Chapter 283

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Ringing ……”

Luke’s cell phone rang.

Luke glanced at it, it was his spare cell phone card number and the caller was an unfamiliar number.

He pressed the answer button, “Hello, who’s calling?”

The other end of the cell phone hesitated for a moment and a man’s voice rang out, “I saw a banner looking for witnesses at the corner of Vios Street and Stavin Street …… It has your contact information on it, is that true?”

Luke made a silent gesture to the crowd, “I’m Luke Lee, Squadron Leader 1 of the Robbery and Murder Division, and we did put up that banner.

There was a criminal case at that intersection between ten-thirty and eleven o’clock on the night of September 15th, and we are looking for witnesses to the case.

Were you near the intersection at the time?”

“Uh, I happened to be in the neighborhood doing some errands after ten o’clock that night, and I did see a man and a woman pulling and tugging on the side of the road.

However, I’m not sure if it was the person you’re looking for.”

“What’s your name, sir? Do you remember the exact time?”

“Tommy, just call me Tommy, it was around ten forty.”

“Describe what the two men looked like.”

“A young woman, blonde hair, white, a little far away so I didn’t get a good look, a little scantily clad, nice body.

As for the man, I didn’t pay too much attention at that time, I think he was also a white man, wearing a black baseball cap, his body was blocked by the car, I didn’t see him very clearly.”

“The two of them were talking next to the car?”


“Was the car in a starting position?”

“Yes, the car’s taillights were on.”

“Tommy, I’d like you to carefully describe the car.” The car was probably the suspect’s mode of transportation.

Tommy was silent for a while, and instead of answering, he asked, “I remember the banner at the intersection said that a prize could be awarded for information about the case is that true?”

“It’s true.”

“That’s great, I’m not in a very good financial situation right now and I need the money.”

“As long as you can provide valuable clues, this money is yours.”

“And exactly how much can I get? Is it cash?”

“One thousand dollars to three thousand dollars, cash checks are fine.”

“Captain Lee, there’s a big difference between one thousand dollars and three thousand dollars, and I want to know an exact figure instead of being fooled.

Because usually only one thousand dollars is given in these cases, which is the minimum amount.

I also want to ask for clarification first.”

Luke could see that this one wasn’t some kind of zealous citizen, simply after the prize money.

The case happened at night and in a remote location, with very few people passing by itself, and this was the first witness to call so far.

Luke didn’t have a choice, luckily Reed was more than helpful, the case was better funded, three thousand dollars was still affordable.

“Tommy, let’s meet, it’s more appropriate to talk about this kind of thing in person.”

The other end of the phone hesitated, “Look, I don’t want to get into trouble, and I don’t want to get involved in a criminal case …… I just happened to see it, and I want to help that girl ……”

“I understand, you don’t have to be nervous.

Being able to make this call proves that you’re a responsible and caring citizen of Los Angeles, and I thank you on behalf of the LAPD.” Luke first shines the light on his attitude before getting to the point.

“The more valuable the clues you provide, the more prize money you get, there’s no doubt about that.”

“There should be a criterion for how I can get three thousand dollars.”

“As long as the clues you provide can help us identify the suspect, you can get three thousand dollars.”

“Then the situation I just described is okay?”

“What you just said is understood by the police, there’s nothing substantial.

Of course, if you could describe the suspicious car in detail, color, style and license plate number, that would be a valuable clue.”

Tommy said, “The car would have been a black sedan.

I also drove by it, and I was driving rather fast, so I didn’t read the license plate number and didn’t pay much attention to it.

But, my driving record may have captured it.”

“OK, as long as you tell us the license plate number, and the police verify it and prove that it’s the suspect vehicle, the three thousand dollars will be yours.”

“My car recorder did capture it, but my camera has average pixels, plus I was driving rather fast and the light was bad.

I just looked at it, and the license plate number wasn’t very clearly distinguishable.

Can I get three thousand dollars?”

Luke patiently explained, “I suggest that you first give the car recorder video to the police, as long as your car recorder captured the victim so that the police can get some valuable clues from the video, you can get one thousand dollars.

If you can provide a clear license plate number, you can get three thousand dollars.

If the license plate is not visible in the car recorder video, the police will use technical means to deal with it, and if you can see the license plate number after processing, you will also get another additional sum of money.

“How much?”

“Five hundred to a thousand dollars.” Luke felt less like he was investigating a case and more like he was talking business, but it was very California.

“Are you a man of your word?”

“Sure. We can sign an agreement first.

Where are you now?”

“I’m downstairs at the Detective Bureau right now.”

Luke walked over to the window and looked out; there was a black man on the phone standing in the doorway of the Detective Bureau, he kept looking around and looked a little nervous.

“Why don’t you head toward the building and I’ll have someone pick you up.”

Blackie then picked Tommy up at the Detective Bureau office.

A black man in his mid-twenties looked at Luke and the others with some wariness and uneasiness.

Luke arranged for Blackie to take his statement.

According to Tommy, he hadn’t paid much attention to the events of that night and didn’t remember them very well anymore, providing no valuable clues.

