Chapter 293

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Robbery and Murder Division.

Luke had just returned to his office when he felt something different about the atmosphere.

The lieutenant alerted, “Mr. Arthur came to see us and brought donuts.”

Luke also saw Agent McKell Arthur first, it didn’t matter what he brought, it showed an attitude.

“Captain Lee, I hope I’m not interrupting your work.”

“The case of the headless woman’s body has been solved, we just aren’t that busy, I didn’t expect us to meet so soon, tell us why you’re here.

Jenny, pour Mr. Arthur a glass of Longjing.”

“Thank you, I’m here to claim the body of Novena Jones, I’ve found her a cemetery plot and would like to see her in the ground. And the headstone faces towards Hollywood, I’m sure she would have liked that.”

“Mr. Arthur, I know you’re a friend of Novena Jones, but according to police department rules, the body of a deceased person is usually claimed by the immediate family.”

“I know, I contacted Novena’s parents, they both live in Eastern Europe and were unable to travel to Los Angeles to claim the body, they agreed that I would claim and bury Novena’s body.

I came to the police station today to ask what specific paperwork is required and I will communicate with the parents again.”

Blacky asked, “Novena Jones was killed, so why don’t her parents want to come and claim the body?”

“His parents’ situation is more complicated …… Let’s just say that not everyone is fit to be a parent.” McKell Arthur sighed softly and took the tea Jenny handed him.


McKell Arthur took a sip of his tea, “It’s a little lighter in flavor than I expected, but it’s not bad.”

Luke said, “You can claim the body of Novena Jones as long as it meets police department regulations.”

“I know.

Actually, the reason I’m here today is to say thank you to you and your team.

Thank you for catching Novena Jones’ murderer, you were excellent.

It also made me realize that I acted a bit impulsively earlier.

SORRY for the trouble.”

“Although I don’t know what you’ve been through before, this is Los Angeles, I hope you have more trust in the LAPD.”

“I will.” McKell Arthur set down his teacup and stood up, “Thank you for the tea, I should get going.”

Luke walked him to the door, “When are you planning on leaving Los Angeles?”

McKell Arthur asked rhetorically, “Are you going to give me a send off?”

Luke smiled and didn’t say anything.

“I’m not quite used to living in one place for long periods of time, and I’ll be leaving once I’ve buried Novena.”

“I wish you a safe journey.”

“Thanks.” McKell Arthur waved and left.

Luke couldn’t talk about liking or hating this modern version of Zorro.

To the underprivileged, he was like a light in his life, and there were quite a few people who liked him for that kind of behavior, and might even think he was a ‘hero’.

But to a police officer, he was a destabilizing factor, wandering outside of order and easily causing problems for police work.

Deep down, Luke also hoped that this kind of person who possessed a sense of justice and dared to fight against evil forces existed, but did not want him to appear in Los Angeles.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully catching the suspect ‘McKell Arthur’ and gaining the other party’s gratitude, rewarding fifty draw opportunities.

Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the ‘headless female corpse case’ and catching the real culprit Henry, rewarding fifty draw opportunities.”

After hearing the content of the system reward, Luke was a bit surprised.

The case of the headless woman’s body was relatively complicated, and the murderer was cautious and cunning, so it was reasonable to reward fifty lottery chances.

However, McKell Arthur was only a home invasion case and did not kill the victim, yet he also received fifty draw opportunities, which was equivalent to saying that the system judged the difficulty of the two to be the same.

This indirectly illustrated the danger of McKell Arthur, causing Luke to develop another wave of backward coldness.

If, McKell Arthur had used a pistol that day, his own life should not have been in danger under the protection of the bullet avoidance card, but I’m afraid that both Blackie and Jackson would have been in grave danger.


McKell Arthur hadn’t completely blackened and his sanity was still intact.

Luke opened the draw screen.


The pointer spins.

Random stops, selected area lights up, one thousand dollars.

Continue drawing ……

After 100 consecutive draws, he drew 92,000 dollars and obtained eight cards.

These include two old cards, one detection card, and one identification card.

Two new cards.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 3 cards.

