Chapter 247

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Jamie Brady was the key figure in the whole case.

He was the main culprit in the murder of teenager Quinnell and one of the central figures in the counterfeit bill printing organization.

The Los Angeles Police Department had issued a bounty on Jamie Brady.

Temporary checkpoints have been set up on a number of key roads in Los Angeles.

Vehicles leaving Los Angeles are searched.

Blackie is also actively poking around for Jamie Brady.

However, Luke felt that the chances of finding Jamie Brady were not high, and he should have been ready to run away when he instigated the nursemaid to assassinate George, and thinking differently, Luke took advantage of this time gap to leave Los Angeles long ago.

Where can’t you go in a country the size of America?

Hypothetically, if Jamie really ran away to another state, it would be very difficult for the LAPD to be in a position to catch him, and even if Jamie was caught by the police in another state, the counterfeit money case would most likely have already been handed over to the FBI.

When the investigation of the case reached a certain stage, the FBI would definitely intervene.

Luke felt that this point in time might not be far off.

While he wasn’t busy, Luke began to investigate the situation of the beautiful snorkeling coach, Ortie.

This woman must have a purpose for approaching himself, as to what purpose? Luke couldn’t guess for the time being, so he could only start with her identity first.

Luke didn’t know her real identity, but after Luke discovered her abnormality, he had already started to secretly make some preparations.

For example, having his newly recruited informant keep an eye on her and discovering the car she was driving and the license plate number.

Another example was that Luke had already collected Orty’s fingerprints when she wasn’t looking.

Luke was now a lieutenant in the Robbery and Murder Division, and had more authority than ever before, so he didn’t need to ask Matthew for help, he could check within the system himself ……

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Xiao Hei’s house.

A cab parked in front of Blackie’s house, Blackie stepped down from the car and saw a familiar figure not far away.

Pari Jones.

Blackie took a look at her, his face became a bit ugly, and without saying anything, he just turned around and went home.

“Marcus, can you give me a chance to explain?”

Marcus stopped and didn’t look back, “Pari, there’s nothing more to say.

I’m disappointed.”

Pari caught up and grabbed Black’s arm, “SORRY, Marcus, I know I’ve wronged you, but it’s not what you think it is, please give me a chance to explain and I’ll set things straight.

If you still refuse to forgive, I will leave.”

Black opened the door to the room, seemingly wanting to hear the other’s explanation as well, “Come in.”

The two of them entered the living room and sat on the sofa, Blacky took out a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass, “Tell me, why did you break my trust?

You promised me you wouldn’t tell anyone about that incident, but not only did you, you told the whole world.”

Parley Jones shook her head, “SORRY, it was a complicated situation, the news that George was dead had actually spread in a small way.

George died during the night, and you already knew about it that night, but you didn’t tell me until the next morning.

In the meantime, other reporters had gotten the news in their own ways and through their own channels.

I was not the only one who knew the news at that time.

I had already heard that the other reporters were about to break the news of George’s death.

Even if I didn’t broadcast it at that time, it’s not likely that the other reporters will also broadcast this news in a few minutes.I know that I have betrayed your trust, but I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just don’t want to give up this opportunity ……”

Xiao Hei is not stupid, naturally, he will not easily believe Pari’s words, what do you mean that the other reporters also got the news of George’s death, it’s completely nonsense.

But Blackie couldn’t possibly use this reason to debunk her, and it wasn’t up to him to say when George would be resurrected, “Maybe you’re right, this is indeed your chance, but what about me?

Luke is already a lieutenant, the higher-ups in the police department appreciate him, he can say that he has a bright future.

Earlier, he had promised that he would help me get promoted to Detective Inspector.

But just because of the news of George’s death, both of us might be implicated.

He scolded me, severely, and he won’t trust me anymore in the future.

My promotion is probably out of the question.

I trusted you so much at that time, I didn’t think it would end up like this ……”

Pari said with a sincere face, “Marcus, I know I was wrong, I’m really sorry.”

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore, go away.” Blackie finally made up his mind to keep a distance from Pari.

This woman did not have any sincerity and was still deceiving him.

He could no longer be in a position to accept the other party.

