Chapter 219

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:32
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Las Vegas Police Department.

It was Luke’s first time at the Las Vegas Police Department.

It was just the way he came that made him a little upset, being sandwiched between two commandos along the way, not handcuffed but not exactly friendly.

Arriving at the police station, Luke was ushered into an interrogation room and, out of habit, scanned the interrogation room and spotted a camera in the upper left corner.

Luke didn’t mind too much, it was normal to be observed.

He sat back in his chair and reviewed his actions this evening, from his point of view it was fine.

After about ten minutes, a black man in a police uniform walked into the interrogation room and closed the door to the interrogation room, “SORRY, I’ve kept you waiting, I was just looking at your law enforcement recorder.”

Luke said, “Now that you’ve seen the video from the law enforcement recorder, isn’t it time to let me go.”

The black cop replied, “I’m Superintendent Michael Bunt of the Las Vegas General Bureau.”

“I’m Lieutenant Luke Lee of the LAPD.” Luke pulled out a pack of cigarettes, “Would you like one?”

Michael shook his head, “Our Las Vegas Police Department rules don’t allow smoking.”

“OK, I’ll go then.” Luke stood up.

Michael waved his hand, “Lieutenant Luke please continue, there are exceptions to everything. We need to talk before you go.”

Luke smiled, he didn’t actually have to smoke, nor did he mean to pick a fight, he just wanted to test the Las Vegas Police Department’s attitude, “Superintendent Michael, what do you want to talk about?”

“Why did you come to Las Vegas?”

“Traveling. I wanted to go to the casino to win a few hands, but I lost a lot instead. Most likely won’t play in the future.”

“Did you come alone, or with others?”

Luke spread his hands, “Is this an interrogation?”

“No, just a normal conversation, I just wanted to verify what was going on. If it’s an interrogation, it can’t be just me, you know.”

Luke revealed a bitter smile, “It’s a sad story to say, I originally came here with my girlfriend.

Then …… I got dumped.”


“Yes. There’s only the two of us here, you don’t have to repeat yourself.”

“Well, it’s quite sad indeed, is there any chance of getting it back?”

“What? Are you going to introduce me to a new girlfriend?”

“No problem, we have plenty of pretty girls in Vegas, if you want to settle down over here, you’re always welcome.”

Luke nodded, “That’s a great offer, I’m kind of tempted too, but I’m just afraid that our chief will beat me up.”

Michael was silent for a moment, “Man, on behalf of the Las Vegas Police Department, I’d like to thank you for your help tonight. You stopped the shooter from firing just in time to prevent more people from being shot.

You are a hero.

Deserving of a commendation, I’m sure the Las Vegas PD will give you a medal.”

“Thanks, I just want to go back to the hotel now and get a good night’s sleep.” Luke wasn’t interested in a medal from the Las Vega PD.

If he really wore such a thing back to Los Angeles, he would not be laughed at by his colleagues in Los Angeles.

“Sure.” Michael took out a document and handed it to Luke, “Man, sign this agreement and you can leave.”

Luke took the document and glanced at it, it was a non-disclosure agreement from the Las Vegas Police Department.

The general content was that Luke was to keep tonight’s action secret and not to publicize the circumstances and details about the shooting.

The press conference on the case would be dominated by the Las Vegas Police Department.

Luke could react to the Las Vegas Police Department with any ideas and suggestions, but he could not publicize it to the public or accept any news media interviews in his personal name.

Michael said politely, “You can use my pen.”

Luke looked at the non-disclosure agreement and was tempted to just tear it up, “Do I need to call a lawyer?”

“Not at all, you can just sign it and leave. Of course, we may talk to you again afterward.

I hope you won’t leave Las Vegas for a while.

Of course, if you have any ideas, requests, or difficulties, you can also mention them to us.” Michael’s words seemed to mean something.

Luke leaned back in his chair, “I can promise not to be interviewed by the news media for the time being.

But there’s no need to sign the agreement.

I trust the Las Vegas Police Department.

And I hope your police department trusts me, too.”

Michael leaned his hands on the table and intoned, “That psychopathic gunman shot for over nine minutes, fired thousands of rounds, and with over eight hundred casualties, this will be the deadliest shooting ever in the United States.

Lieutenant Luke, you are also a police officer, you should know the importance of this case, what would you do if it was you?”

People’s feelings are not interchangeable, everyone has their own opinions, their own interests.

“That’s why I promise not to go public for a while, but I’m going to keep my right to free speech.” Luke clasped his hands to his chest and looked a little disgruntled.

This was like a divorce, two people hadn’t even talked about distributing the family assets yet, and directly asked Luke to sign the divorce papers, how could it be possible?

Luke didn’t work hard and take great risks to subdue the gunman just to be a hero, much less a ridiculous unsung hero.

