Chapter 244

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The men of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division began to divide their investigation.

Ramon and Jenny were in charge of investigating Jamie Brady.

The Vice Squad and Jackson went to Derek’s foster home to communicate with Derek’s foster guardian; in the Vice Squad’s experience, if Derek had a good relationship with the foster home, the other party should contact the guardian after confirming that it was safe.

However, the guardian may not be the first to tell the police.

It was especially important to be able to gain the guardian’s trust at this time.

As for Luke and Blackie, they continued to investigate George.

It’s just that George’s condition is unstable and Luke can’t give him a statement for the time being, so he can only investigate George in other ways.

Luke and Blackie get a search warrant and prepare to go to George’s house to investigate.

George lived in a typical black neighborhood, and most people in similar neighborhoods didn’t have jobs and lived on welfare subsidies.

Luke checked George’s file; the guy was in his mid-forties and had no record of a serious job or tax payment.

In a way, he was a parasite on the community.

The two men parked the car near George’s house, Luke did not get out of the car immediately, and observed the surrounding area, and did not see any suspicious people before stepping out of the car.

Luke and Blackie entered the yard, Blackie knocked on the door and no one answered.

Luke observed around the house.

Yard area is small, the house is messy, and next to the neighbor’s fence is also broken most of the house, the back of the house is also inserted a worn out Kameleon flag.

Blackie waved from the front yard, “Luke, the door is open.”

The two entered the house, and there were several pairs of shoes placed haphazardly in the doorway, as well as a pile of socks that couldn’t be seen in their original color, emitting a smell similar to that of rotten eggs.

Xiao Hei immediately covered his mouth and nose, “FUCK! How long has this asshole not cleaned, it stinks to death.”

The house was small, with only two rooms, one of which was also filled with clutter.

Xiao Hei put on his gloves while disgusted, “I walked from the door to the bedroom, just a cursory scan saw a few pairs of worn underwear and yellow stains, what a disgusting guy.”

Black wore gloves, not for fear of damaging the evidence, but simply because he thought the guy was dirty.

Luke also put on gloves and searched the house, it was dirty and messy, but Luke could still vaguely make out signs that the house had been rummaged through.

Luke asked, “Any signs of the door locks being tampered with?”

“No, what’s the problem?”

Luke said, “I suspect someone else has been in the house.”

“His house is as messy as a dog kennel, how can you be sure an outsider has been in it?”

“Intuition.” Luke responded and walked over to the window to check it out, and sure enough, he saw half a shoe print on one of the windowsills in the backyard.

Luke snapped a picture, “This footprint was probably left by a burglar.”

Blacky walked over and took a look, “I’ll bet it was done by an acquaintance.”

Luke asked back, “How do you know?”

“George was arrested last night for resisting arrest, it was on the news, the neighbors and acquaintances around here should know about it, and this is part of a black ghetto where a third of the people have prior convictions for burglary, and at least half of them have burglary experience.

Knowing that George had been arrested and that his life might even be in danger, these guys certainly wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to make a buck.

Even I suspect there may have been more than one group coming.” Blackie had come out of the slums and knew the rules and situation there very well, Luke still trusted him in this regard.

“What do you think we should do next?”

“Go around to the neighbors’ houses and poke around, don’t look at the guys with their doors closed, I bet a lot of them will be hiding behind the windows and peeking, this group of people are lazy and hardly do anything serious, they are most interested in this kind of thing instead.”

Luke encouraged, “Do what you think.”

A few minutes later, the two were out of the house and Black scanned the area, picking a neighboring house that also had a Karmalon flag.

“Knock knock ……”

Kuro knocked on the door.

A moment later, a black man in his thirties opened it, “Who are you looking for? I don’t recognize you.”

Blacky said, “Man, I want to ask you a favor.”

“I told you, I don’t even know you. Why should I help you?”

Blackie flashed his badge, “Well, do you recognize it?

Look, I want to communicate with you like a friend, not through a badge.

Not only would you not like that form of communication, but neither would I.”

“OK, how do you want me to help you?”

