Chapter 231

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

With the in-depth investigation, the clues from all sides are summarized together, and the chain of evidence of Nancy’s suicide is gradually clear.

Susan once again convened a case summary meeting, with Lieutenant Vince in charge of analyzing Nancy’s suicide.

Lieutenant Vincent took a sip of coffee and cleared his throat, “From the psychological counseling video obtained by Luke, it can be seen that Nancy’s life wasn’t very smooth, and the blow of cancer even made her lose hope in life.

In despair, she thought of suicide.

But she couldn’t let go of her loved ones, worrying that life would be more difficult for her children and husband after her death.

She thought of the personal accident insurance that her husband had bought for her last year.

At this point there was a problem, usually it is difficult to get a full claim for suicide.

So Nancy came up with the idea of disguising the suicide as her murder.

To do this she made a well thought out plan.

July 7, she began to carry out the first step of the suicide plan, in the home to fake the scene of the robbery, at the same time will be home to sell jewelry, in order to avoid being the police to find the whereabouts of the car, she will be parked in the neighborhoods without surveillance cameras.

On July 8, Nancy drove her car to a supermarket, where she deliberately disguised herself with a white hat and mask to avoid detection by the police, and where she purchased suicide tools, rope, candles, and other items, and went to a self-service gas station to refuel her car, which she then abandoned in a neighborhood with no surveillance cameras.

On July 9, Nancy set out to fulfill her last wish by going to a three Michelin-starred French restaurant for what was supposed to be the most expensive meal she had ever eaten in her life.

On July 10, Nancy went to a chain salon for a full body facial, spending up to two thousand dollars.

Nancy was a beauty therapist who had been helping clients with their beauty treatments, and before she died, she wanted to try being served.

Her thoughts were not hard to understand.

Afterward, Nancy fulfilled her wish, returned to the Cages’ second-story single-family home, and began committing acts of suicide.

Nancy first poured gasoline over the house and then lit candles, placing flammable objects near the base of the candles, which had the effect of delaying ignition.

Next, Nancy took sleeping pills, gagged her mouth with a hand towel she had gotten at the restaurant, bound her feet with purchased rope, and finally wrapped her hands.

And yes, it was indeed entanglement, not binding.” The lieutenant highlighted, took a sip of his coffee, and continued

“One has some difficulty in binding one’s hands, but it’s not difficult to use one’s feet to secure the end of a rope for entanglement, and if it were a normal case, it would be easy to spot the difference between entanglement and binding.

But this case was different; the fire would have burned most of the rope, leaving only a few remnants, and it would have been impossible to recognize whether it was binding or winding.

That’s where Nancy’s cleverness comes in.

There is also one other thing that proves that Nancy committed suicide.

She had taken sleeping pills before her death, and asphyxiation would have been caused by the large amount of smoke from the burning flames, Nancy would not have suffered much from dying in a coma.

She was already dead before the fire reached her body, the charred black body looked scary, but it was only a dead body burned.

The above is my analysis report of Nancy’s suicide plan.”

The crowd was somewhat silent as the lieutenant finished.

Nancy’s suicide to cheat the insurance was not right, but it was equally compassionate.

Xiao Hei said, “Although what I want to say may be a bit inappropriate, I still think that Nancy’s suicide has more to do with her character.

In fact, Nancy’s life wasn’t considered particularly difficult, she and her husband both had jobs, and although they weren’t considered wealthy, they were more than enough for many families, and definitely not considered poor.

I’ve seen a lot of Negro families that are poorer than they are, and some of them are happy.”

For once the lieutenant didn’t contradict Blackie and said, “Actually, I can answer that, Nancy’s real pain stems from the huge difference between her ideal life and her real life.

Nancy works in a beauty salon, she comes into contact with rich people, and after being in contact with these people for a long time, she will create an illusion that her life should be like this.

Nancy wants to live the life of the rich for herself and her children as well, and to put it bluntly, she wants to straddle the class line.

And with that comes her pain.

Whether you admit it or not, the world is divided into classes.

As long as there are people, there will be competition, everyone wants to move up, and it’s not easy enough to keep your current class.

If you want to cross the class and reach a higher level.

Unless you are very capable and lucky, you will have to put in unimaginable effort.

And in this world, it is not the case that if you put in the effort, you will be rewarded.

