Chapter 269

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The last transfer in First Squadron was David.

David was only a Detective Inspector and his influence was only localized, Susan was different, she was the leader of 1st Squadron and her influence was much greater.

Susan won’t be leaving immediately, and will be handing over her job to Luke in the next few days.

As the saying goes, one day at a time, the old captain leaves, the new captain takes office, and everyone’s style of handling cases is different.

The advantage of internal promotion is that everyone originally knew each other better, knew their roots, and the team’s bonding and adaptation period will be greatly shortened.

Among them, Vice Team Vince’s attitude was crucial.

This old man had been in the Robbery and Murder Division for many years, and could be considered a patriarch, so if he could gain his approval, the other team members wouldn’t have any opinions.

More importantly this old man was a prick, despite his age, his temper not only didn’t change, but it became more and more stinky, if he was dissatisfied with the new captain candidate, he would definitely spray.

While Luke was handing over the job, he was also preparing for Susan’s farewell party.

With the old leader transferring to a more important position, it was inevitable that he would be used in the future, and a farewell party was definitely in order.

However, Susan’s character is relatively introverted, too lively farewell party she may not like, Luke and other people discussed, we finally decided to AA system to invite Susan to dinner.

It is true that it is not a new idea, but it is very suitable for Susan.

The work handover lasted for almost a week, mainly because some case files and reports were tedious.

On September 9, Friday, the official handover was completed.


The crowd hosted a farewell party for Susan at the Arome restaurant.

The farewell party, in addition to the people from Squadron 1, also invited Deputy Director Reed, Squadron 2 Captain Chen Klin and David.

Luke had also invited David for two reasons, firstly David had been a member of the 1st Squadron before and secondly he was a standard prick and it was necessary to make a good impression on Susan.

The crowd was seated around a long oval table with a wide array of dishes, Susan raised a glass of red wine, “Gentlemen, thank you for a very thoughtful farewell party.

Those of you who were there know each other well, and a lot of parting words have been said over the past few days, so I don’t want to repeat them.

What I want to say is that no matter what department or position I am in, I will always be a member of the LAPD.


“Cheers.” The crowd also raised their glasses.

Reed laughed, “Susan, I still remember the first time I approached you and offered to ask you to be the captain of Squadron 1 of the Robbery and Murder Division, it’s really funny to think about it now.”

The lieutenant gave a curious look, “Tell me about it.

I’ve been waiting a long time for that offer and have thought of many reasons to turn you down.

But …… you never came to me.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

Reed shrugged, “I originally wanted to find you, but I prejudged you and knew you wouldn’t agree. So it had to be someone else.”

“OK, I forgive you, let’s talk about my main attraction tonight, I’m curious to know why Susan agreed to a transfer to the Heist and Murder Division.”

“No, she didn’t agree, she turned it down the first time.”

Vice Squad “……”

After seeing the look on the Lieutenant’s face, Reed laughed, “Let’s change the subject.

Who picked the restaurant tonight, the steak was very well done, I liked it.”

A meal was served to the crowd until after 9:00 PM.

Susan said goodbye to the crowd one by one.

Driving home, Luke’s car drove very fast, it was hard to hide his inner excitement, two days off on Saturday and Sunday, and he was going to officially take his job on Monday.

However, the promotion and pay raise is certainly a good thing, but it also means responsibility.

Luke returned home and saw that Little Fatty was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a listless look, although the TV was on, but it served more as background music.

Little Fatty had been staying at Luke’s house for a week now, and it was seriously affecting Luke’s solitary life.

On the coffee table was his leftover takeout, still fried chicken, fries, pizza, and coke, Little Fatty’s true favorite package.

Luke was a neat freak, a bit of a slight clean freak, and would have started kicking people out if it weren’t for the fact that Fatty was out of love.


Little Fatty looked back at Luke, “Older brother, you’re back.”

“How was your day?”

“Not bad.” Little Fatty nodded and let out a sigh.

Luke guessed that the other party hadn’t gotten over his lost love.

It hadn’t been long, and it couldn’t go on like this forever.

“Jack, do you want to talk to me?”

“Talk about what?”

Luke sat down on the couch next to the chubby guy and said with concern, “Are you still sad about the breakup?”

“No!” the chubby little man replied dryly.

Luke shook his head, what a tough-talking little fatty.

He felt the need to enlighten his brother a little more.

“Listen, it’s not right for you to be in this state, there’s no way to force love.

Instead of stalking and pursuing a woman, you should make yourself strong.

Putting all your energy on one woman, you’re tired and that woman will be burdened. You are certainly fine when you are in a good relationship, but once the two of you have problems in your relationship, you will end up in a miserable situation.

Therefore, you should focus more on yourself, make yourself stronger and better, naturally you will be liked by women.

Women are very realistic and they also like men who are more handsome, stronger and richer.

You should actively adjust yourself, understand?”

