Chapter 275

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After making a statement, it was already five o’clock in the afternoon when they returned to the Robbery and Murder Division.

From the discovery of the body to finding the remains of the deceased only took five hours, this investigation speed was already very fast.

As long as the remains of the deceased were found, the identity of the deceased could be confirmed as soon as possible.

Luke checked the blue leather bag he found and found the deceased’s driver’s license inside.

Name, Novena Jones.

Gender, Female

Height, 169cm

Weight, 122 lbs

Eye color, blue

Hair color, blonde

Age, 21

Cell phone number, 626 836 348*.

This cell phone number is empty and cannot be dialed.

The age of the victim on the driver’s license is 21, but the preliminary forensic results put the victim at around 16, a difference of five years.

Autopsy results of the possibility of error is extremely small, should be a problem with the driver’s license, Luke guessed that there are two possibilities, the first may be this driver’s license belongs to someone else, just placed in the deceased purse.

Because the victim’s head was sawed off, it was impossible to compare the appearance.

The second case, the driver’s license is fake.

It’s common for minors to forge driver’s licenses, and they usually choose the age of 21.

Luke handed the driver’s license to Matthew for verification.

In addition to the driver’s license, some female items were found in the purse, however, they were not of much value for identification.

The single most important piece of evidence was the Apple cell phone with the pink case found from the tent.

Luke handed the phone over to the tech team to unlock it.

Professional things should be left to professionals, Luke had a pot of tea and the tech team cracked the Apple phone password.

The cell phone card was gone, but valuable clues could still be found on some cell phone software, such as call records and home addresses.

All these clues could help the police identify the deceased as soon as possible.

Soon, there were also results from Matthew’s side, the driver’s license was fake and the information was stolen.

However, the photo in the driver’s license and the photo in the cell phone were the same person, which should be the real appearance of the deceased.

After a day of investigation, the police finally knew what the headless female corpse looked like, which was a major breakthrough.

Luke rearranged the tasks.

The Vice Squad and Ramon interrogate the white homeless man to see if he is hiding any other important clues.

Blackie and Jackson went to the home address found in the cell phone to verify the situation and check if it was the real address of the deceased.

Jenny takes care of contacting the number in the cell phone’s address book.

The crowd split up.

Luke first took the cell phone address book and studied it, seeing the notes in the address book, Luke roughly guessed the occupation of the victim.

Most of the victims had more call logs at night, and some of the notes were replaced with letters followed by some fetishes, such as uniform control, foot control, leg control, etc.

Luke went through the call logs to find the contact who had a call with the victim last night.

The victim’s last recorded call was at 10:30 p.m. The call contact’s notes, Mr. Corleone.

This man called the victim twice last night, the first time he got through, the second time he didn’t.

Luke pointed to the number and said to Jenny, who was standing by, “Call this number first.”

Jenny glanced at the cell phone number and dialed the number with a spare card, however the phone was temporarily unreachable and there was no voicemail.

The first number didn’t work.

Luke picked a second number, this number had also contacted the victim at ten o’clock last night and had been on the phone a couple of times before, it would be a ‘regular customer’.

Jenny dialed his number, the phone connected and a man’s voice came across the line, “This is Tonys.”

Jenny said, “I’m a friend of Novena’s, he said you were great and referred you to me.”

“Why won’t that bitch do my business, I called her last night and actually turned me down.

I give her big tips every time, what an ungrateful woman.”

“Hey, do you have a minute? We can meet up.”

“Send a picture to see first, I’m pretty picky.”

Jenny tried, “Did you see Novena last night?”

“No, that bitch stood me up, she really thinks she’s the only one selling in L.A. FUCK, and she introduced me to you, what does she mean?

Not happy with my abilities?

I’m going to complain about her.”

“How are you going to complain about her?” Jenny asked in a worried tone.

“I’ll complain to Mr. Petrov about her so she knows what respect means and that I’m not someone she can tease at will.”

