Chapter 225

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:47
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The two got into the police car and Blackie laid his hands on the steering wheel, “Where are we going now?”

Luke pulled out his cell phone, “I’m going to give Andersi a call first and inquire about the situation.”

Jackson asked, “Why don’t you just request a cell phone location?”

Blackie laughed, “Rookie, unless you’re in an emergency situation, you can’t just apply for a cell phone locator if you want to.”

Judging by Luke’s experience, he felt that it was unlikely that Andersi had absconded, which was why he decided to make a call, and then he dialed Andersi’s cell phone number.

A few moments later, the cell phone was connected, and Andesi’s voice rang out, “Hello, Lieutenant Luke, have the identification results come out?”

“Yes, do you have time to come to the police station?”

There was a moment’s pause, “I will, but later.”

Luke tried, “Where are you now? At home?”

“No, I have some business to take care of, I’ll be there later.”

“What is it? Do you need any help?”

“No, I’ll be at the police station soon after I’m done with it.”

“Are your kids home?”


“Where are they?”

“In the car, uh …… I’m going to drop them off at my sister’s house for a while.”

“Hey, remember what I said yesterday? We’re going to take statements from your kids. They’re also related to your wife, have been living with her, and might be able to provide some valuable clues.”

On the other end of the cell phone, after a moment of silence, Andersi appeared to get out of the car and said, “Lieutenant Luke, was the person who was burned to death my wife?”


A sob came faintly from the cell phone, “I knew it, I knew it …… Listen, I’ve talked to the kids, and they don’t know why my wife is missing.

I don’t think that they can provide any valuable clues.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want …… them to face this matter too much, they are still too young …… to bear it at all.

Do you understand the feelings of a father who is a father?

They have already lost their mother, I must do my duty as a father, I want to protect them better.”

“Is that why you took them out of the house so early in the morning?”

“Yes. They are still children, and Nancy’s departure has already wounded them.

The police questioning is like rubbing salt in their wounds, and they’re too young to be subjected to that.

I’m just trying to protect them.”

Luke fell silent, he could hear the man’s sadness and helplessness over the phone.

If he wasn’t lying, this behavior of his was indeed a form of love for his children, or at least, he thought it was.

But as a police officer, Luke thought a little more.

Suppose there was something else going on with Nancy’s death, and that Andersi was somehow involved.

Then he might have taken the children away not only to spare them from harm, but just as likely to be afraid that they might provide some clue against him.

Considering the second possibility, the kids still need to be given statements, even if it’s cruel, it’s better than regretting it afterward.

Suppose Luke is being a good old boy now and doesn’t give the children statements in order to avoid them getting hurt.

Years later, when these children grew up and had their own discernment, and then thought about the previous case and felt that there was something fishy about their mother’s death, it was unlikely that they would in turn sue Luke for inaction.

He had been a police officer for many years, and he had seen too many things in return for grudges.

His rule was that he didn’t help people easily if he wasn’t able to.

If you have the ability, don’t ask for a favor in return.

If one was not capable enough, thinking of helping others in order to gain their gratitude often didn’t turn out too well.

“Andersi, there’s no escaping some things, your wife is dead and the police need to find out how she died.

Your children, as co-residents, we need to give them statements and ask some questions.

I can also understand how you feel as a father, and we will be careful in the way we talk to your children.

This is something they have to face, and your children, though not quite old enough, already have independent perceptions, and it may not be a bad thing to help them face reality sooner rather than later and let them know the truth about Nancy.”

After a long time, Andersi seemed to know that there was no escaping it, and let out a long sigh, “I know.

Will take the kids with me to the police station.”

Luke was worried that he was deliberately delaying to play tricks, “At 10:30 a.m., if I don’t see you and the kids at the police station, we’ll apply for a warrant for you.”

Andersi sounded disgruntled, “Why, what gives you guys the right to ……”

Luke directly hung up his cell phone and turned to Blackie on the side, “Go back to the police station.”

