Chapter 221

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:36
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Luke lay in the hospital for a day.

After the results of the physical examination test came out everything was normal, as for the chest pain that Luke said, it might just be a slight contusion, and there was no major obstacle, and he didn’t continue to stay in the hospital, and directly returned to the hotel.

Luke got off the car in front of the hotel, and saw a lot of people gathered around the square opposite, the blood on the square has been cleaned up, but still pulling the cordon.

Flowers and photos were placed outside the square, supposedly to mourn the dead in the shooting.

Reports about the shooting have also been all over the place in the past two days.

The identity of the shooter has also been picked up.

I don’t know if the Las Vegas Police Department played a role, but Luke’s identity has never been revealed.

CPF TV in Los Angeles had reported the news of LAPD officers subduing the shooter, and there were many people speculating about Luke’s identity.

However, there were also people who doubted the veracity of the news.

Because the Las Vegas police had not answered positively since the beginning.

However, experienced media people were able to guess that the news had a high probability of being true based on the reaction of the Las Vegas police.

Many news reporters are trying to find out about the mysterious police officer who subdued the shooter.

This police officer not only subdued the shooter, he was also the first one to arrive at the scene, if he could be asked to do a program about the shooting case, the ratings would definitely explode.

In fact, even if they found Luke, Luke would not go for an interview, something is too much.

If Luke had shown up for the interview in a high profile way, he would have been called a ‘hero’ by the crowd at first, and would have gained a high level of praise and popularity in a short period of time.

There were too many examples online of people who had been killed by the media, and the higher they were touted, the harder they fell.

Luke hoped that people would first recognize him from his status as a lieutenant in the police detective bureau, and then after learning more about him, they would realize that he was the ‘hero’ of the Las Vegas music festival shooting.

The other person would think, wow, so he’s not just a regular cop, he’s a hero.

Instead, the other person first learns that he is the ‘hero’ of the Las Vegas music festival shooting, then learns the rest about himself and realizes that he is just a regular cop.

The other person would think, “What shooting hero, ah, not just a cop.

For Luke himself, the Las Vegas shooting case has come to an end, according to the original plan, he has already driven back to Los Angeles.

But now it is different again, before leaving, he still has two things to do.

First, he was still waiting for another half a million dollar bonus from the MGM Group.

People took the initiative to give the money, the reason for giving it away was clearly stated, the name of bravery was thought of, Luke would not be a fool if he did not accept it.

He had never been a man of false innocence.

The second problem, the shooting case was still under investigation, and as the first person to arrive at the scene and injure the shooter, he still needed to assist in the investigation, and was unable to leave Las Vegas for the time being.

He had also heard a rumor that the case might be taken over by the FBI for investigation.

This was good for Luke at this point. Lest the Las Vegas police would look at him and give him small shoes.

Luke went back to the hotel, he had nothing to do alone, and he didn’t want to go to the casino and be sad anymore.

He found out that there was a gun club nearby, and he wanted to go to that gun club to practice his rifle.

The idea had been there before he came to Las Vegas.

While investigating a previous case, Luke and the others apprehended a suspect, Domette James, and were shot by his father.

Domet James’s father was a ruthless man, strafing and throwing grenades at the police from the second floor, and if it hadn’t been for the bullet-proof card, Luke might have been accounted for.

Yesterday, he talked to Jackson, who also brought up the suspect’s sister, Anna James.

That’s a tough one, too, going to a love rival’s house with a rifle for revenge.

The love rival’s father died at the scene.

The love rival’s mother broke on the way to the hospital.

It goes without saying that this shooting, once again, taught Luke the power of the rifle.

If the shooter had been shooting with a pistol, the rate of fire and power would have been much worse, and it would never have been possible to cause so much damage.

On the contrary, Luke was a bit weak himself when he took his pistol to fight with the gunman.

Luke didn’t know how to use a rifle, and once he was faced with a rifle-wielding thug, he was a bit stretched.

Of course, this is not to say that the rifle will completely crush the pistol, just that the two kinds of guns have their own characteristics, different periods of time with different guns to save the life of a greater chance.

Luke drove the Mercedes G500 straight to the Forsari Gun Club.