Jenny made a mental note of the name and continued, “Can you give us the address code of your home? We are now offering house calls?”

“No, no house calls, my wife will kill you and sit on her two hundred pound ass, wait for my call.

Oh yeah, send the pictures first.” The man finished and hung up his cell phone.

Jenny gave a disgusted look, “Can I give David his cell phone number? Maybe they haven’t finished this month’s quota yet.”

“Whatever makes you happy.” Luke shrugged, surmising from both sides of the call that the man wasn’t too suspicious.

However, he had provided the name of a man, Petrov, and if Luke’s guess was good, Novena was supposed to be a prostitute, and Petrov was probably her organizer.

Luke considered this for a moment and took out his cell phone and dialed Petrov’s number.

A few moments later, the phone picked up and a low voice rang out, “Who is this?”

“Is this Mr. Petrov?”

“It’s me, what can I do for you?”

“I’m a client of Novena’s, I have a complaint against her, I contacted her last night but she refused to do my business.”

“I’m sorry sir, Novena has a family matter and may be off for a few days. I can reintroduce you to a couple of them, guaranteed to have even better skills than Novena.”

“I still want Novena.”

“Then we’ll just have to wait until she returns from home.”

“Too bad.”

“Sir, trust me, I can introduce you to better ones.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it.” To avoid the other party’s suspicion, Luke didn’t say too much and hung up his cell phone.

“Jenny, have the tech team locate this cell phone number.” Through the conversation between the two parties, Luke judged that the other party should know something.

“As you wish, Captain.”

1203 Kamas Street.

Ruska’s apartment.

Jackson parked his car in the parking lot outside the apartment.

“Rookie, watch my face in a minute.” Blackie let out, stepping out of the passenger side.

Jackson sighed softly, “Marcus, I’m a detective just like you, and even though I’m a rookie, I’m not necessarily worse than you.”

“You want to compare?” Marcus asked rhetorically.

“I just want to focus on the case.”

“Very well, follow me.”

Black swiped open the courtyard door with the access card on the keychain he’d found in his blue leather bag and stepped inside the apartment.

It was an old apartment with no elevator, so the two had to climb the stairs.

The apartment had five floors, and as the two climbed to the third floor, a tall white man came down the stairs quickly and collided with Jackson.

Jackson ducked to the side and the two just touched shoulders and didn’t fall.

“Hey, watch it, you almost knocked me over.” Jackson frowned and patted his shoulder as if he was worried about getting dirty.

“FUCK, you fucking pussy.”

“Keep your mouth shut.”

“Wanna fight? I can smash you with one punch.” The white man swung his fist, gave a scathing remark, and continued down the stairs.

Blackie glanced at Jackson next to him, “That dumbass with the hairy bear accent cursed you and let him just leave?”

“If a dog barked at you, would you bark at him?” Jackson shrugged.

Blackie waved his fist, “I’d punch it, hard.”

Jackson said, “We’re cops, we could easily get in trouble if we get in trouble with a citizen for that reason.”

Blackie countered, “You’re not just wimping out because he’s stronger.”

“I’m not afraid of him, I just don’t think it’s necessary.”

“OK, I’m not the one getting yelled at anyway.” Xiao Hei went up to the third floor, walked to the door of apartment 309 and knocked on the door, “Knock knock ……”

After knocking for a while with no one responding, Blackie signaled Jackson to be on guard, while then took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

“Squeak ……” the door opened.

Blacky and Jackson entered the apartment room one after the other.


“No one.”

The apartment wasn’t big, just a large open room and toilet, the kitchen was in the entrance foyer position, and the two quickly determined that there was no one else in the apartment.

“That’s a mess ……,” Black swept the apartment and picked up the photo from the table, “That’s her, the same person as on the driver’s license photo.”

