Chapter 278

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After leaving the hospital, instead of returning to the police station, the two Luke’s went to Eddie Ross’s house to check out the scene.

The vice squad was leading the scene investigation.

After arriving at the scene, Luke carefully lined up at Eddie Ross’s house.

The scene was largely consistent with Eddie Ross’s description; it was clean, with little to no biopsy material found from the suspect.

The suspect was professional.

This professionalism was not only reflected in the cleanup of the scene, the suspect was able to sneak into someone’s home easily, so that the adult man did not even have a chance to call for help, this is also not something that can be done by ordinary people.

And according to the victim, Eddie Ross, the suspect may not have been carrying a firearm, which not only makes the crime more difficult, but also shows the extreme confidence of the other party.

After visiting the surrounding neighbors and collecting surveillance around the community, Luke led the team back to the Detective Bureau.

Inside the Robbery-Murder Division office.

Luke recounted Eddie Ross’s statement and summarized, “Before, we all thought that the three cases were committed by the same suspect, but now it seems that there should be two suspects.

And the two suspects don’t have the same purpose for committing the crimes.

The victim of the headless woman case, Novena Jones, was a silver seller, and she was most likely killed by a white suspect.

Eddie Ross, who had his bottom cut off, was attacked by a black man wearing a mask.

As for the second victim, Petrov is not cooperating with the police investigation, but he suffered similarly to Eddie Ross in that he was bound and cut off in some way, but was not killed.

Also, Petrov had said that the suspect was wearing a black mask, which coincided with Eddie Ross’ statement.

Of course, even though it was two different suspects and the purpose of the crime was different, there was a connection between them.

That connection is Novena Jones.”

The lieutenant said, “You think that the masked suspect was a relative or friend of Novena Jones and was attacking Petrov and Eddie Ross to avenge Novena Jones’ death.”

Jenny said, “This masked suspect is investigating Norvina Jones’ murderer for the same purpose as the police.”

Luke replied, “That’s good, except that his methods are more aggressive and to a certain extent, he is also interfering with the police investigation.

However, on the other hand, it is likely that he also has clues that the police are not aware of.

And the police also have clues that he doesn’t understand.

As long as he can be captured and the clues from both sides can be summarized, the murderer of Novena Jones may be found.

Both cases can be solved.”

Jackson asked, “The black suspect in the mask was crafty and didn’t leave many clues at either crime scene.

The third victim, Eddie Ross, didn’t see his face either, so we won’t be able to identify him, let alone find him, based on those alone.”

Luke made a cup of tea and said, “It’s true that it’s usually hard to find black men in masks, but you mustn’t forget that he’s also investigating the murder of Novena Jones.

As long as we can anticipate the direction of his investigation and set up an ambush in advance, we can keep watch and catch him.”

“Good idea.” Blacky echoed and continued, “We investigated Petrov on the front foot, and the masked suspect attacked Petrov as well.

After that, we investigated Eddie Ross again, and the masked suspect had found Eddie Ross.

In other words, he and we are investigating in the same direction.”

Blackie’s brain was wide open and his eyes scanned the crowd, “Could we have a mole in here?”

The vice squad shook his head, “You’ve watched too many TV dramas, where are there so many mole ghosts, I’d rather believe that the suspect wearing a mask has installed a wire around us than believe that there is a mole ghost.”


Blackie snapped his fingers, “That’s right, that’s what I’m trying to say, could the masked suspect have installed a wire in the police station?”

Luke considered this idea for a while, thinking that it was theoretically possible but difficult to operate, as opposed to the tawdry operation of installing a wire, Luke also had his own speculations.

“It’s right to be cautious, everyone can check their cell phones and equipment to see if they’ve been bugged.”

The crowd made a hasty check and none of them found a bug.

Luke continued, “I have another speculation as opposed to installing a wire.

First of all, the black suspect wearing a mask must have known Novena Jones and had a relatively close relationship with her.

He should know Novena Jones’ real identity and also know Petrov’s existence.

After Novena Jones’ accident, the masked black suspect suspected that Petrov had done it, and then found Petrov’s house and tortured him to make him confess.

After some questioning, he realizes that Petrov is not the murderer, but he doesn’t let the other man off the hook so easily, and continues to ask questions about the murder of Novena Jones, such as the beatings that Novena Jones had suffered from those clients in the past, and which of the psychopathic clients had abusive tendencies.

Petrov then named Eddie Ross, after which the black suspect in the mask found Eddie Ross and pressed the other to ask if he had killed Novena Jones.

