Chapter 280

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The moment Luke kicked in the door.

Blacky, Jackson, and Jenny also immediately took action.

Blacky pulled out his pistol and covered Luke.

Jackson pulled out his pistol and went to the back door to keep an eye on it.

Jenny, on the other hand, was on guard around the house while calling for backup.

The people divided up the work, which was also Luke’s pre-arranged plan of action.

Luke kicked open the door and rushed into the house.

Blackie also followed closely behind.

The black man rushed through the entrance hall and ran in the direction of the stairs.

Luke was in hot pursuit and ran into the living room before snapping to see a thin thread on the floor in front of him and nearly tripping over himself.

Luke stopped in his tracks and stopped Blackie on the side, “Be careful, there’s a trap on the ground.”

Signaling Xiao Hei to be alert, Luke looked down to check and found that one end of the thin thread was tied to the wine cabinet and the other end was tied to the sofa, so if he accidentally tripped over it, he would definitely fall hard.

Luke was relieved in turn that at least one end of the thin wire wasn’t a grenade.

Blackie warned, “Suspect is running up the stairs.”

Luke swept toward the second floor stairway, “He can’t get away.

However, this guy is not easy to deal with, he has a strong sense of counter-surveillance, be careful.

First rescue the hostages and ask about the situation in the house.”

“Got it.”

Xiao Hei stepped forward over the thin line and saw a black man tied up on a chair in the living room, with a record player playing music next to him.

The black man was in his forties, and fit the profile of Sayid McCann, except that the other man was a bit miserable at the moment, with a towel gagged in his mouth, his pants had been removed, blood staining the chair, and his bottom had been sliced off and hadn’t had time to be bandaged.

Blackie removed the towel from the black man’s mouth, “We’re the police, what’s your situation?”

“Toilet, get to the toilet.” The black man hissed loudly in pain.

“What’s wrong with the restroom? Does the suspect have any other accomplices?”

“That asshole flushed my brother down the toilet!” Despair emanated from the black man’s voice.

Being able to save him was already a big feat, as for whether or not he could find his brother, Luke didn’t really care, “Are you Sayid McCann?”

“Yes I am.”

“How many intruders have you had in your house?”

“One, just one perverted black guy, he’s an asshole, a total asshole.

How could he do this to me, I’m hurting like hell, you guys hurry up and stop the bleeding and get me back ……”

Hearing that there was only one suspect, Luke instructed, “Marcus, you stay here and guard him, call for an ambulance, don’t let him die of pain.

I’ll go arrest the suspect.”

Blackie said, “I’ll go apprehend the suspect, you watch him.”

“Do as I say.” Luke dropped a sentence and quickly walked towards the stairs.

Luke had a bulletproof card, even if he couldn’t capture the suspect, he still had no problem defending himself.

Soon Luke went up to the second floor, this house was very large, the second floor also had a living room, four rooms, and a patio next to it.

Luke carefully observed and did not see where the suspect was hiding, he also did not take the risk of rushing into the house, the police had four people inside and outside the house to set up control, and had already grasped the absolute advantage.

Soon, the patrol officers would also arrive for support, and the police’s advantage would grow.

So Luke searched carefully, not in a hurry, safety first.

Two of the four rooms were open, Luke could only search them one by one, walking to the door of the first bedroom with his gun in both hands, observing the situation in the house.

The house saw no sign of suspects, most likely hiding somewhere.

He glanced through the crack in the door and saw no one hiding, and then stepped gingerly into the bedroom.

Closet, under the bed, curtains, while the corner of his eye was still aiming at the door to prevent the other party from attacking from behind.


“Ah ……”

Suddenly, gunshots came from downstairs.

Luke was a bit surprised that the gunshot came from the living room downstairs.

There were other suspects?

Or did the suspects run to the first floor through other paths.

Luke couldn’t think too much and immediately went downstairs to investigate the case.

Luke walked to the stairs and saw Blacky collapsed on the floor: “Marcus!”

Luke alerted the surrounding while quickly rushing over to check, there was no obvious injury on Blacky and his breathing was normal, he didn’t seem to be in any serious trouble.

