Chapter 251

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside a black Mercedes.

Luke yawned as he sat in the driver’s seat.

He had investigated Olty’s situation, and Olty’s fingerprints were not on file in the police system.

As for that license plate number, it wasn’t in Orty’s own name either, and Luke hadn’t gotten too many valuable clues before he asked John and Aphra to help get to the bottom of this woman.

A police car pulled up and parked on the side of the road, John stepped out of the car and knocked on Luke’s window.

Luke opened the window, “Wanna come in and sit down for a while?”

“No, we have to continue our patrol, we have more to do today.” John handed Luke a scribbled note as he spoke.

“Thanks, buy you guys a drink some time.”

“I’ve heard the Mezique is good, I’ve never been yet.”

Luke smiled, “I’ll take you there next time.”

John excused himself and left.

Luke opened the note and checked the contents.

First name, Orty Dean.

Although the last name was not known before, at least the first name was real.

From this point of view, this woman should not have too much malice towards him.

Thinking differently, if Luke were to deal with someone, not only would he have to hide the last name, the first name would have to be changed just the same.

Luke moved on, there was information on the woman’s driver’s license, as well as information on her detective’s license.

Pinkerton Detective Agency.

This detective agency had been around for over a hundred years, and the founder’s name was Aaron Pinkerton.

During the Civil War, Pinkerton and his detectives served their country by forming an organization for Lincoln’s Northern Confederates that specialized in collecting military intelligence on the secessionist forces in the South, an agency that later became the forerunner of the Bureau of Military Intelligence.

Luke had heard of the detective agency’s reputation, but didn’t know much about it in recent years.

But a thin camel is bigger than a horse, and as the leader of this industry, even if it is not as powerful as it was back then, it is not too bad.

Luke recalled, thinking that he hadn’t offended anyone recently, why would someone hire a detective to investigate himself?

If it’s because of work, then it’s impossible to say, the police industry offends too many people.

Can not think, Luke simply do not want to, Los Angeles is his home turf, find an opportunity to meet this beautiful detective again.

Luke took out a lighter and burned the note.

【Congratulations to the host, solved two murder cases, rewarded 30 lottery opportunities; congratulations to the host for knocking out a den of printing counterfeit money, rewarded 20 lottery opportunities; congratulations to the host for rescuing George in time to save the LAPD from getting into trouble, rewarded 20 lottery opportunities】.

A familiar voice rang in Luke’s head, a total of seventy raffle chances were awarded.


The pointer stops, Handwriting Identification Card [You can quickly learn and comprehend handwriting identification skills within three hours]

Luke drew seventy times and won a total of six cards.

Among them are three new cards, the handwriting identification card, and 3

3 old cards.

Adventure card, 1

Car skill card, 2

Luke also won $64,000 in the draw.

There was another new skill, handwriting identification.

Luke was no stranger to this skill, and knew a little about it in his last life, but wasn’t very proficient.

Every day work is very busy, which still have time to study specialized skills, but now it’s different, Luke has a learning card, learning can be said to be twice the effort.

This skill could not only be used for solving crimes, but also for identifying antique texts.

In addition, Luke now had a total of four car skill cards.

Luke’s driving skills were not bad, but they were certainly no match for professional drivers.

The car skills needed by police officers were different from professional drivers, as police officers drove to track suspects for one thing, and to stop suspects’ cars for another, both of which were also highly technical.

In the former case, if the car is not good, it is easy to lose the suspect car.

As for the interception, the level of danger is even higher, and the slightest mistake may lead to the same death.

Very dangerous.

Therefore, it is still necessary to practice car skills in advance.

Boaia neighborhood.

This is a standard black neighborhood.

A cab was parked on the side of the road, and Blackie stepped down from the car.

Looking at the somewhat dilapidated house in front of him, this was his mom’s house and also his home.

Xiao Hei’s income is not bad, has always wanted to give his mother a better neighborhood to live, but his mother is not willing.

In her words, she is already familiar with the environment here, and because of Blackie’s reason, the community neighbors respect her, let her change a strange community, she is not familiar with.

Over the years, Blackie has had her own job, her own life and her own girlfriend, and has returned here less often.

Now, Blacky has encountered the biggest dilemma and setback in his life, and is so helpless that he doesn’t know how to solve it, or even how he is going to face it.

He knew the pain of growing up in a single-parent home, he had experienced it and seen too much of it, and didn’t want his own children to suffer the same hardships.

He had despised and resented his own father more than once, and he didn’t want his future children to resent him as well.

God, why must we have children?

Wouldn’t it be nice to live free?

“Hey, Marcus.”

“Man, you’re back!”

Neighbors in the community and childhood pals greeted each other.

