Chapter 220

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:34
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“Knock knock ……”

A knock sounded outside.

Luke retrieved his thoughts, “Come in.”

The door opened and a white middle-aged woman walked into the hospital room with a bouquet of colorful flowers in her hand.

Luke sized up the other woman, holding a gun under the sheet, “Who are you?”

Luke had two guns, the Glock was still with the Las Vegas Police Department, but the other backup had been returned.

“I’m Barrilla Ska, Vice President of MGM Group. Are you feeling better, Mr. Lee?” The white middle-aged woman placed the flowers on the bedside table.

The Mandalay Bay Hotel was the hotel owned by the MGM Group.

Luke raised an eyebrow, “Ms. Ska, what are you doing here?”

“I heard about your heroic deeds and came to visit you on behalf of the group and the Mandalay Bay Hotel Hotel.

Thank you for your contribution to the protection of our hotel.”

Luke was a bit surprised, “Ms. Ska, you are very well informed, how did you know about this?”

“The shooting happened in our hotel, so we have some knowledge of this matter, and we know that it was you who rushed to the gunman’s room in the first place, and stopped the gunman from continuing his murder.”

Luke laughed, she didn’t believe the other party’s bullshit, even if she had checked the hotel’s surveillance, it was impossible for her to know the details.

What’s more, the only people who knew she was in the hospital were a few coworkers and the Las Vegas Police Department, her own coworkers were far away in Los Angeles there was no way they could be in contact with the MGM group, so it must be that the Las Vegas Police Department revealed the information internally.

This group of bastards really fucking unreliable, let yourself sign a confidentiality agreement, turn your face to sell yourself.

Sign your sister.

Barilla Ska was concerned, “Mr. Lee, are you feeling better?”

“My chest has been hurting, looking for me for something?” Since he was going to do a play, he did the whole thing.

“My purpose here is one to visit you, and another is to express our hotel’s gratitude.” Barilla Ska took out a black hotel card and

“This is a diamond VIP card, which allows you to stay in any of the group’s hotels for free within ten years.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I’ll take the token of appreciation, forget the card.”

Barilla Ska continued, “Mr. Lee, our MGM Group is a global chain of group hotels, many countries have our hotels, you can stay in any hotel for free.”

“Thanks, it’s really not necessary.” Luke once again refused.

There were two reasons for the refusal.

First, there was no free lunch under the sky.

Luke had indeed done the hotel a favor, but this world itself was unequal, it didn’t mean that you would always get something if you gave.

The second reason is that a free stay for 10 years sounds great, but it’s not very useful in practice.

Luke is 26 years old, in ten years he will be 36 years old, these ten years are the prime time to build a career.

How can he have that much time to travel every day.

Even if he travels occasionally, he is unlikely to go alone, his room fee is waived, what about other people’s room fees?

It doesn’t make much sense.

Besides, going out to play this is to see the mood, depending on the attractions, where there is fun to go where.

You can’t check where the MGM hotels are before you play.

Ten years of free hotel stays may seem like a big gimmick, but it’s not very useful to Luke.

To put it bluntly, Luke couldn’t see it.

Barilla Ska had also been observing Luke, and after being a group executive for so many years, she still had eyesight.

“Mr. Lee, you can also say what you want.”

Luke laughed, “Ms. Ska, that’s an interesting statement you made, your group doesn’t owe me anything? What qualifications do I have to make demands from your group?”

“It is true that our group does not owe you anything.

But you stopped the gunman from shooting, protected the hotel’s guests, and saved the hotel a certain amount of loss, so we are truly grateful to you.

You may not know that our group is now facing a huge amount of compensation.

If you had not stopped the gunman in time, the compensation would have been even higher.

So, we are sincerely thankful to you.” Barrera Ska turned her words around, “If you don’t want the Diamond VIP card for free stay, our hotel is willing to take out half a million dollars as a bonus for bravery.”

Luke smiled, “Do you need me to do anything?”

“No, no need.”

“Tell me what you have to gain by doing this, I don’t believe you’d give me money for nothing out of gratitude.”

“As I said before, our hotel is facing a huge settlement, one that is likely to be astronomical, and you have some influence in this case.

We won’t ask you to say anything or do anything, as long as you are kind to our group, some of your inadvertent behaviors may have some positive impact on the whole incident.

This half a million dollars is a drop in the bucket for the sky-high compensation.

Even the slightest impact is not a loss to us.” Barilla Ska swept around and lowered her voice.

“In fact, even if you don’t say anything, I think it’s worth it.”

Luke thought about it, in fact, he didn’t have any negative impression of the MGM Group and the hotel, the service, attitude, and environment were all quite good, the only complaint was that it made him lose three thousand dollars.

For the compensation that Barrera Ska said, Luke could probably guess some of it, the gunman was shot at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, and the shooting victims and their families might file a claim against the hotel.

Luke was a bit curious, “How much money will the victims claim from your hotel?”

Barilla Ska sighed, “The group’s lawyers estimate the claim to be at least a billion dollars, maybe even billions of dollars.

We’re not saying that we won’t compensate, but we want the compensation to be within a reasonable range, if we follow their claims, our group and insurance company will not be able to satisfy them even if we empty our pockets.”