Blackie pointed to the house next to him, “How’s your relationship with George?”

“It’s okay, I read the news about him, how is he?”

Blacky spread his hands, “He’s complicated, I don’t know much about him, the whole point of being here is to investigate him.

Man, did anyone go to his house last night?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, don’t turn people away, I’m not like those white cops, I’m here to help George, you have to trust me.

If I don’t help him, no one else will, you know.”

“Can I trust you?”

“Sure.” Blackie gave the other man a touching fist salute.

The black neighbor re-examined Blacky, “Ronald Bamberts.”

“What’s his relationship to George?”

“He’s George’s brother, I saw him come in last night, George wasn’t home and he didn’t have a key, so he climbed in through the window.

It was about twenty minutes before he came out.”

“What was this guy doing at George’s house?”

“I don’t know, but he came out with an extra backpack, probably took some stuff from George’s house.”

“Do you know where we can find this guy?”

“The guy is either at home sleeping or drinking at the bar.”

Eleven o’clock in the morning.

Rogue’s Bar.

It was a bar that had opened near a black neighborhood.

Unlike most bars, which are cold during the day and thriving at night, this one is occupied as long as it’s open.

Someone who orders a drink can stay here for half a day, not so much drinking as enjoying the atmosphere.

Of course, the bar was full of drunks.

A black man wearing a gold ring walks into the bar drunk, yes, this guy is drunk, why does he drink and still come to the bar?

Because the bar just opened at this hour.

The black man walks up to the bar and knocks on the bar top, “Hey Alcee, have a Chivas Regal.”

“Ronald, your unpaid bills are so thick you could write a diary, if I let you get behind again, the boss should tell me to get lost.”

“Alcee, what are you talking about? When did I say anything about owing bills?

Never look down on anyone, anyone at all.”

“Ronald, I’m not looking down on you. But you really can’t take credit for the drinks this time. Don’t make it difficult for me, it will only embarrass everyone ……”

Alsi didn’t finish her sentence and suddenly stopped.

Only to see that Ronald took out a bunch of twenty-dollar bills from his pocket and put them under his nose and sniffed them, “What are you talking about? I didn’t hear you clearly.”

“Man, I was wrong, you’ll always be the most honored guest at Rogue Bar, forever.”

Ronald pulled a twenty dollar bill out of the pile, “A Chivas Regal and the rest is your tip.”

“Thank you, dear Mr. Ronald Bamberts.”

“Huh.” Ronald let out a soft chuckle, sliding the fingers of his right hand over the bill in his hand, “Who wouldn’t be cute with these cuties.”

Ronald scanned the crowd in the bar, “Also, I’m going to buy everyone present a drink, and I’m buying.”

Alcee was a bit surprised, “Ronald, as a kind reminder, you still owe our bar almost $200 for the drinks, I don’t think you should pay the outstanding drinks before you buy them.”

“Two hundred dollars.” Ronald grinned, “Took out the stack of twenty dollar bills again, counted them one by one, took out ten and slapped them on the table, is that enough?”

“Thank you, Mr. Bamberts. Are you going to want a treat? Need to pay for some drinks in advance if I need to.”

Ronald counted twenty more twenty-dollar bills, “Is this enough?”

“Of course, generous Mr. Ronald Bamberts.”

Ronald counted out ten more twenty dollar bills and slapped them on the table, “These are for my pre-payment to the bar.”

“I will put it on your tab dear Mr. Bamberts, you will be the bar’s most honored guest.”

Ronald nodded, “I always will be.”

“As you wish.” The bartender, Alcee, finished and addressed the crowd at the bar, “Folks, dear Mr. Ronald Bamberts is going to buy all of our friends here a drink and let’s thank him for his generosity.”

“To Ronald.”

“To Ronald.”

The crowd in the bar raised their glasses.

Ronald stood up and held his glass, “To George.”

“To George.”

“To George.”

Many of the people present had heard about George and rose as well.

Soon, Ronald was mingling with the people at the bar.

“Ronald, I’ve heard about George, he’s a good man and doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.”

“That’s right, just ask if you need anything, we’ll back you up.”

