Chapter 260

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“On the night of August 3rd, my store suffered a burglary, the store’s doors and windows were smashed, and a gang of thugs broke in and stole things, cigarettes, alcohol, razors, lip balm, soap, powdered milk, diapers ……

These thieves stole everything that was lightweight, valuable and easy to get out of the supermarket.

My supermarket suffered a great deal of damage and the clerks were a little scared, so I chose to call the police early the next morning.

At first, I was expecting the police to catch the gang of thieves, but there was no news from the police, and I took the initiative to go to the police station to inquire about it, and they didn’t find out the whereabouts of the gang of thieves.

And I heard that the detection rate of similar cases is very low.

Some of my friends also told me not to get my hopes up, the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment.

But I am not willing to do so because if there is one, there may be a second. I don’t know when they will come back to the supermarket to steal or even rob it again, and this kind of thing will have a great impact on the business of the supermarket.

It’s not easy for me to run a supermarket and I don’t want something like this to happen again.

So, I haven’t given up.” Speaking of this, Li Shan Mei sighed with a slightly helpless look, “About a week ago, a person came to my store to apply for a job, he said that he had previously worked at the Shan Yuan Supermarket and had similar work experience before he was maliciously dismissed by his boss.

After I interviewed him, I felt that the job at our supermarket might not be very suitable for him and would limit his development, so I did not intend to hire him.

At this time, he told me a situation that there was an extra batch of goods from an unknown source in Shan Yuan Supermarket some time ago. Although he did not know the exact source of the goods, he felt that they came from an improper source.

Moreover, he knew that my supermarket had suffered a burglary before, and he suspected that the goods stolen from my supermarket had made their way to the Shan Yuan supermarket.

I asked him if he had any proof, and he said no.

I wanted to tell the police, but thinking of their efficiency in handling cases, I was worried that they would do nothing.

I then asked my cousin to go to the Shan Yuan Supermarket to film it, wanting to get the evidence before handing it over to the police.”

Luke pursued, “What evidence? What did you want to film?”

“My supermarket has a full range of commodities, more types than Shan Yuan Supermarket, and I signed an agreement with the manufacturer that some commodities will not be sold at the same time by a similar supermarket in the same area, in other words, there are some commodities that Shan Yuan Supermarket doesn’t have any incoming channels at all.

If the mountain source supermarket has those goods, it belongs to the source is unknown, is likely to be my supermarket stolen goods.

I asked my cousin to film it because I also wanted to get evidence to prevent the supermarket from taking down the merchandise after getting the news.”

“Where is the video that your cousin filmed?”

Lee Sun-mi hesitated for a moment, got up and took out a memory card from the drawer under the office work next to her, “It’s in here.”

“Did you capture any of your supermarket’s unique items?”

Lee Sunmi shook her head, “No, not a single item. Obviously that employee lied and the theft had nothing to do with the Mountain Source Supermarket.

It’s me who was villainous.”

Luke handed the memory card to Blackie to check, “Then where is the employee who was dismissed from Shan Yuan Supermarket?”

“I don’t know, I wouldn’t want this kind of person, after getting this news from him, I gave him a sum of money and let him leave.

As it turns out, I did the right thing, he was lying, planting evidence on his ex-boss because he was fired by his boss.

That’s the kind of employee I wouldn’t dare have.”

“Where’s the list of stolen goods from your supermarket?”

Lee Sun-mi got up, opened the desk drawer and took out a piece of information and handed it to Luke, “The police asked for it before, I printed it out in advance.”

Luke just scanned it and saw a familiar item, pointing to the mark on the list, “Kafira brand red wine is also exclusive to your store?”

“Yes, I personally contacted the manufacturer, and I’m the only one selling it in this nearby area.”

“Can Mountain Source Supermarket get a supply?”

“No way, then the manufacturer would be in breach of contract and would have to pay a large sum of money for breach of contract, they wouldn’t do such a stupid thing.