“I don’t want to get involved in the lawsuit between you guys, it has nothing to do with me.” Luke was most afraid of trouble.

“OK, that’s your freedom, just as much as it’s our freedom to gladly give you a bonus for bravery.”

Luke shot ahead, “I may not put in a good word for your hotel if I want the bonus.”

Barilla Ska snickered, “I’m sure it’s at least better than not taking it.”

“A half million dollar bonus?”

“You protected the Mandalay Bay Hotel, you deserve it.”

“After taxes?”

“No problem.”

“Thank you for your group’s generosity.”

“I wish you a speedy recovery.” Barilla Ska left her sentence and turned around to leave the hospital room.

Luke smiled, the pattern of this big group’s executives was different, sending money to himself for no other reason than to make himself happy.

People give money to make themselves happy, Luke couldn’t think of a reason not to.

To be honest, the case happened in a hurry, and Luke didn’t expect the case to have such a big impact.

Now that he had time and saw the attitude of the MGM Group, Luke also had to think about how he could maximize the benefits.

First of all, the fact that this case took place in Las Vegas instead of Los Angeles has both advantages and disadvantages for Luke.

The good thing was that Luke’s behavior would be defined as a act of bravery and he could logically receive a bonus from the MGM Group.

If the case had taken place in Los Angeles, it would have been Luke’s duty.

Luke, as the police officer involved in the case, couldn’t talk about bravery, and it would be a bit inappropriate for him to get any more money.

Of course, if the case had happened in Los Angeles, Luke wouldn’t have been so embarrassed and would have had to run to the hospital to hide.

The immediate benefit Luke could get from this shooting would be financial, but Luke wanted more than that.

This shooting was the largest number of people ever injured in a shooting in the United States.

Whenever people think of shootings, this one is sure to come to mind.

And Luke, as the one who subdued the shooter, could gain a huge amount of prestige through this incident.

He should even be able to get a medal of valor or a medal of freedom.

This depends on how one defines Luke’s behavior, he is a police officer and should get a medal of valor according to the previous practice.

But the thing is, Luke is not a Las Vegas police officer, he has no law enforcement powers in Las Vegas, and arguably falls under personal behavior.

The final decision was still in the hands of the President.

This was also the reason why Luke refused to sign the non-disclosure agreement, he was not willing to jeopardize his own interests for the sake of the Las Vegas police.

“Buzz.” Luke’s cell phone rang.

It was a text from Blackie, ‘Watch CFP News TV.’

Luke turned on the TV and found CFP News TV.

A female black man in professional attire appeared on the screen, and her voice choked, “Hello everyone, I’m a female reporter from CFP News TV, Pari Jones.

I’m sure all of you viewers have heard about the Las Vegas shooting, and I’ve investigated the latest progress of the shooting after many sources.

According to the latest news, the number of dead and injured has surpassed eight hundred, which is sad news.

My heart is overwhelmed, as is everyone else’s, and the shooter’s brutality is heinous.”

Wiping tears from her eyes, Parry Jones continued, “It is my understanding that the shooting took place last night at 10:06 p.m. A gunman opened fire on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, and I would like to condemn him once again for his brutality.

The gunman used an automatic weapon to unleash carnage on the crowd.

There were many unsung heroes on the scene who came forward to help those injured tourists.

The shooting lasted for nine minutes until a responding officer broke into the room where the gunman was and there was an exchange of gunfire between the two, in which the officer wounded the gunman before stopping him from shooting at the crowd.

The gunman then committed suicide, knowing he could not escape.

According to top-secret information I have learned, the officer was not a Las Vegas police officer.

Rather, he was an LAPD officer who was traveling in Las Vegas.

He was the one who prevented the shooting from getting any worse.

I want to applaud this heroic LAPD officer.

He is a hero.

At the same time, I can’t help but ask, after all this time? What are the Las Vegas police doing?

There are so many questions about this case, and we will continue to follow this worst shooting ever and dig into the truth behind it.

Stay tuned to cfp news channel, I’m reporter Pari Jones.

As the news ended, Blackie called, “Man, what do you think?”

“Wasn’t she at CBE TV? Jumped ship?”

“Yes, she’s a very thoughtful woman.”

“Does she know it’s me?”

“I haven’t told her yet, but she’s been hounding me about it. Should I tell her?”

“That depends on whether she’s sincere or not.”

Blackie said, “She said she’d pay me twenty thousand dollars as an informant’s fee if she could establish the veracity of the information.

Also promised to give me another twenty thousand dollars if I name the officer.”

“That’s too little, for a news event of this magnitude, with global attention and first-hand information, it should be at least 30 to 50 thousand dollars. That would be sincere.”

Xiao Hei was a little worried, “What if she doesn’t give it?”

“They’re not the only TV station, competition is the only way to get motivated, you contact other TV stations.”

Blackie asked back, “Is that a good idea?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, professional women like Pari Jones, the more you go along with her, the less she takes you seriously.

You should make her realize that you’re the one making the decisions in this relationship, not her.”

Kuro’s eyes widened and he nodded slowly, “You have a point.”

“Man, go for it, I’m looking out for you.”

Luke smiled, he had actually just come to a realization, just in time for Blackie to try and see if it worked.

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