Chapter 295

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:04:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke looked out the window, “Judge Walker, that black bear left.”

Walker looked out the window as well, “That big guy isn’t hiding somewhere staring either, I don’t want to be chased by it again.

I can’t really run this time.” Walker seemed to hear the implication as well.

“Can you let me stay in the car for half an hour? I won’t bother you.”

Luke wasn’t a man of low emotional intelligence, and he usually didn’t just chuck people out when it came to this kind of situation, but only if you told the truth.

If you lie, you’re disrespecting me, so why should I let you stay in my place.

In the middle of nowhere like this, even if the other party was a judge, Luke wouldn’t completely let his guard down.

If it were an ordinary person he didn’t know, Luke wouldn’t even let the other party into the RV.

“Judge Walker, what would you do if someone lied in court?”

Walker was a little embarrassed, “Is it obvious?”

“No, not really obvious, but you’re dealing with some of the best detectives in Los Angeles.”

“Oh ……” Walker gave an embarrassed look, “SORRY, I did lie ……

Actually, I’m here on a treasure hunt.”

“Treasure hunt?” It was Luke’s turn to be surprised, the word treasure hunting is very common in the United States, and many Americans are more keen on treasure hunting.

Just like before Luke purchased the abandoned warehouse in general, in fact, it is also a kind of treasure hunting.

Now in the wild, the treasure hunting in Walker’s mouth should refer to the wild adventure treasure hunting.

There were quite a few treasure hunters in this category, but most of them were people who loved adventure, advocated freedom, and longed for overnight wealth, and it was difficult for Luke to associate these characteristics with a respected judge.

“I know, it may seem a little out of the ordinary, but it’s just my hobby, one has to do something different, in work I’m a judge, in life I’m just an old man who keeps his curiosity.”

“What treasures can there be in this middle of nowhere?”

“A while back, I got a treasure map that marked a spot that was probably nearby, so I was going to take my chances while I was on vacation, but now it looks like my luck isn’t really that good, terrible.” Walker took a sip from his coffee cup, “Thanks again for the coffee, it warmed me up quite a bit.”

“What happened, why were you being chased by a bear?”

“I found a clearing and pitched my tent, then I went to look around at the terrain to make sure it was the location on the treasure map, then it suddenly started raining.

When I came back near the campsite, I saw a bear destroying my tent, and I was so angry …… “Walker revealed a touch of bitterness, “I was going to scare it away ……

Now that I think about it I was just mad.

I remember the last time I was at a party, a doctor of biology told me that black bears usually don’t have a lot of guts and rarely attack people on their own accord.

I actually believed this idiot, and it almost made me food for a black bear.”

Walker sighed, “I was chased around by the black bear, and when I saw a bright light over here, I came over to ask for help, and you know what happened after that.

By the way, why are you you here?”

“I just became a captain, and the investigation process of the headless female corpse case was under a lot of pressure, so I came to the wilderness to take a break and get close to nature ……

Then, I saw a cute black bear running towards the RV ……”

“No, it wasn’t cute at all, next time I come out I’m going to bring a shotgun.”

“Didn’t you bring bear spray?”

“I brought it, but it was in the trunk of the car and I forgot to take it out.”

“I suggest you’d be better off with that in the future.”

For the average person, bear repellent spray is better than a gun.

Black bears had thick skin and flesh, so if they weren’t hit in the vitals, it would be hard to kill them with a single blow, and then it would only inspire their ferocity.

“Judge Walker, I have two beds here, if you don’t mind, you can stay here for the night.”

“Will it interfere with your rest?”

“It sure will, but I can’t bear to kick you out into the rain.” Luke’s motorhome had two beds, one bed was larger and Luke’s own, and the other bed was on top of the front of the vehicle in a narrower space that could be overhead from sitting.

However, Luke figured that with the experience of being chased by a black bear, Walker shouldn’t care.

“Thanks, you’re a good and honest man.” Walker gave a grateful look, he didn’t want to race a black bear again when it was dark, raining, and infested with black bears outside.

Walker borrowed the bathroom and washed up briefly.

Luke poured two glasses of whiskey and handed him one.


“You can go straight to bed if you’re tired.

Or if you’re bored, you can watch a movie with me.”

“What movie?”

“Saw 8.”

“Uh …… I’m a little tired, one drink and I’m ready for bed.”


Luke drank and watched the movie by himself, not talking to Walker any more about the treasure hunt.

This topic is more sensitive g. If you ask, people may not want to talk about it.

Get in the way of telling you, people are not comfortable in their hearts.