Blackie forced a smile in response as well, then opened the door and entered the house, “Mom, I’m home.”

A black woman was sitting on the couch watching TV and turned her head, “Marcus, why are you back all of a sudden? Why didn’t you make a phone call.”

The black woman, Blackie’s mother, Betty.

“Uh …… Mom, I got your favorite fried chicken, it’s your favorite one.” Blackie put the takeout on the coffee table.

Blackie’s mom, Betty, sniffed with her nose, “Mmm, it still smells so good, I can never get enough of it.”

Xiao Hei’s mom picked up the chicken drumstick and took a bite, then looked at Xiao Hei again, “Why do you look so ugly? What happened?”

“Uh …… there’s nothing much going on, you eat first.”

“Marcus, you were raised by me, you can’t fool me.

Why don’t you say anything?

Afraid I won’t be able to eat if I find out?”

Blackie poured a big mouthful of Coke: “I …… just don’t know how to open my mouth.”

“What the hell happened? Did you take money you shouldn’t have?”

“No, I don’t lack the money to do something like that.”

Betty gave a worried look, “Are you sick?”

“I’m perfectly healthy.”

“Then what’s there to worry about? Come on talk, I hate this apprehension.” Betty urged as she finished a chicken leg.

“I …… got a girlfriend a while back ……”

“I know, Julian, you told me about it, I’ve seen pictures of her and she seems nice.”

“She broke up with me not too long ago.”


“She wanted to get married, but I thought it was too soon, I wasn’t ready, so I wanted to wait, and when she didn’t want to, she broke up with me.”

“It’s not your fault, if two people aren’t right for each other, they won’t be happy even if they barely get married.

It’s her loss.”

“That’s what I thought, the other day, my partner went to a restaurant and saw Julian ……

She’s pregnant.”

“Even if it’s not, is it yours?”

Black nodded, looking a little rattled, “I talked to her, she wants to keep the baby and raise it alone. I know how difficult it is, what we went through as a mother and child, I don’t want my child to go through it again.

I tried to get her to abort the baby, but she didn’t want to, and I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

Am I doing the wrong thing?”

Betty touched Blackie’s cheek, “No, my child, you didn’t do anything wrong.

Raising a child is not an easy task, and it really isn’t a good idea to have a child if you aren’t ready for it, so neither the adults nor the child will be happy.

This is instead a sign of responsibility.”

Black breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m much more comfortable hearing you say that.”

“But that girl …… Julian is also right, she has the right to be a mother, just like I did in the beginning, even though there was only one …… I still chose to have you.

Our life is not rich, and we have encountered a lot of difficulties, but I never regret.

Then look at you now, so good and successful, you are my greatest pride.”

“Mom, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

Even though I never said it, I know how hard it was, and that’s why I didn’t want kids.”

“NoNoNo, you only see the hard side of me, but your arrival also adds so much joy to me, no matter how hard and busy every day is, seeing you makes it all worth it.

You have given me strength and a new direction.

The best decision of my life was to have you.”


“Of course, I’ve always thought so.”

Black was much calmer, “What do you think I should do if Julian has to have the baby?”

Betty said, “I want you to take on the responsibilities of a father.”

“Do you want me to marry her?”

“That’s up to you, if you have the idea of getting married, I have no objection.

If you don’t want to get married, then pay the alimony on time, accompany the child’s growth, and be a qualified father all the same.”

Xiao Hei sighed softly and suddenly thought of his own father ……

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Xiao Hei asked Luke to meet him, and the two of them sat outside the barbecue restaurant on the Ruidu community square.

There were various kinds of barbecue on the table.

Luke took a big gulp of cold root beer, “What’s the matter with finding me?”

“I made a decision today that could affect my life …… You’re my partner and I thought I should tell you.”

“I’ll keep your secret, was it a decision related to Julian?”

“That’s right, I …… I’m going to re-pursue Julian.”


“I’ve always liked her, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend right now, so wouldn’t it be normal to re-pursue her?”

“Is it because of the baby?”

“There are reasons for that, I don’t want the baby to be born without a father ……

I understand that feeling, know that kind of pain, and don’t want my own child to experience it again.

So ……

I ……” Black took a deep breath and mustered up enough courage to

“want to marry Julian ……!”

In the conception of many Chinese, it is a normal operation to get married with a child if the pregnancy is accidental during the relationship, but it is different in the black circle in Los Angeles, and it takes a lot of courage to get married.

“Man, I don’t have much experience in this area and I can’t give you any advice, but if you need anything, just ask.

I’ll support you.”

“Thanks, I’m just looking for someone to talk to and have a good drink right now.”

Luke picked up his beer glass, “No problem, let’s not get drunk today.”

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