Luke scanned the surrounding area and saw no suspicious figures, then looked over at the injured homeowner, Sayid McCann, “What just happened? Who attacked him?”

“It was the pervert who tortured me.

He jumped from the second floor patio onto the couch and it was so sudden that I was taken by surprise and the black cop didn’t react before he was attacked.

The pervert grabbed the black cop’s gun and knocked him out.”


It was the first time Luke had encountered such a tricky suspect.

However, the other party still had a bottom line and didn’t kill Blackie.

Otherwise, it could have killed Xiao Hei with one shot.

Luke took out his walkie-talkie, “Jenny, rush to the living room immediately, Marcus is injured!”

“Roger!” Jenny responded.

Luke inquired to Sayid McCann, “Where did that suspect go?”

“He went in the direction of the back door ……”


As the words fell, another gunshot sounded outside the door.

The gunshots were coming from the back door.

Luke guessed that it might have been Jackson who fired the shot and immediately rushed for support.

Something must not happen!

At this moment, Jackson was also facing the biggest crisis since he was a police officer.

Jackson’s heart immediately lifted when he heard the gunshots, and Luke arranged for him to keep an eye on the door to prevent the suspect from escaping through the back door.

The sound of gunshots gave him a bad feeling, he couldn’t stay and wanted to go in for backup.

But when he thought of Luke’s order, he was a little hesitant ……

After a quick thought about the pros and cons in his head, he still decided to enter the house to help.

If, Luke and Blackie had any accidents, he would not forgive himself.

Even if Luke blamed it afterward, he would admit it.

Jackson opened the door and as soon as he stepped into the house he saw a man scurrying out from the shadows beside him.

Jackson immediately raised his pistol, “LAPD, freeze!”

However, the black man didn’t listen to him, and with a wave of his right hand, a pistol flung out, just smashing into the back of Jackson’s hand.


Jackson fired.

However, because of the pistol’s impact, it missed.

Jackson was also confused, it was the first time he had seen this kind of operation.

There is a gun not open, actually used as a dart, more annoying is also really effective, smashed Jackson’s hand are numb.

After a shot, the black man has rushed to the front, left hand grabbed Jackson’s gun, side a short, right fist smashed in Jackson’s stomach.

The punch was so powerful that Jackson was hit so hard that his limbs went limp with pain and his whole body curled up.

His pistol was also snatched by the black man.

This series of lines was so dazzling that before Jackson could react, he was already strangled by the black man’s neck.

“Ta-da ……” came a rush of footsteps.

Luke rushed over, pointing his pistol at the black suspect, but didn’t dare to shoot easily, because Jackson had already been taken hostage by the other party, and his shot would probably hit Jackson.

“Let him go, you won’t get away with this.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” The black man pointed his gun at Jackson’s head and said indifferently, “I don’t like guns, once this kind of thing is picked up, it’s hard to put it down again.

Besides, it’s easy to cause accidental injury.

I have a proposal, how about we both put down our guns, and I’ll let your companion go, too?”

The gun in Luke’s hand gripped tighter, “You think I’ll believe your words?”

The black man retired his clip and tossed Jackson’s pistol aside, “Does that convince you?”

“SORRY, even though I can sense that you mean no harm to the police, I still can’t let you go.” Luke thought to himself, “If you’ve put down your gun, then there’s even less need for me to do so.

It was a bit cheeky, but Luke didn’t really care.

The black man’s left arm exerted itself and strangled Jackson’s neck in a death grip, “I can kill just as well without a gun.

For me, anything can be used as a weapon, including my hands.”

“Who the hell are you?” Luke asked the doubt in his mind.

Although Blackie’s and Jackson’s fighting abilities were not as good as his, they were quite a bit stronger than ordinary people, and their physical fitness was also good.

It was definitely not simple for the black man to easily subdue these two.

Another reason why Luke didn’t want to put down his gun was that the black man gave him great pressure.

Luke’s boxing skills were great, and he was already close to being a professional, but he wasn’t sure that he could subdue a gunman, let alone a police officer with a gun.

The difficulty was too great.

