Chapter 227

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:01:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Half an hour later, Reed arrived at the scene with his team and offered his condolences to Blacky and Luke.

Luke also described the situation carefully.

After that, Reed sent the two back to rest.

Instead of returning to the police station to drive the Mercedes, Luke had Blackie drive him back to the community in a Ford Explorer.

When he arrived at the community square, Luke saw that there were kebabs for sale in the square, which made him feel hungry.

“Stop the car, I’ll treat you to Chinese kebabs.”

Blackie stopped the car and showed a curious look, “What’s the difference between Chinese kebabs and LA kebabs?”

“Chinese kebabs are mainly lamb.”

Blacky shrugged, “L.A. Kebab also has grilled lamb chops.”

“No, that’s totally different, LA kebabs are dominated by black pepper flavor, Chinese kebabs are dominated by cumin and chili, and Chinese kebabs have more variety.” Luke gulped involuntarily and

“My favorite is the big loin, crude oil lamb loin roasted slightly charred, bite after bite, earthly delicious.

Remember, always eat it while it’s hot.”

“Wowow, sounds good.” Xiao Hei also gulped, “Next time, I will definitely accept your invitation, but not today?”

“Why?” Luke was a little surprised.

“I was just contacted by Pari.” Blackie glanced at his watch, “At this time of the day, she’s probably already at my house. Man, it’s not that I’m a bigot, she’s the one who made the appointment before you.”

“OK, see you day after tomorrow.” Luke was going on vacation tomorrow.

Seeing Luke get out of the car, Blackie shouted, “Hey man, I won’t say no next time, I want to try the big loin too.”

“There is no next time.” Luke finished speaking and walked towards the barbecue stand by himself.

Having been in a shooting incident and having killed a suspect, one definitely needed to vent afterwards.

People should not overly disguise themselves, it’s normal to cry when you need to cry, laugh when you need to laugh, and rest when you’re tired.

Never gullibly believe in the chicken soup article and arm yourself with too much strength.

There is no denying that there are a few talented people who are more and more courageous and have superior physical ability and perseverance, but most people do not have this qualification.

This is the same as sports, is divided into talent, although invisible and untouchable, but the gap is objective, not subjective can change.

Don’t think that if others can, you can.

This is a big misunderstanding, people are not the same.

You are who you are, don’t force yourself.

Be kind to yourself.

Of course, it is not to say that you do not work hard, life is still to work hard, but to grasp a degree.

Too much is too little.

Blackie asking Pari to meet him is also a good way to reconcile his emotions.

Luke also wanted to ask Daisy to meet, but the two passed the video yesterday, Daisy worked overtime tonight, definitely no time, the two asked to have dinner together tomorrow.

The two belonged to bubble friends now, and Luke didn’t want to ask too much of people.

If Daisy is allowed to choose between work and playing bubbles, even if once or twice Daisy will choose Luke, after a long time, the relationship between the two is expected to be difficult to last.

So, Luke still decided to vent by eating meat and drinking.

Grilled lamb kebabs, cashews, slabs, peanuts and beans, grilled oysters, copy needle golden mushrooms, grilled eggplants, grilled sliced steamed buns, the domestic have this all have, Luke came a little bit of each, are not much.

Finally, a bucket of root beer, a sip, through the heart.

Drinking beer and eating kebabs, Luke remembered the shootout.




Unnecessary, it was either you or me in that situation.


It’s pretty cool too.

After all that, there are problems.

The first is that the suspect is dead and the trail is probably dead.

This is the reason Luke rarely emptied his magazines before.

Most Los Angeles patrol officers choose to empty their magazines when they are in danger on duty, rather than being uniformed as they are at home.

Doing so wasn’t much of a problem for patrolmen, but for detectives, here came the problem.

You kill the guy, you can’t get a confession, and the trail is broken.

If Luke was given a choice, he ……

would still empty the magazines.

Investigating a case is important.

But life is more important.

Luke has a bulletproof card, but Blackie does not.

If Blackie had an accident, Luke would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Of course, the solution is not without a solution, if Luke’s shooting skill is better in the future, he can ensure that he can accurately hit the suspect’s hands, so that the other party will lose the ability to counterattack, he may choose to subdue the suspect as the main focus.

Otherwise, for the sake of his own safety and that of his companions, it would still be better to focus on emptying the magazines.

To put it bluntly, being poor was a good thing.