He wanted real benefits.

The Las Vegas police didn’t want to give him any benefits and made him sign a non-disclosure agreement right away, how could it be that good?

Of course, he had just heard Michael’s words implied that Luke could mention any ideas he had.

But Luke is a fool, in other people’s turf conditions, they also monitor and listen to the video out of him into what?

The other side of this attitude, Luke certainly will not sign the agreement.

Once the agreement is signed, Luke will be in a passive, no longer have the right to make a statement to the public.

Michael continued to persuade, ”Lieutenant Luke, the whole world is concerned about this case, the whole world is staring at the American police.

You are also a part of the American police.

We must be united, we must form a unified voice.”

Luke smiled, elevating the conversation to the entire United States.

You, a Las Vegas PD, don’t represent the entire American police force, much less the LAPD.

If you really want to treat me as a part of it, do you have to force me to sign a non-disclosure agreement?

Luke knows what they’re worried about.

The room where the shooter was is considered by everyone to be the most dangerous place in the world, and the Las Vegas police are afraid of it.

Instead, Luke broke into the tiger’s den and subdued the shooter, and then in a hilarious scene, Luke was in the room talking on the phone to friends and family.

It was not until almost an hour had passed that the Las Vegas police dared to enter the gunman’s room.

This in itself is contrast, irony, and absurdity at its finest.

The Las Vegas police may be laughed at by the world for this, but what does that have to do with Luke?

Even if he hadn’t subdued the shooter in the first place, with the piss-poor nature of the Las Vegas police, they still wouldn’t dare to launch an attack on the shooter anytime soon, and would be laughed at by the world just the same.

Luke had no obligation to pay for their behavior.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar cell phone number, Luke pressed the answer button, “Luke, this is Frank, can you hear me?”

“Yes Chief, it’s an honor to receive your call.”

“How’s your situation there? Are the injuries serious?”

Luke’s eyes rolled, “Yes, I was shot in the chest and do have some pain. I suspect the heart may be injured.”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m in the Las Vegas Police Department interrogation room.”

“Why didn’t you go to the hospital?”

“I was going to go to the hospital, but they had to make me sign a non-disclosure agreement and wouldn’t let me leave without it.”

“Ignore the non-disclosure agreement and hand over the cell phone.”

“Yes sir.”

With those words, Frank made Luke feel like he wasn’t alone, but represented the entire LAPD.

“Superintendent Michael, our chief wants you on the phone.” Luke bottomed out.

Michael hesitated for a moment and took the cell phone, “Hello, this is Las Vegas Directorate Superintendent Michael Bunt ……”

After saying a few words, Michael took the cell phone and left the interrogation room.

A few minutes later, Michael walked in with a gloomy face and returned the cell phone to Luke, “Someone will take you to the hospital in a while. I also hope you’ll keep your promise to keep news about the shooting to yourself for now.”

Luke smiled, “So what you just said still counts?”

Michael frowned, “What words?”

“Introduce me to a girlfriend.”

Michael “……”

With arrangements made by the Las Vegas police, Luke was taken to a downtown Las Vegas hospital.

Upon entering the hospital, Luke underwent a thorough physical examination and was hospitalized for observation until the results were available.

Luke stayed in a single room, the environment is not bad, there is a separate bathroom, but also can watch TV, Internet.

Luke also kept in touch with his colleagues in Los Angeles.

A familiar voice rang in Luke’s head, [Congratulations to the host, there was a significant meritorious performance in the Las Vegas music festival shooting case, preventing the gunman from continuing to shoot, rewarding 160 lottery chances].

160 times!

Amazing, this was the first time Luke had received so many rewards.

This time, although the case was simple, there were many shooting victims and the impact of the case was too great, Luke guessed that this was the reason for the generous reward.

The bet was right.


Pointer stops, snorkeling card ……

Luke drew 160 times in a row.

A total of 15 cards were obtained.

Among them were two new cards with different abilities.

Snorkeling Card, 3 [You can quickly learn the skill of snorkeling in three hours]

Snorkeling and swimming are different.

Luke can swim, but his skill is average, and he can’t really do snorkeling. This skill is kinda cool.

Muay Thai Card, 4 [You can quickly learn Muay Thai skills in three hours]

Muay Thai is one of the most powerful combat techniques in the world, and unlike boxing’s more one-dimensional style of fighting, it utilizes the human body’s fists, legs, knees, and elbows as weapons to attack.

It is strong and fierce and domineering.

To a certain extent, it can make up for the lack of boxing leg techniques.

In addition to the new cards, he also drew 8 old cards to make up for the lack of cards used.

At the same time, a reserve of 145,000 dollars was also obtained.

The total reserve amounted to a whopping $566,000 dollars.

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