In fact, it was not difficult to find Andersi, only to spend some time and use some means.

The problem now was that Andersi’s situation hadn’t necessitated those means.

The problem also happened to be that, if Andersi kept dragging on, it might be delayed for a long time, or even some changes might occur, and the police might not be able to give the child a statement in a short time.

Solely, Luke set a point in time, before ten thirty, Andesi brought the children to the police station and made a normal statement.

If the other party didn’t arrive, use unconventional means to investigate.

Detective Bureau.

Twenty minutes past ten.

Andersi walked into the Robbery and Murder Division office with a grave look on his face, and he was accompanied by his three children.

The oldest daughter looked fifteen or sixteen, with short hair and eyes, carrying a black book bag.

The son looked twelve or thirteen, curly hair, a little thin, looking around with some curiosity and some awe.

The little girl, just five or six years old, kept her arms around Andersi’s legs with a look of unease.

Luke got up and surveyed the four, greeting, “Mr. Cole, please come in.”

Luke’s eyes fell on the three children, to be honest with a case like this, giving a statement to a child was not an easy task.

The little girl turned to Luke and asked, “Mr. Policeman, did you find my mom?”

Luke froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

“Do you like watching cartoons?”

The little girl nodded.

“Go find that white-haired grandpa and he’ll show you your favorite TV show.”

Lieutenant Vince beckoned, “Come on kid, I even got you some good candy.”

Black shook his head, he thought the lieutenant sounded like the big bad wolf.

Luke said, “Mr. Cole, my colleagues will take care of your children, let’s go to the lounge and talk.”

Andersi Cole nodded and turned to his oldest daughter, “Lisa, take care of your brother and sister.”

“I know.” The eldest daughter responded.

Luke then took Andersi into the lounge.

Andersi entered the lounge with red eyes and a choked voice, “Who killed my wife?”

“We’re still investigating.”

“My worst fear has happened, I’ve been hoping for a miracle, I still don’t know how to tell my children.”

“I can understand that, and we will do everything we can to catch your wife’s killer.”

“You said my wife was burned to death? Was she in pain before she died?”

“To be exact, she suffocated from inhaling a large amount of smoke.”

Tears flowed from Andersi’s eyes, “What kind of person is so cruel? Why did you do this?”

Luke handed the other party a few tissues, “Recall again, was there anything unusual about your wife during this recent period, such as financially?”

“No, I’ve already told you guys before.”

“We found out that your wife seems to have bought a huge personal accident insurance policy in her name, do you know about this?”

“Yes, it was bought about last year.”

“As far as I know, your family is not very well off, so why did you take out this insurance? Whose suggestion was it?”

“A friend of mine is in the insurance business, and one time when we were partying and I had quite a bit to drink, I agreed to take out insurance on him, and then I got it in a blur.

Nancy even blamed me for this and thought I was spending money recklessly.

What’s the problem?”

“Who is the beneficiary of the policy?”

Andersi reacted, “You guys are suspecting me? I’m not sure if I’m the one who killed my wife, that’s why you guys called me to the police station.” Andersi looked a little agitated.

“We’re not suspecting you, we’re suspecting all the people involved and lining up everyone with suspicions and motives.

Mr. Cole, you’re an adult too.

Think about it differently, if you were the police and your wife was killed and the husband was going to get a huge insurance payout, would you suspect the other guy?”

Andersi sighed and sat back in his chair, “It’s a complete coincidence, I wouldn’t do anything like that. It wasn’t me.”

“I’m also sure it wasn’t you, so it’s really just routine for us to get you to give a statement so we can put more energy into investigating the case.”

“How can I be ruled out as a suspect?”

“As long as you answer a few questions of mine truthfully, you can rule out your suspicion.”

“You ask.”

“Where were you between ten o’clock in the evening and two o’clock in the morning on July 10th?”

“I was at home.”

“Who can testify to that?”

“My three children.”

“Did you leave the house in the middle of this?”


Just as the police were giving Andersi a statement.

Others were giving his children a talk, too.