Jackson was also observing the apartment, “Uh, I feel …… like this apartment has been rummaged through ……”

“Ringing ……”

Blackie’s cell phone rang, took it out and smiled, “Captain, I was just about to report to you, we’ve arrived at the victim’s house and are searching the room.”

Luke’s voice came from the phone, “Marcus, be careful, the victim is supposed to be a silver seller, I just contacted her handler and found out through cell phone location that the person is near the apartment.

This person is most likely involved in the victim’s death.”

Black asked back, “Does he have any characteristics?”

“Petrov, as he’s called by others, has a hairy bear accent, and I have a recording of his conversation that you can listen to.”

“No need, I know who he is.” Black suddenly thought of the man who had just collided with Jackson.

They had gone upstairs and the man had come downstairs, could he have just left the apartment.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Xiao Hei wanted to chase down, but was afraid that the other person would run far away, so he had the bright idea to pull open the curtains of the apartment and stood next to the window to look down, searching for the suspicious man’s figure.

Jackson wondered, “What’s wrong with you?”

“That idiot who just hit you is probably related to the victim, we need to find him.” Blackie finished and pointed down to the parking lot, “There he is, the bastard got into a black Volvo.”

Blacky spoke into his cell phone, “Luke, we found the bastard and will take him back!”

Hanging up his cell phone, the two dashed down the stairs.

As the two stood at the bottom of the apartment building, they were just in time to see the car pull onto the highway, traveling in a west to east direction.

The two rushed to the parking lot and got into the car.

Blackie urged, “Drive and catch up with that asshole.”

Jackson started the car and scampered off with a kick of the gas, nearly cutting off a normally moving car as he drove out of the parking lot.

Black shouted, “Hey, watch the car, your driving sucks too.”

“It’s after hours, when the traffic is at its highest, I’m doing the best I can.”

Blackie probed ahead and grumbled, “Damn, I can barely see that car.”

“I told you, it’s rush hour, you’re lucky there’s no traffic.” As Jackson’s words trailed off, the traffic in front of him had stopped.

“Damn crows!” Blackie grumbled, “I can’t see the black Volvo at all anymore, I’ll lose it if it keeps going like this.”

Jackson asked back, “Are you sure it’s him?”

“Yep. You should have listened to me earlier and hit him hard! Maybe we’d have accomplished our mission.”

“One size doesn’t fit all, that would be a violation of police force regulations, and you might get a lawsuit, I did the right thing.”

Blacky wasn’t in the mood to discuss right or wrong right now, “That won’t work, we’ll have to sound the siren.”

Jackson asked rhetorically, “Will he be alerted if that happens?”

“What if he’s alerted now? At least with the siren blaring, we’re more sure of catching him, the control is in our hands.” After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he directly sounded the siren and lit up the police lights.

Soon, the cars in front of them began to give way.

The police car accelerated and spotted the black Volvo once again.

The distance between the two cars was also shortening.

Further ahead was a complex viaduct intersection with a high volume of traffic that was already congested.

The black Volvo was also blocked there.

Xiao Hei pointed ahead, “That car has stopped, quickly chase after it.”

Xiao Hei had just been excited for not long when he saw the driver’s door of the black Volvo open, and the lanky white man ran out and ran in the direction of the circular viaduct.

“FUCK!” Blackie and Jackson got out of the car as well and chased after him.

The lanky white man ran straight up the viaduct.

Blacky and Jackson caught up to the viaduct as well.

Xiao Hei had been working out recently and was more confident in his physical abilities, “Rookie, keep up!”

Xiao Hei sped up, wanting to catch up with the white man, while also observing the other party, if the other party made any dangerous moves, he would immediately draw his gun and shoot.

However, the next moment Xiao Hei froze.

The white man stopped, looked down at the viaduct, and found the right moment to flip over and jump down.

This wave of operation, Xiao Hei and Jackson were dumbfounded.

The viaduct was three stories high from the ground, and there was a high probability that he would fall and get hurt if he jumped.

