Chapter 276

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:08
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Even buy the fuck!

My hands, my feet, that beast ……

Hurry up and get me to a hospital.” Petrov hissed in a hoarse voice.

Black cursed, “FUCK, who are you calling an animal?”

“I’m not cursing you guys, I’m cursing the asshole who tortured me.

Take me to the hospital, I don’t want to become an invalid.” Petrov had long since lost the hardness he had before, and only hoped to get to the hospital sooner, and maybe even get his broken hand attached.

Luke snapped his fingers, “Contact the ambulance.”

David bristled, “It’s no use, too much time has passed, it’s already hard to reattach it.”

Petrov cursed again, “FUCK, I @#$%&……

My hands, my feet, that beast, I’m going to kill him, I’m going to get him.”

Blacky was disgruntled, “In front of the police, is it polite for you to talk like that?”

“I don’t give a damn about fucking politeness, I just want to kill that bastard now, FUCK!”

Luke instructed in order to avoid aggravating the conflict, “Marcus, you take the men and search the house, David and I will talk to this friend.”

“OK, I don’t want to see this idiot again either.” Blacky turned to leave and accidentally kicked the shoe box, with an exaggerated face, he said, “I don’t mean it, please forgive me once.”

Petrov stared at Blacky, then at the shoe box, revealing a look of heartache, and cracked, “Damn nigger, I @#$%&……”

“You’re the nigger, your whole family’s a nigger.”

David slapped his hand to get Petrov’s attention, “HI, BOY, let’s talk about what happened last night.”

Petrov questioned, “I’m the victim now, can’t you put me down first?”

Luke wasn’t impressed with the guy, but still said in a sincere tone, “SORRY, we’re not sure of your injuries, it’s not a good idea to mess with your body, the ambulance will be here soon.

How about we talk first?”

“What do you guys want to talk about?”

“Do you know Novena Jones?”

Petrov hesitated, “Yes.”

“What is your relationship?”

“Not much of a relationship, just an acquaintance.”

“Known each other how?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Then think carefully.”

“My hands and feet hurt, I can’t think.”

Luke said coldly, “Petrov, we did a lot of research before we found you and know very well your identity, occupation and the crimes you committed.

You dismissed it with a flippant statement that you can’t recall.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I need to rest.” Petrov breathed heavily.

David, who was on the sidelines, whispered a reminder, “These gangsters are tough-talking, especially the Woolly Bears, and it won’t be easy to pry his mouth open.”

Luke nodded and changed the question, “So let’s talk about last night.”

Petrov didn’t seem to want to reminisce about last night and asked instead of answering, “Has the ambulance not come yet? Why has it taken so long to get me to the hospital?”

Blackie probed, “It’s possible that there’s a traffic jam, just like yesterday evening.”

“I’m not talking to you, damn black ……,” Petrov said halfway through his sentence, didn’t dare to say it.

“The ambulance will be here soon, until then, talking will distract you from the pain.” Luke soothed, smoothly inquiring, “Do you recognize the suspect who tortured you last night?”


“Describe what he looked like.”

“He was wearing a mask, I couldn’t see what he looked like.”

“What kind of mask?”

“I can’t remember.”

“Tell me about his physical features, white, African-American, Asian, Mexican?”

“I can’t remember.”

Luke asked patiently, “You can’t remember such obvious features?”

“Yes. My arms and legs are injured and it hurts too much to recall.”

“And what did he say to you last night?”


“Then why did he cut off your thumb?”

“I don’t know, you should ask the creep, not me.”

“Look, if you want to find the pervert, answer my questions, understand?”

“I don’t want to say anything right now.”

“You don’t want to find the pervert who tortured you?”

“And I will find him and kill him myself.” Petrov gritted his teeth, for him the current situation was worse than killing him.

“You’re going to be in the hospital for a long time, by then he’ll have long since run away, where are you going to find him?

Why don’t you tell us about him and we’ll help you catch him.”

Petrov thought about it and revealed a fierce look, “He can’t run away, he definitely can’t run away.”

Luke frowned slightly, this guy’s attitude made it clear that he didn’t want to cooperate.

