount of money was no longer a small amount, and he didn’t want to keep it in the bank or the system.

When the system reserve was withdrawn, Luke wanted to use this 700,000 dollars for investment, financial management or consumption, money spent to create greater value, otherwise what is the meaning of earning money?

Luke is not the kind of nerd who just makes money and doesn’t spend it.

After Luke’s persuasion, Daisy is finally willing to put down her work and travel with him to Las Vega.

After arranging the work.

Early in the morning of July 11, Luke and Daisy started the four-day, three-night trip to Las Vegas.

The two drove from Los Angeles, after which they got on the 15 freeway, which was about 230 miles from Las Vegas, about four hours away.

The two drove and chatted at the same time, and when they got to a rest area the two would switch driving and not get tired.

The morning passed quickly and the two made their way from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is the largest city in the state of Nevada, and is a world-renowned tourist city centered on the gambling industry, and is known as the “Entertainment Capital of the World” and the “Wedding Capital”.

Luke had made a reservation at the Mandalay Bay Hotel before he arrived.

The hotel is unique in that the centerpiece of the lobby is an aquarium with 2,000 species of marine animals and 1.5 million gallons of seawater for them to swim in.

The hotel has 3,309 rooms as well as a 135,000 square meter casino.

In addition, the hotel has a large ballroom and conference hall, as well as a variety of flavorful restaurants, stores, health clubs, and theaters.

Basically, you can eat, drink and play without leaving the hotel.

Here the casino is never closed, people can sleepy upstairs room rest, and then open your eyes can go downstairs into the casino to continue to fight, hungry to the buffet restaurant to spend nearly 20 dollars to open up their stomachs to eat casually.

Here is a rich man’s paradise, a real city that never sleeps.

Of course, the price of the hotel here is not cheap, the cost of a king-size room needs a thousand dollars.

However, it was nothing to Luke, who booked three nights straight away.

When the two arrived at the hotel, it was already after twelve o’clock, and after checking in and moving their luggage into the room, they went downstairs to the buffet restaurant for dinner.

Daisy took a sip of her red wine, “Do you have any plans?”

Plans, Luke definitely had.

Four days and three nights, since they had to return to Los Angeles on the fourth day, which was only three days full.

Luke had made arrangements before he arrived.

After arriving today, he first went to the casino to familiarize himself with it, he didn’t know much about this gambling thing, and if he didn’t need to liquidate the system reserve, he might not even come to Las Vegas.

But wanting to liquidate the system reserve, being in Vegas was undoubtedly the most convenient, the quickest, and less likely to arouse suspicion.

But the problem was that he hadn’t gambled before, and he didn’t know how to play, so today first familiarize himself.

Win money tomorrow.

Of course, the reason he was so confident still stemmed from the system reserve.

The day after tomorrow, accompany Daisy to play in Las Vegas for a day.

The day after tomorrow, return to Los Angeles.

The plan was full and the arrangement was quite good, but he couldn’t tell Daisy.

Luke asked rhetorically, “What about you?”


“I heard that the casino in this hotel is not small, I haven’t been to a casino before, why don’t we go and see it.”

Daisy nodded noncommittally, “OK.”

After the meal, the two came to the casino.

The casino was gilded with all kinds of gambling equipment, and as soon as they entered, they saw several rows of slot machines that were almost full.

Luke had always thought that the casino was crowded at night, and after he arrived, he realized that he was wrong.

The casino was bustling with people coming and going, and there were all kinds of gambling styles, such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, dice rolling, and so on.

Luke started by exchanging two thousand dollars worth of chips, the largest chips were worth one hundred dollars and the smallest were worth five dollars.

Luke gave Daisy a thousand dollars and kept a thousand dollars for himself.

Luke didn’t intend to win this thousand dollars, he was just holding the attitude of learning.

Daisy seems to have little interest in gambling, only left five hundred dollars, the remaining five hundred dollars also gave Luke.

The most common thing in the casino was the slot machines, almost every area had them, and Luke was also prepared to play from the slot machines first, to start his road to realizing money.

Los Angeles City.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

A black Audi Q5 was traveling on the road.

In the car sat the West family of three.

Margery West sitting in the back row was only sixteen years old, with a slightly tender face, she was the female victim of the Santa Monica Beach car robbery and the informant.