The two men looked down at the viaduct and realized that the white man had jumped onto the bus, both lowering the height and the roof acting as a cushion.

The bus seemed to sense the anomaly as well, and drove a dozen meters before stopping.

The white man got off the bus and limped away.

Xiao Hei and Jackson were the other side of this wave of operation whole will not, the bus is now seven or eight meters away from the viaduct, the two want to jump can not jump up.

As for jumping onto other moving vehicles, they didn’t have the courage either.

In the end, the two can only run along the original road down the viaduct, and the white man robbed a motorcycle has long run away.

After Luke heard Blackie’s report, he didn’t blame the two men, but instead comforted them with a few words.

Suspects might sometimes fight for their lives to avoid being caught and jailed, but police officers were different, with families and loved ones, and too many concerns.

Not jumping was the right thing to do, and the police department didn’t encourage this kind of desperate behavior.

If something really goes wrong, the police department has to take the blame.

Besides, there are plenty of ways for the police to find someone.

Metzker’s Bar.

The men from the Gang and Narcotics Control Division were sitting around.

David was sitting next to Jones, talking and laughing with a few members of the team.

David had an impulsive and violent personality, and had not suffered a lot of disciplinary action for it in the past.

However, when he arrived at the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, he ate it up instead, and probably because of the reason why things are like that, he quickly mingled with the team members.

Just then, Luke walked over and greeted, “Good evening, guys.”

“Hey, isn’t this Captain Luke? I heard you got promoted to 1st Squadron Captain, congratulations.” Jones raised his glass in greeting.

“Thanks Captain Jones.”

David looked to the side, “Why are you alone? Where are the rest of the team?”

Jones laughed and teased, “Captain Luke, you’re not isolated by your men are you?”

“No, we took on a case today that was tricky. None of them were in the mood for a drink at the bar.”

Jones said, “No wonder you’re a captain, your mentality is much better than theirs.”

“I’m afraid I’ve disappointed you, I’ve come to talk to you about work as well, Captain Jones, I’d like to ask the Racketeer and Narcotics Division to help me find someone.”

“What man?”

“His name is Petrov, he has a hairy bear accent and probably has a gang background and is involved in organizing silver sales.”

David asked, “Got a picture of him?”

Luke pulled out a screenshot of the apartment surveillance video, “That’s him.

Also, I have his cell phone number.

However, he knows the police are looking for him, and that cell phone number is down and can’t be located.”

“Why are they looking for him?”

“We found the headless body of a woman in the river in Sutter Park, probably a silver seller under him, and this guy should know something about it.”

Jones looked at the photo and said, “I do know of a group of Woolly Bears who organize silver sales, I’ll check it out for you.”

“Thanks.” Luke pulled out a file, “Here’s the communication log for the silver selling woman, all the people in there should be customers, maybe you guys need it.”

“Thanks, we’re just about done for the month.” Jones took the information away, “I’ll let you know when I find out where that guy is.”

“OK, I’ll go first.”

David said, “Not having a drink?”

“Forget it, not in the mood today.” Luke waved his hand and left the bar.

The following morning, Luke arrived at the Detective Bureau first thing in the morning.

This was his first case since he took office, and if he messed up, it would be humiliating, and he might even lose his chance to change his job.

When everyone arrived, Luke called a meeting.

“Guys, tell us about the progress of your investigation.”

Black sighed, “SORRY, Jackson and I screwed up yesterday and let that guy get away.”

Luke consoled, “I’ve asked the Blackout and Narcotics Division to assist in finding Petrov’s whereabouts.

What else have the others found?”

Jenny said, “I compared the statements of the other bums and they are roughly the same, none of them have seen the dumping suspect.”

The lieutenant continued, “Ramon and I interrogated the greedy white homeless man again.

Based on his description, I roughly reconstructed the body dumping scene.

The murderer should have thrown the body into the river first before burying the blue leather bag in the pit.

