Chapter 272

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:03:55
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Four Seasons Hotel.

President’s Office.

Heinz Bucci was in his fifties this year, his hair was a little gray at the temples, he had permanently chartered a room in the hotel, and was almost always in the hotel within 24 hours a day.

He was about to wash up and rest when he received a call from the hotel manager, Arlie Pierce.

He originally wanted to tell Yali Pierce in order to stabilize the guests can do some appropriate financial compensation.

But from Yali Pierce’s report, things were out of control, and the police had already intervened in the case, missing the best time to deal with it.

He first approached Yali Pierce to inquire, and learned that the male customer was the management of the police force’s real power department, and had the ability to influence the investigation of the case.

The other man had even made the suggestion of martial lawing the hotel and searching every room, which struck Heinz Bucci as tricky.

Once the police implemented this initiative, it would have a very bad effect on the entire hotel.

First of all, it would directly affect other customers staying at the hotel, and would probably be subject to complaints and claims from other customers.

Indirectly, the impact will be even greater, once the incident will affect the reputation of the hotel, some guests worried about being secretly photographed may not book the Four Seasons Hotel.

The Four Seasons is a large hotel chain, he is only the head of the hotel, there is a group president above, once this matter has become a big deal, he will certainly be disciplined.

Heinz Bucci had been working in the hotel for many years and had a lot of experience, but he didn’t mess up himself, and after understanding what happened, he immediately had someone invite the two guests who had been secretly photographed to the president’s office.

“Knock knock ……”

A knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

Yali Pierce pushed open the door and led a man and a woman into the office.

“President, this is Captain Lee and his friend from the Robbery and Murder Division.”

Heinz Bucci glanced at Luke with some surprise, not realizing that Luke was so young.

To sit in the management of the police force’s real power department at such a young age, one would either have outstanding ability or a good father, and of course, there was a high probability that both were present.

Heinz Bucci also knew some of the higher echelons of the police force, but he didn’t want to use these relationships as a last resort.

This kind of thing, once you use a favor, you have to pay the corresponding price.

Secondly, he was not clear about the factions and networks within the police force, if he asked the wrong person, he would still be in trouble if he failed to get the job done.

Therefore, he decided to probe Luke’s bottom first.

“Captain Lee, ma’am, please have a seat.” Heinz Bucci revealed a professional smile.

Luke was also sizing up the other party, “What is your name?”

“To formally introduce myself, I am Heinz Bucci, the president of the hotel.

I’ve already heard what happened from Manager Pierce, the camera was not installed by our hotel, but the incident happened at the hotel after all.

We also have a certain degree of responsibility, and I apologize for giving you two a bad staying experience.

On behalf of the hotel, I sincerely apologize to both of you.”

Luke did not respond.

On the side, Daisy said, “President Butch, verbal apologies have been said quite a lot by Manager Pierce, but in each case, no substantial solution has been produced.

Almost an hour has passed since we discovered the camera, my time is precious and I don’t want to continue wasting it.”

“What is your name, ma’am?”

“Daisy Miller.”

“Ms. Miller, our hotel holds full sincerity in resolving this matter, and is also willing to make some appropriate compensation.

Any ideas and requests you have can be mentioned directly.”

Daisy said nonchalantly, “Before that, I would like to hear about your hotel’s past cases of customer compensation for the clandestine photography incident.”

“It’s the first time this kind of thing happened in our hotel, it’s never happened before.”

“But as far as I know, there was a clandestine photography incident at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York.

The victims were a young couple who were secretly filmed by a miniature camera after they checked into their hotel room, and the video was uploaded to the internet.

That girl chose to commit suicide because she couldn’t take the shock, and your hotel compensated the victim’s family two million dollars.

President Butch, what do you think of this precedent?”

“Uh …… I don’t know much about the Four Seasons Hotel New York, although we belong to a group, we don’t actually have much crossover, I don’t think that the accident at their hotel has too much significance to learn from.”

“You’re right, it seems like I’m talking to the wrong person, I should talk to the president of your group.

That’s enough talk for today then, I don’t see the need to talk any further.” Daisy stood up and made a move to leave.

“Ms. Miller, please stay.

I didn’t mean it that way, I really don’t know much about this case, after all, New York is so far away that I haven’t been there in years.

