Chapter 226

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:49
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“Which classmate? What are you guys doing?”

“Just the class, I was reading in the classroom.”

“You name one of them.”

Lisa frowned, “Why? You guys don’t believe me?”

“Routine questioning.”

Lisa lowered her head, “I can’t remember.”

“That’s okay, there’s plenty of time, take your time.”

Andersi could also see that something was wrong with his daughter’s attitude, “Lisa, answer Lieutenant Luke’s questions properly.”

“I already did, but he doesn’t believe me.”

“Why won’t you name your classmates?”

“I can’t remember.”

Luke spread his hands, “Mr. Cole, as you can see, we in the police force are doing our best to investigate the truth about your wife’s murder, but your daughter doesn’t seem to be very cooperative.

In my experience, she must be hiding something.”

Andersi asked in a low voice, “Lisa, what’s going on? Where the hell were you?”

Lisa let out a long sigh, “I …… was with my boyfriend.”

Andersi frowned, “You were with that Peter kid?”


Luke looked at the other man and still looked like he was lying.

“If you’re with your boyfriend, why did you just say you were at school?”

“My dad doesn’t like him.”

Andersi scratched his hair, “I do not like that boy, that doesn’t mean you have to lie. What man likes his daughter’s boyfriend?”

Lisa cocked her head to the side.

Luke sensed that she still wasn’t telling the truth, “What’s Peter’s cell phone number?”

“Peter doesn’t have a cell phone.”


“What’s Peter’s home address? I’ll send someone to find him.”

“Aren’t you guys exaggerating.” Lisa leaned back in her chair with her arms folded over her chest.

“It’s not that I’m exaggerating, it’s that you don’t have a clear picture of what’s going on.

Nancy is dead and all the people involved have to give statements.

Those who lied are then tentatively labeled as suspected opponents by the would-be police and need to be further verified.

Even if a minor lies, it’s the same.”

Andersi’s eyes widened in some disbelief, “Lisa, you’re still lying?”

“That’s right, your daughter hasn’t had a word of truth come out of her mouth since she sat there.

She wasn’t at school that day and she wasn’t with her boyfriend.”

Lisa bit her lip, showing a nervous look.

Now, without Luke having to ask, Andersi took the initiative and asked, “Who were you really with that day?”

Lisa choked out, “With my mom.”

“You were with Nancy?”

“No…… is my real mother.”

Andersi gave an angry look, “You’re seeing that woman in secret again, what did you promise me?”

“She’s my mom.”

“A woman who refuses to even pay alimony deserves to be called a mom, in all these years, has she ever bought you a single piece of clothing? Cooked you a single meal?

Now that you’ve grown up, she wants to take you away from me.


What a disgusting beyotch.”

Lisa cried, “I just want to meet my real mother, don’t you think it’s excessive to say that?”

“I’m overreaching? Why would you lie if you felt you were honorable and had a clear conscience?”

“Because I’m just afraid of you like that.”

“No, you’re not afraid of me at all, you don’t even take me seriously. If you cared about me, you wouldn’t have gone to see that woman.

Believe me, sooner or later you would have suffered greatly at her expense.”

“Either way, she’s my real mother and you don’t have the right to keep me from seeing her.”

Andersi froze for a moment and looked at her daughter, “That’s right, you’re growing up and you have the right to make your own choices.

I don’t care. ” Andersi waved her hand and walked straight out of the lounge.

“Oooh ……,” Lisa cried.

Luke exited the interrogation room as well, “Mr. Cole, please calm down.”

“SORRY, I shouldn’t be yelling, but Nancy just died, that damn woman ……

God, you are so unfair.

Nancy was a good mother, she raised Lisa ……”

“What was Lisa’s real mother’s name? Do you have her contact info? We need to get a statement from her.”

“Carla Gilman, I don’t know her contact information.”

“Does your daughter know about Nancy having personal accident insurance?”

Andersi looked at Luke for a moment and shook her head, “No, I haven’t told her.”

“We need to know the contact information for your ex-wife, Carla Gilman?”

“I really don’t know.”

“But your daughter knows.”

“Go ahead and ask her, I don’t want to see her again and she won’t listen to me.” Andersi looked very sad.

Jenny was still doing work in the lounge, trying to get her real mother’s cell phone number from Lisa.

Luke was also a bit headstrong when faced with this family of four.

Just then, Blackie came over with his cell phone, “Luke, I’ve got a new clue.”

“What new clue?”

“I asked a friend of the gang to inquire about the missing jewelry and car from Nancy’s house.

A friend has seen a black Toyota in an alley on Calaya Street with the same license plate number as the car lost from the victim’s house.”

“Good news, let’s go investigate the car lead.

Guys, you’re in charge here.” Luke left the station with Blacky.

Blackie got into the driver’s side and smiled heatedly, “Finally some clean air, I’m about to be annoyed by those three kids.