However, he brought the video from the car recorder.

Luke handed the video over to the technical team for processing, and after some professional operation, the video image was much clearer.

At 10:42 p.m., the car captured a man and woman on the side of the road as it traveled through an intersection, and the two made a tugging motion that appeared to be an argument.

The woman has a similar physical description to the victim.

The man has his back to the camera and is wearing a baseball cap, which does not capture his face, and most of his body is obscured by the black sedan, although the exposed skin would appear to be that of a white man.

More crucially, the video has been sharpened so that the license plate number can be roughly seen.

License plate number, 8evs834.

Owner, Herson Sweeney.

Gender, male.

Age, 38.

Address, 504 Soma.

Cell phone number, 626 876 4837

Social Security number, 623-53-4853

Soma neighborhood.

By the roadside, a white, two-story villa.

The villa is divided into a front and back yard, surrounded by a wooden fence, and a white man is mowing the lawn in the back yard.

Two black cars were parked on the roadside, and four people walked down from the cars.

It was Luke, Blackie, Jackson, and Jenny.

If you look closely there is also a man of Mexican descent sitting in the driver’s side of the second car.

The people split up.

Jenny and Blacky were in the front yard and Luke walked to the back yard with Jackson.

Luke took Jackson around the yard and didn’t see the suspect car, the garage door was closed.

Walking to the backyard, he saw the white man tending to the lawn, about six-foot-five, and although he couldn’t determine what the suspect looked like, his whiteness and height matched the suspect’s features.

The man also saw Luke’s two men, “Man, are you guys new here? How come I haven’t seen you guys before.”

“You have a beautifully tended yard.” Luke complimented and introduced himself, “I’m Luke, what’s your name?”

“Helson, what house do you guys live in?”

“You’re Herson Sweeney?”

“Yes, you’re here specifically to see me, what are you guys?” Herson Sweeney seemed to sense something unusual.

Jackson flashed his badge, “We’re with the Robbery-Murder Division, this is Captain Lee, I’m Detective Jackson.”

“Robbery Murder Division?

I think I’ve heard that name before, that’s right, you guys were the ones who solved the poisoning case a while back.

Wow, I’m a little flattered why you guys came to see me.”

“Don’t you own a black Chevy sedan, license plate 8evs834?”

“Uh, what’s the problem?”

“Please answer my question positively.”

“Yes, this is my car, what’s wrong?”

“We’re investigating a criminal case, did you drive this car to the corner of Vios Avenue and Stavin Street just after 10:00 p.m. on September 15th?”

“NoNoNo, I haven’t driven this car in some time, you may have the wrong person.”

“You mean you don’t have the car?”

“Yes, the car is being used by my wife, probably, soon to be ex-wife.”

“You’re having relationship problems?”

“It’s complicated and hard to explain in a sentence or two. If you want to inquire about the car, you should go to her.

We’re separated.”

“What’s your wife’s name?”

“Gretna Sweeney.”

“When was the last time you had contact?”

Herson Sweeney was silent for a moment, shaking his head and smiling bitterly, “Damn, I can’t actually remember. I’ll make you all laugh.”

“Can you reach her?”

“I have her cell phone number, if you guys need it?”

Luke didn’t answer right away, mulling over in his head the fact that a white man had been captured in the car recorder that night, and Herson Sweeney was a match.

Yet he said he hadn’t driven the car recently, and Luke didn’t see any obvious signs that he was lying.

Her wife didn’t fit the profile of the suspect, but that didn’t rule out the possibility of a gang.

“Please get in touch for us, confirm where she is, and don’t say we’re looking for her just yet.”

“Uh ……Sir, you have to understand, we are not divorced yet, but we have already had a separation, she will not give me a good face.”

“Go ahead and make the call, turn on the outside voice and I’ll give you the cue.”

Helson Sweeney clapped his hands together and took out his cell phone and dialed a number, however, the phone didn’t pick up and went straight to voicemail.

“You heard me, the call didn’t go through.”

“Do you know where she lives now?”

Herson Sweeney nodded, “Of course, I still pay the rent.”

Twenty minutes later.

Led by Herson Sweeney, Luke and the others arrived at the Pulga neighborhood.

Three cars were parked next to a gray house.

The group of people got out one after another.

Luke observed the surroundings and found no suspicious people or suspect vehicles, his eyes looked at the gray house, “Your wife lives here?”

“Yes, I came here once.” Herson Sweeney sighed softly and wondered what came to mind.

“Does your wife live alone?”

Herson Sweeney hesitated slightly, “I don’t know, maybe.”

Luke and Jackson walked across the yard to the door and knocked on it, “Knock knock.”

“No answer.”

“Knock knock.” The knocking continued.

Still no answer.

“Mr. Sweeney, do you have a key to the house?”

“No. She wouldn’t give me the key even if she gave it to a stranger.”

“Your wife isn’t home, do you know where she’s gone?”

“I don’t know, she doesn’t have a job, and if she doesn’t want to be found by me, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Unable to find Gretna Sweeney, Luke didn’t want to keep waiting around, “Can we go inside and check?”