Along the way, Luke sensed a significant decrease in the number of tourists, and it seemed that this shooting incident still had a certain impact on the tourism of Las Vegas.

The Fossari Gun Club was located in the northern suburbs of Las Vegas, and it took about ten minutes of driving to get there.

The gun club was large and luxurious, and compared to other places, business was good here.

Luke also saw quite a few Asian faces.

Asians belonged to an ethnic group that used guns less, and at this time of the year, the probability was that they were insecure and were practicing guns for self-protection.

Luke didn’t care too much, registered with his social security card, paid another three hundred dollars deposit, and then followed the attendant to the gun warehouse to choose a gun.

The variety of guns here was very complete, and Luke was a bit picky.

There was another reason why Luke chose to practice guns at this time, he had drawn two rifle cards in the last lottery [which allowed him to quickly learn and comprehend marksmanship].

This time, he drew another one from the shooting event lottery, and now he had a total of three, so he could learn twice as much with half the effort.

After the three cards were used up, it was estimated that his rifle standard could be raised by a large margin.

Next to the gun warehouse was a small fixed range, after selecting a gun you could try it out there again, Luke tried out several rifles with good performance and finally selected an M4.

This gun is not only good overall performance, but also easy to get started.

The M4, whose full name is M4 Carbine, is an assault rifle designed by Colt, which is an improved version of the M16A2 assault rifle that holds 30 rounds of standard 5.56×45mm ammunition.

The M4 is also one of the most heavily armed single weapons in the U.S. military.

Luke made his way to the practice range, again starting his practice by hitting fixed targets.

The feel of a rifle and a pistol was completely different; rifle bullets were much longer than pistol bullets, and their shapes were also very different.

Pistol bullets are rounded, while rifle bullets are pointed.

The shooting position was also completely different, the recoil of a rifle was much greater than a pistol, and having to adjust the direction of each shot was a bit uncomfortable for a novice.

“Ta-da ……”

Luke fired at a 100 meter target in a standing position, 30 rounds were fired and the hit rate was about two thirds, and that was with a very low rate of fire, because the rate of fire was so fast that he couldn’t even re-aim.

Luke shot a few clips and got some feel for using the rifle, again his arms were a little numb.

“Ta-da-da-da ……”

Just then, a white man next to him was also hitting the target, rifle in hand, shooting from a standing position, shooting so fast that it only took Luke a third of the time to shoot through a clip.

The target moved forward, barely off-target.

The white man next to him removed his ear protection and smiled at Luke, “Detective Luke, no, Lieutenant Luke, we meet again.”

“Agent Anthony, long time no see, what are you doing here?”

Anthony raised the rifle in his hand, “Want to have a match.”

“If you want to compete, you can compete in pistol shooting, rifle even.”

“You’re a great hero who subdued the gunman, so little confidence in your rifle shooting?”

“At this distance, if I shoot with a pistol, you won’t even have a chance to use a rifle.”

Pistols were more flexible and suitable for close-range combat.

Anthony raised his hands, “I surrender, how about letting us talk?”

Luke guessed, “You’re here about the shooting?”


“And you’re involved in the investigation of this case?”

“That’s right, that’s why I wanted to talk to you, it’s better to do it here than at the Las Vegas PD, don’t you think?”

That hit home with Luke, he didn’t want to go back to the Vegas PD, “Can I return to LA after I talk to you?”

“You may.”

“You mean what you say?” Luke double-talked.

“Of course, you’re the big hero of Los Angeles now, if I screw you over, I wouldn’t dare to set foot on the land of Los Angeles again.”

“Forget hero, I don’t like that title.”

The two went to one of the club’s cafes.

The café’s hanging TV was still showing news of the shooting.

The cafe was empty, with only Luke and Anthony as customers.

Luke got right to the point, “What do you want to ask?”

Anthony put down his coffee cup, “Tell me in detail what you came to Las Vegas for, the people you traveled with, and what you experienced.”

“Although I know that this is the investigation procedure, but I, as a person who has clearly done good deeds, have to be interrogated over and over again, and even restricted from leaving the place.

And I still have to pay for my own expenses in Las Vegas, which I think is a bit unfair.”

