Chapter 267

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:43
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Robbery-Murder Division.

First Squadron conference room.

Susan pushed up her glasses and asked, still with a serious face, “Luke, how did the interrogation go?”

“Not great, he refused to confess.”

Susan guessed the possibility, but still couldn’t help but ask, “Does anyone have a way to pry Markway’s mouth open, everyone?”

The vice squad said, “The poisoning case resulted in five deaths and one injury, the danger is too great, the crime is too heavy, even if he voluntarily confesses to the crime, he will still be sentenced to death.

If he doesn’t plead guilty, there is still a chance to fight in court, even if the chance is pitifully small, there is a ray of hope after all.

So it’s not surprising that Markway made this choice.”

Susan pursued, “Vice team, you’re experienced, how do you think we should respond?”

“Actually, it’s not without a chance if we want him to confess voluntarily.

I think there are three ways, the first way the people he cares about are also involved in this case, in order to avoid the people he cares about from being implicated, he may take the initiative to confess.

The second is to use aggressive tactics. Many suspects who have committed felonies are already indifferent to life and death, and sometimes all they want is a breath of fresh air. As long as you find his soft underbelly, you may be able to fight with him to the end, even if he knows that it is an aggressive tactic.

The third method of probing him, this one I’m not very good at.” The lieutenant finished, took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat, and

“If those three methods don’t work on the suspect, then we’ll have to go to court.

What we need to do is to collect as much incriminating evidence on the suspect as possible.”

Luke agreed with the lieutenant’s idea and thought for a moment, “I’ve been watching Markway during the interrogation, and with my feeling these three methods won’t work well on him.

I’m not sure I can get him to confess.” Luke’s words turned to Vince, who looked aside, “Lieutenant, why don’t you give it a try?”

“I’ll take a look at your interrogation records tonight, study them, and arraign Markway tomorrow.” The Vice Squad didn’t push back.

He had been a cop for so many years, and besides the money, he did like the job.

Susan said, “The poisoning case involves multiple dead people, and the whole case is complicated, Markway refused to admit his guilt, so we can only leave it to ourselves to analyze the process of committing the crime and connect the whole case.

Luke, you have a more comprehensive grasp of the entire case, you analyze it.”

Luke didn’t push back and organized his language, “The focus of everyone’s attention is the mineral water poisoning case, in fact, before the mineral water poisoning case happened, there was also a red wine poisoning case in Mountain Source Supermarket.

These two cases have some connection, I think we should start with the red wine poisoning case first.

The initial point of origin of the case was the Gangnam Supermarket. The female owner of the Gangnam Supermarket is called Lee Sun-mi, who immigrated to Los Angeles through her cousin Kim Soo-Hui’s relationship, and received a lot of help from her cousin Kim Soo-Hui during the initial period of time.

After ten years of development, Lee Sun-Mi’s life is getting better and better, the couple’s relationship is harmonious, and the economic conditions are rich.

But Kim Soo Hye’s days in turn are not as good as before. The reversal of this cousin’s situation makes Kim Soo Hye very lost and resentful.

Under this long-term psychological gap, Kim Soo Hye gradually develops a grudge against Lee Sun Mi, and she does not want her cousin to have a better life than herself.

On the night of August 3, there was a power outage at the Gangnam Supermarket, and the surveillance cameras could not be used.

Kim Soo Hye puts several bottles of poisonous red wine that she had prepared in advance into Gangnam Supermarket, and she wants to bring down Gangnam Supermarket in this way.

After she left the supermarket, a group of thieves also tried to take advantage of the power outage to rob Gangnam Supermarket and sold the robbed goods to Sanwon Supermarket, including three bottles of poisonous red wine.

Three customers bought the poisonous red wine from the Shan Yuen Supermarket and had stomach pains after drinking it, and two of them claimed compensation from the Shan Yuen Supermarket.

One customer did not claim compensation from Mountain Source Supermarket.

This customer was Moses, the boyfriend of the poisoner, Markway.

It was because of the poisoned red wine that Markway was inspired to plan the next mineral water poisoning case.

Markway’s real target was Darcey, who often went to the Mountain Source supermarket to buy Wesson brand mineral water.

Markway was Dalsey’s agent and he knew Dalsey’s habits very well.

Darcey was a stand-up comedian who was prone to dry mouth during performances and would often buy some mineral water to store in his locker.

Markway took advantage of this to kill people.

He first bought Vixen brand mineral water, then used a tool to poison inside the mineral water, and then put it on sale at the Mountain Source supermarket.”

Luke paused even as he spoke and took a sip of his green tea.

Jackson took the opportunity to ask, “There’s one thing I don’t understand, even if Markway poisoned the Mountain Source Supermarket, how can he be sure that Darcy will definitely buy the poisoned mineral water?