David said, “He’s not alone, there’s a gang behind him, and he thinks that the gang’s people will help him take revenge.

And what happened last night might involve the gang, he doesn’t dare to say.”

“Dare not say.” Luke sneered with some disdain, “I reckon, he even said the color of his wife’s panties last night.”

Luke’s words seemed to have poked the other party’s pain point, Petrov’s face changed greatly, and he cursed loudly, “FUCK! I’m @#$%&……”

After a while, when the other party finished cursing, Luke continued, “Look at you now, you’re already half a wreck.

After so much time has passed, can your hand still be attached?

I think you know it very well in your heart.”

Seeing a slight change in the other party’s complexion, Luke continued, “Taking a step back, even if you are exceptionally lucky and connect it, it’s not the same as the original.

You are no longer valuable to the gang.

Do you think they’ll still help you get revenge?”

Petrov’s complexion changed and changed, “At least …… I’m still alive.”

“OK, it seems that you did tell a lot of great truths last night.” Seeing the other party’s attitude, Luke knew that there was no need to ask anymore.

Sometimes, the threat of gangs did work better than the law.

“Why hasn’t the ambulance come yet? Why?”

“Already called, stay honest.” Luke made a perfunctory comment, you’re not even cooperating with the investigation, and you’re still thinking of getting the police’s attention.

Dream on.

Blackie came over and said, “Captain, we found a black suitcase in the bedroom, which contained clothes, cash, and passports.”

David smiled, “It seems that Mr. Petrov was ready to go out for shelter, but unfortunately it was too late.

Mr. Petrov, can I interview you about your current mood?”

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” a sad, angry look appeared on Petrov’s face, “I will kill him, for sure.”

Black sat down on the couch next to him, “Life encounters are really strange. The two of us chased you last night, you ran so fast, even going so far as to jump off the viaduct.

It was very brave, neither of us could do that.

However, now imagine if you hadn’t jumped down at that time, but instead chose to cooperate with the police and assist them in their investigation.

You might not have had to encounter all this.”

“Stop talking, damn nigger, I don’t want to hear from you again!”

“Why are you so manic, I’m just helping you analyze. Stop being obsessive, your gang brothers can’t help you, the only ones who can help you now are the LAPD.

Only us.”

“I don’t need y’all to help me, and you better leave me alone, nigga.” Petrov yelled, looking very agitated, even as blood seeped from the cotton on his wound once again.

Some of Black’s ‘good intentions’ were not understood after all.

Paramedics rushed to the scene and carried Petrov to the ambulance, where he was escorted by the police to the hospital for treatment.

Luke was a little depressed, this was why he didn’t like dealing with gang members.

In their view gang rules outweighed the law, and their associates were scarier than the police.

Robbery and Murder Division Office.

David sat at his old desk, “It still feels the same, haha.”

Black asked, “Have you considered coming back? There’s a shortage of lieutenants on the team right now?”

“No, I’m fine in the Anti-Triad and Narcotics Division, the two departments can share resources and take care of each other.” David finished and asked rhetorically, “Are you kid still a detective?”

Black rolled his eyes, “Not anytime soon.”

“That’s not for you to say.” David let out another merciless scoff.

“I take it back, you assholes better not come back.”

David bristled, “You’re the fickle nuisance.”

“I’m not a nuisance, everyone likes me. I’m not like you.”

“Are you serious about that?”

“Of course, I’m much more popular than you. No one doesn’t like the smiling Marcus. And you’re a violent maniac.”

Not to be offended, David looked aside at Jackson, “Hey man, do you like that pain in the ass?”

Jackson gave a difficult look, “Lieutenant David, may I decline to answer that question?”

“Of course, your attitude says it all, haha.” David laughed indulgently.

Black rolled his eyes, “You should have said like, we should be on the same page.”

Luke came over with a cup of jasmine tea and said breathlessly, “Guys, let’s get down to business.

This is a topic better suited for the bar.”

Luke sat down at his original desk and said with a serious look on his face, “Two days, two victims, one with his head cut off and one with his thumb cut off.

The tech team found no biological samples from the suspects at the scene.