During this process, he didn’t see the suspect using transportation to move the body. Coupled with the lush vegetation around the river, I think the murderer probably threw the body into the river on his back.

It means that the murderer’s body is relatively strong and should not be too old, at least like my age is certainly not able to carry it.

It’s just a pity that the river is so overgrown with weeds and the accumulation of fallen leaves that no obvious footprints were found.”

Matthew handed out a file to the crowd, “I looked up Petrov’s cell phone numbers and printed out a list of contacts.

Many of these cell phone numbers are anonymous cards, making it difficult to check their true identities.”

Jenny suggested, “Should we call and try these contacts again, like we did yesterday, to see if we can find out what Petrov is up to.”

The vice squad shook their heads, “I’m afraid it’s not easy, if Petrov is a silver selling organizer, he should have a certain degree of alertness, once he knows that the police are checking on him, he will definitely have a set of means of self-protection, it’s hard to catch him based on his cell phone number alone.”

“Knock knock ……”

Just then, a knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

David pushed the door and walked in, “Good morning, guys.

Captain Luke, not interrupting your meeting.

It’s kinda hard to get used to you sitting in that seat.”

David added emphasis on the word ‘Captain’.

Luke ignored it, “Any leads on Petrov?”

“Based on a tip from an informant, we’ve found one of his drop points, and I thought you might want to apprehend him yourself.”

“Sure. Want to come along?”

“Why not? It’s been a while since I’ve acted with you assholes, and I kinda miss it.”

Luke snickered, “Good, looks like we won’t have to bring a door breaker.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

Half an hour later.

Waikato neighborhood, number 305.

Luke and the others parked a short distance away.

David pointed to the gray house diagonally across the street, “That’s where Petrov landed, the informant saw him go back yesterday.”

Luke observed, “How many people are there?”

“Not sure.”

“But since gangs are involved, be prepared for anything, heavily armed.”

“You’re right.”

Luke then began to prepare for the arrest.

Ramon was in charge of the perimeter guard to prevent the suspect from escaping, and Luke and David, the former golden couple, were in charge of the arrest.

Luke put on his body armor, brought up his M4 rifle, concussion rounds, and with everything ready, initiated the order for a strong attack.

Luke and David discussed, ready to attack from the back door.

The back door was just a wooden door, just like Luke said, there was no need for a door breaker.

David raised his foot and kicked: “Bang!” The door opened with a bang.


“Everybody freeze!”


“Target spotted in the living room!”

The police searched the entire house and found only one white man, none other than Petrov.

Only, compared to yesterday’s arrogant attitude, the Petrov at this moment was a bit miserable.

He was tied to a chair, unable to move, his mouth was gagged with a towel, and there were quite a few bruises on his body, as if he had been severely beaten.

Luke carefully observed the other party’s injuries, there is no fatal injuries, Petrov saw the police was very excited, the mouth issued a “whimpering” sound.

To Luke’s surprise, Petrov’s hands and feet were bandaged with cotton, and there was a blood-soaked shoe box next to him.

David walked over and carefully opened the lid of the shoe box and sucked in a breath of cold air, in the shoe box were placed four thumbs, two thumbs of the hands and two thumbs of the feet.

Xiao Hei was also a little surprised, he thought of many situations, completely did not expect this, “Petrov hand and foot thumbs were chopped?”

“Oooo……” Hearing this, Petrov screamed even louder, a look of pain and anger on his face.

David threw the box to the ground, “Without the thumb, it’s like a tiger without its sharp claws, this guy is half wasted.”

Luke frowned and scanned the room, he hadn’t expected anything like this either.

Who had tied Petrov up and tortured him?

The female victim had her head cut off, and Petrov had four thumbs cut off; had the same suspect done it?

Then why didn’t the killer kill Petrov?

Still, it’s good news that Petrov likely met the killer.

“Remove the towel from his mouth.”

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