Like you said, if a similar case did occur at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, we could look into that as well.

Please give me another chance to talk.” Heinz Bucci hadn’t expected the other man to pull a stunt like that, wasn’t that a fucking lead into the gutter?

Daisy glanced at her watch and sat back down on the sofa, “You have five minutes left.”

Heinz Bucci was a little depressed, underestimating this woman.

Earlier, from Yali Pierce’s description, Captain Lee was the key person who could influence the investigation of the case, and he was not even clear about the name of the female companion beside him.

Heinz Bucci was also focusing on Luke at first, thinking that Luke was the one who was in charge, and the reason why he was letting this woman talk was nothing more than a love of his own feathers.

Now it seemed that she had thought wrong, this sharp-tongued woman was no ordinary person either.

“Ms. Miller, what profession are you in?”

“I’m a lawyer.”

Heinz Bucci “……”

He glared at the hotel manager, Yali Pierce, and wanted to slap him a couple times.

You play mind games with lawyers! What a fucking talent!

Being a hotel manager is such a condescending job.

Arry Pierce wore a bitter face, he wanted to cry.

What’s this shit?

An unreasonable asshole LAPD.

A reasonable asshole lawyer.

How did it all happen to me?

How did I get so unlucky?

Heinz Bucci coldly said, “Pierce, you go out first.”

“Okay, President.” Yali Pierce nodded his head at the three of them before exiting the office.

The moment he closed the door, a cold feeling suddenly rose in him.


Seeing that things were getting out of hand, someone would definitely have to carry the load.

He himself would not be pushed out to take the blame.

Heinz Bucci stood up and personally poured two cups of coffee for Luke and Daisy, and also used this time to think about a countermeasure.

Both of these men were also of status and didn’t look like they were short of money.

The purpose of their talk was certainly to claim compensation, but why not to fight for their breath.

As long as their gas straightened out, talking about it will be twice as easy.

After doing hotel management for so many years, he was still able to figure out the customer’s psychology.

“Captain Li, Ms. Miller, I’m really sorry.

After this kind of thing happened, our hotel didn’t handle it properly in the first place, causing a lot of trouble for you two.

It was my negligence and improper use of personnel, our hotel will definitely deal with the relevant personnel seriously and give you two an explanation.”

After making her attitude clear, Heinz Bucci further said, “Our hotel is willing to make appropriate compensation, Ms. Miller, you are a lawyer, what do you think is a more appropriate amount of compensation.”

Daisy said, “As I’ve said before, the Four Seasons Hotel New York already has a compensation case, why don’t we learn from it.”

Although Heinz Bucci was able to accept the compensation, he didn’t want to be the wrongdoer, much less the amount of two million dollars, and analyzed, “Ms. Miller, according to your previous description.

That female victim should have been photographed in an indecent video, because the indecent video was put on the Internet to broadcast can not bear the blow before committing suicide, I think that the two and her situation is still different.

First of all, this incident didn’t cause personal injury to the two of you, and the two of you didn’t take a break, you shouldn’t have been captured in a private video, and for the time being, it hasn’t been uploaded to the internet, so there is still a small gap in terms of compensation.”

Daisy said, “You’re right, the fact that the female victim at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York is dead and we’re still alive is the biggest difference between the two cases.

But the Four Seasons Hotel New York also suffered a huge impact on its business because of this incident.

The purpose of our negotiation this time is to stop the loss in time, as long as we have a good deal tonight, we can sign a waiver of liability, and anything that happens to the two of us after that has nothing to do with the hotel.”

Heinz Bucci thought about it and felt that Daisy’s proposal was good, he did want to end this matter in time, lest it cause a bigger storm, and if it really came to the point of the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, this president of his was also done for.

“How much compensation do you think is appropriate?”

“Four hundred thousand dollars compensation per person.”

“NoNoNo, this price is too high, the two of you were not substantially harmed.”

Daisy asked rhetorically, “President Butch, what substantial harm are you referring to? Physically, or mentally?

First of all, the camera must have captured the two of us, and has violated our portrait rights.

Everything we say and do is private.

Secondly, the surreptitious photographer may put the video on the Internet, which has already affected us.

I am an attorney.