Without rewards, without meeting expectations, the more you work, the more miserable and confused you become.

Nancy had been living with this kind of effort, dissatisfaction, confusion, and pain, leading to her mental tightness and anxiety.

And the arrival of cancer directly crushed her.

I even suspect that the reason why she got cancer was also related to this mental stress she was under.”

Luke agreed with the lieutenant’s statement to a certain extent, he had heard the saying that you suffer because you know too much.

Luke couldn’t understand this saying before, and then he also had a period of time when he was so anxious that he didn’t want to do anything.

Then he started to brush short videos.

It’s called Tiktok in the US.

This thing is very addictive, short videos are full of beautiful women, luxury cars, beautiful scenery, it’s really attractive, time passes unconsciously, one brush is more than an hour.

But after watching it, he realized that he was not only not happy, but more anxious and miserable.


Obviously the short video is something beautiful, why watch it but not happy?

Later Luke figured it out.

Are the beautiful women on the short videos pretty?

It’s fucking beautiful.

Is the luxury car on the video good?

It’s great.

Is the scenery around the world beautiful?

It’s beautiful.


None of these belong to me!

And then compare it to your own life ……


Can one not be anxious?

Can you not be miserable?

Since then Luke has learned that contentment is always good.

Of course, it’s easy to know, but it’s hard to do, and he still commits the occasional offense.

The vice squad said, “Actually, not only the poor are dissatisfied with life, the rich also have their own troubles.

Just like Mrs. Cage, her husband cheated on her.

What’s even sadder is that she knows about it, but she has to pretend she doesn’t know.

She would be equally miserable and might even envy the Nancy couple’s relationship.

That’s life.”

Jenny said, “Anyway, I still feel a little sorry for Nancy.

She tried to give her family a hope with her death, but it was ultimately dashed.”

Luke said, “It’s not completely hopeless.

I asked Andersi Cole for a copy of the policy contract and asked a lawyer friend to take a look at it.

According to that lawyer friend, the twenty-page policy contract has some hidden clauses.

The insurance company will not pay for suicide within one year.

After the insurance policy has been in force for more than one year, suicide for certain extreme reasons, such as major illnesses, mental problems, and so on, can be subject to an extraordinary compensation clause.

The non-conventional clause states that if the insured’s spouse earns less than $100,000 per year and has minor children, he or she can be compensated appropriately.

Children under the age of 14 are eligible for eight percent of the insured amount.

Children between the ages of 14 and 18 will receive four percent of the amount of compensation.

In total, the three children of Nancy’s family can get twenty percent of the compensation amount, that is, two hundred thousand dollars.

The most crucial thing was that this money was after taxes.

Enough to improve the family’s life.

Of course these hidden clauses may not be actively informed by the insurance company, and at the same time, relevant supporting documents are also required.”

Susan nodded, “The usual style of insurance companies.

Good job, thank your lawyer friend for me.”

“I will.”

Blackie laughed, “Hearing you say that suddenly made my heart feel much more comfortable.

Nancy is at fault, but is indeed pitiful, and this two hundred thousand dollars is very important to her family, and can solve a lot of difficulties and ensure that her children grow up smoothly.”

The lieutenant laughed, “Although the compensation has nothing to do with me. But those capitalists who sell insurance have plenty of money, letting them bleed a little makes me feel comfortable in my heart as well.”

[Congratulations to the host, detecting the insurance fraud case, rewarded with twenty lottery chances].

Together with the ten lucky draw opportunities from before, Luke now had a total of thirty lucky draw opportunities.

Luke didn’t wait any longer and directly drew the lottery.

The pointer stopped, the Chance Encounter Card.

Speaking of Strange Encounter Cards, Luke was able to discover that the Michelin restaurant’s hand towel was similar to the cotton cloth in the dead man’s mouth this time, and it was also a Strange Encounter event.

A Strange Encounter card was expended.

After that, Luke drew another Rifle card and a Boxing card.

Both of these cards belonged to the category of combat-enhancing cards.

At the same time, he also gained 27,000 dollars in system reserves.

At this point, the Sleuth System Reserve was as high as 593,000 dollars.

Unlike some days ago when he was eager to cash out, Luke now had eight hundred thousand dollars in his hand, which was also enough for him to use for a while, so he became more Buddhist.