Jackson was strangled and had some difficulty breathing, his eyes were blurry and his voice was hoarse: “Leave me alone, don’t let him go!”


Jackson felt a strong push behind him, and his body rushed forward uncontrollably, blocking between Luke and the black man.

Luke knew that the other man was going to run, but with Jackson in front of him, he could neither shoot nor worry about the other man’s injuries.

Jackson had just been strangled in the neck, his brain was deprived of oxygen, his feet were weak, and he was about to fall, but luckily Luke caught him.

“Jackson, are you okay?”

“I’m fine Captain, just a little dizzy.”

“You stay here, I’ll go after him.”

“I’ll go too.” Jackson braced himself to get up, but felt a wave of dizziness.

“Obey orders!” Luke dropped the word and chased after him.

Luke chased him out the back door and the black man had already run out of the backyard and into the alley across the street.

Luke shouted with his gun, “Stop, don’t move!”

“Wooo……” a van drove down the road, obscuring Luke’s view.


Luke rushed after it, and by the time the car left, the black man had run into the alley.

Luke chased after him, but he was worried about the black suspect attacking him at the mouth of the alley, he didn’t rush in and took his walkie-talkie and said.

“Jenny, the suspect is running into the alley.

Cover me!”

Luke saw that the black man did not hide at the entrance of the alley, but ran into the alley before he boldly chased after him.

There was an apartment building deep in the alley, and there were iron stairs at the back of the apartment building, the black man climbed up to the 2nd floor of the stairs, yanked open the apartment door and walked in.

Luke hesitated for a moment, but still chased after him, two of his own men were beaten up, he could not just watch him run away.

Still cautious, Luke climbed the stairs with his pistol, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the second floor apartment door.

However, when he reached the first floor platform with a ‘bang’, the first floor apartment door opened without warning.

The black suspect rushed out with great speed and grabbed Luke’s pistol.

The black man’s godly appearance startled Luke, the other party left from the second floor, but suddenly emerged from the first floor apartment, there were probably up and down passages inside the apartment.

Luke guessed that the other party had probably checked the terrain in advance, but at this time it was too late to think about it, he instinctively pressed the trigger.

However, the imagined gunshot didn’t appear, the black suspect’s left hand grabbed the gun, and one finger blocked behind the trigger, preventing it from being pulled.

Luke reacted quickly, unable to pull the trigger with his right hand, he threw a left hook with his left hand and slammed it into his opponent’s cheek.

The black suspect reacted quickly as well, throwing his right shoulder upward to block Luke’s punch.

Instead of attacking Luke, the black suspect also grabbed at Luke’s pistol with his right hand, attempting to grab it with both hands.

At this point Luke was also a little worried.

Jackson and Blackie were both disarmed by the pair, and although Luke didn’t see the exact scene, he could guess that the other party’s fighting ability was very strong, otherwise, it would be impossible to grab two pistols in a row.

According to normal logic, Luke and the black suspect should have started a gun grabbing battle around the pistols.

But Luke went the opposite way, letting go of the pistol with his right hand and clenching it into a fist to slam into his opponent’s cheek.

“Bang!” The sound of Luke’s fist hit his opponent’s left cheek.

The black suspect didn’t expect Luke to give up so sharply, and didn’t have time to dodge, and was somewhat dazed by the solid punch, and there was a short pause.

Luke also took this opportunity to grab the pistol again, his right hand gripping the handle once more.

The black man seemed to know that it would be difficult to take Luke’s pistol, and retreated to depress the pistol magazine.

“Pop!” The sound of the magazine fell to the ground.

The black suspect’s tawdry maneuver made Luke uncomfortable, but he still didn’t give up the fight for the pistol.

“Bang!” The sound of the pistol went off in the middle of the two men’s scramble.

The only bullet left in the chamber was also shot.

Unfortunately, the bullet did not hit the black suspect.

In the next moment, the two men let go of their hands almost simultaneously, giving up their pistols and opening up the mode of beating each other up.

Luke swung his right fist and slammed it into the black suspect’s face.

The black suspect’s arm blocked and his body crouched down and turned to hug Luke around the waist.