Officer Luke, is there a problem with this wine?”

There was indeed a problem.

Previously, Luke had previously given a statement to Osmond, the owner of Shan Yuan Supermarket, and asked him if Shan Yuan Supermarket had a poisoning incident before, and he initially said no, but Luke found that he showed signs of lying.

Later, as a last resort, the other party admitted that August 10th supermarket sold two bottles of red wine with problems, 11th two customers came to the door, said that after drinking red wine stomach pain, the brand of this red wine is exactly Kafira.

At that time, Luke had inquired as to why he did not admit to the first poisoning incident, and the other party replied that it was because he had paid a considerable amount of compensation, so he was unwilling to bring up the matter again.

Now it seemed that the real reason was probably that the two bottles of red wine came from an unknown source, and Osmond was too dumb to speak.

From the existing situation, the employee who was sacked by Shan Yuan Supermarket did not lie, Shan Yuan Supermarket probably accepted a batch of goods of unknown origin, and these goods might also be the items stolen from Jiangnan Supermarket.

As for why the stolen goods were not found in the video that Kim Soo Hye stole.

Luke had two guesses, the first one, those items that had exclusive sales rights in the region were not many in variety and had already been sold out by Shan Yuan Supermarket during that time gap.

The rest of the items that were not exclusive sales rights could not be distinguished even if they were photographed.

The second possibility was that after the poisoning incident with the Kafira red wine, the owner of Mountain Source Supermarket, Osmond, was worried that the other goods from unknown sources were problematic, so they were all taken off the shelves.

And by this time that supermarket employee had already been dismissed and he didn’t know about it.

By the time Kim Soo Hye went to the Mountain Source Supermarket to sneak a peek, the unidentified merchandise had long since been cleared out.

That’s why Lee Sun Mi ruled out Mountain Source Supermarket as a suspect.

Of course, these were just Luke’s speculations and no tangible evidence was found.

There was another interesting issue in this.

That is, why would Kafira red wine give you a stomach ache if you drank it?

“Boss Li, since when did your supermarket start selling Kafira red wine?”

“It’s been almost a year, this red wine has been selling well, and there are many repeat customers.” Seemingly sensing Luke’s interest in this kind of red wine, Lee Sun-mi laughed and said.

“Lieutenant Luke, if you like this kind of red wine, I will send you and Detective Marcus two cases when we leave later.”

“I wouldn’t dare to drink it.” Luke waved his hand, “Has this kind of red wine ever had any after-sale problems? Like guests experiencing physical discomfort from drinking it?”

“Never, why would you ask that?”

Luke did not answer, frowning in thought, a red wine that originally sold well in Jiangnan Supermarket, how come it had problems when it was sold in Shan Yuan Supermarket?

If someone deliberately poisoned it, what was the motive?

Is it the same person who put cyanide in the mineral water?

And what role did the suspects play in the Gangnam Supermarket theft?

The owners of the two supermarkets could not have poisoned their own merchandise, so could the theft suspects have done it?

“Boss Li, do you still want to find that gang of thieves?”

“Of course.

I want to catch that gang of thefts, and not just for the sake of business, but also for the safety of me and the store staff. If they come to rob us the next time we’re not off duty, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“I appreciate your courageous spirit to fight against criminals, and I can help you catch the gang of thieves if you need it.”

Lee Sun-mi froze slightly, with a slight surprise and a hint of disbelief on her face, “Lieutenant Luke, it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that this case has already gone on for so long, and a lot of clues and evidence have disappeared.

The investigation will probably be very difficult, and although I haven’t given up, I don’t hold out much hope either.”

“I’m not saying I’ll definitely catch it either, I’m just infected by your spirit and doing my best.”

“Thank you, thank you so much.” Li Shan Mei’s tone was filled with gratitude.

She had been in business for so many years, and she was long past the age of believing whatever others said, but Luke offered to help, and she had no reason to refuse.

“Boss Lee, I need you to describe the scene after the burglary, as well as the surveillance video at the time of the burglary.”