If my client sees the video online, do you think he will still trust me?

Do you realize how much potential damage this could cause?

The impact could well be lifelong.

He is a police officer.

What would the public think of him if they saw his video? Will he still be trusted?

And, we have family, we have coworkers, and these are all potentially damaging.

Putting it into perspective, if a video of you and your lover was put online, how much more would it affect your family and your career.”

Heinz Bucci was stumped; if that were true, he might be done for.

But making him pay a hefty settlement was not something he was willing to do.

Luke yawned and got up, “President Butch, if you haven’t thought about it yet, why don’t we talk about it another day.

It’s getting late, I’m going back to bed.”

“Wait, please don’t leave in a hurry, I will give both of you an explanation tonight.” Heinz Bucci didn’t dare to let Luke leave, he was worried that Luke would affect the investigation of the case, which was why he was eager to negotiate.

Only by taking care of Luke as an uncertainty could this matter be put to rest as soon as possible.

However, negotiating with Daisy, he was a bit overwhelmed and underpowered: ”Two of you wait a moment, I’ll contact the hotel lawyer.

I’m sure I’ll let you two have a satisfactory result tonight.”

Heinz Bucci had notified the lawyer before.

It didn’t take long for the lawyer to arrive at the president’s office, and the two sides began to negotiate over the compensation issue.

After some bargaining, the compensation agreement was finally signed at two hundred thousand dollars each.

Heinz Bucci was more than satisfied with the result.

Compared to the two million dollars compensation from the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, it was already a lot less, and more crucially, he had prevented it before it happened and squared off Luke as an uncertainty.

Luke and Daisy were also more satisfied, the two did encounter a surreptitious photo, but at that time, the two just walked past the camera, it is estimated that they did not even take a clear picture of the front face, even if it was uploaded to the Internet, it would not have much impact.

Both sides feel they have earned it, and both are happy.

The hotel is not able to stay.

Returning to Luke’s house was already after one in the morning, both of them were a bit tired, and after washing up, they just rested.

The following morning, ten o’clock.

Luke made a pot of tea and sat in the yard to watch Daisy drive away.

Because he only rested in the early morning, Luke slept until after eight in the morning before waking up, seeing the shapely body next to him that was half-covered.

Luke was apoplectic and made up a morning cannon.

The body was soothed.

After Daisy went to work, Luke was also a little bored.

He is still on vacation today, and does not want to be bored to stay at home to waste time, so he drove his Harley to the beach to sunbathe.

To the beach, the blue sea and blue sky, step on the soft sand, from time to time there are seagulls skimming the sky.

Luke went to lie aside, spread a towel, lying on it, casually put the ice-cold Coke on a small table aside, a sea breeze blew over, the distant waves rise, someone in the sea surfing.

Luke took a sip of his iced Coke and watched with interest.

The surfer looked like a beginner, falling into the sea several times in a row and taking a few mouthfuls of salty water.

Surfing is an exciting and dangerous game, but also a good tool for picking up girls, Luke has learned on the Internet, surfing is very difficult, the water itself is flowing, to rely on a board to find balance on the water, the difficulty can be imagined.

Luke, even if he liked it, did not intend to learn it for the time being.

Because this thing is too much of a waste of time, you have to have that energy to learn.

Luke is usually very busy investigating cases, it’s not easy to take two days off, can’t wait to lie down every day, you let him go back to learning surfing, really don’t have that energy and leisure.

Speaking of learning, Luke remembered the various learning cards given by the system, at first glance, they are all skills that can be learned by paying time, as if they are not very useful, but in fact, they are extremely useful.

The key lies in the word time.

Everyone knows that learning to live to a ripe old age, but the question is how many can do it?

How many people out of school have never read a book, they do not want to learn? Do they not know the value of learning? Don’t they know that learning is good for the future?

Of course they do.

Why don’t they learn? Because they don’t want to get ahead?

Of course not.

Mainly because of the lack of energy and time.

Take the police as an industry, the work is dangerous, intense, high pressure, it is not easy to take a vacation, certainly want to relax, or psychological problems sooner or later, which still have the energy to learn other skills?

The study card solves this problem, shortens the time to learn skills, increases the motivation to learn, and turns the impossible into possible.