Do not say, you heart uncomfortable.

Solely Luke did not ask, anyway, he is out of distraction, for the so-called treasure hunting is not very interested.

There was no talk in the night.

The next morning, Luke got up very early.

The rain had stopped, and the air after the rain was extraordinarily sober, Luke got out of the caravan, the breeze brushed his face, and he breathed in the fresh air.

Wasn’t this the joy of living?

Hadn’t one worked hard for the comfort of this moment.

Luke boiled a pot of water and brewed a pot of coffee.

Perhaps smelling the aroma of the coffee, Walker also got up and walked down to the RV.

“Captain Luke, thanks for taking you in.

When we return to Los Angeles, I’ll buy you dinner.”

“Better buy me a drink, it’s weird for two men to eat together.”

“I know a quieter bar, and I have a nice bottle of wine stored there that you’re sure to enjoy.”

“OK, then it’s a deal.”

Walker gave a bitter smile, “I’m going to leave, go back and check on my campground, my car.

It must be a mess there after being patronized by a black bear.”

“That’s what I was thinking, so why don’t you finish your breakfast and head back so you have the strength to clean up the mess.”

“You’re right, do you need me to do anything?”

“You can set the table and chairs and dishes, it’ll be quick.” Luke washed his hands and started making breakfast.

Breakfast was simple.

Heating up refrigerated salmon sandwiches, milk, cornflakes, coffee, and blueberries.

In less than ten minutes, a breakfast was ready.

Walker gulped at the sight of the deluxe version of the sandwich, “Wow wow, very hearty breakfast, sensible combination, I am now convinced that you are indeed here to enjoy camping.”

Luke laughed as he put the cornflakes in the milk, “Or what? What do you think I’m here for?”

Walker, seemingly starving, took a large bite of his sandwich, swallowed it in a few gulps, and said, “At first, I thought you were here for the treasure hunt, too.

But treasure hunters don’t prepare their breakfasts so elaborately, they would focus more on treasure hunting, exploring new areas and researching routes ……

rather than how to match the food.”

This was the first time that Walker had taken the initiative to mention treasure hunting, perhaps the fact that it was light out made him feel a little more secure.

Luke smoothly asked, “You mean the others might know where the treasure is too.”

“That’s right, as far as I know there’s more than one treasure map, possibly several, even a dozen.”

“According to you, the treasure could also be fake.”

Walker paused for a moment, “This …… might be possible.

But sometimes the process is more important than the result, isn’t it?”

Luke said, “That’s right, after all, it’s not like you’re short of money.”

Walker shook his head, “If treasure hunting is only about money, then how is it different from work, huh?”

This was something that Luke thought was bullshit if any other treasure hunter said it.

But coming from Walker’s mouth, it still had some credibility, if Walker was only doing it for the sake of getting money, there were too many ways to do it, and one would only come to the wilderness for treasure hunting if one’s brain was broken.

After the meal, Walker took the initiative to take on the job of scrubbing the dishes.

After cleaning up, Walker picked up his backpack, “Captain Luke, thank you for breakfast, I’m going to return to the camp.”

“Good luck finding the treasure soon.”

“If I can find the treasure, I will definitely share it with you.” Walker finished and shook Luke’s hand goodbye.

After the meal, Luke locked up the RV and prepared to go around.

After the rain, the environment was a bit humid, and the ground was still a bit slippery when stepping on the wet grass, so he might fall if he wasn’t careful.

However, it doesn’t hurt too much to fall on the grass, which makes it a bit more interesting.

Tall fir trees, forest animals, all kinds of natural scenery into his eyes, let him enjoy the eyes and mood.

He came to the side of the Big Bear Lake, the lake is clear to the ground, this is a living water lake, upstream is a river, downstream directly into the sea.

Luke washed his face with the lake water, and felt refreshed, unfortunately he didn’t bring any fishing tackle, otherwise it would be very peaceful to fish here.

Luke in the lake around a big circle, the more you see the more you like, simply take off the coat, a jerk into the lake.

Swimming here can pool much more comfortable.

The lake is very clear, you can see the fish and shrimp in the lake, the pebbles at the bottom of the river, and occasionally there will be animals come to the lake to drink.

Squirrels, peacocks, rabbits, deer and so on.

Luke stood close to the edge of the lake, the lake water was not more than his chest, his feet stepped on the pebbles, observing the small animals around the lake, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a touch of smile.

This image of people and animals living in harmony – it was marvelous.

Luke had an idea, in the future when he has money to buy a big farm, with all kinds of wild animals as neighbors, with the woods as a garden, with the lake as a swimming pool, the farm planted vegetables, fruits, when you eat directly to pick, all natural organic food.