Lee Sun-mi sighed softly, “There was a power outage that night, the cameras weren’t working, and they didn’t capture the crime and the suspect’s appearance, which is the main reason why the police were never able to catch the suspect.

By the time the electricity came on, the burglars had long since run away, and only the scene of the supermarket in a state of disarray was captured.”

“Why was there a power outage that night? Was it man-made?”

“It was an area blackout, the community was notified in the morning that the power was out in this area, and it was my fault, I was careless.”

Luke’s eyes scanned the lines around him, “The supermarket doesn’t have a backup power source?”

“There is, but our supermarket has a large number of frozen and refrigerated items, once the power goes out it will prioritize the supply of refrigerated and frozen lines, the monitoring and lights belong to the same line, so ……” Lee Sun-mi reveals a chagrined look.

“This is a lesson for me, after the supermarket was stolen, I had the wiring changed and increased the backup power capacity, now even if the power goes out, the monitoring can be used normally.”

Luke said, “Even if we didn’t capture footage of the suspect committing the crime, we can at least see what the crime scene looked like, the surveillance video is still valuable.”

Lee Sun-mi got up and said, “The police have taken away the original surveillance video, but I still have a backup, I’ll go get it.”

As Lee Sun-mi got up to leave, Blackie muttered from the sidelines, “Luke, shouldn’t we be investigating the poisoning case first? How come we’re investigating burglary cases again?”

Luke said, “The people from Squadron 1 and Squadron 2 are investigating the poisoning case, not much more than the two of us, not less than the two of us. Be at ease.”

Blackie and Luke partner for so long, know that Luke has always been planning before deciding, not the kind of people who do not distinguish between priorities, could it be that the theft incident and the poisoning case has some connection?

Li Shan Mei walked over with a hard disk, “Lieutenant Luke, this is the surveillance video from the night of the supermarket theft.”

Blackie took the hard disk and connected it to the computer.

Luke asked, “Boss Li, what time does your supermarket usually close at night?”

“Nine in the morning to nine at night.”

“What time is the blackout from?”

“Ten o’clock at night to four in the morning.”

“What time was the crime committed?”

“The police aren’t quite sure, because the neighborhood is a commercial street and there are hardly any people around at night. The next morning, around six o’clock, the employees of the early shift came to work only to realize that the supermarket had been burglarized.

Then immediately called me before I called the police.”

Luke noted down the time, “Did anything unusual happen on the day the supermarket was stolen?”

Lee Sunmi thought for a moment, “It seems like no, there was no difference from normal.”

“Has there been a theft in your supermarket before?”

“Yes, but it used to belong to petty theft, like this kind of ransacking type of theft is still the first time, that’s why I’m afraid, if, my staff and I were present it would probably turn into a robbery, the consequences would be unimaginable.”

Luke nodded, “You’re right, there is indeed that risk.”

“Has there ever been a poisoning case in your supermarket before?”


“Have you offended anyone in recent times?”

“No. I’m a chronic person, a bit weak to put it mildly, and rarely get into conflicts with people.”

Luke took out the photos of several victims of the poisoning case, “Do you recognize these people?”

Lee Sun-mi took a closer look, “No, do they have anything to do with the burglary?”

“No, I’m just guessing.”

After understanding the general situation, Luke and Blackie started to check the surveillance of the supermarket burglary scene.

How to put it?

Cluttered and disorganized, shelves were down and stores were scattered all over the place.

These thieves didn’t have any professional ethics.

They didn’t just steal things, what they couldn’t steal they would also destroy along the way, it felt like an act with a revenge mentality.

At the same time, Luke could understand why the police in charge of the case were slow to solve the case, mainly because the scene was so messy that it was hard to find valuable clues, and the supermarket had a high flow of people, so it was not too realistic to collect biological samples.

If there was surveillance at the time of the crime, the hope of solving the case would be much greater.

In this case, we can only find another way.

