Chapter 250

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:53
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As the saying goes, a stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Naci’s remarks were far more persuasive and shocking than Reid, the deputy commissioner.

The demonstrators outside the police station were confused, no one had expected this to happen.

The demonstrators were also beginning to waver.

George wasn’t dead?

George was a criminal?

George is a murderer?

Although there were still people chanting George’s hero, most had begun to question.

The black female reporter wouldn’t stop there, but not wanting to confront a black mother, she turned to Reed and said, “Chief Reed, even though you say George isn’t dead, the crowd still doesn’t believe you.

If George really isn’t dead, ask him to come forward so he can tell everyone himself if he’s a criminal.”

“That’s right.”

“George is dead.”

“George is not a murderer, he’s a hero!”

“Let George come out and speak and we’ll believe it, otherwise, we won’t believe it.”

The black female reporter said, “Chief Reed, you heard me, that’s the cry of the citizens.”

Reed shook his head, “No, they can only represent a small group of extreme protesters, they can’t represent the citizens of Los Angeles, and the citizens of Los Angeles don’t want to be represented.

I know there are a lot of people following the events in George, that’s why I had the press conference.

I have made it very clear that George is not dead, and he is currently facing prosecution on three counts, two of which are very serious.

He is still under investigation and cannot make a public appearance.

If you want to see him, you can go to his trial, and perhaps that will help you understand George better.

That’s all I have to say, the press conference is over and everyone is dismissed.”

Reed finished and the press conference was over, but the matter was not over.

The crowd that was demonstrating was also riding a bit hard.

The police said George wasn’t dead.

If they saw George in person, they would be dead, but on the contrary, the police refused to let George show his face.

To end the demonstration now would seem like the end of the story. There was still a small group of people who believed that George was dead, and that the police could not be trusted, and that they were trying to deceive the public.

It would be embarrassing to continue the demonstration on the off chance that George was really not dead and was really a murderer.

It’s not like the black mother, Nasi, was telling lies.

All in all, this incident made the demonstrators very angry and disgusted, and they were in a dilemma.

There were demonstrations in many cities across America.

It wasn’t until the LAPD press conference was broadcast live on TV that public opinion on the whole incident began to turn around ……

On August 11th, George was brought to court for his trial and his first appearance in the public eye since his arrest.

His suspected murder of a 14-year-old, his involvement in the printing and use of counterfeit money, and some of his past convictions were all raked over the coals.

Gradually calm people also see George’s true colors, he is not a hero.

Rather, he is a criminal.

Parry Jones also saw George outside the courthouse, and at this moment she was completely dead.

George was killed in the news is she broadcast, thought this is their chance to turn around, who had thought to make themselves into a joke.

George wasn’t dead!

George was alive and well.

Marcus had lied to himself?

Feeling angry, feeling like she had been tricked, Pari took out her cell phone and tried to call Marcus, but eventually gave up.

Who was she to call Marcus?

Marcus had never asked her to broadcast the news, she was the one who had to do it.

If she hadn’t been greedy, it wouldn’t have gotten to this point.

Not to mention, all Marcus had to do was reply with, I was lied to too, I thought George was dead too, and Pari had no way of knowing if it was true or not.

Taking it a step further, does Luke know the truth of this news?

Or, was everyone a pawn, and this was a high-level police department layout?

Pari sighed, her heart filled with helplessness, regardless of that reason, she was being used as a gun.

She herself is the most stupid one.

This group of LAPD, not a single good thing.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Kamia Bar.

A round table sat four people respectively of Luke, Jackson and rookie patrolman John, and his partner Aphra.


The four clinked glasses.

John said, “Lieutenant Luke, thank you for what you did, if you hadn’t stopped the stabbing, George could have been killed.

Aphra and I would have been down with it.”

Aphra snickered, “That’s right, I was ready for a long vacation, I had my ticket to Hawaii all bought.”

Jackson ate a pretzel and said, “I’ve never been able to figure out why this whole thing is such a big deal.

Granted, William did go a little overboard with his arrest at the time, but that was because George resisted arrest in the first place, and there have been a number of similar incidents in the past, so why did this one spark a demonstration.”

“I heard that there were demonstrations in Washington as well, that the White House was surrounded by demonstrators, that the active military came out to maintain order, and that the President was forced to hide in a shelter.” Aphra lowered her voice and said

“According to the grapevine, the President was furious and slapped the table and even ordered the security forces to shoot at the demonstrators.”

