Chapter 252

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:02:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Cayce neighborhood.

Orty Dean’s house.

Orty showered, changed into a comfortable nightgown, and lay lazily on her bed.

She recalled the events of this morning, and the more she thought about it, the more wrong she felt.

Why had that piece of paper been attached to her license plate and happened to be on the patrolman’s radar.

She had also opened the trunk before leaving the house in the morning, and there shouldn’t have been anything stuck to the license plate at that time.

In other words, this piece of paper should have been put on when she went to the supermarket herself.

If someone had done it on purpose, what was the purpose?

What was the benefit of doing this, just to get two patrolmen to investigate themselves?

As a detective, Orty’s analytical skills were not bad.

The two patrolmen had searched the trunk of the car and her own documents, and she had basically been mapped out by them, which was an uncomfortable feeling, and she didn’t like the feeling of being passive.

But she clearly didn’t know those two patrolmen, so why were they targeting her?

Who had so much energy to make the police investigate themselves?


This was the only LAPD that she had offended recently, and although his position wasn’t high, just a vice squad, he was much higher in rank than an ordinary patrolman.

He himself approached him that day disguised as a snorkeling instructor, and thought that he hadn’t left much of a hole in him.

The only crack should be the identity of the temporary coach, however, Los Angeles was a free city with a lot of mobility, and it was normal to work part-time on a temporary basis.

If the other party suspected himself just because of this crack then it would be too paranoid.

However, apart from this point, Ortie really couldn’t think of any flaws in himself.

Perhaps this guy didn’t see that he had a problem, but was simply mesmerized by his beauty and wanted to use his connections and authority to find himself.

It wasn’t right either, if he hadn’t become suspicious in the first place, it was logically impossible for him to know his license plate number.

As she thought about it, she still felt like she was being watched by Luke.

It was a bad feeling.

She even had a desire to run away from the city in a hurry.

A direct confrontation with the LAPD in L.A. was not something anyone in their right mind would do.

Orty took out her cell phone and hesitated, but put it aside.

Turned off the lights and went to bed.

One in the morning.

An old black Buick pulls up near Orty’s house, a black man walks out of the car, looks left and right, and then walks into the yard of Orty’s house.

The black man searched the yard and noticed that one of the windows was half-open with a smirk.

He laid his hands on the window sill and leapt, climbing straight into the window with great dexterity.

The black man lightly entered the living room, the room was a bit dim, the man didn’t act immediately, instead, he let his eyes adjust for a bit before he started searching in the living room.

“Ka!” Suddenly, the lights in the living room came on.

The black man had just adapted to the darkness, and his eyes were shaken open, temporarily blinded.

“Bang!” The sound of a gunshot.

The black man was like an electric shock, trembling and collapsing on the floor.

He lost consciousness for a short period of time, his limbs were numb, and he vaguely felt that someone had come over ……

After a while, the black man came to his senses, felt some pain in his wrists, and realized that he had been bound.

Not far away, a long-legged beauty looked at himself, “What are you?”

“I …… hurt, you just used a stun gun.”

“You should be glad this is California, otherwise, you wouldn’t have a chance to talk to me.”

“SORRY, I just needed the money, for one thing, I was spooked, I just wanted to steal something, I didn’t think about hurting anyone, and I wouldn’t have done it.”

Orty pointed to a pistol on the floor and said, “You’re carrying a Glock with a silencer, that doesn’t look like the gear of a common thief.”

“I stole this silencer from somewhere else too, it’s not my own.”

“Stolen from where?”

“I can’t remember.”

Orty eyed him carefully, not believing his bullshit; he himself had just been stopped by a patrolman this morning, and it just so happened that someone had touched his house to steal something at night.

Such a coincidence?

“Do you know Luke?”

The black man shook his head, “I don’t.”

“Don’t lie, you can’t fool me, did he send you?”

“I really don’t know who you’re talking about?”

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll call the police.”

“Please don’t call the police, no, I’ll tell you.”

Orty shook his cell phone, “Then you’d better hurry up and tell.”

“If I confess, will you let me go?”

“That depends on whether Lieutenant Luke is willing to save you.” Orty turned on the recorder.

“OK, Luke sent me.”

“What did he send you for?”

“He sent me to see if there were any suspicious items in your house and if so take them away or take pictures?”

“What suspicious items?”

“He didn’t say, let me judge for myself.

I swear that’s all I know.”

Orty took another pair of plastic handcuffs and bound the black man’s legs while he took out his cell phone and dialed Luke’s cell number.

The last time they met, he had left Luke’s cell phone number.

A few moments later, the cell phone connected, and a man’s voice rang out from the phone, “Which one?”