Surfing cards, 3 cards.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu [You can quickly learn and comprehend Jiu-Jitsu skills in three hours.]

Luke had some knowledge of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which originated from Japanese Judo, but added a lot of other fighting mechanics, such as wrestling, joint techniques, and strangulation techniques.

The advantage of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is that it is extremely strong in one-on-one ground mechanics, it can be fought standing or lying down, and it is good at utilizing joints and mechanics to subdue the enemy.

Once controlled by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it is very difficult to free yourself.

The disadvantage is that it is not flexible enough, and it is more disadvantageous in melee and chaotic fights.

If you face a multi-person melee and still use Jiu-Jitsu, it is easy to become a living target for others.

However, this kind of card is still more suitable for Luke, Luke’s best is boxing, good at melee and chaotic fighting, but with the masters entangled in the fight is a bit one-dimensional, once the enemy is dropped, it will be passive.

Last time, Luke captured McKell Arthur is so, if in the open space, Luke use flexible positioning, may still be able to beat each other.

But when the two fought in a narrow stairwell, Luke was at a clear disadvantage, his flexible positioning was restricted and he was wrestled to the ground by McKell Arthur.

McKell Arthur’s grappling skills were excellent, with almost no shortcomings, and his ground skills were equally impressive, Luke was at a disadvantage, and if Jenny hadn’t stepped in just in time, Luke would probably have been defeated by his opponent.

The odds were that he would have been strung out.

Learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu had aptly made up for Luke’s shortcomings, and when he saw McKell Arthur again, he had the confidence to fight.

As for the other surfing card, Luke also liked it.

He had long wanted to learn how to surf, but he just didn’t have the time or the energy.

With this surfing card, in the future, he could wave as much as he wanted on the sea, and picking up girls was not a matter of minutes.

Mariandel Bay Pier.

Early in the morning, the weather was slightly cloudy, no wind, very suitable for sailing.

Two days before, Reed had already called to make a reservation for a yacht to go out to sea.

When Luke arrived at the marina, Reed was standing by the dock talking to a woman in her forties.

Luke recognized the other woman as Carter Merson, the Assistant DA of the Resident Detective Bureau, and the two hadn’t really crossed paths in their previous jobs enough to be considered familiar.

However, Luke was now the captain of the First Squadron and would have to deal with the other party often in the future.

“Chief, Prosecutor Carter.”

Carter smiled and said, “Luke, you are the main character today, how do you feel?”

Luke laughed, “As long as I’m not allowed to drive the boat this time.”

Heist and Murder Division Squadron Two Captain Chanclin waved in his cowboy hat, “I’m the captain of the ship today folks, it’s about to get underway.”

Reed tapped Luke on the shoulder, “Come on, let’s introduce you to some new friends.”

The three of Luke boarded the boat together, the yacht was noticeably larger than the last one, with a beautiful blue and white streamlined hull.

Luke put his fishing tackle on the deck and began to tour the yacht, divided into two levels, the top was an open top, the bottom was a glass cabin, and the deck was wide enough, perfect for a small party.

Captain Jones of the Gang and Narcotics Division came out of the cabin with two bottles of beer and tossed one to Luke, “Take it.”

The two men touched bottles and Luke took a sip of his beer, “Thanks.”

Reed waved his hand, signaling Luke over to him, with a few unfamiliar faces standing next to him, “Guys, I’d like to introduce you to one of the Detective Bureau’s stars of the day, Luke Lee, Captain of Squadron One of the Robbery-Murder Division.

Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Harvey Simmons, Captain of Squadron One of the Economic Crimes Division, the man you can call if the suspect has financial problems.

Deputy Director of the Technical Division, Desi Aman, Mary’s immediate superior.

Captain of the Special Operations Bureau’s SWAT team, April Moussa, the LAPD’s sharpshooter. If you come across a tough nut to crack, you can’t go wrong with him.

Captain of the Special Operations Bureau’s police dog training squad, Haida Royea, the entire Los Angeles police dogs are trained by them, and they are also the best trainers in the entire Los Angeles.”

Hedda Royea smiled and said, “If you need a police dog to assist in an operation, call me.”