Anthony spread his hands, “So I’ve come to your rescue.”

Luke had no choice but to recount the case.

After listening, Anthony asked rhetorically, “Have you seen the shooter before? Or had contact in any other way?”


“Have you ever been to Las Vegas before?”

“For the first time.”

“You’re a police officer, you were at the scene when the shooter fired, and there were the first to arrive at the scene of the shooting afterward, so in your judgment, why did the shooter attack the festival-goers?”

“I was at the scene of the crime, but I know too little about the case.

Besides, this is Las Vegas, I have no sources at all, what do you want me to say?”

Anthony introduced himself, “The shooter’s name is Steven Parker and he’s 64 years old.

His father was a robber and lived in prison for many years, so Stefan grew up in a single parent household.

He worked in real estate and auditing from youth to middle age and lived a relatively wealthy life.

But the man was a gambler by nature and spent years in Las Vegas casinos with high stakes.

Since 2015, he had been losing money and had developed depression, often taking antidepressants.

A week before the shooting, bagged two adjacent rooms on the 32nd floor, and in addition to the shooting scene you found, the next room 135 was also bagged by him.”

Listening to Anthony, Luke got a general impression of the shooter and pressed, “Was there a will?”


“Any record of contact with gangs or terrorist organizations?”


“Criminal record?”


“Religious beliefs? Political stance?”

“He’s an atheist. No clear political stance.”

“I found over two dozen rifles at the scene, how did he get them into the hotel?”

“Two days before the shooting, he loaded the guns into boxes and transported them in batches into the hotel rooms.”

From Anthony’s description, the man’s connections were still relatively simple.

Recalling his own experience of losing money two days ago, Luke analyzed, “I reckon he might have lost money in the casino for a long time, and has lost his eyes, turning from a rich man to a poor man.

Trying to get back at the hotel and at Las Vegas.”

Luke’s guess was not unfounded, since the shooting, the number of tourists in Las Vegas had significantly decreased, and, it was estimated that Las Vegas would not dare to organize music festivals in the future.

Anthony nodded and smiled, “The situation you mentioned is highly probable.

However, there is no lack of people proposing conspiracy theories, such as saying that you rushed to the scene of the shooting in the first place, not to save people, but to silence them.”

Luke’s face turned a little hard, “Then show that idiot the video from the law enforcement recorder. Or have him come and talk to me in person.”

Anthony shrugged, “You should know that I’m not holding it against you. It’s just that some people like to get into conspiracy theories.

Like how there are still a lot of Americans who don’t believe the moon landing was real or even that the earth is round.”

The TV hanging in the café was still broadcasting the news of the shooting.

At that moment, a voice suddenly rang out from the TV station.

“This is CNJ TV, broadcasting an update on the shooting.

According to the reporter’s understanding from the hospital, the number of dead in the shooting case has increased to 58, and the number of injured is up to 848.

The case has been handed over to the FBI for investigation.

In addition, according to the reporter’s multiple investigations, the shooting happened at 10:06 p.m., and the Las Vegas police didn’t get to the room where the shooter was until after eleven o’clock.

It was not the Las Vegas police who actually stopped the shooter from shooting, but an LAPD officer who was on vacation.

This officer is most likely Lieutenant Luke Lee of the Robbery-Homicide Division of the Detective Bureau.

We have not been able to reach him at this time, and why he was at the scene of the shooting is unclear to us.

We will be conducting an ongoing follow-up investigation to return the truth to the dead and wounded of the shooting.”

Anthony smiled, “Congratulations, the great hero of Los Angeles can go home.”

Luke smiled back, “Letting me go so soon.”

“I’m worried that if I don’t let you go, the video from the law enforcement recorder will be on the news tomorrow, and the Las Vegas police won’t be the only ones with a headache then.”

“Good luck solving the case.” Luke stood up and waved, “I’m going to go practice my gun.”

Anthony laughed, “You even have a problem with holding a gun, I suggest you find a coach first, you can’t get results behind closed doors.”

“Do you have a recommendation?”

“What do you think of me?”

“Don’t you need to go on a case?”

“Don’t forget, you’re the one I’m investigating, and spending more time with you won’t do me any harm.”

