Chapter 266

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:40
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Luke flashed his badge, “Lieutenant Luke, Robbery Murder Division.”

“Oh ……,” Markway stretched his voice and instinctively took a step back, “What can I do for you?”

“Darcy misses you and asked me to give you his regards.”

“That kind of joke isn’t funny.”

“I’m not joking, I’m telling the truth, come with us.”

“Wait, I’ve already made a statement, it was Captain Chen from the Second Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division who made the statement, why do I still need to go to the police station?”

“I know you’ve given a statement once, but you’re involved in a poisoning case that poses a serious danger to society, and the case is rather complicated.

In light of new investigative developments in the case, we would like to check something with you.”

“Uh …… so why don’t you guys call?

It’s rude to come straight to the door like that, and this isn’t my house, it’s my friend’s house.

You guys would be disturbing my friend’s normal life.”

Moses nodded, “Markway’s right, you guys are being rude, and if I didn’t have a good temper, I’d file a complaint.”

Luke ignored the comment, they were originally here to investigate Moses.

Moses had been to the Mountain Source Supermarket to buy red wine and was probably involved in the mineral water poisoning case.

Matthew checked the network IP under his name, and through the network, he found the device that had used this IP, and from one of the computers, he found traces of browsing black market websites, and the other party was suspected of purchasing cyanide with high toxicity, which led to his doorstep to carry out the arrest.

The discovery of Markway is just an accident, but it is also this accident that makes the whole poisoning case clues strung together.

From the existing situation, Markway was probably the key person in this case.

“Moses, we’re not only here to find Markway today, we’re also here to find you.”

“What are you looking for me for?”

Luke swept a glance and found that there were also quite a few neighbors around who came out to see what was going on, “This is not the place to talk, how about we go to the police station to talk?”

“No, don’t even think about it, I’m not going anywhere, much less to the police station.”

Blackie flashed an arrest warrant, “Moses, it’s not up to you.

You can either go on your own, or you can put on a nice silver bracelet and be escorted away by us in full view of many of your neighbors.”

“Even a warrant, why are you arresting me?”

Luke urged, “Cut the crap, put on something normal and follow us back to the station.

Markway, you too.”

“I don’t have time right now, I have work this morning, I’ll go to the police station when I get there this afternoon.”

“Darcy’s dead, what kind of work do you have?”

“It’s none of your business, as I said, I have things to do. I’m willing to assist the police investigation provided it doesn’t interfere with my work.”

“Then I’ll just have to arrest you.”

Markway asked with some reluctance, “Do you have a warrant?”


Markway breathed a sigh of relief, “Then you are not qualified to arrest me.”

Luke had originally thought of lulling Markway to the police station first, and looking at the other party’s attitude it was obvious that it couldn’t work.

However, this also showed from another angle that he was weak-minded.

If soft doesn’t work, then let’s come to the hard one.

“Markway, the police suspect that you are likely to be a suspect in the poisoning case, have a major suspicion of committing the crime, and have a great social hazard, considering the safety of the citizens of Los Angeles, I have the authority and obligation to bring you back to the police station first.”

“NoNoNo, I have nothing to do with the poisoning case, you guys can’t frame me, I’m Darcey’s agent, and I’m the last one to want him dead.

You guys can’t catch the murderer, so you want me to be the scapegoat?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to talk when we get back to the station.” Luke waved his hand, “Take them both away.”

Moses shouted, “Hey, don’t touch me, get your hands off me.”

“Are you going to resist arrest?”

“I’m going to change my clothes.”

Luke contacted Susan and told her about the scene.

Luke, Blackie, and Jackson then escorted the two suspects back to the station with the assistance of the patrolmen.

Ramon and Jenny stayed at the scene to search Moses’ house with the tech team.

On the way back, Luke had been thinking about the next interrogation.

In Luke’s experience, the interrogation in this case would not be easy.

Relatively speaking, Markway was a bit more suspicious.