Little Fatty “……”

Luke said, “What’s that look on your face?”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I just want to tell you that falling out of love isn’t scary, everyone goes through it, and you should learn to grow through it.”

Little Fatty said, “Maggie and I made up.”

“Really?” Luke wanted to curse, but held back considering the two were a mom.

“Of course.” The chubby little man pointed to the takeout on the coffee table, “I even bought my favorite fried chicken to celebrate, we’ve made up.”

Luke felt a little redundant standing here.

After half a day of tossing and turning, they actually made up!

What kind of shit is that?

I’m still fucking here trying to talk people out of it, and to think about what I just said ……


“Then why did you just pretend to be moping?” Luke grimaced, suspecting that the kid was playing a prank to lure himself in.

“I wasn’t pretending.

Making up with Maggie did make me happy, but …… I …… got a little homesick when I was alone.”

“Oh, missing mom?”

Fatty nodded, “It’s the first time I’ve been away from home for so long, and I miss my own room, my own bed, and my own video game console ……

Of course, it’s nice to stay here, and I’d be happy to come for two days a month, but …… I’m still a little homesick.”

“Then what’s the hesitation, just go back.” Luke had been waiting a long time for those words.

“What I’m struggling with now is how to get back?”

“I’ll give you a ride in the morning.”

Little Fatty shook his head, “That’s not the point, mom hasn’t been actively looking for me. She must still be angry, I’m going back now ……

Thinking about it makes me feel terrible.”

“Nonsense, you’re staying here with me, it’s only a ghost if she can look for you.

She’s probably enjoying her alone time with a glass of wine and a soap opera.”

“But wouldn’t it be too humiliating for me to run back on my own in my dust. Why don’t you think of something for me.”

“What idea?”

“Get mom to come pick me up voluntarily and promise not to pursue the matter or ask about the breakup and I’ll go back with her.”

Luke “……”


Luke felt that this one really owed a beating, and he had the urge to pick Linda up and beat the little fatty violently.

He’d be sure to take a video of it on the side for posterity.

“I’ll think of something for you.”

“Are you sure Mom won’t give me a hard time?”

“Go to sleep first, we’ll figure out a solution together tomorrow.” Luke made up his mind that he had to send this little fatty away in the morning.

It couldn’t wait a day.

The following morning.

Luke woke up and did stretching exercises in the yard, then brewed a pot of dragon well.

While drinking the dragon well, he calculated his plan.

It was only at nine in the morning that Little Fatty woke up with a yawn, “You’re getting more and more like dad, you actually start drinking tea early in the morning.”

Luke laughed, “Jack, I thought of a way.”

“A way to get mom to actively beg me to come home?”

Luke secretly said, can you have some face? And beg you to come home, why don’t you go to heaven.


“Let her take the initiative to come over and beg you, do you think it’s possible? Let’s each take a step back, pretty much.”

“Then she must promise not to pursue this matter any further, and not to deduct my pocket money, not to mention the aftermath.”

“That’s no problem, I’ve already communicated with her.”

Little Fatty was curious: “How did you communicate?”

“Secret, it won’t work if you tell it.

But don’t worry, she definitely won’t pursue the matter of you running away from home after meeting you, instead she will be especially concerned about you.”

“Really?” Little Fatty was a bit disbelieving.

“I am at least a vice-captain, can I lie to you as a little kid?”

Little Fatty still seemed a little worried.

Luke continued to persuade, “This way, if I were to lie to you, this vice-captain would quit!”

“Hey, old brother, I believe you.

When we finish lunch, we’ll go home.”

You want to eat lunch?

“What do you want to eat?”

“Hai Di Lao.” The little fatty swallowed his saliva.

Luke originally still had some guilt, but at noon again by this kid pitched a hot pot, the sense of guilt suddenly disappeared into thin air.

A meal at Haidilao wasn’t cheap, and the two ate nearly three hundred dollars.

After the meal, Luke rode the Harley to send the little fat man home.

On the way, Little Fatty was still a little apprehensive: “Older brother, are you sure there’s no problem?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve already talked to Linda, she’ll take good care of you.”

“But I always have an uneasy feeling.”

“Put your heart in your stomach, it’s your home and she’s your old mom, the one who loves you the most.

In fact, if you miss her, why wouldn’t she miss you.

She didn’t come to pick you up, she just loves face as much as you do, as long as you give her a leg up, things will be solved.”

Little Fatty nodded his head, feeling that what his brother said made some sense, and his heart was much more solid.

Soon, the Harley drove into the Eno neighborhood and parked directly in front of Linda’s house.

“Jack, get out of the car, mom should already be ready to greet you.”

“Really?” The little chubby guy got out of the car half-heartedly.

“Tick-tock ……” Luke honked the car horn.

Soon, Linda opened the door to the room and shouted, “I told you not to honk your horn randomly while driving in the neighborhood.

Whoa whoa, look who’s back!

I thought you didn’t want to go home? Our little lost hero.”