Luke felt his weight unsteady and slammed his elbow into his opponent’s back.

“Bang!” The black suspect was slammed hard, but instead of letting go, the other man tripped Luke to the ground with a hold.

Both men fell to the ground and wrestled into a heap.

Luke, who was better at boxing, was having a hard time powering up from being pinned to the ground, and was more often than not passively guarding his master’s head to prevent himself from getting knocked out like Blackie.

The black suspect had his legs wrapped around Luke in a death grip, he was more versatile in his grappling skills, with better wrestling techniques and ground skills than Luke.

Luke’s level of boxing was impressive, almost close to professional, and 98% of the population was no match for him.

But the black suspect in front of him clearly belonged to the other 2%.

He was strong.

It had been hard for Luke to fight against for so long.

The black suspect advised, “Hey, I don’t want to hurt anyone, let me go.”

Luke didn’t reply as he caught a figure out of the corner of his eye.

“Bang!” The sound.

Luke felt a jolt of electricity hit him, electrifying him.

However, it didn’t last long.

He pushed the black suspect away with force.

The black man had two more darts with wires on his back, and he was the real target of the electric shock.

Jenny rushed over, “Captain, are you okay.

I was worried about shooting you by mistake, so I used the stun gun.”

“Good job!”

“This guy is the suspect who injured Jackson and Marcus?” Jenny said as she pulled out her handcuffs.

“I’ll do it, this guy is dangerous.” Luke took the handcuffs and pressed his knees into the black suspect’s back and handcuffed him himself.

“Dude, you’re under arrest.”

“Da da da da ……,” the black suspect’s teeth chattered as if he wanted to say something.

“Don’t talk now, watch out for biting your tongue, you’ll have time to talk when we get back to the station.” Luke stood up, feeling sore all over.

“Jenny, put another pair of handcuffs on him.”

“Is that necessary?”

“Very necessary.”

Jenny nodded, “OK, I’ll take care of him.”

Luke took a look at the black suspect wearing two pairs of handcuffs, although the arrest process was a bit bumpy, the result was still good.

He was also very curious in his mind, what was this asshole’s origin?

The patrolmen and ambulance also arrived at Sayid McCann’s house.

Luke escorted the black suspect to his car and rushed to check on Blackie and Jackson’s injuries.

Blackie had awakened and was unharmed except for feeling a little dizzy in the head.

Jackson felt a little constricted and dry heaving in his chest, some bruising and swelling on the back of his hands, and no other injuries.

At this moment, Luke was a little more impressed with the black suspect.

He was restrained and stayed his hand.

If it was an ordinary suspect, it was estimated that these two would be seriously injured if not dead.

Although both of them felt unharmed, Luke still let them go to the hospital for checkups.

He and Jenny escorted the black suspects back to the detective bureau.

In the car, Luke put the ankle cuffs on him again just in case.

There was no way around it, the guy was too capable of fighting, and with the spaciousness, Luke had a hope of beating the other guy with the help of his walking position.

In the car, the odds were that Luke would lose.

“What’s your name?”

“You can call me McKell.”

“Full name?”

“McKell Arthur.”

“Social Security number?”


Luke jotted down in his notebook, “Why did you hurt Sayid McCann?”

“Because he’s a pervert, and I don’t think it’s a bad thing for a guy like that to be castrated, at least it’s better than losing his life.”

“You did the Petrov and Eddie Ross cases, too.”

McKell Arthur smiled, “You’re good.”

Luke waved a fist, “Of course, if I hadn’t been a cop, I’d probably be a famously good boxer, Tyson Lee.”

“That’s not what I was referring to.” McKell Arthur shook his head.

“How did you detect that I wasn’t Sayid McCann?

From the scene of the conversation, I don’t think you’ve ever seen a picture of Sayid McCann.”

“That’s right, we got the clue from Petrov, who only knew the address of Sayid McCann’s house, and in order to be able to get to Sayid McCann’s house first, we didn’t realize that you still beat us to it.

You want to know how I found out?”

“Of course.”

“Then let’s start with what you really are. We can trade questions.”

McKell Arthur smiled, “I’m a regular guy.”

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