John guessed, “You mean someone is using this to mess with the president.”

“I don’t know, but I do know that the date of the next general election is coming up.”

John’s eyes widened with some surprise, “That means we’re involved in a political incident that even affects the U.S. presidential election to some extent.”

Aphra laughed, “Don’t think of yourself as too important, we’re just a few insignificant pawns, besides what’s the point of the so-called election, it’s either left or right, I don’t think it makes much difference.”

John showed a curious look, “Any other inside information? I’d like to hear more.”


John shrugged as if remembering something, “Lieutenant Luke, why didn’t Detective Marcus show up?”

Luke said, “He’s got a very important thing going on today.”

“More important than the US election?”

“That’s right, to Marcus, the U.S. election pales in comparison to what’s going on tonight.”

The Big Dinky Bone Steakhouse.

The restaurant hit closing a little after eight in the evening.

The waiters of the restaurant also left one by one.

Julian said goodbye to his coworkers and exited the restaurant, carrying a small satchel, and headed for the east parking lot.

At this time, it was already dark, and the lights on both sides of the street were somewhat dim.

Julianne vaguely heard footsteps behind her, turned her head and saw no sign of anyone.

She continued to walk forward, only this time she had some uneasiness in her heart and accelerated her steps.

“Da da ……” The faster she walked, the more urgent the footsteps behind her became.

Feeling like she was being followed, she reached into her bag with her right hand and pulled out a spray bottle.

She then turned around sharply, and sure enough, she saw a man not far behind her, who stood in the backlit shadows, unable to see his face and feeling somewhat familiar.

“Julian, don’t be nervous, it’s me.” Marcus stepped out of the shadows.

Julian just breathed a sigh of relief and frowned again, “Marcus, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see how you were doing?”

“Thanks for asking, but we’ve broken up, you didn’t have to make a point of coming to see me.”

Marcus sized up the other man, staring at Julian’s stomach in particular, “Uh …… I wanted to talk to you.”

“We don’t have anything to talk about anymore.” Julian turned to leave.

“Hey …… are you pregnant?” Black asked with a hint of a trill.

Julian sighed, “Inspector Luke told you.”

Blacky corrected, “It was the lieutenant.”

Julian cried a little, “Does it matter?”

“You’re right, the most important thing today is to figure out if you’re pregnant? I want to hear it from you.”

Julian scowled at Black and nodded, “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

Although she had guessed the outcome, Black still felt a sense of powerlessness when she heard Julian say that in person.

“Uh, I know it’s a bit of an asshole to ask this, but …… I still want to know, is it my child?”

“Yes, you are the father of the child. But you don’t have to be nervous, I don’t need you to be responsible, I’ve decided to be a single mom.” Julian rubbed his stomach, “I’m capable of taking care of her.”

Black was a little frantic, “Now it’s not a question of being responsible or not, if I’m the father of the child, why wouldn’t you have told me in the first place? I have the right to know.”

“SORRY…… I forgot.”

“Excuses, you should have told me.”

“You’re right, I should have told you. I also want to know what would have happened to you if I had told you. Do you want the baby?”

“Julian, I can understand your feelings …… but, I don’t think we’re capable of taking care of a child for a while.”

“So what, what would you do?”

“I would advise you to abort the child.”

“I knew it, I knew it was. But I don’t want to abort this baby, she’s a little life, I can feel her in my belly. That’s why I didn’t tell you, because it wasn’t even necessary.

Again, I will raise her alone.”

“Do you know how hard it is to raise a child? Do you know what kind of case I just went through? I’ve seen too many kids from single parent homes …… They tend to be unhappy.

I love children too, but I want to bring them happiness, not suffering.”

Julian’s tone was firm, “I won’t let my children suffer. We’re done talking, you can go.”

Black cried out somewhat feebly, “Julian, what you’re doing is wrong, and it’s not fair to me.”

Julian asked back, “What do you want then?”

Blacky looked at Julian’s stomach and opened his mouth, he wasn’t sure what he really wanted?

Abort the baby? Julian would definitely not agree.

Take the initiative to take on the responsibility of fatherhood?

He also didn’t know if he really had the courage.

In the end, he could only look at Julian’s departing back and said helplessly, “Julian, take care of yourself.”