“That doesn’t sound very friendly.”

“I used to be a Navy SEAL, and I’m definitely the best rifle instructor around.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad.”

Luke then began practicing his rifle under Anthony’s instruction.

Whether Anthony had any other agenda Luke didn’t know, but he was certainly a good shot and a good instructor.

He taught Luke not only how to use the gun, but also a lot of practical skills.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he began to learn it hungrily.

With the assistance of the rifle card, Luke’s progress was rapid, in just one day’s time the rifle shooting level improved by a large margin, so that Anthony was somewhat impressed ……

The next day, Luke drove the Mercedes G500 back to Los Angeles.

As for the MGM Group promised half a million dollars in prize money has not yet arrived, however, Luke is not in a hurry, he believes that the other party will certainly give.

If MGM Group didn’t give it, then they were playing with Luke.

Just like what MGM Group had feared before, as long as they offended Luke, it would probably affect the next sky-high claim case.

As long as they weren’t fools, they certainly wouldn’t do such a thing that would cost them a lot of money for a small cause.

Luke drove back to Los Angeles, more than four hours of driving is a bit boring, but also some hard work, come when two people, go back to become a person.

He had also carefully considered his relationship with Daisy over the past two days of idleness.

After Daisy returned to Los Angeles in the middle of her trip, Luke had not contacted each other.

Afterward, Luke felt some regret.

He regretted not because he was afraid that Daisy would be angry, but he felt that his performance …… was not what a mature man should do.

Played a little sex.

These two days of idleness, Luke thought carefully again, in fact, he is not immature, but the mentality is a little unbalanced.

To put it simply, it was that he felt that he had given but did not get what he deserved in return.

He had been treating Daisy like a girlfriend, but Daisy’s attitude was a bit vague.

At first, Luke thought Daisy was just focused on her work and didn’t take it too seriously.

But as he thought back, he and Daisy hadn’t had much sweetness from the beginning, not the feeling of being in a relationship.

The reason he was with Daisy was that he craved Daisy’s body, but he didn’t really like Daisy’s strong woman personality.

And the reason why Daisy was with Luke was because after the robbery and being installed cameras in her home, she was in a high state of mental stress and needed help and reliance, and Luke just happened to step up to the plate.

To put it bluntly, Daisy was with him more out of a sense of security.

The two had gotten along so far in their relationship that either Daisy took a step forward or Luke took a step back.

Luke had tried the former, and it didn’t work.

Then it can only take a step back, without too much expectation, there is no disappointment.

He understood his relationship with Daisy as a close friend, helping each other when something is wrong, and having a date when nothing is wrong.

Usually, they didn’t interfere with each other and had their own work and life circles.

Of course, there are some things that do not need to be said explicitly, Luke will gradually change the mode of getting along, Daisy is a very intelligent woman, should be able to understand his thoughts.

Perhaps, this kind of relationship will make the two of them last longer.

More than twelve o’clock, Luke drove back to the Ruidu community.

Originally, he was going to go to the Plaza Restaurant to have some dinner before going home.

However, as soon as he entered the community, he felt a difference.

There were more people and cars in the community.

He didn’t stop at the plaza and drove straight to his home when he saw more cars parked outside the house he rented, one of which also had a TV station’s Peugeot.

Luke immediately understood that yesterday’s news report had worked, and these reporters were supposed to be here to interview him.

If Luke was going to switch to politics now, maybe giving interviews would be a good choice, but he still wanted to continue to be a police officer, then he couldn’t overexpose himself.

Being exposed as the hero of a shooting is completely different from taking the initiative to go on the show and publicize himself as the hero of a shooting.

The latter can easily backfire.

Luke wasn’t in politics now, and there was no need to liquidate his reputation.

Luke didn’t stop the car, drove straight through, and then went straight to his mom’s house.

Luke’s mom’s house vehicles to be less, but with Luke’s intuition, the same reporter is squatting, he also did not stop, drove away.

Where to go?


No, he will not go to Daisy’s house during the day.

Back to the police station, that’s the only way.

This group of reporters, even if they were bullish, wouldn’t dare to break into the police station.