“Marcus, I know it’s hard for you to understand for a while, but there’s still a long way to go in the future, I’ll come back to see you in a while ……”

Pari finished speaking and left Kuro’s house.

Kuro sighed softly, Pari was lying, and why wouldn’t he be.

He also does not want to continue to lie, but things have come to this point, if he shows lightheartedness, it is easy for Pari to see the cracks, and at that time, it is likely that it will affect the arrangement of the police department’s senior management.

Since he was doing a play, he had to do a full set.

The following morning at eight o’clock.

Two patrolmen parked their car on the side of the road, bought burgers and coffee and stood by the car to eat breakfast and chat.

Suddenly, a black Buick sped by, and the older black officer got into the driver’s seat and greeted his colleague, “Man, here comes business, get in.”

The young white police officer looked at the Buick, which was definitely speeding, “How dare you drive so fast during office hours, don’t you want to die?”

The black officer started the car quickly while saying, “Are there fewer people looking for death now?”

The patrol car lit up its siren and lights and chased after it.

After the two cars approached, the white police officer took out his police megaphone and said, “Black Buick in front of you, you’ve been speeding, stop for inspection immediately.”

However, the black Buick in front of them had no intention of slowing down, and when the intersection was reached again in front of them, not only did the other party have no intention of slowing down, the car was getting faster and faster instead.

The white police officer, who had been in contact with the console, said to the black police officer on the side, “It must be stopped as soon as possible, after the intersection there will be a crowd of demonstrators, and it is likely to be dangerous.”

The black constable said, “You think I don’t know that? But the car in front of us is going so fast that it’s hard to stop it, and it’s likely to be dangerous even if we force it to stop.”

The white constable gripped the armrest with his right hand, “The Buick is probably going to run the light.”

The black police officer grumbled, “When we catch this asshole, we’ll make sure he gets it.”


Under the watchful eyes of the two men, the black Buick that ran the red light cut off with a white BMW that was traveling normally.

The front of the white BMW cut into the rear of the black Buick, but fortunately the BMW stepped on the brakes in time, and the damage was not serious.

The black Buick was knocked off course and flew over a garbage can, cracking the car’s windshield, but fortunately the glass didn’t shatter completely.

However, surprisingly the black Buick did not stop, continued to drive forward quickly, crooked as if drunk.

With the patrol car in hot pursuit, the black officer said, “In my experience, this must be a big fish.”

“Could it be another idiot who got high and got himself high.” As the white police officer’s words fell, his face changed drastically, as he had seen the crowd of demonstrators ahead of him.

“George the hero!”

“Punish the killer severely!”

“We want to ‘breathe free’!”

Compared to the previous two days, the crowd of demonstrators was clearly stronger and more united.

The slogans were also clearer.

Their main demonstration sites were key roads, police stations and city halls, and they didn’t care if they caused traffic jams.

Demonstration is their right.

They were going to fight for their freedom, interests and equality in this way.

However, just at this moment a Buick sped up and rushed straight into the crowd ……

“Ah ……”

The car charged across the street like a mad bull, knocking many people over.

It eventually crashed into a utility pole and came to a stop.

“Ah ……”


“I @#$%……”

There were screams, cries, chortles, and curses.

A number of people in the crowd of demonstrators were injured.

More people gathered, some saving lives to help the injured.

There was also an angry crowd surrounding the car, ready to teach the driver a hard lesson.

Several young black men were particularly angry because the organizer of the demonstration had also been hit by a car, and it seemed to them that this was probably a malicious attempt by the police or a white organization to stop the demonstration.

One of the angry young black men pulled the driver’s door open with all his might, ready to pull the driver out and beat him violently.

However, when he opened the door, his whole body froze.

Driving the car was actually a young boy of about ten years of age, his tiny body sitting in the cab, his head just above the line of sight of the windshield.

“FUCK!” the driver was actually a milquetoast black kid.

The group of angry black youths immediately had the feeling of a fist hitting cotton.

Still, the black youths rescued the little black boy from the car and pushed him to the ground.

“Oooo……” Just then, a cry rang out from the back of the car.