Currently, we don’t know the suspect’s motive or whether he will continue to commit crimes.

And the victim of the case, Petrov, is reluctant to give us a lead on the suspect, so let’s hear what everyone has to say.”

Xiao Hei was the first to speak up, “I think this case is most likely a gang fight, which can be seen from Petrov’s attitude.”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xiao Hei straightened up and continued to analyze, “Petrov belongs to the Woolly Bear Gang, and they control a lot of silver-selling women, while there is more than one gang in Los Angeles that sells silver, and there may be a conflict of interest between them.”

Luke felt that Blackie’s words had some truth in them, and asked David, who was at the side, “What do you think?”

“The Woolly Bear Gang engages in smuggling, selling silver and other illegal transactions.

Generally speaking, the conflict of interest between gangs has been around for a long time, not caused in a day or two, and there are frictions between gangs from time to time.

The essence of the conflict is still interest, and there are signs before a formal firefight, such as small clashes, threats, vandalism and the like.

But we haven’t received any news of gang conflicts lately.

It’s not common to see direct killings like this right off the bat, and in an extremely brutal way.

For the gangs that organize the silver sales, the women are just tools to make money and are not strictly part of the gang.

The other gang members seldom hurt the silver sellers, at most they would beat them up, and almost never kill each other in such a brutal way.

Their target is still the rival gangs, and as long as they can defeat the rival gangs, they can even integrate the other gang’s silver sellers and make them serve and earn money for themselves.

Personally, I feel that a gang conflict is unlikely.”

The vice squad said, “I agree with David’s words.

Conflicts between gangs are commonly seen in shootings, killing someone with such brutal means will instead attract the attention of the police, which is not good for them.

Judging from the way of killing, this is more like a revenge killing.

It’s just that we haven’t figured out the suspect’s motive for the killing.” The lieutenant took a comb and gathered his gray hair, continuing.

“I think to find out the suspect’s motive, we can start investigating from two aspects.

The first is to pry open Petrov’s mouth, he has had close contact with the suspect and must know some important clues.

He won’t tell the police, but he’ll surely talk to his fellow gang members.

We can monitor Petrov’s gang, they should make a move next.

The second direction is to investigate the commonalities between Petrov and the female victim to see who they offended.”

Luke thought about it and accepted the vice squad’s proposal, and after some comprehensive consideration, he said, “David, you’ll be in charge of keeping an eye on the gang side.

Once Petrov gets in touch with the gang, the latter will most likely make the next move.

Petrov’s mouth refuses to say anything, so let’s see what he and the gang do.

The body can be much more honest than the mouth.”

David nodded, “Leave it to me.”

Luke continued, “The other thing is the identity of the female victim. Although we know her appearance, we are not sure of her exact identity, I think Petrov and the gang he is in should know the real identity of the female victim.

Can we find a way to find out?”

David thought for a moment, “The Woolly Bear Gang are all hardened criminals, and it’s hard to get them to sell out their gang’s interests.

Moreover, with my understanding of the Woolly Bear Gang, this underage female victim was most likely smuggled from Eastern Europe, and has no identity in the United States, much less friends or family.

The only people who know her true identity, besides the gang members, are probably the silver sellers who were abducted here with her.

But these silver selling women are controlled by the gangs, and they are equally afraid to say anything.”

Luke said, “What if we promise to provide them with security?”

David said helplessly, “In fact, what they are really worried about may not be their own safety, the United States is so big, they can go to New York, Las Vegas, Hawaii, or any other city if they want to run, and the Woolly Bear Gang will have a hard time finding them.

But their families are still in Eastern Europe, they can’t run away, and they can’t get away.

If they damage the interests of the Woolly Bear Gang, it’s not only them who will be punished, but also their families who may be involved, and that’s the real means by which the gangs control them.

Therefore, we usually don’t easily contact these silver selling women, it’s hard to get valuable information out of their mouths.

Instead, it might bring them trouble.”

Jackson said, “If they are so pitiful, why don’t we break up the gang?”

David laughed, “There are more gangs in the United States, things are far more complicated than you think, we can absolutely suppress them, and no gang would dare to offend the LAPD.