Luke was in a beautiful mood as he basked in the sun, blew in the sea breeze, drank an ice-cold Coke, looked at the bikini beauty, and then thought about the two hundred thousand dollars of compensation he obtained last night.

Luke now had over four hundred thousand dollars in cash in his hand.

Money is only yours when you spend it, Luke took out his cell phone and started browsing Amazon, ready to buy something to treat himself.

A watch was nice, it could be used as jewelry and show status at the same time.

He wanted to buy a Patek Philippe, looked at it and researched it for half a day, but couldn’t be bothered to order it when he bought it.

It is not that there is not enough money, nor is it that you don’t like it, but you just think …… it is flashy.

Spending tens of thousands of dollars to buy a watch, always feel like paying IQ tax, a little stupid.

Of course, it may also be that he just earned money, the temperament has not yet followed, wait a minute.

Luke began to look at the massage chair again, every day work so tired, go home and lie down in the massage chair comfortable and cozy, this is more practical.

Luke compared a few models, read the reviews, but ultimately did not order.

This time it is not a matter of money.

Rather, this is something that can not be seen, you have to experience it in person.

He looked good at the style and waited for the time to go to the physical store to feel it in person before deciding which brand and model to buy.

After playing with his cell phone for half a day, Luke was ready to stand up and move around.

Standing up, the view was better, more bikini beauties in his eyes.

“Eh……” Luke suddenly saw a familiar figure.


It was two.

Jenny and Jackson were lying on the beach not far away.

Jenny was wearing a dark gray one-piece bathing suit that wasn’t exactly pretty, but she had a nice figure.

Jackson sat up, talking and laughing with Jenny.

Luke felt a little incredulous and belly-laughed, how could the two of them be together? She was rubbing sunscreen on him!

He’s a little hesitant to pretend he can’t see? Or pretend not to see.

As Luke prepared to lie down again, Jackson inadvertently craned his head to look over and he froze too.

Four eyes met.

Then, Jenny noticed Jackson’s abnormality and also twisted her head to look over.

After all, she was a police officer, so this much alertness was still there.

“Lieutenant Luke …… Oh no, it should be Captain Luke.” Jenny was quite frank and waved enthusiastically.

Luke pretended to have just seen it and smiled as he walked over, “Hey, I can’t believe you two snuck out to hang out, why don’t you ask me to join you?”

Jackson stood up and stammered, “Uh …… we …… Captain, you came alone?”


“Why would you come alone?”

Luke laughed, that was a good raw change of subject, “I enjoy a little alone time now and then.

Rather, why did you two come together?”

“Uh ……,” Jackson was once again tongue-tied, “I come to this beach often, and Jenny loves to sunbathe ……

So, we came together.”

Now that they had met, Luke didn’t want to play dumb, “So, you invited Jenny and you two are dating?”


“No way.”

Both Jenny and Jackson denied it.

Luke spread his hands, “OK, I don’t want to be a gossip either, so forget I asked.

See you in a bit.”

Luke turned around and went back to his recliner.

After a while, Jackson came over and sat down on the recliner next to him, “Captain, congratulations, you’re going to be officially on duty tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” Luke raised his glass in greeting.

“Uh …… actually, Jenny and I aren’t what you think we are.”

“Which is?”

“I …… We’re roommates.”

Luke was even more surprised, “You guys live together?”

“NoNoNo, roommates, not living together.” Jackson waved his hand, explaining, “I used to live a little far from the Detective Bureau, and Jenny happened to be looking for someone to split the rent with, so ……

we became roommates.”

Luke smiled, “That’s a good reason.”

“We’re really just friends and coworkers.”

“I’ll keep it a secret.” Luke gave an I-know-it-all look.

“Confidential?” Jackson frowned, helplessly, “We’re really just roommates.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not Captain Susan, as long as it doesn’t interfere with work!

It doesn’t interfere with work!” Luke bristled, I’ll believe the hell out of you, there’s no such thing as pure friendship between a man and a woman.

You can’t judge a person by his appearance, this kid can ah, looks honest, actually lay hands on female coworkers.

Too shameless.

Suddenly, Luke also wants to find a female roommate, however, the first thing that comes to his mind is not Daisy, but the beautiful detective Ortie.

Shucks, shameless.

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