Only to see, a six or seven year old little girl sitting in the back row, crying, “Brother, I’m afraid, don’t hit my brother.

I want my mom …….”

It didn’t take long for a few police cars to drive by, and heavily armed police stepped out of their cars and tried to control the scene.

Although there were many people at the demonstration, no one dared to clash head on with the police with guns.

Once the two sides clashed and you injured the LAPD, you were done for.

The LAPD feels threatened and with a reason to shoot and shoot, will never be soft.

The crowd of demonstrators backed off and the LAPD took over the scene.

Ambulances also drove by to rescue the injured who had been hit.

A black Mercedes G500 drove down the road.

Luke was driving in the cab, and Blackie was sitting in the passenger seat fuming, letting out a sigh from time to time.

Luke glanced at him, “Didn’t you have something to tell me? What is it?”

“Isn’t it ridiculous that last night, Pari approached me, trying to gain my forgiveness.”

“She’s very popular now, her popularity is soaring, I heard that there are quite a few TV stations scouting for her.”

“Hearing you say that, I suddenly don’t feel so guilty.”

Luke laughed, “You didn’t have to feel guilty in the first place, not all journalists care about the authenticity of the news.

For some journalists, as long as the news sells and is hot, they get enough.

Pari is a smart woman and won’t suffer.”

“I’ve already made up my mind to break up with her.

After I figured it out, I’m not that sad anymore. What I’m depressed about now is how to face Julian.

She’s the one who’s a big trouble.”

“You should talk to her, maybe she’s really just fat, then wouldn’t it be ridiculous for you to have all these troubles and worries these days.

Besides, if Julian is really pregnant, can you still avoid him for the rest of your life?

It’s better for you to take the initiative and communicate with her than to go on the Morrie show later.”

“Stop talking about this show, I hate it.”

“You used to love it, you said it was one of your favorite shows.”

“That’s right, it used to be fun to watch other people ……”

Blackie sighed and pointed ahead of the car, “Ooooh, something seems to be going on up ahead, is there a demonstration blocking the road.”

Luke drove a little further and noticed a large number of police cars and ambulances, it seemed that someone in the demonstration crowd was injured.

Luke didn’t have much love for these demonstration crowds, however, he had also been paying more attention to these demonstration crowds because these people were all coming for George, and George was the very suspect they were investigating.

Luke got out of the car, flashed his badge, and turned to a patrolman and asked, “What’s going on here?”

A black patrolman waved his hand and pointed ahead, “A black Buick sedan plowed into a crowd of demonstrators, at least a dozen people were injured at the scene, and one poor guy got his leg broken, it’s all twisted and deformed.”

The Buick car attacked the crowd of demonstrators, most likely related to George, Luke pursued, “Where is the driver of the car?”

The black patrolman, his face strangely pale, pointed to a police car and said, “Right in the back of the police car, a ten-year-old black boy.”

Black thought he had heard wrong, “You’re saying the suspect who drove the car into people is a ten year old?”

The black patrolman said, “Yes, if it wasn’t, he would probably have been killed by the crowd of angry demonstrators.”

“Any idea of his identity?”

“No idea, he had a sister with him.

Both seemed terrified and wouldn’t say anything. The little boy kept saying he was sorry and the little girl kept saying she wanted her mommy.”

Luke nodded and walked to the back of the police car and through the window, he saw a boy and a girl, two black children, the boy was about ten years old and the girl looked to be only six or seven.

After seeing the appearance of these two children, Luke immediately recognized them, they were the children of the female nurse who assassinated George, the children of the suspect Jamie Brady who was being wanted.



Luke couldn’t help but have questions in his mind.

Weren’t these two kids taken away by Jamie Brady? Why are they here?

And where was Jamie Brady?

Why did they drive their car into a crowd of demonstrators?

Luke opened the car door and said in a kind tone, “Peck, Martha, are you okay?”

The little black boy leaned back holding his sister, “You know us?”

“I’m a friend of your mom’s, she’s a good nurse.”

The little black girl choked with a sob, “I miss my mommy, can you take us to her?”

“Sure, I can help you guys contact Maria.

But before that, you guys need to talk about what’s going on?”

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