“I don’t like your tone, I only came back after you promised not to pursue this any further.” Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit off, Little Fatty twisted his head and looked behind him.

“Older brother, you said ……”

“Woo ……” a sound of the gas pedal sounded.

Before Little Fatty could finish his words, he saw the motorcycle scurry away, quickly disappearing into the neighborhood streets.

“You can’t leave me behind! Can’t be like this!” Little Fatty jumped up and down anxiously.

Linda shouted, “Jack, come home with me immediately and make things clear.

Otherwise, you’ll lose all your pocket money this year, understand?”

After sending away the annoying little fatty, Luke felt that his whole body was free.

Returning home, he cleaned the house and removed the traces of Little Fatty’s visit.

Spent a leisurely afternoon.

In the evening, Luke asked Daisy out for dinner.

At the same time, booked a couple’s room at the Four Seasons Hotel.

This hotel had just spent $35 million on renovations, and the hotel had 285 rooms, as well as a saltwater pool, spa, outdoor fitness center, and other services.

It’s also best known for a three Michelin-starred Italian restaurant.

It was at this restaurant that Luke and Daisy had arranged to meet.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Daisy walked into the restaurant wearing a khaki colored dress.

Luke waved and offered to help her pull out her seat.

“Daisy, I love this dress of yours, it shows off your figure perfectly.”

“Thanks.” Daisy kissed Luke on the cheek, “Luke, you’re getting more and more tasteful these days. A three Michelin star Italian restaurant doesn’t come cheap.”

Luke laughed, “Is it more like me?”

Daisy nodded and moved forward, whispering, “But there’s no need for a date to come to such a nice place. I don’t want it to be beyond your means, that would all be a burden.”

Daisy’s comment was a bit out of place, but it was well-intentioned.

For an ordinary police officer, the spending here was indeed too high.

But unlike Luke, he had many sources of income.

Of course, there was no need to tell Daisy these words.

“Today is a little different, I have good news for you.”

“What good news?”

Just then, the restaurant waitress came over, “Ma’am, sir, can we serve?”


Luke said, “I ordered a few of the restaurant’s specialties in advance based on your tastes, you can keep ordering if it’s not enough later.”

Daisy picked up her red wine glass and clinked it with Luke, “Now you can tell us your good news.”

“Captain Susan has been transferred and I’ve been appointed Acting Squadron Leader of 1st Squadron for the time being.”

“COOL, you actually became a captain so quickly!” Daisy revealed a look of surprise.


“With your ability, it’s only a matter of time before you’re transferred.

A promotion and raise should indeed be celebrated, congratulations.” Daisy raised her glass again.

“Thanks.” Luke took a sip as well, “How’s your job these days?”

“Same as always, seeing clients, working overtime, preparing materials, going to trial, settling, it’s intense and boring.

Sometimes I really want to change my job.

But when I think about it, I don’t know what I can do?

Isn’t that contradictory?”

Luke held Daisy’s hand, “Then relax properly and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Daisy shrugged, “The client chose me, I have to be worthy of their trust and commission.

It’s hard to say drop it and let it go.”

“Ma’am and sir, here’s the first course of the evening.” The waitress approached with the plates.

The waitress started serving the food and Luke stopped talking about work and changed to a lighter topic.

This Italian Michelin restaurant was really good, not only did the food look good, but it tasted delicious, except for the price, there was no problem.

After eating, Luke and Daisy went to the couple’s room that was booked in advance.

Dating in this kind of place would have more atmosphere.

This couple’s room was decorated very cozy, much the same as other couple’s rooms, one feature was the bed, this bed was suspended, four ropes were suspended from the corners of the bed, and the bed would sway with the person.

Luke smiled, still trying it for the first time, and showed a few looks of anticipation.

“Are you sure we’re going to sleep here?” Daisy looked away, shook her head slightly, and walked toward the balcony.

The hotel was built in Beverly Hills, and standing on the balcony it overlooked the beautiful street scene, with its bright lights and artistic architectural design.

Luke wrapped his arms around Daisy from behind, “It’s getting late, wash up and rest.”

“You go ahead. I want to see the night view from the balcony.” Daisy showed a lazy look.

“Won’t you wash together?”

Daisy smiled, “I’m a bit tired today, I want to take a bath.”

“I’ll run the water.”

Luke turned on the faucet and came out of the bathroom to find Daisy still staring into the distance.

He didn’t rush the other party either, after working all day, letting off steam once in a while was also a nice relaxation.

Luke turned off the lights in the room, and then took out his cell phone and tapped the camera function, slowly sweeping through every corner of the room ……

It was a habit for him to check when he stayed out in a hotel.

The cell phone swept through the wall jacks and vaguely found red points of light.

Luke walked in to take a closer look, the red spot of light emerged from the topmost jack, and with his experience this was most likely a miniature camera.

This jack is right in the direction of the bed, if two people do something in bed can see clearly.

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