Mountain Source Supermarket has a lot of mineral water, but only two bottles of poisoned mineral water were found, the probability is very low.”

Luke put down his teacup, “Not two bottles, Markway only put one bottle of toxic mineral water in Mountain Source Supermarket. And that bottle of toxic mineral water was bought by the female victim who climbed the mountain.

There was also a portion of the mineral water that was dropped at the subway station through Teenage Tom, whose purpose was to confuse the police into thinking that this was a random poisoning case.

The bottle of mineral water that Darcey drank was secretly put in by him.

He was Darcey’s agent, and there was no difficulty in doing this.

This was also the reason why Markway chose to poison the Mountain Source Supermarket.

Darci often went to Mountain Source Supermarket to buy things, including Vixen brand mineral water.

Once Dalsey was poisoned by the Vixen brand mineral water, the police would trace it back to Mountain Source Supermarket and mistakenly believe that he himself had bought the poisoned mineral water at the supermarket.

It would treat Darcey as a random victim of the poisoning.

This way Markway can escape the police investigation without any problems.”

Xiao Hei lamented, “This guy is truly heartless, in order to kill a Darci, he made four people bury him, including a twelve year old teenager.

He must be sentenced to death, this kind of person is horrible.”

Susan asked, “What about his motive?”

“Darcey had made a name for himself, had been offered a TV job, and was about to fly the coop.

Darcey wanted to get rid of Markway as an agent and the two men clashed over their interests.

Markway is gay, and Darcey may have verbally irritated him, making it even more unacceptable.

Struck by both interest and self-esteem, Markway was overcome with anger and chose to poison Darcey.

As for buying the poison from the internet, everyone knows about it, so I won’t go into too much detail.”

Susan flipped through the information and sighed, “This case involves multiple deceased people, and with Markway refusing to confess, we need to be prepared for court.

Gather as many clues and evidence for the case as possible, everyone has their work cut out for them.”

The lieutenant laughed, “I bet Red is going to complain about funding again when he sees us.”

Susan took off her glasses, “Then find a way to get Markway to confess.”

“Do your best, I’ll try.”

“GOOD, that’s all for now for the meeting.” Susan stood up, “Luke, come to my office.”

The two men entered the captain’s office one after the other.

Susan made a gesture of invitation, signaling Luke to take a seat in the chair opposite.

“Captain, what can I do for you?”

Susan sat down across the desk and didn’t speak right away, picking up her coffee cup and taking a sip, “I’m getting a transfer.”

Luke was a little surprised, although he knew he was going to be promoted, the Robbery and Murder Division had three squadrons, and Luke didn’t necessarily have to take over as the leader of Squadron One even if he was going to be promoted to captain.

“Where are you transferring to?”

“Directorate General Internal Affairs.”

“You’re moving up, congratulations.”

Susan had previously worked in the Detective Bureau’s Internal Affairs Department.


“But why have you moved back to Internal Affairs?”

“Actually, before I came to the Robbery and Murder Division, I was originally going to be transferred to the Internal Affairs Department of the Directorate, but there were just some accidents in the middle of it ……”

“What accidents? Could it be that the Heist and Murder Division has internal problems?”

“No, I had some personal problems.” Susan hesitated and spread her hands, “There’s really nothing I can’t tell you.

It has to do with my son.

My son was also a police officer before.

He violated some of the police department’s rules, and originally I could have helped him as long as I wanted to.

However, I didn’t do so …… he was struck off the police force.

There was a lot of tension between the two of us because of this.

He felt that I was too old-fashioned and dogmatic, always hanging on to the regulations, and didn’t understand the difficulties of frontline officers dealing with suspects.” Susan sighed softly.

“At the time, I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong.

I was following the law and the police department’s regulations.

My colleagues around me also praised me for being ironclad, but I could feel their detachment.

That period of time made me a little self-doubtful ……

Then there happened to be an opportunity when the captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division was transferred.

At that time, the investigation style of the first squadron was a bit out of the ordinary, and it was a famously prickly department, and Reed wanted someone to control the first squadron and standardize the way the first squadron investigated cases.

So, I transferred to the First Squadron.

Now that First Squadron has changed so much and has such an outstanding candidate for captain as you, it’s time for me to leave.”

Susan said in a sincere tone, “I recommended you to Reed, and I believe you’ll do a better job than me.”

“Thank you Captain.” Luke revealed a grateful look.

Although Susan, even if she didn’t recommend Luke, Reed might still let Luke take over as the captain, but with Susan’s recommendation, it was like nine out of ten.

From a certain perspective, her opinion was important.