Since he could not find any clues about the suspect, Luke was ready to start his investigation from the aspect of selling the stolen goods.

The suspect stole so much merchandise from the supermarket, it is unlikely to keep it for his own use.

After careful consideration, Luke locked the direction of the investigation on three people.

The first person was the former employee who was dismissed by the owner of the Shan Yuan supermarket.

According to Lee Sunmi, shortly after Jiangnan Supermarket was stolen, this former employee who was sacked by Shan Yuan Supermarket ran to apply for the job, and at the same time, in order to reflect his own value, he also revealed that Shan Yuan Supermarket had just gotten in a batch of goods from an unknown source.

From the time, the mountain source supermarket to obtain a batch of goods of unknown origin, it is likely to be stolen from the Jiangnan supermarket.

If the human evidence is the former employee of Shan Yuan Supermarket.

Then the physical evidence is the Kafira brand of red wine.

According to Lee Sun-mi, this brand of red wine can only be sold by one of their supermarkets in the vicinity of the Korean community, and it is unlikely that Shan Yuan Supermarket would have purchased it directly from the manufacturer, and it is likely that the red wine from Shan Yuan Supermarket was stolen from Gangnam Supermarket.

Two of the customers bought this brand of red wine in Shan Yuan Supermarket and drank their stomachs, Luke was ready to contact these two people customers, they can indirectly provide physical evidence.

With the witnesses and physical evidence, it would be hard for Osmond, the owner of Shan Yuan Supermarket, to deny it.

Seven o’clock in the evening.

Mountain Source Supermarket, a sign was erected at the entrance of the supermarket, on the sign was written goods recall.

This store sells Vixen brand mineral water, bottle mouth encapsulation problem, batch recall, tenfold compensation.

The sign was placed in a conspicuous position, and most of the pedestrians passing by would take a look at it.

Osmond, the owner of Mountain Source Supermarket, glanced at the sign, sighed softly, and returned to the store with his head hanging down.

Opening a supermarket is the most afraid of quality problems, he also did not want to put up such a sign at the entrance, but he had no choice.

Back to the supermarket, looking at the sparse crowd, than the previous day’s traffic to be a lot less, Osmond heart even more annoyed, look at who are not good, turned back to the office.

Inside the office, the TV hanging on the roof suddenly broadcast a news.

A female reporter stood at the door of the Detective Bureau, pointing at the Detective Bureau building and said, “The latest news, Chief Reed of the Detective Bureau has just held an emergency press conference.

Recently, there have been several cases of mineral water poisoning in Los Angeles, and there are two locations of poisoning, one is the Los Angeles Metro Station, and the other is the Mountain Source Supermarket at 402 Savoy Avenue.

It is now known that the mineral water being poisoned is Vixen brand mineral water, the specific way of poisoning is not yet clear, please pay attention to drink with caution.

Vison brand mineral water is a product of Vison, we tried to contact the person in charge of Vison, but the other party refused to be interviewed for the time being, citing a meeting as the reason.

We will continue to pay attention and follow up ……”

“FUCK!” yelled Osmond, so angry that he slammed the table, “Bang ……”

Still on TV, everyone knows that there is a poisoning incident in their supermarket, who would dare to come to their supermarket to buy things in the future.

Osmond was angry shivering, this supermarket he worked hard to operate for many years, did not expect to fall into a such an end.

“Knock knock ……”

A knock sounded outside.

Osmond was a little annoyed and growled, “Don’t knock, there’s no one in the office.”

“Cluck ……” door pushed open from the outside, Osmond fire miso upward, which idiot so no eyesight, do not want to do?

He was about to slope his mouth to curse, but froze when he saw the visitor.

“Lieutenant Luke, Detective Marcus, why are you guys back again?”

Blacky hemmed and hawed, “We came to check on you and give you a counseling session on the way.”

“I’m a tough guy, I don’t need that. Two officers, if there’s nothing else, please leave first, I just want to be alone now.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you, we happen to have something else to talk to you about.”