Of course, money couldn’t be kept in the bank all the time, and Luke also had the idea of starting a side business, but he just hadn’t thought of a suitable one yet.

When he took a break, he was going to look into it.

Seven o’clock in the evening.

International Holiday Inn.

It was a five-star hotel.

And it was one of the few high-rise hotels, where you could overlook the night view of Los Angeles, which was brightly lit and beautiful.

Many Hollywood movies are set here.

Luke asked Daisy to meet him here tonight, have dinner, and check into the hotel room directly below.

Luke felt that this was going to be more emotional than at home.

Daisy walked into the restaurant wearing a long burgundy dress, and Luke got up and pulled out her seat for her in a very gentlemanly manner.

“Ms. Miller, you are beautifully dressed today.”

Daisy put her purse down, “I hope I don’t get stood up again.”

“Definitely not, whoever dares to stand Miss Miller up, I’ll be sure to get him.”

The two chatted while ordering their food.

After ordering, the waiter left with the menu.

Daisy asked, “How’s the case you talked about last time? Did those suggestions I made help?”

“Of course, you were a big help.” Luke explained.

“Just as you suspected, the person in charge of the insurance claim just said that Nancy had committed suicide and was not covered by the claim, and didn’t tell him about the hidden clauses.

Marcus and I arrived in time to tell him about those hidden clauses.

The insurance adjuster’s face became very colorful, but he didn’t deny it, he just said that only those who met the requirements of the hidden clauses could get the appropriate compensation.

And Andersi’s family just happened to meet those conditions, and he was preparing the relevant formalities and proofs.”

Daisy took a sip of champagne, “I’m glad I could help them.

What Nancy did was not something to be advocated, but she, like my mother, was a great woman, at least to her children.”

“Andersi appreciated it, too.

He was crying, a big man who couldn’t stop thanking.

It made Marcus and I feel a little embarrassed in turn, and that two hundred thousand dollars in compensation was important to them.

You were a big help.”

Luke raised his glass and the two men clinked their glasses.

“Ringing ……,” Luke’s cell phone rang.

He put his glass down and took out his cell phone to see that it was his mom.


“Luke, where are you? Haven’t been home in a while.”

“Working on a case for the last couple days, I’ll be back in a couple days off.”

“You’ll be at the family dinner this weekend, right?”

“Depends on the time, if it’s off I should be there.”

“Hey, you’re not forgetting, are you?”


“Your grandpa’s birthday.”

Luke froze, “Uh, thanks Mom, you’re a real lifesaver, I did forget.”

“That’s right, you really should thank me, your grandpa can be very vindictive, especially in the last few years.

In the past, I always heard people say that the temper will become eccentric when you get older, and I didn’t believe them.

Now I really feel it.

I hope I won’t be like this when I’m old.”

“Of course not, Ms. Sullivan, you’ll always be young and beautiful.”

“Even though I know you’re lying to me, I’m still happy, and by the way, you can invite Daisy to Robert’s birthday party with you.

Originally I wanted to invite her myself, but I was worried that she would be embarrassed, so it’s better for you to do it.”

“OK, I know.” Luke made a perfunctory remark and hung up his cell phone.

Daisy guessed, “Is that Linda’s call?”

“Yeah, she missed me and asked me to come home for dinner on my break. Or maybe it’s Fatty pissing her off and asking me to go back and help beat him up.” Luke joked.

“No way, last time it felt like your brother had a good personality.”

“Well, that means you don’t know him.”

The two of them chatted and talked while they ate.

Luke didn’t bring up Robert’s birthday, much less invite Daisy along.

Knowing Luke, Daisy shouldn’t want to participate in this kind of event.

Besides, the two belonged to the bubble friends now.

What do you mean by “bubble friends”?

On the surface, we are friends, and we can have a date in private.

Since they were friends on the surface, there was no need to get too involved.

After having a romantic dinner, the two of them checked into the erotic suite downstairs, the entire suite was pink in color, and unlike the ordinary king-size bed room, the bed here was also round.

There was also a large bathtub next to the window, big enough for two people to enjoy the night view of Los Angeles while mandarin ducks play in the water.

Dating at the hotel is also a different kind of fun.

The two hadn’t played poker since the shooting.

Tonight was kind of a small farewell, destined to be a sleepless night.

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