Chapter 24

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Alisa’s house.

A Dodge was parked at the curb.

Luke stepped out of the car and turned to David and warned, “If you ever kick in a door again without a warrant, you’re dead.”

David was not amused, “Comeon, don’t be so serious, I look at the situation, it’s not always like that. It wouldn’t be a problem to do that in a neighborhood with that kind of crappy people. It couldn’t be more normal.”

Eliza’s yard was unfenced, with a garage on the left and a lawn on the right that was fairly well manicured.

Luke waved, “You back up, I’ll call the door.”

“We’re partners, we should have more trust.”

“Then behave yourself and earn my trust.” Luke walked up to Eliza’s door and knocked, “Knock knock ……”

There was no response from the house.

“Knock knock ……” Luke knocked a few more times harder.

“What asshole is knocking, you’ll be dead when I get out!” A grumpy voice came from the house.

“Cackle ……” The door opened and a man in his thirties stood in the doorway, his face red and his hair disheveled, “Who are you looking for?”

Luke smelled a strong odor of alcohol, and looking at the state of the other man, he guessed he wasn’t fully sober yet, “Alisa.”

“There’s no such person here, you can all get lost.” The man said and prepared to close the door.

Luke put his foot against the door and flashed his badge, “LAPD, if Alyssa isn’t here, then we have something to talk about.”

The man saw the badge, sobered up a bit and softened his tone, “What do you want?”

“Where’s Alisa?”

“I don’t know, probably ran off with some rich asshole, hell if I know.”

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Why do you ask? What happened to Alisa?”

“I’m the one asking you now, answer properly.”

“I think it was Friday …… Yes, it was Friday afternoon, she said she was going to her parents’ house and she hasn’t been back since.”

“Did you look for her?”

“No, she sent a text saying that we were both done playing and that I shouldn’t go looking for him.”

“What’s your name?”

“Steven Moore.”

“What’s the beef between you two?”

“It’s just some family trivia …… You cops are too idle to even bother with family trivia? No, why aren’t you guys wearing police uniforms?”

“We’re not patrolmen, we’re agents of the Robbery and Murder Division.”

“Robbery-Murder Division! What the hell are you guys doing here?”

“We’re investigating a robbery, Alisa may have been targeted by the robbers and we want to make sure she’s safe.”

“Are you guys serious?”

“Haven’t you ever doubted the authenticity of a text message? Never thought about your own wife being kidnapped and the suspect texting on her cell phone?”

“Doubtful, doubtful ……”

Steven touched his forehead with his hand, a self-condemning look on his face, “Alisa’s cell phone hasn’t been able to get through, I thought that she purposely didn’t pick up my calls, thought that she was going to leave me ……

NoNoNo, nothing will happen to her, absolutely not!”

Luke’s biggest fear in investigating a case is encountering a drunken person, just like this situation.

“Steven, calm down, we are here to find Alisa, you want to find her as soon as possible, you have to assist the police investigation.”

“OK, what do I do?” Steven stepped aside, “Come in, please come in and talk.”

Luke entered the house, it was in disarray, the coffee table was full of leftover food, and there wasn’t even a place to sit on the couch.

“The first thing we need to do now is to determine if Alyssa has run away from home or is in danger. If it’s the former, it’s a problem between you and your couple. If it’s the latter, the police will do everything they can to rescue her.

You’re her husband, you know her better.

If she hadn’t been kidnapped, where do you think she would be?”

Without hesitation, Steven said, “Her parents’ house.”

“Have you looked?”




“Why didn’t you call and inquire if you knew Alyssa might be at her parents’ house?”

“I don’t have a very good relationship with her parents, and if Alyssa were to leave me, they’d be supportive, to the point where I suspect they’re the ones who instigated it, which is definitely a possibility.”

“Do you have any other way of contacting Alyssa?”


“And you don’t have any way to find Alisa?”

“You can contact Alyssa’s parents, she’s probably at their house.”

“We don’t need you to remind us, we will.” Luke got up, ready to leave.

“Whoa whoa, you guys are leaving already?”

Luke stopped in his tracks, “When you sober up, remember to go to the Robbery and Murder Division and give your statement.”

“I’ve been drinking, but I’m sober now, and I can help you guys find Alyssa right now.”

“OK, how do you want to find her?”

“I ……,” Steven opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

“Don’t let me see you again until you sober up.” Luke dropped the words and turned to leave the house.

David followed and spat, “So much for wanting to punch this asshole.”

Detective Bureau.

Luke and David had just gotten to the office door when they saw Captain Susan leaving in a hurry.

“Where did the captain go?”

While running a comb through her thinning silver hair, the lieutenant said, “Called away by the Chief, presumably in connection with the ‘Taser Robbery’.

Did you guys find any leads on Alisa?”

Luke took a cup of coffee and moistened his throat, “Alyssa wasn’t home, we saw her husband, the guy didn’t know anything about it, thought his wife had run off with a rich guy.”

The vice squad said, “Usually the husband is the first suspect in cases where the wife goes missing, why don’t you bring him back to the station for questioning.”

“The guy had been drinking and was drunk, you want to give a statement to a drunk?”

“No,” the lieutenant shook his head, “but I’ve seen some people involved in cases deliberately get themselves drunk to avoid giving a statement, whenever you go to him, they’re all in a drunken state.

Keep a close eye on him, in my experience this guy might have a problem.”

“Yes, captain.”

Vince corrected, “It’s lieutenant. Kid, don’t try to kiss my ass, I don’t eat that shit.”

Luke laughed and looked aside to Ramon, “Detective Ramon, can you locate Alyssa’s cell phone signal?”

Ramon said with a serious face, “I went to the Technical Division and asked them to locate Alisa’s cell phone and card, but they failed. It’s currently in a lost state.”

Luke asked, “Any news from Alyssa’s parents?”

Jenny replied, “I notified Alyssa’s parents, and they are not sure of Alyssa’s whereabouts either, and they appear to be very anxious at the news of Alyssa’s possible disappearance, and are in the process of inquiring about her whereabouts with friends and family.”

The lieutenant concluded, “Alyssa lost her cell phone, quit her job, and cut off contact with her family. Add to that the fact that the disappearance occurred on a Friday night, similar physical characteristics to the other victims ……

From all of the above, Luke’s suspicions may be right, and it is highly likely that she is the third victim of the Taser robbery.

Also from the content of the text messages, the suspect knew Eliza to a certain extent and could be an acquaintance ……”


Before the lieutenant could finish his words, the office door was slammed open.

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