Therefore, Luke was prepared to interrogate Moses first, to get some information from him, and in addition, test his attitude to see how much he knew about this case.

Returning to the Detective Bureau, Markway was temporarily detained.

Susan also didn’t plan to interrogate the other party for the time being, because the evidence was still a bit insufficient now, she had also applied for an arrest warrant and a search warrant, and when the time came, not only would she search Moses’ house, but also Markway’s house, in the hope of obtaining more valuable evidence.

Half an hour later, Luke and Blackie were arraigning Moses in the interrogation room.

Moses clasped his hands to his chest and glanced at Luke and Blackie out of the corner of his eye, his thick lips pouting.

Blackie whispered, “She feels so beaten up.”

Luke grinned, “Moses, would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, I don’t like cheap coffee.”

Black reminded, “You should adapt early, maybe today’s coffee is the best coffee you’ll get for years, if not decades to come.”

Moses was disgruntled, “What do you really mean? Are you threatening to put me in jail?”

“Hey, don’t always use words like threatening and discriminating, it makes me despise you, understand?”

“It’s my freedom, I don’t need anyone to look down on me.”

Luke interrupted the argument between the two, “Moses, do you know why we brought you to the station?”

“I just heard you guys talking about the poisoning case, I know Darci is dead, my boyfriend was his manager, and you guys are arresting me because of this?”

“That’s right, we found evidence that you poisoned Darci.” Luke tapped the packet on his desk, “It’s all here, we know all about what you did.”

“SORRY, what did you say?


You guys think I killed Darcy?

How is that possible, I had no grudge against him and we weren’t familiar with each other.

I had no reason to kill him at all.”

“You had a reason.

Your boyfriend, Markway, was Darci’s agent, and there was a conflict of interest between the two of them.

So, you bought cyanide from the internet and poisoned his mineral water.”

“NoNoNo, you’re talking nonsense, I didn’t poison at all, let alone buy cyanide.”

Luke pulled a file out of his packet, “We found out your family’s internet IP address.”


“There was a Dell computer that used that IP to log onto a black market site to buy cyanide, wasn’t it you?”

“I don’t have a Dell computer, I was using an Apple computer, I only use Apple stuff, never any other brand.”

“And who owns Dell computers?”

“Jesus Christ, this is horrible!” Moses slapped his hands on his cheeks, “I don’t know what to say.”

Luke pressed, “You used other computers to buy cyanide.”

“No, I said I didn’t buy cyanide, never have, and never logged onto a black market site.

It wasn’t me.”

“Then who was it?”

“I don’t know who did.”

“That computer was using your home IP, and you’re telling me you don’t know.

If you don’t want to talk to us, you’ll have to talk to a jury.”

Moses fanned himself with his right hand, “I feel so bad, I don’t want to betray …… me really hard.”

“Moses, my colleagues are searching your house right now, even if you don’t tell us, we can find out. However, at that time you are equally suspected of committing the crime.”

“As I said, this matter has nothing to do with me, and I don’t know who used my home network to log on to the black market, but …… I know who has a Dell computer.”



“Markway Sarkozy?”


Luke nodded, “You don’t have to feel guilty, you just told the truth and that’s fine.” Luke tried further, “Did Markway poison Darcy?”

“No, I don’t know, I don’t know anything. Everything I’ve said is true, if you guys hadn’t come to my door today, I wouldn’t have even known about the cyanide purchase.

It’s horrible, I can’t believe it.”

“How was Markway’s relationship with Darcy? Was there ever any conflict between them?”

“They used to have a good relationship, but …… recently there was a conflict.”

“What kind of conflict has occurred?”

“I asked Markway, but he didn’t want to say much.

However, I heard the two men arguing on the phone, and it seemed that Darcey wanted to terminate his contract.

Markway called him an ungrateful asshole.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Have you ever been to the Mountain Source Supermarket?”

“Yes, I’ve been.”

