Chapter 30

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:51:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke pushed down the thoughts in his mind and continued, “Where were you last Friday night, March 4th, between eight and twelve?”

Harry said helplessly, “Come on, you guys still don’t believe me?”

Luke said, “Harry, get your attitude right and answer my questions properly, it’s only when things are cleared up that you can prove your innocence, and that’s what will really help you.

As long as you’re innocent and you’ve helped the police, we won’t give up on you.”

“Can you let me get dressed first? I can’t think naked.”

David tossed him his clothes, “Don’t play games.”

Harry got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed, “This was supposed to be a great day and you guys ruined it all.”

Marcus ghosted, “Hey, was that black chick your girlfriend back there?”

Luke and David unanimously glared at the douchebag.

You damned well held your tongue for just one sentence.

If it wasn’t for this bastard being well-informed, David would have wanted to kick him to death.

Marcus also noticed the unusual atmosphere and made a motion to seal his mouth.

Harry glanced at Marcus provocatively, “I was with my girlfriend that night, the one you just saw.”

“What’s her name?”


“Where were you between eight and twelve on the night of February 25th?”

“I think I was drinking with friends in a bar, you know which one.”

“Who were the people drinking together?”

“It was all the brothers in the gang, you guys can feel free to ask.”

“Where were you on the night of February 18th, between eight and twelve?”

“No way, do you guys have any finish, it’s been so many days, how can I possibly remember. I don’t know, look it up yourselves.”

David admonished, “Hey, watch your attitude, if you want to be cleared early, just remember.”

Harry closed his eyes in thought and after a while shook his head, “I really can’t remember.”

“You guys keep an eye on him, I’m going out to check it out.” David left the sentence and headed out.

Marcus turned to Luke who was off to the side, “Man, you can go out and get some air too, I’ll watch him.”

Luke didn’t believe him to be so kind, “Shut up.”

Marcus sat down across from Harry, “Hey, how did you and Julian meet?”

Harry, “……”

Luke warned, “I told you to shut up.”

Harry looked at Marcus, “Officer Luke, is he really a cop? If so, I think I could be too.”

Marcus laughed at the exasperation, “Even Karma, who gave you the courage?”

Luke pointed at Harry, “You shut up too.”

Luke suddenly understood why David was so cranky when he was investigating a case, it was hard to keep a level head when you dealt with a bunch of feckless assholes all day.

“Knock knock ……”

David knocked on the door and cocked his head, “Luke, come out here for a minute.”

“Don’t want any changes in the house until I get back, OK?” left Luke, leaving the room.

David said, “Ramon and Jenny questioned Julian and both gave basically the same statement that they were together on two days, March 4th and February 25th.”

“That means Harry has an alibi.”

David nodded and pushed open the door to the room, “Harry, you’re free.”

“I told you a long time ago, I’m innocent, I had nothing to do with what happened to that crazy woman.”

“Don’t get too happy, you were involved in this case when you put the picture on Eliza’s doorstep. Plant your cell phone battery back in me, no leaving L.A., and be on call 24/7, understand?”

Harry said with some reluctance, “Got it.”

“Speak up, I can’t hear you.”

“YES, Sir.”

“GOOD, Marcus, let’s go.”

Exiting the room, Marcus took a few glances into the next room, “Can you confirm that this guy had nothing to do with the Taser robbery?”

“Yes, it’s been determined, so you need to stop thinking nonsense.” David had seen through that bit of Marcus’ mind a long time ago.

The dog can’t change his mind.

Marcus shrugged, “SO, the line of inquiry is broken again?”

Luke said, “No, we have a new clue.”

Half an hour later, Luke and his team arrived at Eliza’s house.

Luke, David, and Marcus were at the front door while Ramon and Jenny guarded the back door.

David and Marcus stood on either side of the front door as Luke went up and knocked on the door, “Knock knock ……”

No one answered and Luke continued to knock, “Knock knock ……”

“Which asshole disturbed the old man to sleep, I @#$%……” came a chorus of curses from the house.

Luke’s face changed slightly, you damned are remembering to eat and not remember to fight? Or on purpose.

“Cluck ……” the door opened, Steven drunkenly stood in the doorway ‘uh’, but also a hiccup.

Steven shook his head, “Oh Mr. Policeman, you’ve done it again, I was hoping to meet you at the police station.”

Luke raised an eyebrow, “You’re drunk again.”

“SORRY, I was worried about Eliza’s safety last night and couldn’t sleep, so I drank a little less.”

Luke tried, “You don’t look like you’ve had just a little to drink, you’re not trying to avoid giving a statement by getting drunk.”

“I’m not thinking that, I’m more anxious to find Eliza than you are, do you have any leads on her yet?”

“Really?” Luke was skeptical.

“I swear to God.”

“It seems God doesn’t hold a high place in your heart.” Luke turned the tables, “Let’s go to the police station and talk, maybe you can give us some valuable clues.”

“I’m going to go change.” Steven finished, trying to close the door.

Luke tugged on the door with his hand, “Aren’t you going to invite us in for a minute?”

“Come in.” Steven stepped aside somewhat reluctantly.

“Why don’t you go change and leave us alone.” Luke entered the living room, his eyes scanning around.

David walked in and whispered, “I looked at the delivery box, it’s padlocked.”

Luke nodded, signaling that he knew.

A few minutes later, Steven changed and got into the police car.

Marcus drove, David sat in the passenger side, and Luke sat right next to Steven.

Steven looked a little uneasy, “Any word from Alyssa?”

“No.” Luke asked back, “Have you? Any leads on her?”


“What do you do?”

“I …… quit my job and am scheming to open a store and start a small business.”

“When did you quit?”

“It’s been over a year.”

“That’s a long time, what do you guys live on?”

“Alyssa has a job, mostly on her income, and I do some part time work sometimes.”

Luke asked, “What does Alisa do for a living?”

“She works as a dance teacher at a training facility.”

“Any other part-time jobs?”


“Are you sure?”

“What do you mean by that?” Steven looked at Luke and lowered his head again.

“We need to find out what’s going on with Alyssa so we can get to her as soon as possible, and if you know of any other part-time jobs she’s been working on, be sure to let us know.”

“I don’t know.”

Luke pressed, “Who usually collects the delivery locker in front of your house?”

“I pick it up more often, why?”

“Is it usually locked?”


“So, you’re the one who put the photos at Alyssa’s parents’ house?”

Steven’s eyes widened, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“You know Alyssa dances at the club.”

Steven’s forehead was covered in fine beads of sweat, “You guys suspect me?”

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just a conversation.”

Steven’s lips twitched slightly and he was silent for several moments before he said, “I want a lawyer.”

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