If my guess is correct, the masked black man’s investigative lead on the case came primarily from Petrov.

It is important to realize that there are not many johns like Eddie Ross who like to beat up silver-selling women and have a special hobby, and that these people are more or less mentally or psychologically challenged, and the likelihood of committing a crime is relatively high.

The masked black suspect was able to find Eddie Ross, it is possible to find other customers with special hobbies.”

Black shrugged, “But the key problem is that we don’t know right now, and Novena Jones is too dead to tell us.”

Luke said, “But Petrov knows, and he probably told the black suspect in the mask as well.

If we can pry Petrov’s mouth open, we can get an investigative lead on the masked black suspect and set up an ambush ahead of time.”

The lieutenant thought for a moment, “That’s not a bad idea, but it won’t be easy to pry Petrov’s mouth open.”

“You’re right, so leave this to me.

Lieutenant, there’s another direction you need to look into?”

The lieutenant guessed, “You want me to start with Novena Jones’ peripheral connections.”

“That’s right, the fact that the masked black suspect is willing to avenge Novena Jones means that the relationship between the two must be extraordinary, either they are lovers or friends, there must be a crossover between them and their relationship will be relatively close.”

“Leave it to me.” The vice squad responded, but in fact, this clue is not good to investigate, Novena Jones doesn’t even have a relative in Los Angeles, and she doesn’t have a proper job, so she can only investigate from the periphery of her home address.

Blackmail and Narcotics Division.

The Blackmail and Narcotics Division is not far from the Robbery and Murder Division, that is, the matter of going up and down the stairs, and compared with the Robbery and Murder Division the former’s office is larger, and the personnel is more complicated.

“Knock knock.”

Luke knocked symbolically on the office door, “Lieutenant David, is Captain Jones in?”

David rose, “Yes, shall I show you in?”

“Couldn’t be better.”

And then the two knocked on the door and entered Jones’ office.

“Hey Captain Luke, what a rarity, or the first time you’ve been in my office.” Jones smiled and invited Luke to sit down.

“Captain Jones, I’m here to ask you a favor.”

“I heard from David, I’ve been in contact with the leader of the Woolly Bear Gang, and the bastard isn’t buying it, and has been shrugging off the fact that he had nothing to do with what happened to Petrov.”

Luke said, “Is there any way you can get around the Woolly Bear Gang and get Petrov to cooperate with the police investigation.”

“It’s almost impossible, from what I understand the families of these gangsters are in Eastern Europe, if Petrov dares to betray the gang, his family ……

So he wouldn’t dare to betray the gang even if he was sentenced to death.”

“So the problem is still the Woolly Bear Gang.”

“That’s right, recently LAPD has rarely made large-scale operations, many gangs have forgotten that LAPD is the boss of this city, which is bad, especially those arrogant hairy bears.”

“I want to get Petrov’s statement, what do you suggest?”

“My suggestion is that our two departments launch a joint operation to give the Hairy Bears a good sweep and make him realize who’s the boss of Los Angeles.

Just beat them up so badly that they can’t do business, and they’ll naturally compromise.”

Luke frowned, “Wouldn’t that be a bit of a hustle?”

Jones shrugged, “That depends on what you think.

I’ve been trying to deter the gangs lately, these goods are guys who remember what they’ve done, every once in a while you have to pick out a disobedient one and beat them up, otherwise, they’d all dare to jump on you and spread the word.

But there’s no rush on this.

If you’re willing, we’ll work together.

If not, I’ll wait a little longer.”

Luke smiled, he rather liked Jones’ character, “OK, happy cooperation.”

Nine o’clock in the evening.

Downtown Los Angeles.

Stewart Street, this area of the neighborhood is very busy during the day, but at night it is very cold, occasionally you can see a car passing by.

As to whether it was a proper car or not was unknown.

A tall, long blonde hair, fair-skinned woman stood on the curb, dressed in revealing clothes and heavy makeup, making it hard to tell her exact age.

The woman had a pair of big blue eyes that looked at the passing cars and occasionally threw a wink.

A gray BMW drove by and stopped not far away.

The driver’s door opened, and a black man stepped out of the car, “Hey, beautiful, want a ride?”

The white woman asked with a flirty look on her face, “Are you a good driver?”

“Sure, my nickname is California Pistol.”

“Oh, two hundred dollars an hour.”

“You’re a silver saleswoman?”

“Do I have to be called that? Wouldn’t it be nice to just make a friend, spend some quality time together, and then finance some of your friend’s trip home?”