“The LAPD is no good, in their eyes black people are criminals, what happened to George happened to everyone, we have to stick together.”

“Guys, thank you for your support, it’s good to have you.

I’ll get justice for George and make those LAPD pay the price they deserve.” Ronald raised his glass again and

“To George.”

“To George.” The crowd chimed in.

Just then, Blackie and Luke walked into the bar as well.

Luke scanned the boisterous crowd and immediately zeroed in on his target, Ronald Bamberts.

Without making a sound or any extra moves, he walked over to the bar with Blacky.

Blackie greeted the black bartender, “Man, two whiskeys.”

“You’re in luck, Mr. Ronald Bamberts is buying everyone in the room a drink, and your drinks will be credited to him.” The bartender said as he poured drinks for the two men.

Black glanced into the crowd, “Ronald, I know him, he doesn’t feel like he’s rich, are you sure he’s buying?”

“That’s right, it’s true that he wasn’t in a very good financial situation before, he owed a lot of money at the bar …… Oh no, I shouldn’t say that about Mr. Bamberts.

Anyway, Mr. Bamberts has money now, and he’s a generous man.”

Blackie pressed, “When did he become rich?”

“Today, so you guys are lucky to catch him buying a drink.” As the bartender finished, someone next to him asked for a drink and went to serve the other customers.

Black took a sip of his whiskey and said to Luke, who was beside him, “Looks like this guy got a good haul at George’s, practically an overnight fortune.”

Luke thought about it and took out twenty dollars and put it on the bar, the bartender quickly came over, “What else would you like, sir?”

“Here’s a tip for you, and also, I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“What questions?”

“How much does Banlbert have?”

“I don’t know, and I’d advise you not to get any ideas, Banlbert isn’t alone right now.”

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m not alone either.” Luke pointed to the badge and then to the twenty dollars, “How about a game of either/or?”

The bartender had the good sense to pick up the twenty dollars and put it in his pocket, whispering, “Bamberts pulled out a bunch of twenties, I’d estimate at least two thousand dollars, looks like he should have made a fortune.”

Luke thought briefly, “Show me the money from his checkout.”

“What do you mean?”

Luke pointed to the police badge on the side, “That means.”


The bar, his face displeased but unable to do anything about it, took out a brand new twenty dollar bill from the register and handed it to Luke, “The LAPD is a big shot, I don’t think it would look at this twenty dollar bill.”

Luke ignored him and looked at the twenty dollars in his hand, his eyes moving slightly as if recalling something, then he tore open a corner of the bill.

“Hey, what are you doing?” The bartender questioned in a low voice.

Luke took a look at the torn twenty dollar bill and tossed it to the bartender, “You’re welcome.”

“You broke my money, why should I thank ……” The bartender picked up the torn bill and examined it, and the words stopped coming out of his mouth, “F***ing hell, it’s counterfeit.”

The torn twenty dollar paper was actually white.

The bartender found the other bills that Banlbert had paid for and all of them were partially torn and the cores of the bills were all white.

“FUCK! This fucking crook! My boss is going to kill me, and I’m going to kill him before that happens!”

Luke cautioned, “Hey man, if you have something on your mind you can say it in private, not in front of the LAPD, that’s rude and I’ll be embarrassed.”

“SORRY, Sir, I’m just so angry.” The bartender handed Luke back his twenty dollars, “As much as I like money, I can’t take this twenty dollars.

I should be thanking you, if it wasn’t for you, I would have gotten ripped off by him.”

Luke took back the twenty dollars, “What are you going to do about him?”

“Can I say?”

“You can make a hypothetical statement.”

“I’ll teach him a lesson so he’ll learn his lesson and remember the rules of Rogues’ Bar.”

Luke laughed, “Do me a favor, by the way, and ask where the money came from.”

“At your service.”

On the side, Blackie asked, “Luke, what’s going on? Where did he get all that fake money.”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Remember what George was arrested for?

If I’m right, that’s probably why Quinnel was killed as well.

Someone was printing counterfeit money.

Lots of counterfeit bills.”

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