If she didn’t think Luke was right for the job, then Luke probably wouldn’t be able to take over as captain of 1st Squadron;

Hypothetically, if Reed insisted that Luke take over the position, Reed would have to bear a great deal of responsibility once Luke took over and had problems.

So, this was the best possible outcome.

Luke asked rhetorically, “Captain, did you get what you wanted?”

“Sort of.” Susan said, “For nearly twenty years, I’ve been working in the Internal Affairs Department, and although I don’t like to admit it, there are a lot of differences between …… us and ordinary police officers.

This time, when I took over as the captain of Squadron One of the Robbery and Murder Division, I had the opportunity to further contact the suspects and also experienced the difficulties of handling cases by frontline police officers.

I have known these difficulties before, but the feeling of knowing and experiencing them is different.

This period of time has been important to me and has given me the confidence to face the work of the Internal Affairs Department with a better posture and a more comprehensive perspective.”

Luke smiled and asked, “Will you cover me if I make a mistake in the future?”

Susan froze for a moment, “Make fewer mistakes.”


Luke was satisfied with that answer now.

Eight o’clock in the evening.


“Cheers.” The investigation of the case came to an end, and the people came to the bar to relax.

In addition to a few people from the First Squadron, Luke called David in as well.

David put down his glass and asked, “I heard you guys caught the asshole who did the poisoning?”

Black replied, “That’s right, it’s the agent of the dead stand-up comedian, Markway.”

“Why did that asshole do the poisoning?”

David wasn’t an outsider, and Xiao Hei didn’t hide it, “The dead man from that talk show was going to terminate his contract, and this guy felt that he had been abandoned, so he wanted to get back at the other party.”

“I thought it was really a random poisoning case at first.”

“So did we.”

Luke said, “By the way there’s one more thing to tell you, during our investigation there was a stand-up comedian named Kenneth who lied about being a murderer in order to get famous.

We applied for a search of his home and found a large amount of D product that we are going to turn over to your Gang and Drug Enforcement Division.

In addition, we’ll be charging him with obstruction of law enforcement duties.”

David was unimpressed, “It doesn’t surprise me that stand-up comedians do drugs.

It’s perfectly normal for these guys to smoke D’s to stay high.”

Luke said, “Don’t give him a plea deal.”

David laughed, “He’s offended you.”

Black drew a circle with his right index finger, “Everyone.”

“I’ll take care of him.” David gave an I-get-it look, then turned to Black and asked rhetorically, “Hey, I heard you’re getting married. Is that true?”

“Really, I’ll invite you.”

“Doubtful!” David revealed an exaggerated look, “Are you crazy?”

“I’m sane as hell.”

“Then the world is crazy.” Still in disbelief, David took a sip of wine to suppress his shock, “Who’s the marriage partner?”

“You know him too.”

“You’re taking a backseat? Julian?”

“Yes, that’s her.”

“Are you sure you’re not fooling me?” David asked Black, but his eyes swept to the others.

Luke said, “It’s true, Julian and Marcus made up, and yesterday, they invited me over for dinner. The grilled lamb chops tasted great.”

David reached up and pinched Black’s face, “Why? Is something wrong with you?”

“Hey, I’m normal.” Blacky ducked back, scanned the area, and explained in a whisper, “Julianne’s pregnant and I’m responsible for her.”

“God! I really feel while incredible.” David exclaimed.

The lieutenant raised his glass, “David, you’re not alone.”

Jenny raised her glass as well, “That’s what I was going to say.”

Black was disgruntled, “Hey, hey, hey, hey, enough of you guys, different age groups do different things, don’t always look at me with old eyes.”

The vice team raised their cups again, “Bless you, I sincerely hope you won’t follow in my footsteps.”

Xiao Hei had a black line on his face, but he also knew that the vice squad was this kind of foul mouth, he just rolled his eyes and didn’t bother.

Serves you right for being a vice squad for the rest of your life, I’m not like you.

“Ringing ……”

Just then, Luke’s cell phone rang.

Luke glanced at it, it was Linda calling, “Hey, mom.”

“Where are you? Still working on the case?” On the cell phone, Linda’s voice was a little anxious.

“No, I’m having a drink at the bar with my coworkers, what’s going on?”

“Jack hasn’t been home until now, I looked at the comic book store and fried chicken place he frequents and haven’t seen him.

Called a classmate’s house to inquire and they don’t know either.

I can’t find him.”

“What about Maggie? Does she know?”

“I’ve added Maggie’s chat app before, and I sent a message, but she never called back, and I don’t know exactly where her house is.”

“You don’t have to rush, I know where Maggie’s house is, I’ll ask Maggie, maybe she knows where Jack is.”

Linda worried, “Nothing is going to happen to him, is it?”

“You don’t have to worry, he may not be playing with any of his friends, I forgot to tell you.