Luke dunked a cup of root beer, feeling permeable, and a voice rang in his head [Congratulations to the host for killing a gunman, rewarded with 10 chances for the lottery].

It was only ten chances, Luke kind of looked at it and simply didn’t draw.

He checked the various system values.

It was found that the system reserve was still as high as 566,000 dollars.

This made him a bit surprised.

Or rather, it was a surprise!

He had always thought that the half a million dollars rewarded by the MGM Group for the last Las Vegas shooting incident belonged to the amount of cash realized.

But now it seemed that it wasn’t.

This was a good thing for him.

Luke began to work on the realizing patterns again.

The first time he cashed out was to buy scratch-offs, and the second time he cashed out was to buy abandoned warehouses.

After that, Luke also bought scratchers and lottery tickets, but didn’t win again.

There was a certain amount of luck involved in both realizations, but then again, this kind of thing can’t happen too often or it’s easy to see the signs.

The Las Vegas shooting may have had some coincidences at first, but Luke later subdued the suspect through his own efforts.

Then, the bonus given by the MGM Group was what he got by his efforts.

Luke was busy with his work most of the time and seldom worked on the realization, which was the reason for the delay.

More importantly, he wasn’t short of money to spend now.

Luke’s previous savings, together with the bonuses and informant fees from the MGM Group, had amounted to eight hundred thousand dollars in cash.

Luke felt that he should engage in some side business, such as doing some business, maybe he could find a long term liquidation channel for the system gold.

The following morning.

Robbery and Murder Division Squadron 1 office.

At nine in the morning, Susan held a case summarization meeting on time.

Unlike the previous days of gathering together, there were only six people sitting next to the conference table, Luke and Blackie were not there.

With these two people missing, the atmosphere of the entire meeting was a bit muted.

Susan said, “Last night, the identity of the suspect driving the suspect vehicle has been identified, his name is Parker Steele, and he has a previous conviction for theft.

As to whether he is related to the murder of Nancy, it is still unclear.”

Jenny speculated, “Since the suspect has a previous conviction for burglary, could he have run to Nancy’s house to burglarize the house, and happened to be seen by Nancy who came home, and the two of them had a confrontation, and the suspect injured Nancy, and the burglary turned into a robbery.

The suspect held Nancy hostage in Mr. and Mrs. Cage’s house to avoid her calling the police, and then set the house on fire and destroyed the body.”

Jenny’s thoughts were in line with Susan’s previous speculation and said, “That’s indeed a possibility.

That’s why our next investigation should focus on the suspect, Parker Steele.

As soon as possible, we will find out his whereabouts during this period of time and who he has been in contact with.

Of course, everyone can say anything else they have in mind for the investigation.”

Jenny said, “Yesterday, I had a long talk with Lisa and got her biological mother’s phone number from the other side.

Her real mother doesn’t live in Los Angeles and wasn’t able to come to the station to give a statement, so we made an appointment for a video statement this morning.”

Susan said, “Very well, you and Matthew are responsible for confirming the alibi of the mother and daughter.

The mother and daughter also have some motive for the crime.”

“I know.”

Susan continued to instruct, “Lieutenant, contact the suspect Pike’s family and have them come to the station to identify the body and give them a statement asking about some of Pike’s recent activities.”

The vice squad spread their hands, “I don’t think there’s much point in investigating Pike, we can’t focus all our energy on one thief, we’ll probably miss other clues that way.”

Susan frowned, “What other good investigative directions do you have?”

“I want to investigate where the deceased Nancy worked, we’ve been investigating her family relations, we haven’t looked into her work in detail yet, it’s possible that she was killed because of her work.”

Susan was a little bemused, but then again the vice squad had some valid points, “Ramon, you and I will meet with the Pike family.

Lieutenant, investigate as you see fit.”

The vice squad bristled, “I will.”

In a black Dodge Challenger.

Jackson was driving in the cab and looked at the vice squad next to him, looking like he wanted to say something.

“What do you want to say, kid?”

“Uh …… Lieutenant, isn’t that a bad idea to talk to the captain the way you just did ……”

The vice squad laughed, “Do you want to learn from me?”


“No problem then.”

Jackson “……”

This old man had a stubborn temper and wasn’t very pleasant to be around.

Jackson also stopped making a fool of himself.

He didn’t talk much all the way there, and he was starting to miss going on missions with Black and Luke a little bit.

Yesterday afternoon, he should have followed along so he could take a vacation together.