I’d rather face three strong men than three kids.

Why are animal cubs so cute and human cubs so scary.”

Luke echoed the sentiment, “Aren’t you pretty close to Jayden?”

“Jaden is different, he’s an obedient and understanding child, and Jaden is just one, but there are three over here.

The two younger ones, I can understand, after all, they don’t know any better.

That Lisa is no different from an adult in my eyes, totally inapplicable to the status of a minor, but there’s still nothing I can do about her, not even a heavy word.

It’s annoying.”

Luke spread his hands, “Isn’t that why we’re out here?”

As for the mess, let the others clean it up, it wasn’t like they were the only two in First Squadron anyway.

“YEAH. “Blackie extended his fist and touched fists with Luke.

Soon, the two arrived near the streets of Kalaya.

Parking their car, the two looked around for the black Toyota sedan.

This area belonged to the slum area, with more old apartments and less police force, the security was not very good.

Fortunately, Blackie was more familiar with the neighborhood, he led Luke to look in the nearby alleys, and it didn’t take long to find a black Toyota car.

Xiao Hei shook his head: ”The license plate number is not right. The license plate number of the deceased’s family car is 7Web392, while this car’s license plate number is 4yei943.”

Luke carefully examined the car, it was the same style as Nancy’s family car, there was a layer of dust on the car, it should not have been cleaned for a while.

But the license plate was brand new: “The license plate should have just been changed.”

Xiao Hei took out the key from his pocket and stabbed at the locking eye of the trunk, it didn’t take long to open the trunk, and there were two pairs of old license plates in the car, and the number was exactly 7Web392.

Black reveals a pleased smile: “The good news is that the car is found. The bad news is that no one was found.

Should we call a survey team?”

Luke thought for a moment, “There is no hurry, wait, finding the car is not the purpose, catching the person is the main thing.

The other party must be using the car since they changed the license plate to a new one.”

“Also OK.” Xiao Hei’s gaze swept around, “Come with me, I have a good place to observe.”

Next to the street were old apartments, these apartments had stairs at the back door in addition to the main door, most of which were made of iron.

The two of them climbed the stairs up to the fourth floor, squatting at the fourth floor platform position, it was not easy to be noticed when someone came over, while they could clearly see the scene below.

Luke sat on the stairs and told Blackie to keep an eye on the cars below, taking out his cell phone to play the game.

Xiao Hei skimmed his lips and muttered a few times, but since Luke was at a higher level than him, he could only hold back.

Speaking of rank, Xiao Hei is also a little depressed, when will he be promoted to Inspector Marcus.

After waiting for an hour, he saw a few people roaming the streets and alleys, but no one went near the car.

Luke stood up and stretched, a little hungry, and asked Blackie to buy some food and mineral water.

Blacky didn’t say anything, Luke would be more visible walking around the neighborhood, it would be more appropriate for him to go.

Xiao Hei bought something back, the two people ate and drank a lot, continue to wait.

This wait, another hour, the sky is already getting dark.

Xiao Hei was a little impatient, waving his hand to drive away the mosquitoes in his ears, “Luke, when are we ……”

Before the words were finished, they were interrupted by Luke.

Luke made a silent gesture and pointed down.

A black man wearing a dark blue undershirt staggered into the alley and walked over in the direction of the black sedan.

Luke and Blackie stared intently at each other.

Blacky muttered, “It’s him, drive, drive, drive ……”

I don’t know if it was Blacky’s thoughts that worked, but the man walked over to the car, looked around, opened the door, and sat in.

Luke two people looked at each other, very tacit understanding to go downstairs.

While going downstairs, they pulled out their guns.

In order to avoid the suspect driving away, the two men quickly approached the car and pointed their guns with both hands at the black man in the driver’s side: “LAPD, don’t move!”

“Move slower and put your hands where I can see them.”

The black man in the driver’s cab was confused, looking at Luke and Blackie outside the car, his face revealed a touch of ruthlessness.

His right hand quickly felt for the backpack on the side.


Having experienced two dangerous shootings, Luke was more alert than before and had a lower threshold for shooting.

“Put your hands up!” Blackie chided back.

The black man ignored it and his hand had quickly reached into his backpack.

The next moment.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang ……”

A burst of gunfire shattered the night sky.

34 rounds of bullets poured out, and only until the magazine was empty did the two men stop shooting.

The bullets shattered the glass, and except for a small number of bullets that missed and shot at the car, most of the bullets hit the black man.

At this point the suspect had become a miserable mess, his right hand was still clutching a small black submachine gun, only to be shot before he had a chance to fire.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Luke was silent, he felt that he was more ferocious than before.

If it were before, he would not have fired so many shots in a row, more likely he would have chosen to wound the suspect’s arm.

He also did not know whether it was too close to think.

Or has he changed ……

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