Osmond let out a long sigh and sat down on the sofa somewhat helplessly, “Why did those damn bastards poison my supermarket, why?

I’m really about to be pissed off.”

Luke sat down across the couch and smoothly inquired, “Do you want to know the identity of the poisoner?”

“Sure. You guys caught the poisoner?” Osmond showed a hint of anticipation.


However, we have found some clues, and the purpose of coming here is to ask for your assistance, I believe that if we work together we will be able to catch the poisoner.”

“No problem, I’m willing to assist you, there’s no one who wants to catch the asshole who did the poisoning more than me.”

“In your statement this morning, you said you fired two employees half a month ago, was one of them named Jacob Jones.”

“Yes, there was one named Jacob Jones, did ……” Osmond’s eyes widened and he seemed to have guessed something, “That asshole had a grudge and poisoned my supermarket because he was fired by me?

Right, it must be this bastard, he has long been harboring a grudge against me, and he is familiar with my supermarket, it must be him who sneaked into the supermarket and poisoned it, this son of a bitch.

Two officers, what are you waiting for, hurry up and go arrest him.”

Xiao Hei froze a little listening, “Your imagination is really rich. But if the case was solved so easily, there wouldn’t be a robbery and murder division, much less an unsolved case.”

Osmond said, “Don’t you think so? He’s got the motive and he knows the supermarket, there’s no better culprit than him.”

Black interrupted, “Hey, hey, watch the way you talk, what do you mean there’s no more suitable culprit than him. Investigating a case is based on evidence, not on your imagination.”

Osmond asked back, “Then what are you guys doing bringing him up?”

Luke continued, “According to Jacob Jones, there was an extra shipment of merchandise of unknown origin in your store before he left, was there any of that?”

“No, he’s lying, he’s taking revenge, the damn liar, I should never have hired him then.

It’s hard for a lazy guy like him to get a job, I gave him one because I felt sorry for him, if it wasn’t for my help, this guy would have been one of the bums.

I helped him, but he doesn’t know how to be grateful, he’s just a shameless asshole, do you guys think the words of such a person can be believed?” Osmond showed an angry look.

“You’re right, I never take people’s words lightly, I only look at evidence.” Luke turned his words around.

“Half a month ago, there was a poisoning case in your store when some customers who bought wine drank their stomachs.

According to your own words, the brand of those two bottles of red wine was Kafira, I contacted the brand owner, and they didn’t supply red wine to your supermarket.”

Osmond’s face changed slightly, “You remembered wrongly, I’m not talking about this red wine.”

“It’s useless for you to be sophomoric, I used the contact information you gave me and called those two customers who bought the red wine, and they both confirmed that the brand of red wine was Kafira. Explain to me where those two bottles of red wine came from?”

Osmond looked nervous and looked down as he snapped his nails, “I …… think there may be a misunderstanding here.”

Luke reminded, “Osmond, the police are not fools, don’t think of perfuming us with lies. If you tell a lie, you need to cover it up with another lie, more lies will not be broken.”

Osmond lowered his head, unable to see his expression, but he could vaguely feel his hands trembling.

Black pulled his fingers out of his ears, “Since he won’t talk, gather all the employees outside and take statements one by one.

Although the method is a bit stupid, I believe it will yield something.”

Luke said, “Osmond, you heard me, I’m giving you a chance. If you are identified by the employees, the charges will only get worse.”

“I …… told you all.” Osmund took a deep breath, pinched his temples hard, and helplessly said, “You guys are right, I did buy a batch of goods from an unknown source.

I was just trying to be cheap, who knew I’d get into trouble.”

Luke took out a list of items stolen from Jiangnan Supermarket, “Were these the items you purchased?”

“Yes, it’s roughly the same as the items on this list, where did you guys get them? Did that asshole Jacob give it to you too?”

Luke didn’t answer and pressed, “Where did you get this merchandise?”

“Bought it.”

“Who was the seller?”


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