“What were you doing there?”

“That supermarket isn’t far from my house, and I go there occasionally to buy some food and supplies.”

“Have you ever bought Kafira brand red wine at the supermarket?”

“How do you know?”

“Like I said, we all know what you’ve done.” Luke tried to create an image of Moses as being in control, “How was the Kafira brand of red wine?”

“Not good? I’m just pissed off when I talk about it.” Moses cried, as if he was stuck in a bad memory, “During that time, Markway and Darcey were at loggerheads and hadn’t been very happy.

I wanted to make him happy, so I set up a romantic candlelight dinner and bought a bottle of red wine from the Kafira brand.

We drank wine and chatted, and it was a great atmosphere.

I put a lot of effort into preparing that day, but I think it was all worth it.

Just as we were about to finish eating, Markway said he needed to go to the bathroom.

I didn’t think much of it and waited for him quietly with a glass of red wine, but he didn’t come out after a while.

At this time, I felt some pain in my stomach.

It is the kind of feeling that wants …… to go to the toilet.

I walked to the door of the toilet and knocked on the door, asking Markway to come out.

But Markway said he had an upset stomach and would wait a little longer.

I was having a very bad stomach ache, but Markway was still occupying the restroom, so I had to go up to the restroom on the second floor.

It was hard to take every step, and it took a lot of clenching my legs to get to the second floor, just as I opened the restroom door ……”

Moses clenched his fists and pounded the table as if remembering something unpleasant.

“You pooped in your pants?” Black stifled a laugh.

Moses glared back, “Can’t you assholes have some compassion? Do you know how embarrassed I was?

Love dinner, romantic date all ruined.”

Moses covered his head, “God, that day was a disaster, a total disaster.”

Luke pressed, “Have you ever wondered what caused your stomachs to hurt?”

“Thought about it, we thought it was food at first, but we both like different foods, some he doesn’t eat and some I don’t.

It’s unlikely that the food we both eat would be such a serious problem.

Later, Markway realized that there was something wrong with the bottle of red wine, and he found a hole the size of a pinprick in the cork of the wine.

He thought there might be something wrong with the red wine that was causing both of our stomachs to hurt.

Later, he also fed our cat, Kate, with the red wine and poor Kate started getting tummy aches as well and stained my couch.

I should never have listened to him then.”

“Since there was a problem with the red wine, did you seek a claim from Mountain Source Supermarket?”

“I did want to go to the supermarket to claim compensation, but Markway told me not to, and he persuaded me for a long time, so I agreed.”

“On what grounds did he persuade you?”

“He said that Darcey often went to that supermarket to buy things and was good friends with the owner of the supermarket, and if we claimed against the owner of the supermarket, it would probably affect his relationship with Darcey.

Considering that he and Darci are in a cold war right now, I agreed.

I would love to help him.”

“Darci frequents the Mountain Source supermarket?”


“Has Markway been there?”

“Been there. However, I don’t think Markway is a suspect in the poisoning case.

I know him, and he’s a very kind person.

That’s why I want to be with him.”

Black asked, “Do you love him?”

“Yes, I love him.”

Blacky spread his hands, “That’s right, love is blind.”

After interrogating Moses, the two Luke’s returned to the office.

Ramon and Jenny were in charge of searching Moses’ house.

The vice squad and Jackson searched Markway’s house.

Both sides found some new clues and evidence.

Luke summarizes the evidence from both sides and prepares to arraign Markway Sarkozy.

Once the two sides met, Markway couldn’t wait to ask, “How’s Moses?”

“He’s fine, we’ve reached an agreement that he’s willing to testify against you.”

“Identify me for what? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Luke tapped the folder a few centimeters thick, “Markway, we did a lot of preparation and got enough evidence before arraigning you.

Darcey had flown the coop and he felt you were no longer of use, so he tried to break your contract and fly solo.

You were angry, very angry.

So you poisoned and killed him.