In the office area outside the rest room, the lieutenant smiled and asked, “Hey kid, what’s your name?”

The girl looked at him and didn’t say anything.

The lieutenant wasn’t discouraged, “I like the braids on your head, who braided them for you?”

“My sister.”

“You have a crafty sister.”

“My mom braided it better, I miss my mom.” The little girl bristled as she spoke, “Gray-haired grandpa, are you a policeman?”

“Was fifty years ago.”

“You’ve been a cop for so many years, aren’t you good?”

“Of course, I’m the best here.”

“Can you find my mom?”

“I can help you find it, but you have to tell me about your mom first, I know more about the situation before I can help you find her.

Are you willing to tell me?”

“I’m willing.”

Jenny looked at the fifteen or sixteen year old girl in front of her, as if she remembered herself back then, and thought that compared to Andersi and her youngest daughter, this one of herself was the hardest to deal with.

Jenny handed the other girl a cup of coffee, “What’s your name?”

The girl looked up at Jenny, “Lisa Cole.”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Lisa asked without answering, “Do you?”

Jenny hesitated for a moment, “OK, let’s change the question, can I give you a statement?”

“Do I need my dad to be present?”

“That’s up to you, if you feel you’re old enough to have independent cognizance, you can be questioned alone.

If you want a guardian to be present, that’s fine too.”

Lisa asked rhetorically, “Is my mom …… dead?”


“Even the ……” Lisa pressed her forehead and took a deep breath, her eyes reddening, “How did she die?”

“A house caught fire and we found her body in the house.”

“This is horrible, I can’t believe it. Why would this happen to her?”

Jenny smoothly inquired, “When was the last time you saw her?”

“The morning of July 7, at dinner.”

“Was there anything special about that day?”

“I didn’t see it.”

“Was there an argument between your father and mother?”

“It was just a family argument, not a big deal.”

“Where were you on July 7 between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.?”

Lisa responded, “Are you interrogating me?”

“No, I was just making my normal statement.”

“I refuse to answer.”

“You don’t have to be nervous ……”

“I’m a minor and have the right to refuse you, am I right?” Lisa gave a resistant look.

Jenny spread her hands, “That’s right.”

“Thanks for the coffee.” Lisa said and ignored Jenny.

Jenny was helpless; minors had the right to refuse police questioning without a guardian present.

Jenny went to the rest room.

It didn’t take long for Andersi to walk out, “Lisa, come in here for a minute.”

Lisa walked to the door of the lounge, “What can I do for you?”

“The police want to take your statement.”

“I already gave my statement outside earlier.”

Jenny said, “You didn’t.”

Andersi patted her daughter on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’ll be there for you.”

Lisa was a little reluctant, but walked into the rest room.

Luke sized up the black girl, her body was well developed and it would have been hard to tell if she was an adult if she hadn’t been told her age ahead of time.

“Lisa, have a seat, I’m going to give you a statement.”

“Can I refuse?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Why would you refuse? You don’t want to catch your mother’s killer.”

Andersi chimed in, “Lisa, Lieutenant Luke is just going to ask a few questions, it’ll be quick.”

Lisa pursed her lips and said with some reluctance, “OK, just ask for Nancy’s sake.”

Jenny also stood with her arms folded over her chest.

Luke pulled out a picture of the Cage’s, the landlords of the burned house, “Do you recognize them?”


Luke pulled out another picture of the house, “Ever seen this house?”


Luke took out the cotton cloth found in the dead man’s mouth again, “Have you ever seen this cotton cloth?”

“Never seen it.

Who wrote those bloody words? The murderer?”

Luke nodded and collected the photo, “Where were you between three and five in the afternoon on July 7?”

“There’s that question again.” Lisa sighed softly.

Luke stared at her expression, “Is there a problem?”

Lisa shook her head, “I was at school.”

A lie.

“Can anyone attest to that?”

“Sure, my classmates can attest to that.”


Luke leaned back in his chair, not realizing there was an unexpected discovery.

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