But if we have to sweep them away, then the nature will completely change, the existing rules and order will be broken, and every one of them has a gun ……

So, we can only target our strikes.

Take the silver seller women controlled by the Woolly Bear Gang, not all of them are coerced, some of them are tricked into coming here, and some of them come voluntarily.”

After listening to David’s explanation, Luke had an in-depth understanding of the Hairy Bear Gang, and the investigation of the Hairy Bear Gang was left to David.

As Squadron One investigated the commonalities between the two victims, Luke instructed, “Marcus, Jackson, you two are in charge of investigating the surveillance around Petrov’s house to see if there are any suspicious people.

Ramon, Jenny are responsible for comparing the communication records of the two victims and checking for common contacts.

Focus on investigating that last contact on the night the female victim was killed.”

After arranging the tasks, the people split up.

Luke called David to his office and opened the door, “I want to talk to the boss of the Woolly Bear Gang. Do you think it’s necessary?”

David surveyed the familiar and unfamiliar office, “If he is willing to assist in the investigation, it would definitely be helpful, but with my knowledge of the Woolly Bear Gang, it’s highly unlikely.”

“So what do you think?”

David said, “I will contact the boss of the Hairy Bear Gang, if the other party is willing to assist the police in investigating the case, naturally that would be good.

If the other party is unwilling, I will then secretly keep an eye on their movements.

You shouldn’t hold out too much hope.”

“OK, just do as you said.”

After sending David away, Luke went to the director’s office and reported the situation to Reed.

After listening to the report, Reed didn’t say anything and let Luke leave.

According to Reed’s past habits, he would definitely push for the case to be solved as soon as possible, but Luke had just taken office, and he was worried about being too much for the pressure, so he simply didn’t say anything.

Luke returned to his office, summarized all the clues and reanalyzed the whole case, he always felt that there was something wrong with these two cases.

The suspect killed the female victim and was capable of killing Petrov, but why didn’t he do it?

Was Petrov’s refusal to talk about the suspect’s clues really just a fear of the gang’s secrets being leaked?

What information did the suspect actually get from him?

To put it another way, if the suspect wasn’t trying to kill anyone in the first place.

Then could the female victim’s death have been an accident.

Luke compared the files of the two cases carefully. Petrov was persecuted in his own home, and the suspect’s methods were so professional that no biological samples were left behind.

The female victim has only been traced to the scene of the dumping, not yet to the scene of the murder.

Luke felt the need to investigate the trajectory of the female victim’s movements during her lifetime ……

Just after six in the afternoon.

Jenny quickly walked into the captain’s office, “Captain, the cell phone number of the last call with the female victim the night before last is on.”

Luke immediately put down his work at hand and went out of the office.

This person was important, he was probably the last one who had contacted the female victim.

Even if he wasn’t a suspect, he might know something and provide some valuable clues to solve the case.

Jenny inquired, “Do you want me to contact him?”

Luke thought that this man was either a suspect or a john.

Previously, his cell phone number was in an out-of-contact state, so he should belong to a more cautious person.

If Jenny contacted the other party rashly, once she was alerted by the other party, she would probably lose contact again.

Being cautious, Luke didn’t let Jenny make the call, but directly located the address of the cell phone number.

Eight o’clock in the evening.

Victoria neighborhood.

This was an upscale community, each villa had a large spacing, a large yard and a swimming pool were standard, and the people who lived here were either rich or noble.

A black sedan was parked on the side of the road, Ramon was sitting in the passenger compartment looking at his cell phone, the screen was displaying the location of the location sent by the technical team.

Jenny pulled up the handbrake, “Can you confirm it’s that villa?”

Ramon said, “The positioning location shows it’s right here, the villas in this neighborhood are widely spaced, it should be this villa next to it.”

Jenny got out of the car and looked at the environment of the neighborhood revealing a look of envy: “I wonder if the money I earn in my life is enough to buy a villa here?”

Raymond put away his cell phone, “Men only have one chance to reincarnate, but women have two, you still have a chance.”

Jenny asked rhetorically, “You mean marriage? Haha, I’ve lost hope.”

The two entered the yard and walked down the cobblestone path to the door, where Jenny rang the doorbell.