Afterwards, Luke drove to the police station.

As soon as he entered the station, there were quite a few people greeting him.

“Wow, Luke, I heard that you are the big hero behind the shooting.”

“Luke, is it really you who wounded the shooter?”

“Man good job, you saved a lot of people, you’re the pride of the LAPD.”

“Lieutenant Luke, tell us about the situation, wasn’t it thrilling.”

Luke made a perfunctory remark and strutted into the Robbery and Murder Division’s First Squadron.

Upon seeing Luke, the team members were surprised.

“Luke, you’re back!”


Guys, no more questions about Vegas, I’ll tell you all more carefully over drinks some other time, but not now.”

Blackie trailed off, “Man, what happened to you?”

The lieutenant laughed, “That goes without asking, he’s walking news right now.”

Susan nodded, “Good to have you back safely.”

“Thanks, guys, good to see you.”

Luke took a break in his office to chat briefly with the team before heading to Reed’s office.

As a police officer, he couldn’t do anything if he was being watched by reporters every day, and he didn’t want his life to be overexposed.

Luke told Reed about his woes, and Reed suggested a compromise.

Hold a press conference in the name of the LAPD.

Admit graciously that you are the one who subdued the shooter, only say that it is related to you, do not describe the case too much, make a public statement that you will not be interviewed by the media alone, there is no suspense, and the reporter will lose interest.

The more Luke does not accept interviews, hiding and not revealing, the more will be the reporter stared at, feel that he has a big material in his hands.

The following day.

There were a lot of news TV station cars parked outside the Detective Bureau, and there were a lot of reporters surrounding the yard.

These people were all here to attend the press conference.

Most of them some familiar faces, and Luke’s ‘old friend’ Pari Jones.

She was slack-jawed and a little depressed.

She had thought that she had eaten Marcus, who knew that this guy had turned his face and sold the news to others.

After seeing other news stations broadcasting that Luke was the police officer who subdued the gunman, Pari Jones was even more depressed.

This should have been the news that originally belonged to her.

Even though she didn’t like Luke, she loved the news!

Damn Marcus!

I can’t believe …… ignored me ……

Although she complained about Marcus with her mouth, she had to admit that Marcus did surprise her and told her the big news.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t grasped it well and had only gotten the first half of the news.

Now having to squeeze in and wait for an interview with a bunch of reporters was not something she deserved.

After about ten minutes or so, she saw two familiar figures, Deputy Reed and Lieutenant Luke.

She didn’t like Luke, but compared to her job, minor grudges could be put aside.

She didn’t mind working with Luke as long as she could get good press.

If she didn’t have that kind of tolerance, she wouldn’t have been able to make it in the TV station a long time ago.

Besides, she didn’t have any essential conflict of interest with Luke, her real competitors were these guys around her.

Soon, Director Reed walked onto the stage and said a few words about the scene.

Next, it was the turn of the press conference’s main event.

Luke walks on stage, sweeps the crowd, and sighs.

“From the moment I left Las Vegas, I told myself the shooting was over.

But when I got home and saw a crowd of reporters gathered around my door, I knew it wasn’t over.

I hadn’t wanted to be interviewed by the press, I just wanted to go home and get a good night’s sleep.

But obviously if I don’t give an interview, I’m afraid this matter can’t end.

Therefore, I am holding a press conference today in the hope that this matter can be brought to a close.

Although I don’t know how the reporter found out, it was indeed me who subdued the gunman that night.

I was traveling in Las Vegas, singing and dancing at a music festival, when it happened so suddenly ……

We all know what happened afterward, and I don’t want to describe it too much.

Although I was the first to get to the room where the shooter was, I was not involved in the case.

I told the Las Vegas police and the FBI everything I knew, and they knew more about the case than I did.

I just wounded the shooter and stopped him from continuing to shoot, that’s all.

And I wish people would stop staring at me.

I just did what a police officer is supposed to do.

You guys want to know more go to the Las Vegas police or the FBI.

BTW, I’m done with what I have to say.

I won’t be doing any separate interviews with any news media, thank you.” Luke finished and left the podium in style.

He didn’t give the reporters a chance to ask questions and only left the crowd with a backdrop.

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