The black man smiled, a somewhat lewd smile, “OK, get in the car, I’ll take you to a nice place.”

The white woman said, “I don’t go to guests’ homes, I usually go to hotels.”

“Is the car OK?”

“It’ll cost extra.”

The black man looked the woman up and down, “No problem, come on up.”

The black man went back to the driver’s side and unlocked the door.

The white woman opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat, however, she became violently aware that there was someone else behind the car, a young white man.

A little surprised, the white woman pointed to the back, “Who is he?”

The black man laughed, “He’s a friend of mine, don’t mind him.”

“Wait, I think it’s better to be clear, is he coming along?”

“Uh …… he’ll be paying too.”

“NoNoNo, this isn’t about money, I only applaud love with one person at a time, can’t take two, I’m getting off.”

The black man reached out to try and pull the white woman out of the way.

The black man smoothly grabbed her backpack, “Hey, don’t you go yet, I said I’ll pay you double.”

“I said no, let go of me, you pervert.” The white woman snatched back her backpack with force and hurriedly pulled open the car door and ran towards the distant street.

As she ran, she looked back as if she was afraid that the two men would catch up, “What the hell kind of world is this, why are there so many perverts ……”

The woman ran to a dimly lit corner of the street, took out a box of cigarettes from her bag, lit one and smoked it.

“What are you doing Yulia?” A man with a Woolly Bear Country accent approached.

“Andrei, you scared me to death.”

“Why don’t you go do your business on the street and hide here to smoke?” Andrei was a little disgruntled.

“I just met two perverts.”

“What perverts? What happened to them?”

“At first it was one guy talking to me, I got in the car and realized it was two, they wanted to clap together for love and I refused.

The rude black guy even grabbed me and wouldn’t let me leave.

I was intimidated.”

“They both applauded for love and would only pay for one?”

“Two for the money.”

“Then why didn’t you say yes?”

“Andrei, it’s not about the money, I …… can’t accept it, I really can’t.”

“Yulia, it’s not your first day out on the job, you should be a little more mature, making two payments for the same amount of time isn’t a bad thing.”

“Even buy Karma’s ……

Andrei, can you think for me, I’m not an animal, I’m a human being, a living, breathing human being.

You can’t do this to me, you can’t …… oooooh,” Yulia cried.

“Shut up, stop crying, miss it and forget it.

Fix your makeup and go to the street corner right now and stand for me, if you don’t make your earnings today, you know the consequences.”

“Oooh ……” Just then, a gray BMW drove over.

Yulia’s eyes widened as she pointed at the gray BMW, “That’s the car, it’s that perverted black guy driving.”

“Hey, calm down, let me talk to them.” Andre waved his hand.

Two men walked out of the gray BMW, a black man and a white man.

The black man smiled and said, “Hey Yulia, we meet again.”

“How do you know my name?” Yulia was a little surprised, she never told her guests her real name.

“I also know that you’re both in the Woolly Bear Gang.” The black man flashed his badge, “LAPD, you’re under arrest.”

In the back, Jackson had pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Andre and Yulia, “Don’t move, hands on your head, crouch down on the ground.”

Andre whined, “I can’t believe you, a biker, drew the cops here.”

“I don’t know.” Yulia was a little helpless.

“Sir, this has nothing to do with me, I don’t know her.” Andrei crouched on the ground, not daring to resist, but unwilling to be arrested.

“Then why are you together?”

“She took the initiative to come over and strike up a conversation, saying she didn’t have a lighter with her and borrowed a light from me.”

Black asked rhetorically, “That’s it?”

“Yes. If you don’t believe me, you can ask her.”

Yulia glanced at Andrei and nodded, “Yes, I don’t know him, I was the one who took the initiative to ask him to borrow a fire.”

“Really? I thought you guys were in cahoots.” Blacky cuffed Yulia with handcuffs and took another pair of handcuffs to Andrei.

“Sir, you’ve got the wrong person, I really don’t know her.” Andrei sophomorically argued.

“Do you think I will believe that? According to our investigation, not only do you two know each other, you are also his handler, the organizer of the silver sale.”

Andre loudly questioned, “NoNoNo, you’re making false accusations, what evidence do you have?”

“You want proof?”

“That’s right, L.A. is a place of laws, and the LAPD can’t arrest people at will.”

Black smiled and reached into Yulia’s bag, pulling a miniature bug out of it, “SORRY, this accidentally fell in when you were in my car just now.

All of your words just now were recorded.

Do you want me to play it back for you, Andrei!”

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