Luke raised his bottle in a gesture, “Thanks.”

Reed scanned around, “Why does it seem like we’re still missing one.”

“Hey, ladder down, I’m not on board yet.” A man shouted from the shore.

Luke heard something familiar about the voice and fixed his eyes on Anthony, an FBI agent.

Reed grumbled, “Why do you FBI always like to be one step behind.”

“The big boys always come on last.” Anthony jumped onto the deck and greeted, “Luke, congratulations.

Last time we met in Vegas we were in such a hurry, we’re going to have a nice drink today.”

Reed shouted, “OK, everyone is here.

Captain Chen, it’s time to set sail.”

There was not much wind and waves today, and the ship sailed more steadily.

Luke stood on the deck, looking at the sea in the distance, holding a bottle of beer in his hand and chatting with the crowd.

There were those who knew, those who were unfamiliar, and those who had just met, Luke chatted with everyone for a few moments, those who loved to talk talked more, like Jones, as long as there was a bottle of wine in his hand, he could talk non-stop.

If you don’t like to talk, you will talk less, for example, Chen Kelin, a person in the cockpit to drive the ship, Luke went over to say hello and didn’t say two words.

Whether Luke wanted to or not, as the main character of this party, he had to show enough enthusiasm.

In the past, Luke only needed to investigate the case, but now it was different, as the captain of the first squadron, the actual person in charge, he had to consider things more comprehensively.

Not only do you need to have the ability, you also need to have connections.

In his last life, he always heard people say that foreign countries rely on ability, domestic rely on relationship.

In fact, in the United States, it was just as much about relationships, but it was just expressed in a different way and understood differently.

This party, Reed invited all the people are on Luke’s career intersection, helpful, of course, this is not to say that Reed hypocrisy, think of it from another perspective, Luke use these connections to handle the case with half the effort, for the First Squadron, Robbery and Murder Division, and even the Detective Bureau are all good.

After driving for about an hour or so, the yacht stopped.

Some people were drinking and chatting, others were sunbathing and looking at the scenery, and most of them were fishing on the deck.

Luke opened the tackle bag and pulled the boom, bait, and hooks out of it.

Reed took a look, “Whoa whoa, what are you doing with those big hooks? Trying to catch a whale?”

Luke said, “What’s the point of a small fight, to catch a big fish of course.”

Having said that, Luke didn’t use the biggest fish hooks at first, and the reason was simple, big fish hooks needed big bait, and big bait also needed to be fished from the sea.

The bait Luke brought with him could only catch ordinary fish that could be used as big bait.

Luke dumped the hook into the sea, the fishing rod was fixed on the deck, and said to Reed who was beside him, “Chief, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.

I originally invited Judge Walker as well, but the old man is on vacation …… probably traveling out of town.” Reed lowered his voice, “He’s a bit of a loner, not very nice to deal with.”

Luke nodded, “I’ll be careful when communicating about my work in the future.”

Generally speaking, search warrants and arrest warrants need to be issued by a judge, with a good relationship with the judge, the other party trusting you and believing in your ability, the chances of issuing the documents are higher, and the more flexibility in investigating the case.

To put it bluntly, in the case of not violating the principle, many times can be signed or not, depending on whether you can convince the judge.

Luke then chatted while making small talk with the others.

He wasn’t very good at this kind of occasion before, but in the future, as his position and status rose, he would attend more parties and come into contact with all kinds of people.

It was also an ability.

Have a drink with Jones and talk about a few of David’s embarrassing stories.

Ask Harvey Simmons, head of Squadron One in the Economic Crimes Division, for some economic advice.

Riff a little on footprint identification with Desi Aman, Deputy Director of the Technical Division.

Talk combat with SWAT team leader April Moussa.

Ask K-9 Training Captain Haida Royea for a lesson in canines.

As we talked, we became familiar with each other.

The positions and ranks of the people present are comparable, all within the police system, work also has a crossover, it is inevitable that there is a need to use each other, so soon hit a piece.

Near noon, the sun also shook open.

Sea fishing temporarily came to an end, the crowd began to prepare lunch.