And then raise some chickens, ducks and goats, when you want to eat directly catch one.

From time to time, invite your friends to eat a roasted whole sheep.

If you want to eat pork, drive to the mountains to hunt wild boar.

If you want to eat fish, you can go to the lake to catch it.

Such an idyllic life is desirable and poetic.

Of course, this does not mean that life in the city is not good.

People themselves are complex, and one cannot eat only sweets, nor can one eat only meat.

The best state is to have a home in the city, and a paradise outside the city, life is relaxed, feel the different experiences, living will be more interesting.

Of course, the most fundamental thing to reach this wish is to have money.


Suddenly, a bear roar came from the woods not far away.

Luke frowned slightly, a little worried, that old man Walker wouldn’t have another accident.

The two were coworkers, there was no way Luke could sit back and do nothing, he put on his clothes, took on his bear repellent spray, and walked in the direction of the bear roar.

Luke only brought a pistol, no rifle or shotgun, encountered a bear is not very useful.

When he had time, he was going to go to the gun store to buy some high powered guns, just in case.

Luke didn’t run over directly, but used binoculars to observe in advance, although he had bear repellent spray, he didn’t want to face the black bear directly.

Because there are a large number of fir trees in the forest, the line of sight is easily blocked, the binoculars can not see too far away, Luke can only walk for a distance, use the binoculars to observe some.

After walking a distance of about nearly a mile, Luke saw a clearing where a white sedan was parked, and not far away was a tent staked out, which had been vandalized, and a black bear had turned over its contents.

Luke didn’t see Walker, and at the same time wondered a little why the bear was occupying his camp and refusing to leave.

Luke picked up his binoculars and watched again, was this camp not Walker’s?

Is there someone else camping here?

Soon, Luke’s speculation was answered, a woman’s voice came from the distance, “Hey you damn stinking bear, hurry up and leave my camp.

I’m not afraid of you.”

“Roar ……” came a bear roar.

A man and a bear faced each other across dozens of meters.

Both sides were a bit scared.

The man was scared of the bear, and he was also scared of the bear.

The bear stood up and made himself look bigger, equally scaring the man.

“Hey, get out of my campground, this is my territory!” The woman shouted with bear repellent spray in her hand.

The black bear looked at the tent and then at the woman and ran off into the depths of the woods with a bag in his mouth.

“FUCK, that’s my food, you thief!”

The woman’s angry voice was tinged with a hint of relief, it was obvious that the black bear had caused her great stress and threat as well.

After the black bear left, the woman approached the campsite that was in shambles, the tents had been destroyed, items scattered everywhere, and the crates where the food was kept had been destroyed.

“Ta-da ……” the woman looked up as she vaguely heard footsteps, “Who’s there?”

Luke waved, “I heard a bear growl and was worried someone was hurt, came by to see if I needed help.”

The woman sighed, “No one can help me, the tent and supplies are destroyed, there’s no way I can continue …… staying here.”

“Do you keep food with a stronger odor in the tent?” Luke sized up the woman, a white woman in her mid-forties, dressed in a gray outfit with her hair tied back, looking quite competent.

The woman shook her head, “All the food is packaged, and I don’t know why it attracts bears.”

Luke scanned the tents and thought about what happened to Walker last night, both men’s tents had been attacked by black bears, the bears here had become savvy enough to know that there was good food in the men’s tents?

Or maybe it is man-made?

Luke tried, “Are you also here to find treasure?”

The woman showed a wary look, “How do you know?”

“Guess.” Luke made a perfunctory comment, Walker’s camp was attacked, this woman’s camp was also attacked, and both were here to hunt for treasure, then these two black bear attacks might not be accidents.

The woman asks back, “What are you? Are you also here on a treasure hunt?”

“No, I’m here to camp, but last night an unlucky man was whisked to my campsite by a black bear, and he had a similar encounter to yours.”

“You mean someone is targeting treasure hunters?”

Luke spread his hands, “I don’t know.”

The woman frowned, looking down in thought, “That must be it, with the destruction of my tent and supplies, I won’t be able to stay here and continue the treasure hunt, it’s a disguised elimination.

What a devious fellow, I’ll get him for sure.”

“Good luck with your journey.” Luke said goodbye to the woman and left.

He didn’t bother to deliberately check out the scene that was destroyed by the black bear, he was here to have fun, not to investigate the case, there was no need to take everything on himself.

But as a colleague, he still sent a text message to Walker to remind him to be safe.

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