“Lieutenant Luke, you should be able to hear my voice.”

“Of course, Coach Orty, I’ve been looking forward to snorkeling with you again.”

“So, you sent someone to my house to steal something?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t have to pretend, I’ve already guessed that you sent two police officers to stop my car this morning and find out my identity information, and then you sent a thief to feel into my house at night.

If you are so interested in my house, why don’t you come yourself?”

Luke laughed, “Are you inviting me?”

“That’s right, and you’d better be there in ten minutes or I’m going to call 911 and have the neighborhood patrol arrest this thief.

It’ll be interesting if he gives you up.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I accept the invitation.”

“Very well, you’d better not pull any tricks, or else, there’s no chance you’ll be on the news tomorrow.”

“Ms. Orty, I’ve always been impressed with you, and I’m hurt by this threat.”

“You now have nine minutes.” Orty said and hung up her cell phone.

Orty glanced at the black man lying on the ground and

“Bang!” Gave him another shot.

Orty made another call, “Hey Boss, I’m exposed.

What’s next ……”

Twenty minutes later.

“Knock knock ……” the door to Orty’s house rang.

Orty looked in the doorstop to find a dark-haired young man standing outside and no one else in sight.

Orty unlocked the door and stepped back farther away, “Lieutenant Luke, are you here alone?”

“Of course, I prefer solo dates with beautiful women.”

Orty laughed, “You’re afraid of exposing yourself to a thief, aren’t you. A cop sending a thief to steal from a citizen’s house, if word gets out, you might not have to take a long vacation.”

Luke pointed at the black man who was tied up on the ground, “This is the thief you’re talking about.”

“Send a professional next time, he’s really a novice.”

“How are you sure he was sent by me?”

“Lieutenant Luke, isn’t it good to be honest? He admitted it himself, that’s ungentlemanly of you.”

Luke laughed, “Then I’m afraid I’ve disappointed you, I really don’t know him.”

“I called 911.”


Seeing Luke’s attitude, Orty recoiled and questioned the black man, “What’s your name?”


“Do you recognize him?”


“Didn’t you admit you were sent by Lieutenant Luke?”

“You’re the one who said if I admitted it, you wouldn’t call the police and would let me go ……”

Orty “……”

Luke took out his cell phone and dialed 911 directly, “Hello, this is the Cayce neighborhood, there’s been a burglary here ……”

Seeing Luke take the initiative to call, Orty knew that he had really made a mistake, and for a while he was a bit at a loss for words.

Had it all been a figment of his imagination?

The police stop in the morning was an accident?

Tonight’s incident was also an accident?

That would be too embarrassing.

Luke walked over to the black man and questioned, “What’s your name?”


“I asked for the full name?”

“Orleans Sith.”

“Why are you here?”

“What are you? Why should I tell you?” Orleans asked rhetorically.

Luke flashed his badge, “I don’t have my law enforcement recorder with me, but I’m LAPD all the same.”

“SORRY, I didn’t realize this was your friend’s house.”

Luke continued, “Answer my earlier question, why are you here?”

“To steal something.”

“What do you want to steal?”

“To steal something of value, like cash and jewelry of some sort.”

“Who instructed you to come here?”

“No one instructed me, I was randomly stealing, who knew it would be so unlucky to get caught all of a sudden.”

“Do you have any accomplices?”


“Do you recognize me?”


“Do you recognize the lady who just arrested you?”


Luke’s questioning ended and sirens sounded outside.

Two patrolmen came over to check out the situation.

Luke’s move disrupted Orty’s plan, and she could only stiffly tell the process of arresting the thief.

After tossing and turning for more than half an hour before making a statement, the two patrolmen left with the thief.

Luke sat leisurely on the sofa and watched as Orty dealt with the two patrolmen.

He indeed did not recognize the thief, not to mention that he did not send someone to Olti’s home to steal things, this kind of easy to fall into the handle of things, he easily will not do, do will not be found.

Through his questioning of the thief just now, he had gotten some interesting clues.

However, compared to these clues, Luke was now more interested in the reason why Olty took the initiative to approach himself.

After the police car left, only Luke and Orty were left in the house.

Olty sat on the couch and took a long breath, “It’s finally over.”

Luke had an innocent look on his face, “Ms. Orty, shouldn’t you give me an explanation?”

“What explanation?”

“The baseless accusations you just made on your cell phone? Who the hell are you? Why did you approach me on purpose?” Luke was righteous.

Orty was a little helpless; tonight’s recklessness had put her in a passive position.

Whether or not the two police officers who stopped the car this morning were related to Luke, the other party probably wouldn’t admit it.

Instead, Orty had become the unwarranted party, completely exposed to Luke.


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