Lunch was eaten with the morning’s sea fishing.

Grouper, flounder, sardines, sea urchin, lobster, crab, squid ……

All kinds of seafood fish, steamed, boiled, and sashimi, with three different flavors of dipping sauces.

We all drank, chatted and ate seafood together.

After dinner, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon.

It would be a little over two hours before we had to return to the ship, and Luke was ready to continue fishing.

Fishing itself is the best way to relax, and sea fishing is a dream come true for many anglers.

This time Luke changed to a large fish hook, the size of a palm, the fishing line is also the thickest, the bait is a flounder, inserted into the hook and thrown directly into the seabed.

Luke wore sunglasses and lay on a lounge chair drinking beer, sunbathing, and having a casual conversation with the guy next to him.

During that time, there were some hiccups.

Perhaps because of the attraction of the bait’s bloody flavor, Luke caught a small shark, not big, only seventy to eighty centimeters, but not small in strength.

At that moment, Captain Jones and SWAT team leader April Mussa were swimming in the stern of the boat, and when they learned that there was a shark nearby, the two men were startled and rushed to climb the soft ladder to the deck.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Luke’s rod sank, the line tightened, and once again the fish was on.

Luke rushed to grab the rod, and a great force held it forward, and the rod almost came off.

There’s a big one.

Luke was so happy that he grabbed the rod with both hands, if it was an ordinary person, he might have taken off the rod, but luckily Luke’s body was strong, so the rod didn’t come off.

Reed came over to help as well, grabbing the rod and pulling hard, “What the hell did you catch that was so strong?”

Jones guessed, “Could it be a big shark?”

Reed denied, “Unlikely, there are very few big sharks in the waters around here.

Luke, this fish has too much strength, first consume its strength, put a long line and use the trolling method.”

The movement on Luke’s side attracted the attention of the others, everyone was curious about what kind of big fish Luke had caught, actually two people couldn’t pull it.

Luke slowly released the line, fortunately he used the thickest line, otherwise the fish’s strength was so strong that the line was likely to be yanked off.

Anthony shouted, “Hey, that big fish is showing its head ……

Looks like a tuna.”

Jones peered out with his looking glass and showed envy, “Yep, it’s a tuna.

And a bluefin tuna at that!

FUCK, you’re rich.”

Luke said with some difficulty, “That’s premature, we’ll have to get it on board.”

Anthony laughed, “Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of strong men here, take your time with it.”

Catching a huge bluefin tuna was definitely a rarity, and the guys started taking turns walking the fish.

Luke, after all, was still a novice sea fisherman, perhaps not having mastered the technique of powering the fish, and after holding on for ten minutes or so, he got a little tired, and he and Reed switched to Jones and Anthony.

That’s right, this tuna was so strong that it was difficult for one person to tug on the rod, and it took two people to drag it.

It took a full hour of tossing and turning before this bluefin tuna ran out of steam, Luke slowly retracted his line, and the tuna got closer and closer to the boat, the crowd got a good look at it.

Anthony took the fishing net ready to help fish the fish, the fish to the eyes, the man was shocked: “FUCK! This cargo is at least five hundred pounds.”

After looking at his own hardcore small fishing net, helplessly said, “I can’t fish it up at all.”

“Try this fishing net instead.” Chen Kelin brought in a fishing net, threw it into the sea, and set the tuna into the net.

And only then did the crowd join together to drag the fish onto the deck, and the faces of the crowd varied when they saw the huge bluefin tuna.

Assistant Prosecutor Carter, as the only woman, took out her cell phone to take a picture with the tuna.

The others also reacted and took pictures with the tuna to post online.

Reed looked at the huge bluefin tuna and said with an envious face, “Luke, you’re such a lucky guy.

Being able to catch this big guy rounds out our sea fishing this time!

I love it.”

Reed handed his cell phone to Jones who was beside him, “Hey, take a picture of me too.”

The value of this fish wasn’t just in the money, but also in the fact that Luke would be able to walk sideways in the sea fishing circle from now on.

The whole Los Angeles sea fishing circle would have his legend.

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