“I will, even if it’s for the child.” Julian dropped a sentence and left in style.

Xiao Hei watched Julian leave, and at this moment, he wanted to cry.

He missed his mom.

The next day.

Walmart Supermarket.

A long legged, wasp waisted Latin beauty walked out of the supermarket carrying a bag, her pretty face and sexy body attracted many people’s attention.

The beauty walked to a white Toyota, put the bag into the passenger compartment, and then drove away from the supermarket.

However, just after driving two streets away, a police car followed.

Flashing lights and blaring sirens.

Then, a voice rang out from the loudspeaker, “The white Toyota in front, pull over and accept the inspection.”

“Whew ……”

The Latin beauty sighed, and although she was helpless, she could only pull over to the side of the road.

Subsequently, the police car behind them also stopped, and two officers came down from the car, a middle-aged white police officer and a black female police officer.

The middle-aged white police officer walked outside the driver’s side and knocked on the car glass.

The Latina lowered the car glass, “Officer, what’s the problem?”

The middle-aged white police officer surveyed the interior of the car, “Why are you covering your license plate, young lady?”

“No, I didn’t do that.” The beautiful woman denied.

“Your rear license plate is obscured, that’s why I pulled you over, please get out of the car and be inspected.”

“Officer, there could be some kind of misunderstanding.”

“Put your hands where I can see them and get out of the car for inspection, please.”

The beautiful woman had no choice but to follow the middle-aged white officer’s request and put her hands on the steering wheel.

The white officer opened the door of the car, while the Latin beauty was allowed to get out of the car.

“What’s your name?”

“Orty Dean.”

“Give me your driver’s license.” The middle-aged white officer began to look at the driver’s license.

The black female officer approached and asked, “Are you armed?”

The beautiful Orty Dean said helplessly, “Yes, I have a weapon.”

“What kind of weapon?”


“How many guns?”

“I have a gun permit and carry two handguns, one on me and one in the car.”

The black policewoman asked, “I can’t believe you’re carrying two guns when you’re so pretty? Why?”

“It’s a free country, everyone has the right to carry a gun, don’t they?”

The black policewoman smiled, “You’re right, I’m going to exercise my right to routinely search you now as well, so please cooperate.”

“There’s really no need for that, I really didn’t intentionally cover my license plate number.”

“Put your hands on your head and lie down on the car.” Without further ado, the black policewoman searched her first, for safety reasons.

And then, a pistol was felt out from Orti-Dean’s thigh: “Whoa whoa, hiding a gun here, are you in a movie? A new generation of Bond girls?”

“Officer, I told you before, I have a gun.”

The black policewoman stepped back and pointed to the license plate on the back of the car, “Why are you covering the license plate?”

Orty Dean took a look at the license plate, there was a strip of white paper hanging from the plate, just covering the two numbers, “I didn’t do this, it could have been some naughty kid playing a prank.”

The black policewoman said, “We’re going to search your car, please open the trunk.”

Orty was a little reluctant, “There’s really no need for that, it’s just a misunderstanding.”

“Open the trunk.”

Ortie’s teeth bit her lip, but there was nothing she could do but open the trunk as instructed.

The black policewoman began to search, and from inside, she found a black travel bag containing quite a few things, and the more the black policewoman looked at it, the more her face became gloomy.

“Is this a hidden camera? There are also bugs, voice recorders, miniature cameras ……

What kind of person are you in the end? Why are there these things in the car?

If you can’t explain clearly, we can only ask you to take a trip to the police station.”

“I’m not a bad guy, I’m a detective.”

“Do you have an ID?”

“Sure.” Orty lifted the leather cushion of the trunk and removed a leather bag from underneath, which produced a detective’s license.

The black policewoman opened it and read, “Pinkerton Detective Agency!”

Ortie asks back, “Can you let me go now?”

The black policewoman handed the ID back to her, “I won’t give you a ticket this time, so pay attention in the future and don’t cover your license plate again.”

“Thanks.” Ortie glanced at the two police officers, then got into her car and left.

After watching the car leave, the middle-aged white police officer asked, “This beautiful woman is actually a detective.”

“From the way you look at her, I think she is indeed suitable for the job.” The black female officer snickered.

The white police officer whispered, “Then why is she following Lieutenant Luke?”

“That’s for Lieutenant Luke to find out for himself, we were just checking out a vehicle with an obscured license plate, that’s all.”

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