After a moment, a man’s voice rang from the videophone, “Who are you looking for?”

“Sir, this is LAPD,” Jenny flashed her badge.

A few moments later the door opened and a white man in his forties stood in the doorway wearing a white housecoat, LV belt, and Patek Philippe watch, “What can I do for you guys?”

Jenny asked, “Sir, is 626 878 4362 your cell phone number?”

“No, you have the wrong person.” The man said and was about to close the door.

“Ringing ……”

Suddenly, a cell phone rang on the man.

Ramon flashed his own cell phone screen, “I just dialed this number, and your cell phone seems to be ringing.”

“It’s just a coincidence that my cell phone also happened to call.”

Ramon hung up his cell phone.

The cell phone ringing on the white man also stopped.

“Now it’s not a coincidence is it, do you know Novena Jones?”

“No, I don’t know the person you’re talking about.”

“But you called her.”

The white man hesitated for a moment, “I think there might be a misunderstanding here, I was out for a run this morning and I saw a cell phone card on the side of the road and was a little curious so I put it in my own phone.

So, what happened before this cell phone card has nothing to do with me.”

“Where did you pick it up?”

“Borodi Park on the east side of the community, it’s a big area and there are a lot of people visiting, so I’m afraid it’s not easy to find the owner of the cell phone card.

By the way, what’s wrong with this cell phone card?

And what happened to Novena Jones you were talking about?”

“Novena Jones is dead, someone used this cell phone card to contact her, we’re just trying to get some information, that’s all.”

“You have the wrong person, it really has nothing to do with me.”

“What is your name, sir?”

“Eddie Ross.”

“Mr. Ross, this cell phone card has been linked to a homicide, and given that you are the current holder of all of this card, we’d like to take a statement from you.”

“I decline.”

“Mr. Ross, you’re only increasing the police’s suspicion of you, if you think you’re innocent, why don’t you talk to the police.”

“What do you want me to say?”

Jenny asked, “Did you make any calls from this cell phone card around ten o’clock the night before last.”

“Like I said, I just picked up this cell phone card today.”

“You’re so rich, you don’t look like someone who would pick up random things.”

“I didn’t pick up things because I’m short of money, it’s just because I’m curious, is this against the law?”

“Where were you between ten and twelve o’clock the night before last?”

“Let’s see ……

I was at a party at eight o’clock the night before last, it was very lively and crowded, there were aldermen, judges, and the top brass of the police department, and I didn’t get home until after the party was over.”

“What time did you get home?”

“Around ten o’clock.”

“I’m asking where you were between ten and twelve the night before last?”

“I was at home.”

“Is there anyone who can prove it?”

“No, I live alone.”

“Can you give us that cell phone card?”

Eddie Ross asked rhetorically, “Do you have a warrant?”


“Get out of my house immediately.

Also, think about what I just said, uh-huh.” Eddie Ross dropped the sentence and simply closed the door to his room.

Jenny pointed at the door, “Is he threatening us?”

“Let’s find out who he is first.” Ramon took a picture of the other side and wrote down the door number.

Jenny sighed and complained a bit depressed, “An asshole who defies the police just because he has some connections.

If he gets caught, I’m going to personally handcuff him.”


Eddie Ross returned to the living room and slammed his cell phone on the place with force, “FUCK, stinking woman, actually causing trouble for me.

And those idiotic LAPD, how dare they investigate me.

You’ll never get a warrant, ever.”

Eddie Ross fumbled in his pants pocket as if trying to reach for his cell phone to make a call, only to react this time that he had dropped it himself, “FUCK!”

“Ding dong ……” the doorbell rang again.

Eddie Ross showed an angry look, “Damn LAPD, are you guys ever going to finish.”

“Ding-dong ……” the doorbell is still ringing.

Eddie Ross walks quickly to the foyer and turns on the visual phone, but doesn’t see anyone outside.

“FUCK! What fucking asshole rings the doorbell?”

Suddenly, Eddie Ross felt a movement behind him and twisted his head to look over.


A huge force hit him on the head, and Eddie Ross was directly knocked out, falling straight to the ground.

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