Of course, there’s a lot of little stories in there, like the Kafira brand of red wine and the fact that you even put poisoned mineral water in subway stations to interfere with police investigations.

We checked it all out.”

Markway shook his head, “I haven’t done any of these things you mentioned.”

“Looks like you still won’t die.” Luke pulled a file out of his binder, “Did you have a Dell laptop.”

“Yes. Is it illegal to use a Dell computer?”

“No, but using a computer to buy cyanide on a black market site is against the law. Even though you deleted it, the police recovered the content you viewed and the transaction conversations through technical means.

It’s useless even if you don’t admit it.”

“Even if my computer has records of black market purchases, it’s not necessarily me who operated it, it could be someone else who used it.”

“Your computer has a password and you’re the only one whose fingerprints are on it, so tell me, who else would use that Dell computer besides you?”

“That doesn’t make me the killer.”

“We found a black BMW in your garage, which should be your backup car.

My colleague checked the car’s CarLog, and on August 24th you drove near the subway station where the poison was dropped.

We also saw Tom, the teenager who helped you carry the mineral water to the subway station, in the CarLog.” Luke pointed his finger at the profile and said in a stern tone that

“Markway, you have motive, a record of cyanide purchases, contact with a person who assisted in the poisoning, and a trip to two of the poisoning sites, and that’s more than enough evidence for a jury to convict you.”

Markway was silent for a moment and shook his head, “I’m wrongly accused, I didn’t do it.”

“Then explain why you purchased the cyanide? Why go to the subway station? Why did you go to see Tom?”

“I didn’t poison!” Markway’s tone was firm, but he had no intention of explaining.

“You refuse to confess?”

“I’m not guilty.”

“OK, then tell me why Darcey terminated your contract? I know the outcome and I know that this is your motive, no need to hide it.”

Markway sneered and refused to answer.

“Come on, I’m just curious, you can make hypothetical statements and the court won’t take them.”

Markway pondered for a moment before slowly saying, “Hypothetical statement.”


Markway took a deep breath, “He’s an asshole, ungrateful little man.

He used to be just a builder with no future.

I was the one who realized his talent and made him a stand-up comedian.” Markway showed an angry look, as if he wanted to pour out his inner dissatisfaction as well, and

“I was the one who helped him step by step to become a famous stand-up comedian, and got him an offer from a TV station.

And this time, he offered to cancel his contract, son of a bitch.

You know what’s even more aggravating?

I value our collaboration and friendship.

I offered to lower my agent’s commission, but he still disagreed and still wanted to terminate the contract.

I asked him why.

This asshole actually said it was because I’m gay and it might affect his reputation in the future!”

“Bang Bang Bang!” Markway banged the table hard and angrily exclaimed.

“He’s just a funny stand-up comedian, bullshit reputation.

And I’m a person who separates clearly, work is work and feelings are feelings.

Never done anything beyond that, and he’s not my type.

Besides, he knew I was gay from the time we both met, and how he wasn’t worried about affecting his reputation at that time.

Now that he has a reputation, he dumps me with such a ridiculous excuse.

He’s just a total asshole.

He’s just insulting me!”

Looking at the other party’s expression of righteous indignation, Luke smoothly asked, “So, you poisoned him.”

“No, I was just making a hypothetical statement.

There are a lot of people with grudges in this world, but it doesn’t mean that hating someone means killing them.

I didn’t poison him.

Don’t try to frame me.”

“Markway, you should know very well that even if you refuse to confess, with the evidence found by the police, the jury will find you guilty all the same.

And this process might make you even more tormented.”

Markway smiled, “Lieutenant Luke, if I plead guilty, can I get a favorable plea deal?

Tell me about it.”

Now it was Luke’s turn to be silent.

“I knew it.

You can’t give it, you can’t give anything.

Even if I plead guilty, it’s the same death sentence.” Markway’s smile had a touch of ruefulness to it.

“I’ll see you in court.”

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