Her boyfriend, Jill Bruce, had been shot and killed by the killer in the carjacking robbery.

Margery West was also raped by the killer.

She has recovered from her physical injuries, but the psychological wounds are hard to heal.

Today, her parents took her to a psychiatrist.

Her mother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said, “Margery, are you hungry and what would you like to eat tonight?”

Margaery shook her head, “I’m not hungry.”

The father in the driver’s seat said slowly, “Margaery, you heard what Dr. Magis said earlier, he suggested that a change of scenery might help you, I’m going to let you attend a new high school, what do you think?”

Margery refused dryly, “No, I don’t need to.”

My father advised, “I’m doing this for your own good, get a new environment, forget about the past, move on in everything, life is still long.”

Margery retorted, “I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I run away, why should I be afraid of what people will think, I’m the victim.

Jill was shot right in front of me, I can’t and won’t forget that.”

Margaery’s father was also a little annoyed, “Stop talking about that Jill guy.

I’ve long since disapproved of the two of you being together, he’s no good and forgetting about him isn’t a bad thing.”

Margaery’s eyes widened as she questioned, “What do you mean? Why are you saying bad things about Gil, he’s dead and you’re still denigrating him.”

Margaery’s mother hurriedly turned her head to calm her daughter, “Don’t be anxious, dear, your father cares about you too.”

Margaery’s father’s tone also eased, “I went to the police station and asked around, the murderer who killed Jill was the brother of Jill’s ex-girlfriend.

Jill got his ex-girlfriend pregnant but didn’t want to take responsibility, so he just broke up.

After that he got together with you, that’s why the ex-girlfriend’s brother took revenge on him.

He’s the one who got you killed, and if it wasn’t for him, this case wouldn’t have happened at all.”

Margery shouted, “I forbid you to talk about him like that, it’s not even the truth, you don’t know Jill.

Those cops don’t know Jill either, they’re just doing it to cover their asses, Jill isn’t what they say he is at all.

Gil told me about it, his ex-girlfriend had a messy life, slept with a lot of guys, and the baby she was carrying wasn’t Gil’s at all.

She didn’t go to the father of the baby to take responsibility, so why should she blame Gil.

Gil never wanted to cheat on me and would never do that.

He was innocent, it was that crazy woman’s brother who lost his mind ……

I still can’t believe that he died in front of me.

I really loved him …… oooh ……”

Margaery let out a sob.

Margaery’s mother consoled while winking at her husband, signaling him to stop talking.

Margaery’s father had no choice but to shut up as well.

Ten minutes later, the car drove into the neighborhood and pulled up in front of the house.

Margaery was unstable and refused to get out of the car, and her mother sat in the car to comfort her, shooing her father out of the car first.

Margaery’s father sighed, his face filled with helplessness, both heartbroken and feeling that his daughter was too stupid.

He took out his keys and opened the door to his room.

“Cackle ……”

Through the moonlight, he vaguely felt like there was someone in the room, but it was too dark for him to see, and he assumed it was his illusion.

Flipping a switch on the wall, the lights came on.

He saw a sixteen or seventeen year old white girl sitting on the couch with a wry smile on her face, “Hello, Mr. West.”

West took two steps back and stood in the doorway, questioning loudly, “Who are you? Why are you in my home? Get out of my house immediately or I’m going to call the police.” With that he pulled out his cell phone and tried to dial 911.

The girl, unconcerned and not worried about the other man calling, stood up and said lightly, “My name is Anna James and I’m Jill’s ex-girlfriend.

Jill and your daughter killed my father, do you know about this?”

West gave a surprised look, “What the hell are you talking about? What the hell are you going to do?” As he spoke, he had dialed 911, “I’m calling the police, there’s a trespasser in my house ……”

West didn’t finish his sentence, a horrified look on his face.

Only to see Anna tugging on the strap on her shoulder, pulling out an M4 rifle from her back, holding the gun with both hands and pulling the trigger with a skillful, one-two punch.

West turned to run.

Yet it was already too late.

“Da da da da ……”

Gunshots rang out, shattering the night sky.

West was shot several times and collapsed in front of his house, blood flowing all over the floor.

Anna walked to the door, her right foot stepping in the pool of blood, looking at the cars outside the yard, “My father said that blood pays!”

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