“You’re asking me?”

“Sure. In theory you’re still married, it’s her house and your house.”

“You’re right, I’m still paying the bills, you guys can go in as long as you don’t break the locks.

It’s a small consolation to upset her.

But if it causes damage, then you’ll have to pay for it.

I don’t want to have to deal with a landlord.”

“We’ll be careful.” Luke had observed earlier that one of the windows of the house was open, and that the door could be opened simply by going in through there.

The police reconfirmed that no one was in the house and Jackson jumped in and opened the door.

Luke led the way into the house and searched it.

The house wasn’t that big, only one floor, three rooms, two baths and a kitchen, Luke made a tour of the house and found no obvious problems.

After checking out the house, Luke walked out into the yard and found Herson Sweeney standing in the corner of the yard smoking a cigarette.

Luke cautioned, “Mr. Sweeney, it’s best not to smoke in here?”

“I thought you said this is my house too, so why shouldn’t I smoke here?”

“We haven’t found the suspect vehicle, or your wife, and if it’s determined that she was involved in that criminal case, everything here could be evidence, including your cigarette butt.”

“SORRY, I’ll put the cigarette butt in the car.

What case is my wife involved in? Is it serious?”


“Did someone die?”

Luke nodded.

“That’s terrible, did you find anything in the house?”

Luke didn’t answer and looked at Herson Sweeney’s feet, “Mr. Sweeney, could you stand somewhere else?”

“I can understand not allowing smoking, now you even have to regulate where you stand, aren’t you a little …… less humane.

I have nothing to do with the case you are investigating, just assisting you.”

“You make a good point. I appreciate your assistance.

I asked you to stand somewhere else because I’ve discovered something.”

Herson Sweeney looked down at his feet, “What circumstances? Why don’t I see it.”

Luke stepped closer to observe the ground, “Look closely, the color of the dirt under your feet is a little different than the color of the dirt around you.”

Herson Sweeney ducked aside and asked in a whisper, “What’s wrong with that?”

“Just dig it up and find out, but of course, it’s your house, so I still have to get your permission first, so I don’t think you’ll refuse, right?”

“Uh …… as long as you guys can restore it to its original state.”

“No problem.” Luke responded, waving his hand, “Guys, go get shovels from the car and get to work.”

The two men, Blackie and Jackson, acted as strong laborers and began digging in the yard.

The arrival of the police aroused the curiosity of the residents of the neighborhood, and the patrolmen were in charge of guarding the surrounding area to prevent the residents from observing from a close distance.

At this time, Herson Sweeney also lost his previous calmness, “Captain Lee, what do you think will be down there?”

“What do you think? Is this the house you rented?”

“My wife rents it to be exact, I just pay the bills.”

“You were just standing up there.”

“Yes, it was too much of a coincidence. I didn’t even notice the difference in color between there and the surrounding dirt, you’re so observant.”

“It’s what I do for a living. You seem a little nervous?”

“Yes. I rarely deal with the police.” Herson Sweeney took a deep breath.

“I’m going to call Gretna again, she should know about this, she’s the one who got into trouble, I shouldn’t be the one to take the blame.”

Herson Sweeney took out his cell phone and dialed once more, then shook his head in some disappointment, “The phone still isn’t connected.

Damn, she doesn’t have a job either, where the hell is she.”

Luke didn’t say anything, just looked his eyes towards the excavation site.

After a while, Blackie shouted, “Hey, I think I dug something.”

Jackson stuck his shovel in a couple times, “Me too.”

Luke cautioned, “Be careful not to destroy the physical evidence.”

With Blackie and Jackson digging, a black bag with a sturdy texture appeared in the large pit, “Rookie, open it.”

“Why don’t you open it?”

“Because you’re a rookie.”

Jackson was a bit helpless, put on disposable gloves and carefully opened the black bag, a strong putrid odor came to his nose.

“FUCK! It’s smokin’ me.” Blackie climbed up from the pit.

Jackson covered his mouth and nose, and urned, “Captain, in the bag are bodies.”


“No, another headless female body.”

“That’s not good news.”

Luke walked over to check, the body contained in the bag was cut off from the neck, from the physical characteristics it should be a female, the body had already decomposed, only because the bag was sealed better, it did not have much effect on the surrounding environment.

Luke is also a little depressed, they were originally investigating the case of the murder of Novena Jones, he thought he would dig into the head of Novena Jones, the result is another headless female body.

Luke looked aside to Herson Sweeney, “Mr. Sweeney, how long have you been renting this house?”

“About two months or so.”

“Why is there a body buried in the yard?”

“I don’t know, the house was occupied by my wife and we are separated, as you know.

I have nothing to do with this matter, you should ask her.” Herson Sweeney took two steps back, showing a look of alarm.

“I understand what you’re saying, but you’re not divorced, you’re still married, and you’re paying the rent, so you’re still theoretically responsible for the apartment.” Luke waved.

“Come on, you should come over and take a look, maybe it’s someone you know.”

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