“Even buy Karma, how could I have thought that ……”

Store 105, Wabana Avenue, Priscilla’s Beauty Salon.

Jackson pulled up to the curb.

The lieutenant got out of the car and observed for a while, before walking into Priscilla’s Beauty Salon.

A white female receptionist greeted them with a puzzled look, “Good morning, gentlemen, what can I do for you?”

This was a female beauty salon with no male clients.

Without waiting for Jackson to speak, the lieutenant flashed his badge, “I’m Lieutenant Vince of the Robbery-Murder Division, I need to see the person in charge of your place.”

“What can I do for you?”

“Are you in charge?”


“Recall what I just said.”

Looking at the cold-faced old man, the white female receptionist was a bit helpless, “Wait a moment.”

After saying that, she went to the back.

After that, footsteps sounded, and a white woman in her thirties walked in with a faint smile on her face, “Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Vince, I’m the manager of this beauty salon, Cloris Carr.”

“Hello Ms. Carr, we are here to investigate a criminal case and need the assistance of your salon.”

“Are you talking about what happened to Nancy?”

“You know something happened to her?”

“Yes. She hadn’t been at work for a few days and I couldn’t reach her. Then her husband called and said Nancy was missing ……” Crowleys sighed softly, “How is she now?”

“She’s dead!”

“F***ing hell, that’s horrible!”

“We came here to investigate her death.”

“NoNo, although Nancy was an employee here, her death has nothing to do with our salon.”

“Don’t be in a hurry to deny it or get nervous yet, we just want to take a look around where Nancy worked and ask a few simple questions.

It’s just a routine inquiry, relax.”

“OK, I can show you around, but it’s all female clients here …… some places may not be very convenient.”

“Then take a look around where it’s convenient.”

“No problem, please follow me.” Cloris made a gesture of invitation and led the two on a tour of the salon.

“Can I ask how Nancy died?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” The lieutenant gave a perfunctory answer and asked back, “What was her usual responsibility?”

“Nancy was older and had average nursing skills, so, mostly, she was in charge of miscellaneous and logistics, but, she was hardworking and a good employee, unfortunately.”

The lieutenant looked around the salon and saw a few single rooms that seemed to be occupied, “Your salon is doing well?”

“Yes, we have quite a few regular customers here and a good reputation.”

“I would like to ask you a few questions.”

“Follow me, please.” Cloris ushered the lieutenant and Jackson into an office, “Would you two like something to drink?”

“No, not necessary.” The Vice Squad got right to the point, “Has Nancy been doing anything unusual lately?”

Cloris thought for a moment, “When you put it that way, she does seem to be in a somewhat unusual state lately.”

“What kind of abnormality?”

“Work isn’t as patient as before, she can’t hear when others call her, and she has a preoccupied look all day long. The rest is fine.”

“Has anyone suspicious come to see her lately.”

“It seems not.”

“How is her relationship with her husband? Has there been any talk of divorce?”

“I’m not sure about that.”

The lieutenant pulled out a picture of Pike, the car theft suspect, “Do you recognize him?”

“Never seen him.”

The lieutenant pulled out another picture of Lisa: “What about her?”

“Don’t recognize her.”

Another photo of Lisa’s mother was produced.

“Doesn’t ring a bell.”

A picture of the landlord, Mr. and Mrs. Cage.

Cloris looked at it closely, his expression changing a bit.

“You recognize them? The man or the woman, or both?”


“Larina Cage?”


“How do you know her?”

“She’s a client of our salon.” Cloris pointed outside, “Just before you guys got here, I just received her and was getting a facial in room 202.”

The lieutenant was also a little surprised, “Have Larina and Nancy had any run-ins?”


“Were they familiar with each other? Was there ever any positive contact?”

“There’s definitely contact, but familiarity can’t be talked about, as I said earlier, Nancy is relatively old, the ones we do personal care for are relatively young, and Nancy is more of a handyman.

And ……,” Crowleys said, somewhat lustily.

“And what?”

Cloris said softly, “Some of our clients …… don’t like black people very much, and that has nothing to do with our salon, it’s personal to the clients.”

The lieutenant didn’t care about being so-called right: “Take us to her.”

Cloris was a bit embarrassed, “The client is having a treatment, it’s a bit inconvenient.”

The lieutenant glanced at his watch, “I’ll wait for her for five minutes.

In five minutes, bring her to this office.”

“I know.” Cloris wanted to turn and leave.

“Wait, don’t tell her anything, remember, anything at all.”


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