I’ll find him.” Luke reassured a couple more times and then hung up his cell phone.

“Guys, my brother didn’t come home and my mom is freaking out, I have to go find him.”

Black asked, “Do you want me to go with you?”

“Not for now.”

David gestured, “Call if you need to.”

“I will.” Luke said goodbye to his coworkers and left the bar.

Twenty minutes later.

The Calais neighborhood.

A Mercedes G500 pulled into the Cal community.

This community was not far from the Eno community, where Maggie’s family lived.

Luke had never been to Maggie’s house, the reason why he knew the location of Maggie’s house was still a coincidence.

At that time, Little Fatty and Maggie were still secretly in love, and the family didn’t know about it, and it happened to be returned to the community Luke saw the two people pressing the road and showing love.

Out of the responsibility of being an older brother, and of course more than likely curiosity, Luke followed them and found Little Fatty eying Maggie home with a goofy grin on his face.

Luke parked his car near Maggie’s house, and just as he got out, he noticed a sneaky figure near Maggie’s house.

With that height and size, Luke could instantly recognize it as Little Fatty.

Luke snapped his fingers and beckoned, “You idiot, get in the car.”

Little Fatty was a bit dilly-dallying at first, and when he saw Luke getting into the car, he followed into the passenger side.

Luke took a look at him, his body was not injured, his eyes were red as if he had been crying, “What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you go home?”

The little fat man lowered his head, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Seeing that he wasn’t hurt, Luke was relieved, he could probably guess what had happened, it was probably a small couple who had quarreled and were in a mood.

Luke started the car and prepared to send him home.

“Where are you going, old man?”

“Taking you home.”

“I don’t want to go home.”


“I don’t want to go home, I don’t want to face my mom’s inquiries, I’m sad enough as it is.”

“You’ve fallen out of love?”

“Is it obvious?”

“Why did Maggie break up with you?”

“I don’t know, I just wanted to find her and ask.”

“Then why don’t you go ask, instead of sneaking around and hiding out?”

“Her dad’s at home ……”

“And you were just going to wait outside until Maggie came out alone?”

“I don’t know.” The little fat man shook his head and said in a supplicating voice, “Can I come to your house tonight?”


“I think it would make me feel better, and maybe you could give me some experience.”

“What experiences?”

“The experience of falling out of love.”

“To your dismay, I can’t give you that. Because I’m usually the one dumping someone else and don’t know what it’s like to be dumped.”

The chubby little man reached for the car door.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“To see Maggie.”

“You got the guts to knock on her door.”

“No, but I can wait outside.”

Luke “……”

Luke locked the car door and said helplessly, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

Fatty covered his chest, “All I can feel right now is sadness.”

“Then just knock on his door.”

“What if his dad opens the door?”

“Just be honest and say you want to talk to Maggie, he should understand.”

“No, I haven’t officially met him.”

“Maggie hasn’t invited you to her house?”

“Been there, but it’s been when her dad wasn’t around.”

“Are you sure you’re not a spare tire?”

“You can’t say that about Maggie, she’s not that kind of woman.”

“OK, I’m giving you three choices now, first go knock on the door and meet Maggie.

Second, I’ll take you back to mom’s house.

Third, go to my house and sleep on the couch, a very hard couch.”

Fatty glanced out the car window at Maggie’s house, “I’ll take the very hard couch.”

Luke shook his head and took out his cell phone and dialed Linda’s number, “Speak for yourself.”

The chubby little man wouldn’t pick up the cell phone, “She’ll yell at me.”

“I’ll kick your ass.”

Reluctantly, Little Fatty took the phone, “It’s Jack.”

“Jesus Christ, where have you been? Why didn’t you come home and tell me.”

“I forgot.”

“What kind of fucking excuse is that, hurry up and go home, right now, right now, and get it straight for me.”

Little Fatty held the phone away from him, “Older brother invited me to stay at his house, I’m not going back tonight.”

“Not today, you have to come back.”

“I don’t want to.”

Little Fatty finished and returned the cell phone to Luke.

Luke said dryly, “He broke up with Maggie.”

“Oh ……,” Linda sneered, “You guys are really blood brothers, send that little bastard home.”

The little fat man shouted, “I don’t want to go home, I don’t want to be questioned, I’m bored enough as it is.”

“Very well then, don’t ever come back.” Linda hung up her cell phone.

Luke sighed, “Mom is concerned about you, what are you messing with her for?”

“I didn’t want to, I just couldn’t control my temper.” Little Fatty sighed, revealing a look of remorse.

Luke said with a straight face, “Losing your temper to someone close to you is a sign of weakness, and it doesn’t have any meaning except to prove that you’re not mature enough.”

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